The best kept secret in music
"Do you remember junior high school gym class? The mile-long runs? The push-ups and sit-ups? Wrestling? Umbros? You know you loved wearing those gaudy, nylonesce, loose-fitting, elastic band waist shorts while mounting your wrestling partners in the doggy-style position! Yeah, well there is also a band called UMBROS and they're from right here in Columbia. UMBROS consists of two members, Erik Moore (usually bass) and Steven Howard (usually guitar), and some digital beats. The result is nice, ambient electro-rock sound that could easily fit in with the catalog of labels like Kranky or Ninja Tune. Steven's licks and Erik's lines ebb and flow over some nicely arranged beats and noises. In addition to being snappy dressers and having a good sense of humor, UMBROS play interesting trance-inducing music for. Go see them now!" -
Feeling a bit camera shy
From timeless forests rise monsters organic and metallic. Does the mother call to her son's beeper or do we answer the tigress' feral howl? Inset of the landscape apocolypse: two young men, of machine, telling of warm skin and cool steel. There are stangers leering, there are ancient hawks diving. The thin film on the pond's surface breathes a cologne from your father's bureau, or is it the factory's belch in his working trousers?
Nevertheless, we parade into the jungle and guitars hack at the vines, the low end beats paths. Our boots clod, our hair tangles, our MP3's skip continuously. Somewhere there bleats the toms, in the setting sun there is a conquest of motion. We have heroes. We know who has answered the marching throb to strapped guitars and pressed sound. Fasten to our ribs the ironic battle of our time. Let us make crosses in our draped shoulders, one arm over the robots, one over the bleeding heart.
Our guides, Umbros. Our guts, theirs.
-Kyle Seibel