These guys sounded so good that they cut through the din of SXSW from 100 yards away and grabbed my ears’ attention. We Were the States played in a tiny room in the back of Headhunters and performed like it was their debut at the Fillmore. The jolting combination of classic and indie rock primes the band from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, for greater things. I’ve since listened to We Were the States’ recordings, and don’t think they do the band justice. See them live and you won’t be disappointed. –Keith Axline
- Wired Magazine
Believe The Thieves - Released March 11th 2008
Available on Itunes, the web site (www.WeWereTheStates.com) or though our Label: Chicken Ranch Records
Music Video "Up Your Sleeve" Available on YouTube
Rasa - Fall 2010 Release
Chicken Ranch Records

We live off Bukowski, red wine and Italian food. Our stereos swell with the sounds of The Kinks, The Walkmen, Oasis, Dandy Warhols, and the like. We are men of passion. Some are college educated, some would rather stay out of it. It is no doubt that all are wise.
The band as we know it today began in February of 2007, but its roots can be traced back to 2003. Jay Stoyanov and Justin Webb met at a restaurant where they both worked. Justin approached Jay after he came on to his girlfriend. He soon decided he would rather play music with him than punch his eye out. After a few of years of writing and playing with several musicians, they finally found a solid line-up with the addition of Ben Moore on bass and Nick Devan on drums.
They recorded and self released a four song E.P. Nick later left the band to curate the National Knife Museum and was replaced by the outstanding Tyler Coppage. In 2007, they signed with Austin indie Chicken Ranch Records and eagerly began work on their debut full length entitled "Believe the Thieves." The album was produced by Tennesse rock impresario Brian Carter (The Features, Glossary, Jet Pack). The album was recorded in two weeks but Brian and the brave men of WWTS spent several months tweaking every element to the desired sonic quality. What is left is smooth whiskey in stereo, sonic elation, an army of sound that will not be stopped.
NEW ALBUM - Rasa - Fall 2010
Chicken Ranch Records