Villains Company
Chicago, Illinois, United States | SELF
Richard Milne has a great look and some kind words to say about Villains Company newly released self titled album. - Richard Milne
VILLAINS COMPANY - (Room 45 Records)
Review by Mario Salazar.
This is the 2012 release from the Chicago band Villains Company. This album, their latest effort, has an overall artsy, sort of eclectic feel to it. I hate using that specific term to describe this album, as it generally means no one other than the band members -and maybe their significant others- actually gets or likes the music, but in this case, it was a different situation that was actually done quite nicely. Read on.
The 1st track Feels Good with its clean, acoustic guitar opening riffs, had a vibe that reminded me of the 90s band Days Of The New. It had a nice feel-good tone to it (hence the name) and it was a nice sign (or indicator if you will) of things to come. From there on, the band presents an array of material that is not only well played and recorded, but it's also an interesting, well-written batch of songs which are actually well-thought out and produced. The album shines with musical variety after the aforementioned track (Feels Good) down to the happy-go-lucky feel of Teen Naive to the beautiful, soulful ballad named Beautiful which also had a killer guitar solo, to the down-home, Mississippi-delta blues feel of Momma.
I must say that I particularly liked vocalist JP Harrington's voice as I think he has a perfect pop-music voice that was spot-on for the band's material and really brought out the emotion and feeling the songs intended to convey. Overall, I think Villains Company has done a good job with this new album and I hope it gets the response it deserves. If you like music along the lines of Coldplay and that type of bands/artists within the alternative rock genre, I definitely recommend you check them out and give Villains Company a listen.
For additional information on the album, downloads, point-of-sale and band show dates, visit them online at www.villainscompany.com - Chicago's Rock Mario Salazar.
Villains Company happen's to get a write up on another bands review! - Brianna R.
30 days of Love and Hustle.
- Villains Company
Villains Company

Villains Company is a Rock group from Chicago, IL. This five piece band uses all of their musical influences to create a vast array of diverse music, from soulful ballads and anthem laced rock, to delta blues and everything in between. With tones from the 60’s and 70’s and an eye on the future, Villains Company continues to write music that takes the listener on a journey through musical wormholes.
Villains Company has just finished up on their first self titled album. The album is a result of months of collaborations, trials and tribulations. The blood, sweat, and tears that went into the construction of this album helped shape the group’s vision and a stronger, more eclectic band emerged.