New York City, New York, United States | SELF
"Honey, lots of honey, flows through her pipes, and Tanya's "bourbon-soaked" voice is saucy, seductive, sexy, sensual and post-coital; at times forlorn and forsaken, full of sorrow..." - The Incredible Kulk
"Vulpes and Impulse String Quartet:
Tanya Lam was in charge of both of these projects. Vulpes is her solo act. She came out, at first, with a violin and sang- certainly something of a musical prodigy. She moves between different instruments with ease. She mixed jazz and classical/chamber music with a new twist.
Tanya's vocals were shrill (pleasantly so) and precise at the same time. Her lyrics hit you over the head like a glass bottle but her voice is smooth as glass. It's a play of soft and hard. Her voice reminds me a little of Brittany Howard from Alabama Shakes or Priscilla Ahn. There was something distinct and raw about the way she sang. Her singing was alive and full of energized power. Her music definitely has and edge and it isn't something you can get from listening. You HAVE to see Tanya live. You just do! Her energy is kinetic and she is so soulful and passionate with her vocals and lyrics. She feels every word she sings.
With the string quartet, it was just an extension of Tanya's solo act. There were four people, three women and a man: two violins (Alex Weill on 1st violin and Hana Segerstrom on 2nd violin), one cello (Susan Mandel), and one viola (David Fallo). Tanya played an electric guitar. The balance of acoustic and electric strings made a completely unique and balanced sound. Again, the hard vs. the soft, the electric vs. the acoustic. A fusion of classical with electric guitar, sheer genius! There was also an unexpected quality to the music here. At one point audience members would tap on glasses that made noises like dinghies or buoys lost at sea. I felt like I was on the ocean, on a boat, being tossed in a storm. I guess this was fitting, since the theme of this set was water. It was about the wisdom and taking in the space around you; how you always have to mold to the people and places around you."
- Verbal Litigation
"How's this for ambitious? VulpesVulpes' new EP 'Reflets Dans LEAU' is the first installment of what Bushwick resident Tanya Lam is deeming the 'Elemental Suites,' part of an exploration of our world's basic building blocks through music... As far as you are concerned, just be aware that these four intimate, jazzy folk tracks will burrow their way into your subconscious like that sensual dream you don't want to wake up from." - The Deli Magainze
"This past Sunday I was lucky enough to find myself in a random basement in Long Island, NY to catch a performance by VulpesVulpes." "
"She packs enough soul into her songs to make Amy Winehouse appear emotionless--plus, VV is a functioning human being!" - CollegeOTR
"This past Sunday I was lucky enough to find myself in a random basement in Long Island, NY to catch a performance by VulpesVulpes." "
"She packs enough soul into her songs to make Amy Winehouse appear emotionless--plus, VV is a functioning human being!" - CollegeOTR
Hello Friends,
Here’s a Lonely Hollows exclusive. The undiscovered but very talented band VulpesVulpes will certainly make a splash in the indie scene with singer, Tanya Lam, belting out strong vocals. No but seriously–she has a voice to be reckoned with. Her melodies are simple, clean and light; letting the listener float on by with the rest of the music. Her voice is accompanied by her band comprising of Josh Besserman and Greg Gibaldi that seamlessly form the platform for her voice to take flight. Easily comparrible to the great Chan Marshall of Cat Power or Feist, the only thing this talented singer has to challenge is her place at the table. With the best musical intentions in mind VulpesVulpes is currently recording a new set of melodicly magic songs for a new record set to be released (we hope) within the next six months. The new record is being recorded by Kenny Lienhardt out of his studio in Brooklyn NY. We have high hopes for this one and we hope you keep your eyes peeled. We also hope to soon have an interview available with VulpesVulpes. Check back for updates Until then check out their myspace and enjoy the sounds.–Be sure to check out VulpesVulpes playing live Saturday July 12th at The Cup in Wantagh NY. (Go to artist’s official website for details.)
