Twisty Cats
Atlanta, GA | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
27 September 2018
by Connor Burgess
Let’s talk about Twisty Cats.
Scrolling through a Bandcamp page late at night, courtesy of Dean Tartaglia, I was perplexed by the idea of music that seemed equal parts ‘seductive and at times brutal’. Hailing from Savannah, the band seemed to harken a different light to the otherwise repetitive and largely uninspired collections that one tends to find on aggregate music platforms. It’s rare to find bands that are so comfortable with the fact that they break the mold – are so entirely removed from the notion that you need to have a ‘specific sound’ to make it. The southern natives seem to be one of these rare breeds.
Curious, I prepared questions, not entirely knowing what the answers would be. With mid-October tour dates looming in the future, I’m disappointed that I won’t get the opportunity to put faces to the names (or sound), but their new 10-track record will have to do for now.
Look below for a quick Q&A.
-Per Bandcamp… New York & Georgia… Seems like wildly different worlds. Was it hard to create a sound that accurately embodied both without one overpowering the other?
NY has become a permanent state of mind(thanks Billy Joel). It’s hard to travel to other cities and not try to compare in a slightly elitist sort of way. That said, NY is its own country in many ways. We catch up with our NY friends on social media and we sometimes have to roll our eyes. Moving to a small city in the south and trying to ingratiate ourselves and not fight it is eye opening. The economic, racial, and social division is much more apparent here..we think a lot of NY’ers live in a bubble. We did.
-Mythology seems to be under utilized in music. Would you find that it creates almost a more ‘epic’ scale to the sound? (Derives away from very typical ballads of love, loss, etc).
Are you asking about our music specifically? We try to be as real as possible.
-Southern influence seems to be rising more in music. Where’d you guys (the band) get the inspiration from? Has it always been there?
We prefer the southern storytelling tradition from Flannery O’Connor to David Sedaris. That was something I learned in school in NY. There was this amazing ancient-looking lit professor back at Hunter College in Manhattan- he started with G.W. Cable and it took off from there. Blake grew up in Atlanta, her parents both grew up in the south (Savannah and Jackson Mississippi) so she is ingrained in southern influence.
-Music exists now in a weird space where streaming services and labels seem to be in constant competition to one-up themselves. Has using a service like Bandcamp been beneficial? Do you guys find yourselves in a supportive community?
It’s a terrifying time to try to stand out based on merit. That’s ok. Spectacle is fine. Nothing lasts. There’s good and bad in that. If we absolutely abhor something there’s rest assured that it’ll be erased from the mass mind in seconds. We are uncomfortable with the idea of community being a social media platform but if we must…
-I oftentimes find myself asking as to whether bands think they’re in a sort of niche. Do you guys feel like you have one?
We are between niches. It’s a hard place to be at first. We are not electronic enough for some promoters and too much of something else for others. Niches are born from the very human need to classify everything- to kill it and pin it to a board and name it.
-Where do you guys see your artistic development heading? Where would you guys like to grow?
We left Savannah for Atlanta. We have added a brilliant drummer and a very talented synthesist who designs his own instruments. The songs still come from melody and lyrics. Those come from experiences. Our new ones will guide us through the next batch of songwriting.
-Dream venue? (Literally anywhere in the world).
Probably some sort of psychoactive thing where we can perform for people in their minds wherever they may be all at the same time.
-Savannah seems to have this lustful, ‘stay for awhile’ kind of vibe, yet also retains a kind of spook to it. Is that what I should be getting?
Probably. The tourism board pushes that angle pretty hard. The only ghosts we ever met were in NY.
-What was the impetus for the project? Did it just happen or did you guys find yourselves combining on each others’ ideas?
Our place in NY was above a bar called LIT in the East Village. They’d shutter the doors at 4am and then we’d open our apartment. A lot of stupid things would happen but sometimes a spark would happen as well. There were all of these musical instruments lying around. We took the songs we’d remember to mean that they didn’t suck. Eventually we began performing them in Savannah.
-Where do you see your music in 5, 10 years?
What the future holds no one knows…
-Who’s your ideal crowd? Who are you trying to make this music for?
Anyone who will listen. We make music for ourselves of course but we wouldn’t have left our living room if we didn’t want a reaction.
and finally…
-At the end of the night, what makes a good show or a good recording session for you guys? What
drives it all?
