Tristan Clopêt
Miami, Florida, United States | SELF
Fusing the musical head and heart is always a delicate balancing act. Some artists overreach, straying too far into the intellectual ether, losing that precious connection with a wider listening audience.
Tristan Clopet's songwriting recipe perfectly combines clever subject matter with melodic hooks, making each note count and delivering something that can be universally enjoyed. Eclecticism is the key element that will bring you back to this disc for repeated spins. Lots of great chances are taken, exotic instruments employed, yet all remains focused and in context.
There is one attribute that separates this guy from many of his contemporaries:
His voice.
Expressive, capable of hitting soaring heights, though never deployed in a way that is over the top (unnecessary showing off, over-extending notes), Clopet's vocals need no assistance from the bland pitch-correction devices that are now so ubiquitous on the pop landscape. Influences can be detected, though he has synthesized them into a style that is his alone. Topping this, his skills as a writer, arranger and multi-instrumentalist are formidable.
There are so many high points in the ten songs that comprise Name it What You Want, that it is tough to pick just one or two. "A Summer in Sussex" kicks off the album in an uptempo fashion with scatter-shot, slightly stream of conscious wordplay, shifting gears toward the finish. The one-two punch in sequencing lands the brilliant "A Chat With My Brain" next, which was a wise choice for the taster single that preceded this set.
The intro alone to "Toutes Directions" is enough to make you want to hand over a vital organ just to claim part ownership of its construction. Don't let that stop you from enjoying the rest of it, though. Tight, funky guitar riffs intermingle with an inventive piano part that will echo in your head for days.
All before the first verse even begins.
Instances of interesting arranging tricks abound, there's a particularly inspired break that uses a rush of strings in "An Introduction...To Forward Thinking" which seamlessly flows into the guitar solo. These nuances serve to enhance the listening experience. One of the most ambitious pieces found here is the closer, "The 4:45 Through Remembrance". Threading several ideas through a very haunting four minutes of music, this stunner comes across with the swagger of a mini-epic, complete with atmospheric vibraphone and a fluent, classical piano flourish midway through.
"Ladies and gents, we've reached our final destination."
This is very mature work, mixing introspection with exuberance. All ten tracks are stellar. Worthy of note: It's very exciting to hear a new artist with a vision for their output that supersedes the notion that it's merely empty "product" to be consumed and tossed aside. The praise which I have heaped upon this record may seem over-effusive- until you listen to it. Every superlative is well deserved. This is music that you'll be able to enjoy today, twenty years on and beyond. Name It What You Want? Brilliant Debut.
Right now, Tristan Clopet and his band are touring, spreading the word and bringing these songs to life on stage. You can find out where he's heading next right here
Masterfully produced by Raymond Richards, Name It What You Want is available - POD
Tristan Clopet is a Toronto-born/Miami-based indie singer songwriter. Following two successful EPs (Duende in 2009 and Purple in 2010), Clopet recently released his debut LP, ‘Name It What You Want’, working with seasoned record producers Raymond Richards (Local Natives) and Justin Gerrish (Vampire Weekend) to create a ten-track album to be proud of.
Name It What You Want is an LP full of surprises. The first track ‘A Summer In Sussex’ is the perfect opening number, featuring mellow guitars and twinkling piano notes as Clopet confidently transitions back and forth between loudly proclaimed utterances and gentle whispers, the lyrics coming thick and fast. A fine song as it is, it then goes the extra mile for the final chorus, offering a catchy repeated chant worthy of ‘Hey Jude’ by The Beatles. “Back back back back back in the place where I belong. Long long long long long time coming but I’m going home.”
A Chat With My Brain’ further solidifies Clopet as king of the catchy choruses. Instances of the words “Somedays, somedays, somedays, somedays, I don’t know how I go I don’t know how I go I don’t know why I try” are plentiful and thoroughly welcome throughout. Elsewhere, ‘Idiosyncrasies of the Resolute’ aches the heart as it builds up to a breathtaking blend of guitars and drums that merge to perfection with a vocal performance that comes seemingly from nowhere, Clopet delivering admirable range without needless tinkering. For some reason, it reminded me of old-school U2. In a good way.
The musical similarities to other artists don’t stop there either. The overall sound of ‘Fife and Drum’ immediately brings to mind Billy Talent – although perhaps lighter and certainly more refined – with some Red Hot Chili Peppers thrown in for good measure. The music itself has obviously been intricately interwoven with the lyrics of each song, brass sections and more traditional guitar and percussion simply adding to the rich soundscape rather than smothering it. Clopet is a true musician in the broadest sense of the word; the attention to detail on each track is staggering, especially for an indie release. ‘Toutes Directions’ needs to be snapped up for a car advert, pronto.