Cheers from all of us here at Lonely Hollows. - Lonely Hollows
Hello Friends,
Here’s a Lonely Hollows exclusive. The undiscovered but very talented band VulpesVulpes will certainly make a splash in the indie scene with singer, Tanya Lam, belting out strong vocals. No but seriously–she has a voice to be reckoned with. Her melodies are simple, clean and light; letting the listener float on by with the rest of the music. Her voice is accompanied by her band comprising of Josh Besserman and Greg Gibaldi that seamlessly form the platform for her voice to take flight. Easily comparrible to the great Chan Marshall of Cat Power or Feist, the only thing this talented singer has to challenge is her place at the table. With the best musical intentions in mind VulpesVulpes is currently recording a new set of melodicly magic songs for a new record set to be released (we hope) within the next six months. The new record is being recorded by Kenny Lienhardt out of his studio in Brooklyn NY. We have high hopes for this one and we hope you keep your eyes peeled. We also hope to soon have an interview available with VulpesVulpes. Check back for updates Until then check out their myspace and enjoy the sounds.–Be sure to check out VulpesVulpes playing live Saturday July 12th at The Cup in Wantagh NY. (Go to artist’s official website for details.)
Cheers from all of us here at Lonely Hollows. - Lonely Hollows
Hello Friends,
Here’s a Lonely Hollows exclusive. The undiscovered but very talented band VulpesVulpes will certainly make a splash in the indie scene with singer, Tanya Lam, belting out strong vocals. No but seriously–she has a voice to be reckoned with. Her melodies are simple, clean and light; letting the listener float on by with the rest of the music. Her voice is accompanied by her band comprising of Josh Besserman and Greg Gibaldi that seamlessly form the platform for her voice to take flight. Easily comparrible to the great Chan Marshall of Cat Power or Feist, the only thing this talented singer has to challenge is her place at the table. With the best musical intentions in mind VulpesVulpes is currently recording a new set of melodicly magic songs for a new record set to be released (we hope) within the next six months. The new record is being recorded by Kenny Lienhardt out of his studio in Brooklyn NY. We have high hopes for this one and we hope you keep your eyes peeled. We also hope to soon have an interview available with VulpesVulpes. Check back for updates Until then check out their myspace and enjoy the sounds.–Be sure to check out VulpesVulpes playing live Saturday July 12th at The Cup in Wantagh NY. (Go to artist’s official website for details.)
Cheers from all of us here at Lonely Hollows. - Lonely Hollows
One foxy lady
Up close and personal with Florida State's very own Tanya Lam
Lily Reisman
Issue date: 4/7/08 Section: Arts & Life
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“Talent is rampant among the students of Florida State, specifically in a 20-year-old commercial music student named Tanya Lam. On top of being a singer, songwriter and producer, Lam plays the piano, guitar, viola, violin and bass. This multitalented musician's inimitable style is found in her memorable voice - which is classically beautiful, intensely haunting and satisfyingly sexy - as well as in her innovative and pleasing musical compositions.
"I come from a background where I combine my classical music experience with contemporary music, and I hope that gives me an edge on other artists," Lam said.
Hailing from Long Island, N.Y., Lam started playing music at an early age. As she got older, the songstress embraced her passion for writing and singing.
"I just started recording these parody mixed tapes and I gave them to my friends. I would sing "New York, New York" but just change all the words," Lam stated. "When I was around 16, I started writing music, my own songs, and I just got more involved with that."
Lately, Lam has taken on the identity, VulpesVulpes, a name she will record under in the future.
"I just recently decided to transition towards that character. In Fight Club, Edward Norton kind of talks about the penguin being his power animal, and since watching that I have been trying to figure out what my power animal was, and it was the fox," Lam explained. "Vulpes vulpes is the Latin translation for red fox."
VulpesVulpes will differ from Lam's other material, as it includes the additional sounds of various musicians, a new and positive direction for Lam.
"I would like to begin playing with a band more. Artistically, I feel like I have a lot to offer as a solo artist, but I think when it comes down to it I can't do everything all at once," Lam explained. "I feel like it would be more enjoyable as an overall performance if I had more talented people to incorporate and contribute to the music."
The red fox is the perfect animal to parallel Lam's quick wit and determination as well as the constant energy she puts into mastering her craft. Last summer Lam had the opportunity to intern in Los Angeles, where she not only gained invaluable experience but also made her presence known in the beautiful City of Angels.
"I had the weekends to myself and figured, well, if I am in L.A. then I better get my name out there and get more performance experience," Lam said. "So I did Craigslist like crazy and booked one gig at a bar. The promoter really enjoyed it so he helped me book a couple more shows. I was there for eight weeks, and I had about five or six performances."
Lam is solely responsible for producing all of her songs. Her commitment and perseverance is seen in the long hours she spends mixing and mastering her music. If Lam isn't recording in her bedroom, she is toiling away at a recording studio in the music building.