When we connect with people and the line is blurred. A good recording session is one where something significant gets done in little time.
You can find their record here: https://twistycats.bandcamp.com/ - The Big Takeover
Twisty Cats latest video for their track “My Quiet Fantasy” is like watching a black magic erotica. The women in the film gather in a semi-circle like witches performing a spell, covered in satin and diaphanous organzas, the rest of the congregation drink from chalices and bond each other in these fabrics. Both vocalists Peter and Blake have their own “quiet fantasy” until they are gathered together in a ceremony they drink a potion from a crystal vase, which at the time is probably pronounced like “vahz” not “veyz”. The fantasy is dark and about suffering for your love Peter describes his ideal partner as a “ravaged beauty” while Blake sings about him like a “ghost from the past, tall, dark, brooding.” Each one goes through a trial of tests until they finally reach one another, either by choice or submission, it is unclear. The vocals are husky and the track quickly becomes a classic glam rock anthem, with ecstatic drums and guitar riffs. - Alt Citizen
The Twisty Cats bring a new age twist to the Ancient Greek myth of Diana and Actaeon in their new video for “(You’ll) Sleep When I Die”. Parodying the tragedy of a young hunter transformed into a deer as he stumbled across Diana, Goddess of the Hunt, director Eva Aridjis captures the band as they cavort in the woods dressed in 1980s jumpsuits and white masks. The dark humour is juxtaposed with the lyrics as they declare “When I die!”.
This hypnotic track is released in anticipation for the band’s forthcoming debut LP “Our Quiet Fantasy”, available from February 14th 2018. Comprising Peter and Blake Mavrogeorgis, the Twisty Cats have been hailed as “darkwave glam punk rock with New York City grit,” and this new song certainly doesn’t disappoint. Be sure to catch the band as they pace around a stage, not just a forest, during their performances in New York City in February.
Upcoming Tour Dates:
02/21 – Berlin, NYC
02/ 22 – Night of Joy, NYC
03/10 – Savannah Stopover Festival - Alt Citizen
NYC Rocker Dave Tudi’s Pleasure Motel, with Chorizo, and Twisty Cats at Berlin Bar.
They say rock & roll is dead in NYC. Move to L.A. they say, there’s a big scene there.
While I do think that L.A. has tons of talented musicians, a lot of them my friends, don’t turn your back on New York yet. My point was proven on a Monday night in June at Berlin on 2nd Street and Avenue A. The night started off with a cool as ice set from Pleasure Motel, a new project by local musician Dave Tudi. Dave has been compared to Nick Cave in the looks department, but I’d say sprinkle in a little ‘80s porn star and a dash of biker as well. His act is similar to Martin Rev’s but I wouldn’t call him a copycat. He has his own thing and it’s a welcome nod to late ‘70s NYC, a time when artists didn’t play by the rules, but took risks, creating a genuine scene of intelligent weirdos.
The next band were the lovable jokers, Chorizo who write lyrics about vampires, dirty sex, and cheesy love, according to keyboard player Chip, a heavily tattooed, petite vixen. Native San Franciscan, O.J. San Felipe, plays guitar with all the frenzy of a rabid dog, akin to Kurt Cobain. Talented drummer Lyla Vander keeps busy between multiple bands such as Roya, and The B Girls. They usually have different friends at every show taking on the role of singer. This night saw two different girls behind the mic. First was the charismatic model Ruby Aldridge, who put a blond, bob cut wig over her long, brown hair. The final touch was a Zorro style mask that they all the band members wore. Their set was an electric, post-punk thrill ride full of shouts and bangs, with Ruby dancing her way with a tough swagger through the crowd. The second singer had a softer voice that went along nicely with the more garage rock feel of the band’s other songs.
Last was Blake and Peter Mavrogeorgis’ band, Twisty Cats. They are NYC transplants, now living in Savannah, Georgia. They are a sexy couple and that dynamic translates into their sound. Think Berlin meets Sisters Of Mercy meets Chris Isaac (am I allowed to use that last one?) Peter Mavrogeorgis formerly played with The Vanity Set with Jim Sclavunos of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds.