Tip my cap to the old ladies on the street as I pass And they smile back at me
Walking through the town aroma fills the air Reminds me of my home across the sea
Been two years to the day Since I moved to this place (Where will I)
See the sign in my head Toutes directions to the end (Go from here)
Name It What You Want is already my favourite music release this year. Although it is filled to the brim with many musical influences, Tristan Clopet has managed to create a unique sound that is unmistakably his, and his alone. His lyrics are poignant and insightful, his vocals bittersweet and dynamic, his band perfectly in sync at all times. Name It What You Want? Best indie album of 2011.
9 OUT OF 10
- Alternative Magazine
CMJ 2010 was a mind-blowing experience, but we’re not quite over it yet. Even with all of our Halloween candy to go through, we’re still reminiscing about some of the best performances, such as Tristan Clopet‘s. The obscenely talented independent guitarist provided plenty of memorable moments, such as the performance of his song, “Sweet Dreams,” which you can see in the video below.
Check out the video to see Tristan Clopet’s guitar chops, songwriting ability and crowd-pleasing humor. It’s not every day you see an artist so comfortable on the stage, and Clopet’s personality is perfect for entertaining a crowd before he stuns them with his music.
Bloginity reviewed Clopet’s Purple EP right here; you can (and should) download some Tristan Clopet music right here. And if you need more convincing, check out Clopet’s funky makeover of Cee-Lo Green’s “F*ck You” right here.
Source: http://www.bloginity.com/blog/2010/11/01/live-video-tristan-clopet-sweet-dreams-at-cmj-2010/#ixzz14KwopIWY - Bloginity.com
Having recovered from the SOS4.8 hangover, NME-Europe gets back down to business with a special feature from an artist from across the pond. The son of an Englishman, Tristan Clopet is based in Miami, but the worldwide web is rapidly turning him into a global product. This one-man band, who produces music with the uumph of the Chili Peppers and the lyrically power and vitality of a certain Jeff Buckley has just released a six-track EP titled Purple, which is available for download á la radiohead at the following link.
Suitably impressed by what was on offer, we decided to find out a little more about the man himself and his album.
NME-Europe: Hi Tristan. You're known in over 50 countries, where do you hail from?
Well, I was created by a chemical spillage on the brinks of Prince Edward Island. I sing and play a bunch of instruments too.
Another case of "blame Canada" perhaps...
NME-Europe: What do you sound like? Who has made you want to sound like that?
TC: Sounds like if a bunch of carrier honey bees spilled all of their collective honey at once onto a gramophone and then went to the kitchen and added bits of Heath bar.
Erm.... Think I'll stick with my Pepper-Buckley crossover....
Yeah, when I first heard 'Sir Psycho Sexy' I felt something special. It changed my whole disposition.
Now that makes more sense. You get a good impression of where this young man is coming from if you watch some of his cover version videos available on his YouTube channel. 'Cousins' (Vampire Weekend) is my pick of the bunch...
NME-Europe: You've just released Purple. Is this your debut?
TC: No, I previously released another EP, Duende. Duende and Purple are brother and sister, though I can't tell which is which. I think Purple has the perfect balance of songs – from those that are ideal for sitting back and relaxing, to those that make you want to get up and dance.
NME-Europe: Apart from your internet coverage, have you got any promotional gigs lined up?
TC: We're touring the east coast this July. Tour dates can be most accurately found on my website. We'd love to be supported by the Jonas Brothers. We heard they could bring a few people to the show in Savannah.
That must be the first time Jonas have been mentioned on NME-Europe!
NME-Europe: And what's on the agenda for the near future?
TC: We'd like to be touring full-time (preferably with the Jonas Brothers, but not a deal breaker) and we'd love to release a full-length and perform it over and over for new people of every shape, color and creedence.
Thanks Tristan, what say we have a little glance at your latest EP, Purple?
TC: Cool. I know time is scarce, but if you could give it a review, I’d love to read it. Even if it’s negative, I really respect your taste, and would be interested to hear what you think.
Last 5 NME-Europe interviews:
The Pin-Ups (Manila, Philippines)
Buzzradio (Liverpool, UK)
The Manse (Liverpool, UK)
A Number Of Fires (Liverpool, UK)
My Raining Stars (Lyon, France)
Read all NME-Europe interviews
Tristan really knows how to sweet talk a man! How could I refuse him a review?!