"I have some recording equipment in my room. So the acoustic stuff like 'Playing with Fire' and 'Play On' were recorded in my room," Lam explained. "Because of my class schedule, and last semester I worked part time, I ended up doing a lot of the recording sessions from like 2 a.m. to eight in the morning. It is tiring, but it's what I have to do."
The song "Fair Fortune" is truly one of a kind. The tempo is slow with a bit of mischief, and the perfect addition of the violin, courtesy of Megan Oswalt, gives the tune a Parisian feel. When the song breaks for the chorus, the musical arrangement takes on a nifty transition and the shift in Lam's voice creates a chilling effect, in a good way.
The lyrics are a bit vengeful, "You had me lying on the cutting board like I was some sort of meat / as you ignored my every word every time I tried to speak / I hope you get what's coming to you, real soon," and will affect those who have experienced a relationship gone sour.
"I am really sarcastic with my music. 'Fair Fortune' is a really angry song, but it is not based on my own anger," Lam said. "But when I sing it, I can sing it with conviction and sing it with soul, and people cane relate to that."
The acoustic song, "Play On," is extremely reminiscent of Jack Johnson, especially in the guitar licks. The words are inspiring and Lam delivers the lyrics in her oh-so timeless voice.
Check out "An Awful AWOL" for a bit of fun. The tune is about bees and Lam found her inspiration in the wise words of a wacky genius.
"I kind of wanted to bring awareness to bees. I'm not passionate about bees by any means I just thought it was really strange that they started to disappear. Albert Einstein said something like when the bees disappear that it's the beginning of the end (of the world). So I just kind of drew from that," Lam said. "I kind of wanted to put a sarca - FSView
"VulpesVulpes have successfully combined classical and contemporary music and made it their own. With the emotion and soul that is put forth into their songs, talent, and simple yet intriguing melodies, you can not go wrong with VulpesVulpes." - ropeadope.com - ropeadope.com
Up close and personal with Florida State's very own Tanya Lam
Lily Reisman
Issue date: 4/7/08 Section: Arts & Life
Talent is rampant among the students of Florida State, specifically in a 20-year-old commercial music student named Tanya Lam. On top of being a singer, songwriter and producer, Lam plays the piano, guitar, viola, violin and bass. This multitalented musician's inimitable style is found in her memorable voice - which is classically beautiful, intensely haunting and satisfyingly sexy - as well as in her innovative and pleasing musical compositions.
"I come from a background where I combine my classical music experience with contemporary music, and I hope that gives me an edge on other artists," Lam said.
Hailing from Long Island, N.Y., Lam started playing music at an early age. As she got older, the songstress embraced her passion for writing and singing.
"I just started recording these parody mixed tapes and I gave them to my friends. I would sing "New York, New York" but just change all the words," Lam stated. "When I was around 16, I started writing music, my own songs, and I just got more involved with that."
Lately, Lam has taken on the identity, VulpesVulpes, a name she will record under in the future.
"I just recently decided to transition towards that character. In Fight Club, Edward Norton kind of talks about the penguin being his power animal, and since watching that I have been trying to figure out what my power animal was, and it was the fox," Lam explained. "Vulpes vulpes is the Latin translation for red fox."
VulpesVulpes will differ from Lam's other material, as it includes the additional sounds of various musicians, a new and positive direction for Lam.
"I would like to begin playing with a band more. Artistically, I feel like I have a lot to offer as a solo artist, but I think when it comes down to it I can't do everything all at once," Lam explained. "I feel like it would be more enjoyable as an overall performance if I had more talented people to incorporate and contribute to the music."
The red fox is the perfect animal to parallel Lam's quick wit and determination as well as the constant energy she puts into mastering her craft. Last summer Lam had the opportunity to intern in Los Angeles, where she not only gained invaluable experience but also made her presence known in the beautiful City of Angels.
"I had the weekends to myself and figured, well, if I am in L.A. then I better get my name out there and get more performance experience," Lam said. "So I did Craigslist like crazy and booked one gig at a bar. The promoter really enjoyed it so he helped me book a couple more shows. I was there for eight weeks, and I had about five or six performances."
Lam is solely responsible for producing all of her songs. Her commitment and perseverance is seen in the long hours she spends mixing and mastering her music. If Lam isn't recording in her bedroom, she is toiling away at a recording studio in the music building.