All of these bands have a no bullshit, stripped down sound missing from the new music of today. I was transported to a completely different time where there are no lame acts like Haim or The 1975. Check out all of these bands in the videos! - Please Kill Me
Musicians from all over the world are in Savannah this week for the annual Stopover Music Festival. One of Georgia's hometown bands performing is Twisty Cats. Peter Mavrogeorgis and Blake Olmstead are the creative forces behind the group. They're married, and moved to Savannah a few years ago from New York. By day, they run a recording studio, and by night they perform what they describe as "Electro-gothabilly-Psych-Punk-Pop."
Listen to interview here: http://gpbnews.org/post/savannahs-twisty-cats-brings-couple-together - NPR / GPB
On a Wednesday night in February, Twisty Cats invited me into the music video for their second single, “Starlet.”
There was glitter on my face and feathers flying — and I still find feathers from the set that followed me home. But it was an amazing experience to be part of the spectacle that is Twisty Cats.
Hailing from Manhattan’s East Village, Twisty Cats is comprised of married duo Peter Mavrogeorgis and Blake Olmstead-Mavrogeorgis, who play guitar, drum machine and vocals and bass, keyboard and vocals, respectively.
They started making music together while living in New York City around 2008-09, Peter said.
“We would throw these big parties,” he said, with Blake adding, “In our apartment.”
“After parties,” Peter clarified.
“We would torture people with our bad computer recordings,” Blake continued. Alternatively, Peter said, “We would perform live for them with our drum machine.”
The couple decided to move to Savannah after getting married here, opening their studio, Dollhouse Productions, in early 2013. Besides being a recording studio, it’s also a live music/event venue and popular photo shoot location. Fellow local Stopover performers Triathalon, Jeff Zagers and Street Clothes, among many other groups, have all recorded at Dollhouse, according to their website.
Twisty Cats’ latest song, “Starlet,” is about a Hollywood star trying to be someone else. “Starlet” sounds like alternative metal with an underlying dark, smooth groove. The album, set for a spring release, is sure to be a head-banger.
On the name Twisty Cats, Blake said, “It started as kind of joke, but I really liked it and I really wanted to use it one day.”
Twisty Cats may have started out as a joke, but nowadays they showcase some serious talent.
Get to know the band better when they perform during Stopover at 10 p.m. March 12 at The Jinx. - Do Savannah
Erica Cobb
This Saturday, April 22, music aficionados from all over the world will rejoice with the tenth annual Record Store Day. A day dedicated to the appreciation of vinyl records and the shops that carry it. However, this will also be the first day that House of Strut, a store that focuses on vintage clothing, will be launching their own record label, releasing a seven inch of Twisty Cats first record.
As Erica Cobb Jarmon, the owner of the House of Strut, explains, it wasn’t something ever planned. Rather, the idea was an “evolution.”
Since she appreciated music and loved records at a young age, Jarmon used rock stars and musicians of the Savannah hemisphere to promote her own brand. In fact, the models she used in her first photo shoot were female musicians.
Since then, she has invited artists of all different genres, like the Craybacks and Mother, to play inside the House of Strut.
The idea to launch a record label arose during New Year’s celebrations in Nashville with music industry professionals.
Jarmon said, as she was driving home, “I turned my phone off and played the CD Player. And I just let my ideas bubble for those nine hours… It didn’t just happen in one fell swoop…I just started brainstorming ideas to highlight Savannah’s music scene. There’s such a depth of talent musically, I asked myself, ‘How can I help elevate and align myself with these bands and how to encourage their opportunities?’… That’s when I thought promotion; merchandizing…I was just formulating ideas…That’s when I decided I can create a record series for Strut; have it styled and record some videos.”
The first musicians she presented with the idea were the band Twisty Cats — whose sound and style has been called “Darkwave Glam Punk Rock with New York City Grit –” comprised of Peter and Blake Mavrogeorgis. Jarmon thought their vintage style would be a perfect match the House of Strut brand.
Another band, Capsula, asked Twisty Cats to join them on tour, creating a time crunch for Jarmon. What followed was mixing and mastering eight songs, as well as creating the artwork, all in the span of 17 days.
When asked about the hardest challenge she faced, Jarmon said dealing with the perception of record companies screwing with the artists. “From what I know, loosely, is that record labels, they pigeon-hole bands and put restrictions on them and they want them to be whatever that they envision them to see, like the record label, instead of letting the band do what they do best…They try to call the shots and it’s usually about money. And I don’t want to be about that. It’s [House of Strut Records] about encouraging and fueling the opportunities for the band instead of putting expectations on them.”
