Wild Currents
Gig Seeker Pro

Wild Currents


Band Folk


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- "Love is Enough" is on the regular rotation on Canadian Indie Picks radio
- "On My Way" is being featured daily on the Mellow Mornings" show on Canadian Indie Picks radio
- Wild Currents first album released in March 2011



Their songs are “…so real...so free…” described by one of the judges at a recent songwriting competition. Those Wild Currents of creativity started in the summer of 2010 when Dave and Nicole met, gelled and made musical chemistry! Writing over 20 original songs since, they come together like peanut butter and jam resulting in some smooth folk tunes with a touch of the past but a rockin' edge that can cross pop music barriers and has. Their songs are gaining popularity across the country and within a few months they have almost 1000 hits on their band page. Their song On My Way is being featured daily on the “Mellow Mornings” show On Canadian Indie Picks radio and Love is Enough being played on their regular rotation and has been quoted to be “…gaining a following” by the radio host. They have been performing their original songs live in various popular venues across Toronto,as well as Stouffville and the Kitchener Waterloo area. They are also delighted to now have the talented Bayani Llagas join them on bass and the recent addition of hand percussion drums. They are getting ready to re-release their latest cd in early June with the addition of many new original songs.