"I have some recording equipment in my room. So the acoustic stuff like 'Playing with Fire' and 'Play On' were recorded in my room," Lam explained. "Because of my class schedule, and last semester I worked part time, I ended up doing a lot of the recording sessions from like 2 a.m. to eight in the morning. It is tiring, but it's what I have to do."
Samples of Lam's work are found on her MySpace page at myspace.com/tanyalam.
The song "Fair Fortune" is truly one of a kind. The tempo is slow with a bit of mischief, and the perfect addition of the violin, courtesy of Megan Oswalt, gives the tune a Parisian feel. When the song breaks for the chorus, the musical arrangement takes on a nifty transition and the shift in Lam's voice creates a chilling effect, in a good way.
The lyrics are a bit vengeful, "You had me lying on the cutting board like I was some sort of meat / as you ignored my every word every time I tried to speak / I hope you get what's coming to you, real soon," and will affect those who have experienced a relationship gone sour.
"I am really sarcastic with my music. 'Fair Fortune' is a really angry song, but it is not based on my own anger," Lam said. "But when I sing it, I can sing it with conviction and sing it with soul, and people cane relate to that."
The acoustic song, "Play On," is extremely reminiscent of Jack Johnson, especially in the guitar licks. The words are inspiring and Lam delivers the lyrics in her oh-so timeless voice.
Check out "An Awful AWOL" for a bit of fun. The tune is about bees and Lam found her inspiration in the wise words of a wacky genius.
"I kind of wanted to bring awareness to bees. I'm not passionate about bees by any means I just thought it was really strange that they started to disappear. Albert Einstein said something like when the bees disappear that it's the be - FSView&Florida Flambeau
Up close and personal with Florida State's very own Tanya Lam
Lily Reisman
Issue date: 4/7/08 Section: Arts & Life
Talent is rampant among the students of Florida State, specifically in a 20-year-old commercial music student named Tanya Lam. On top of being a singer, songwriter and producer, Lam plays the piano, guitar, viola, violin and bass. This multitalented musician's inimitable style is found in her memorable voice - which is classically beautiful, intensely haunting and satisfyingly sexy - as well as in her innovative and pleasing musical compositions.
"I come from a background where I combine my classical music experience with contemporary music, and I hope that gives me an edge on other artists," Lam said.
Hailing from Long Island, N.Y., Lam started playing music at an early age. As she got older, the songstress embraced her passion for writing and singing.
"I just started recording these parody mixed tapes and I gave them to my friends. I would sing "New York, New York" but just change all the words," Lam stated. "When I was around 16, I started writing music, my own songs, and I just got more involved with that."
Lately, Lam has taken on the identity, VulpesVulpes, a name she will record under in the future.
"I just recently decided to transition towards that character. In Fight Club, Edward Norton kind of talks about the penguin being his power animal, and since watching that I have been trying to figure out what my power animal was, and it was the fox," Lam explained. "Vulpes vulpes is the Latin translation for red fox."
VulpesVulpes will differ from Lam's other material, as it includes the additional sounds of various musicians, a new and positive direction for Lam.
"I would like to begin playing with a band more. Artistically, I feel like I have a lot to offer as a solo artist, but I think when it comes down to it I can't do everything all at once," Lam explained. "I feel like it would be more enjoyable as an overall performance if I had more talented people to incorporate and contribute to the music."
The red fox is the perfect animal to parallel Lam's quick wit and determination as well as the constant energy she puts into mastering her craft. Last summer Lam had the opportunity to intern in Los Angeles, where she not only gained invaluable experience but also made her presence known in the beautiful City of Angels.
"I had the weekends to myself and figured, well, if I am in L.A. then I better get my name out there and get more performance experience," Lam said. "So I did Craigslist like crazy and booked one gig at a bar. The promoter really enjoyed it so he helped me book a couple more shows. I was there for eight weeks, and I had about five or six performances."
Lam is solely responsible for producing all of her songs. Her commitment and perseverance is seen in the long hours she spends mixing and mastering her music. If Lam isn't recording in her bedroom, she is toiling away at a recording studio in the music building.
"I have some recording equipment in my room. So the acoustic stuff like 'Playing with Fire' and 'Play On' were recorded in my room," Lam explained. "Because of my class schedule, and last semester I worked part time, I ended up doing a lot of the recording sessions from like 2 a.m. to eight in the morning. It is tiring, but it's what I have to do."