They will be ready and coming soon, with the record release party being scheduled at 9-11:00 this Record Store Day, April 22. Jarmon appreciates Record Store Day and believes that it does help bands. As she says “It’s an appropriate day to release the record…in honor of our partnership.” - The District
House of Strut Records
17 West 41st Street, lower unit
Savannah, Georgia 31401
912-398-0138 mobile
912-712-3902 store
Nestled in the local artistic community of Savannah, GA's Starland District, HOUSE OF STRUT, a vintage fashion resource by day, and cultural artistic conduit by night, is officially expanding its resources by launching a record label, HOUSE OF STRUT RECORDS. With a focus on creating and elevating merchandising opportunities by aiding and abetting the world-class talent who have roots in Savannah and beyond, owner and operator ERICA JARMAN is aroused and intoxicated to announce the first signed agreement under the record label with TWISTY CATS. A husband/wife combo comprised of PETER MAVROGEORGIS and BLAKE OLMSTEAD, Twisty Cats are an electro-punk rock band who marries the soul and swagger of The Cramps, and early New York City grit with the seductive mechanical grooves of the Sisters of Mercy, all while captivating and elevating their audience, oozing sex on stage with bold 60s mod sounds infused with all types of punk rock, including Italo Disco and Dark Wave.
Founded in the late-night afterparty scene, the duo had their respective hands in the NYC music scene for a number of years. When Peter wasn't in the studio recording the likes of The National or Sharon Van Etten, he busied himself touring the world as guitarist for Tav Falco's Panther Burns, and his own band Bellmer Dolls. All this, while Blake hustled the New York City fashion industry, and moonlit as a DJ in the NYC Lower East Side haunts.
In 2011 the couple moved to Savannah to launch their recording studio, DOLLHOUSE PRODUCTIONS, where they worked with well-known acts, from Creepoid to Jared Leto’s 30 Seconds to Mars. In 2014 the Twisty Cats resurrected their craft during down times in their studio. The following year, Erica connected with Blake after experiencing the Twisty Cats performance, and signed her on to model for the promotional launch of House of Strut. In 2016, After perfecting their sound, the Twisty Cats popped back up to NYC for well-received live appearances at the EV hotspot Berlin, in and around Brooklyn, Atlanta, and a host of other cities during.
It was a natural progression for House of Strut to expand a curated vintage fashion resource to a boutique record label representing undiscovered and jarring musical talent. Erica fueled her deep attachment to music by hosting many bands at the house, including Mothers, French Horn Rebellion, Mile Me Deaf, Culture Vulture, and local Savannah favorites, Greta O & Toxic Shock, Lo’ Kuntry, Valore and Cray Bags.
Twisty Cats and House of Strut Records are proud to announce the release of the label's premier, a double A side 7” record, "Live at House of Strut - Twisty Cats", featuring the retro glam anthem “Rockabye” (with a live video of the actual in-store session to follow), with side AA's dark brooding “(You’ll Sleep) When I Die”. The European release will be held at La Mano in Paris, France, on March 17th, while the Twisty Cats are on tour with CAPSULA, a psychedelic kinetic trio from Bilboa, Spain.
The band was styled, recorded and filmed live at House of Strut on February 5th, with ten songs mixed and mastered the very next day at the band's studio, with the 7” single vinyl press run by UNITED RECORD PRESSING (Nashville, TN), coupled with a video production by TBMM (Bluffton, SC). The Twisty Cats will join Capsula, playing their first show in Italy on March 6th in Modena, other stops include, Faenza, Pescara, Martiniscurro, Florence, Caorle, Montepellier and Paris. The same album will be domestically released on Record Store Day, Saturday, April, 22, 2017, with a special live performance at House of Strut. The record, and additional Twisty Cats merchandise, will be available for purchase on houseofstrut.com, as well as at the home establishment in Savannah, GA. - Erica Jarman
There's a chasm between New York and Savannah, Georgia. On one side, we have a metropolis whose indie rock scene has been promoted throughout the whole world, in spite of its significant hardcore and noise tradition. On the other side, we have an area which has mainly become the operating centre of the sludge movement. Precariously situated between these two seemingly distant realities, Twisty Cats impose themselves with ten anthems on love, lust, loss and pain. Glam and dark wave infused punk rock, perfectly amalgamated at Dollhouse Productions, which is just about running the risk of becoming an international case.