Samples of Lam's work are found on her MySpace page at myspace.com/tanyalam.
The song "Fair Fortune" is truly one of a kind. The tempo is slow with a bit of mischief, and the perfect addition of the violin, courtesy of Megan Oswalt, gives the tune a Parisian feel. When the song breaks for the chorus, the musical arrangement takes on a nifty transition and the shift in Lam's voice creates a chilling effect, in a good way.
The lyrics are a bit vengeful, "You had me lying on the cutting board like I was some sort of meat / as you ignored my every word every time I tried to speak / I hope you get what's coming to you, real soon," and will affect those who have experienced a relationship gone sour.
"I am really sarcastic with my music. 'Fair Fortune' is a really angry song, but it is not based on my own anger," Lam said. "But when I sing it, I can sing it with conviction and sing it with soul, and people cane relate to that."
The acoustic song, "Play On," is extremely reminiscent of Jack Johnson, especially in the guitar licks. The words are inspiring and Lam delivers the lyrics in her oh-so timeless voice.
Check out "An Awful AWOL" for a bit of fun. The tune is about bees and Lam found her inspiration in the wise words of a wacky genius.
"I kind of wanted to bring awareness to bees. I'm not passionate about bees by any means I just thought it was really strange that they started to disappear. Albert Einstein said something like when the bees disappear that it's the be - FSView&Florida Flambeau
Spotlight on visiting artists
by Michael Lello
In addition to established local performers like Spitcan, The Sw!ms and The Five Percent, bands from as far away as Boston, Harrisburg, New York and Washington, D.C. will take the stage at the Steamtown Music Showcase this weekend. Here’s a look at some of them:
Home: Long Island, N.Y.
Lead singer Tanya Lam leads this classic soul-inflected group. VulpesVulpes has drawn comparisons to Feist and Cat Power, and Nellie McKay is a good reference point, too.
Showcase set: 8:15 p.m. Sunday, Molly Brannigans - The Weekender
Posted by Rachel Scall 05/21/2008
Tags: Soul, Talent
Basement Full of Soul
This past Sunday I was lucky enough to find myself in a random basement in Long Island, NY to catch a performance by VulpesVulpes. VulpesVulpes is actually Tanya Lam, a student at Florida State University. She packs enough soul into her songs to make Amy Winehouse appear emotionless--plus, VV is a functioning human being! Check out VulpesVulpes music at myspace.com/vulpesvulpesmusic.
http://www.collegeotr.com/university_of_north_carolina_chapel_hill/basement_full_of_soul_8565 - www.collegeotr.com
Hello Friends,
Here’s a Lonely Hollows exclusive. VulpesVulpes liveThe undiscovered but very talented band VulpesVulpes will certainly make a splash in the indie scene with singer, Tanya Lam, belting out strong vocals. No but seriously–she has a voice to be reckoned with. Her melodies are simple, clean and light; letting the listener float on by with the rest of the music. Her voice is accompanied by her band comprising of Josh Besserman and Greg Gibaldi that seamlessly form the platform for her voice to take flight. Easily comparrible to the great Chan Marshall of Cat Power or Feist, the only thing this talented singer has to challenge is her place at the table. With the best musical intentions in mind VulpesVulpes is currently recording a new set of melodicly magic songs for a new record set to be released (we hope) within the next six months. The new record is being recorded by Kenny Lienhardt out of his studio in Brooklyn NY. We have high hopes for this one and we hope you keep your eyes peeled. We also hope to soon have an interview available with VulpesVulpes. Check back for updates Until then check out their myspace and enjoy the sounds.–Be sure to check out VulpesVulpes playing live Saturday July 12th at The Cup in Wantagh NY. (Go to artist’s official website for details.)
Cheers from all of us here at Lonely Hollows. - Lonely Hollows
It is extremely refreshing to listen to the voice and lyrics of Tanya Lam of VulpesVulpes. Her sultry and sexy voice will melt your walls away and her songs will leave you floating above reality. I was just recently introduced to the music of this band and I can't get enough. In addition to Lam's vocals, the exciting drumming of Josh Bess, the beautiful violin lines of Megan Faye, and the expertise and mastery of bassist and guitarist Greg Gibaldi make it so that there is no doubt in my mind that this band will make a massive entrance into the indie scene. As it is clear to see that their influences include Cat Power, Feist, and even Peggy Lee, VulpesVulpes have successfully combined classical and contemporary music and made it their own. With the emotion and soul that is put forth into their songs, talent, and simple yet intriguing melodies, you can not go wrong with VulpesVulpes.
http://www.ropeadope.com/reviews/post/nyas_pick_v/ - ropeadope.com
Dreamer Spotlight:
Tanya Lam
UofD alumna Tanya Lam says her passion is clear: finding joy in experiences. This 2007 LA participant is currently finding joy in her music and the startup of her own independent record label. When not in the studio recording tracks for one of her two upcoming albums, Tanya is pursuing her college degree from Florida State University.
"After graduating, I will begin pursuing a performing career and working to get my record label up and running," she says.
Tanya's label, Like-My-Bike Records, will first feature Tanya's music as she works to build up the business, using some of the experience she gained during her internship at Universal Music Group. Tanya says that in addition, her company will also focus on being environmentally and socially conscious of its located city and work to raise political and community awareness of the bicycle population.
And as for her performing career, she's already positioned well in that area as well, having successfully booked six venues for gigs during her summer in LA with UofDreams.
While she continues to take the steps toward achieving her dream in music, Tanya will be seeking joy in her experiences along the way. "I hope to gain enough stability for myself to travel, explore, see, hear, feel, smell and hear all aspects of the world and help others do the same," Tanya says.
She invites like-minded Dreamers to contact her if interested in helping her in her endeavor. For more on her music and label, visit www.vulpesvulpesmusic.com and www.myspace.com/vulpesvulpesmusic - UoD Monthly Newsletters
Dreamer Spotlight:
Tanya Lam
UofD alumna Tanya Lam says her passion is clear: finding joy in experiences. This 2007 LA participant is currently finding joy in her music and the startup of her own independent record label. When not in the studio recording tracks for one of her two upcoming albums, Tanya is pursuing her college degree from Florida State University.
"After graduating, I will begin pursuing a performing career and working to get my record label up and running," she says.
Tanya's label, Like-My-Bike Records, will first feature Tanya's music as she works to build up the business, using some of the experience she gained during her internship at Universal Music Group. Tanya says that in addition, her company will also focus on being environmentally and socially conscious of its located city and work to raise political and community awareness of the bicycle population.
And as for her performing career, she's already positioned well in that area as well, having successfully booked six venues for gigs during her summer in LA with UofDreams.
While she continues to take the steps toward achieving her dream in music, Tanya will be seeking joy in her experiences along the way. "I hope to gain enough stability for myself to travel, explore, see, hear, feel, smell and hear all aspects of the world and help others do the same," Tanya says.
She invites like-minded Dreamers to contact her if interested in helping her in her endeavor. For more on her music and label, visit www.vulpesvulpesmusic.com and www.myspace.com/vulpesvulpesmusic - UoD Monthly Newsletters
Reflets Dans LEAU
Live Album: A Fine Time For V89

Drawing characteristics from it’s internationally recognized animal counterpart, Vulpes creates folk-noir tunes catered to the nocturnal. Over the years, fox obsessed Brooklyn project Vulpes has been lined with an impressive and evolving rotation of artists. Anchored by multi-instrumentalist and classically trained songwriter Tanya Lam, Vulpes has aligned and participated in a wide variety of performances around the US. This Spring Vulpes releases their debut recording - Reflets Dans LEAU - the first of four titles to be released from the ambitious Elemental Suites collection.
Reflets Dans LEAU is a four song EP that explores the juxtaposition between classical and au courant arrangements to decorate sea shanties and chansons written under the influence of Paris in the 30’s. Through each song, Lam’s bourbon soaked croon is entwined with lush string arrangements and computer blips. The majority of the tracks were remotely recorded in the intimate setting of each participating musicians home, edited by Lam and mixed by Jonathan Smith of the Can’t Tells.
Having conquered in noteworthy stages in New York such as Glasslands Gallery, The Standard Hotel, Cameo Gallery, Webster Hall and completed multiple residencies at both the Ace Hotel and the Time Out New York Lounge, Vulpes looks to curate a handful of singular events that will celebrate a variety of environment, arts and friends. Performing parts arranged by Kate Hannington - Brooklyn resident and composer, the Arnica Quartet joins Lam on stage for the first time. Deriving influence from the ghostly imagery of sailors lost at sea and the mysteries revealed in reflections, Vulpes’ Reflets Dans LEAU displays a grand exploration of the human emotion under the moon’s influence.