Peter and Blake are far from hiding their passion for Pussy Galore, Boss Hog and Berlin, though ‘Our Quiet Fantasy’ is a unique, inimitable, absolutely original music piece. ‘Torture Garden’ and the title track light up the first part of the album, thereby setting a standard for the entire listening experience. ‘(You'll Sleep) When I Die’ and ‘Rockabye’ had previously been presented on ‘Live At House of Strut’, demonstrating an attitude out of the ordinary; ‘Starlet’ reveals a slick, unpredictable sound, possessing the ability to get stuck in your head within two minutes whereas ‘Regret’ and ‘Monster’ have single release potential, sustained by synth sounds of another time. Captivating and well-finished with attention to detail, accompanied by a handful of pink rose petals, the artwork deserves a special mention. Opening the promotional packet has raised hilarity and surprise amongst the editorial staff, exactly as this release has, which should not be missed in your collection. - Suffissocore.com
"Our Quiet Fantasy" (2018)- full length album
"Live at House of Strut"(2017) - 7" vinyl

Twisty Cats are a synth-infused rock band who whose drum machine-propelled music ranges from seductive to brutal.
The band regularly pop back up to NYC for well-received live appearances, and have played gigs in Atlanta, Los Angeles and Miami to name a few. They have played internationally in Italy and France. Twisty Cats have shared the stage with Escapism (Ian Svenonius), Tav Falco and Panther Burns, Quintron and Miss Pussycat, Hackedepicciotto (members of Einstuerzende Neubauten and Crime and the City Solution), and Norman Westerberg(Swans), and toured the EU with Bilbao, Spain's Capsula.
Peter (lead vocals and guitarist) previously played in a bunch of touring bands from The Vanity Set (featuring members of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds), to Tav Falco's Panther Burns. He fronted NY trio Bellmer Dolls (the band toured as openers for Nick Cave and Jon Spencer Blues Explosion). When not wielding a guitar and microphone Peter is a studio rat with credits ranging from The National (High Violet) and Sharon Van Etten (Tramp) to Boy Harsher (self-titled EP and Yr Body Is Nothing), to Azar Swan (Golden Age), Bootblacks, etc.
Blake (vocals, synth and bass) cut her teeth in the Atlanta scene playing in the proto-punk Knife and the Stabs alongside an adolescent Black Lips in the early 2000's. She moved on to the NY fashion world before resurfacing, Thunderbird bass in hand, to form Twisty Cats.
New addition, Mike Schatz (drummer) joined the duo in September of 2018 bringing their sound to full fruition. Schatz brings his experience of playing in bands all over the world in all genres including funk, afro-beat, rockabilly, and rock n roll to the table complimenting the Twisty Cat's experimental sounds.
Twisty Cats self-released their debut album "Our Quiet Fantasy" on their own label "Push!Push!" records on Valentines Day, 2018. It is available on all digital platforms with limited edition vinyl and CD's available for purchase on their band camp page.
“Our Quiet Fantasy” is a 10-track anthem through the band’s own experiences of love, loss, and lust through New York and Savannah Georgia, to the greek myths of Acteon and Diana and even a nod to Gustav Mirbeau in the albums second track “Torture Garden”.
Tracks are as follows:
01 Start! and Continue. A disquieting mantra.
02 Torture Garden. The lyrics are a nod to the novel by Gustav Mirbeau; the style is in part a tribute to the late Billy Mackenzie and his excellent band Associates.
03 You'll Sleep When I Die. The song began as a joke that cropped from the caption on a tee shirt. It features the Akai AX60 synthesizer- a new acquisition at the time.
04 My Quiet Fantasy. An unexpected encounter with a convalescing starlet in a wellness retreat in West Palm Beach, Florida prompted this song.
05 Have The Pain. A pulsating admonition and an anti-Mantra of sorts closes Side A.
01 Starlet. Hollywood is still Babylon.
02 Rockabye. New town doldrums along with a heady dose of wine and Jeffrey Lee Pierce brought about this one. (An early live version was released as a 7").
03 The Immortalists. A word they discovered in a Joy Division song; written in the frustration of a cloud-obscured solar eclipse.
04 Regret. "Anyone who says they have no regrets is a fucking liar" - Peter, during a NY performance.
05 Monster. Regret Pt. 2: "The monster is YOU".
Band Members