1. Proximity Bomb
2. So Alive
3. Etheral Evidence
4. Superficiality Is A Sin
5. Love And A Question
6. Black Panther Party
It's often difficult to assess an artist on the basis of an EP - they tend to be too short and rely too heavily on 'likeable' tunes - but you get the feeling that Tristan Clopet is a little different. With his second release, Purple, Clopet clearly lays his cards on the table and offers a well-crafted mix of catchy rock and captivating ballads. Tracks like 'Proximity Bomb', 'Superficiality Is A Sin' and the closing 'Black Panther Party' clearly support Clopet's claim that 'Sir Psycho Sexy' "changed his whole disposition" - the hint of the Chili Peppers is plain for all to hear. In between, Tristan has the opportunity to manifest his lyrical and vocal skills, an opportunity which he grasps with both hands, in particular on 'So Alive', my personal favourite.
Purple is a well-produced EP and Clopet shows he has the potential to take his prowess one stage further, should the opportunity to cut an album arise. NME-Europe looks forward to it.
The EP is available on "a radiohead" at http://tristanclopet.com/, so you can pay what you like for it. If you're feeling the financial pinch, NME-Europe is giving away 3 copies, along with a Tristan Clopet t-shirt. All you have to do is visit our Facebook page, become a fan and add a comment to the Tristan Clopet note. There'll be a t-shirt on the way to our favourite comments.
Before you do, have a listen to the EP on our player. - NME Europe
Band of the Hour: Tristan Clopet & The Juice
By Rayme Samuels
Soulful lyricst Tristan Clopet got his start in the music business at a young age writing about some of the most thought provoking icons of his youth: the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman and the X-Men. The former University of Miami student eventually found more mature topics to write about, got a band called The Juice and is now well on his way to becoming the “Next Big Thing” with his self-described alternative, funk, ghettotech sound.
A lifetime fan of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the guitarist and vocalist has worked hard on getting his sound as close to the perfection of his musical idols as possible. “I strive to write songs as good as the Peppers, write lyrics as good as Dylan, write rhythms as good as The Killers and sing as good as Jeff Buckley,” he said. “Needless to say, I’ve got a long road ahead but I’ve got good shoes on.” Bandmates Colin Veit (Bass), Dan Hammler (Drums), and Alejandro Elizondo (Keys/Guitar) complete the act currently signed to Sussex Recordings.
Overexposed song themes and boring ideas are the antithesis of Clopet’s writings. The new EP (untitled as of yet and expected in August) features songs about the Greenwich Meridian and the study of time, a nonpartisan exploration of religion and an autobiographically intense mid-life crisis. Each song is an engaging, inviting, relaxing and sincere nugget that makes you forget where you are at that moment.
Between morning show cameos, promoting their hit album “Duende”, the release of their recently wrapped music video of the single “Concrete Dreams,” and a new EP coming out in August, Tristan and his band have a busy summer planned. Amidst all of the excitement they’ve got a slew of Florida gigs on their schedule and hope that locals embrace their act as part of the Miami music revolution. - Miami.com - MiamiHerald.com
On Wilmington Street, just between Martin and Hargett, there’s a skinny shotgun bar which during the day will fool you into thinking it’s nothing special. If you go in you can order your vodka Red Bull and carry it through the emergency exit at the back onto a concrete pad tucked between two tall downtown buildings. You can call it a patio if you want, but that’s one of those “silk purse out of a sow’s ear” kind of things. There’s also an upstairs loft with the obligatory off-balance, beer-stained pool table and two pinball machines. From there you can gaze down at the faded and dusty 70’s and 80’s era album covers: Cher, Supertramp, Neil Diamond, Lou Reed, Elton John, and (omg!) Jim Nabors. The only thing that gives this place away are the thousands of band stickers on the bar’s industrial coolers and the metal stairs that arc over the bar to the upper floor.
Who plays there? Hell, who hasn’t? Slim’s Downtown is a sort of CBGB for indie rock, with the band member sleeping upstairs on a couch before the gig to prove it. Apparently they were originally scheduled to play The Brewery where they might have had more room, but Tristan Clopet and the Juice packed Slim’s to the rafters. Clopet was born in Toronto but calls Raleigh home, and has at least one social media savvy marketing friend who found me on Twitter on gig day (my bio says “live music fanatic”) and invited me to catch the show. I did a little research, loved what I heard (check out this video of their recent appearance on the CBS Morning Show), and sent a tweet out to Tristan, who was quick to respond, making me even more eager to get downtown early enough to nab a seat at the bar, one of only about 11 chairs in the entire place, not counting the couch upstairs.
And it was a good thing I did, because come 10 pm, the crowd came pouring in, and these people were here to see a friend.
Clopet quit school at University of Miami with two semesters to go in order to tour with his band; he says it was the best decision he ever made, and after you hear him it’s hard to disagree. Think Squirrel Nut Zippers meets Red Hot Chili Peppers, channeling a mellow James Brown. This guy has a voice like caramel creme, an easy smile, and the irrepressible and quirky sense of fun.
My favorite moment was at the end of their set, when every member of the band hammered on a drum, consummately passing solos back and forth in an fabulously grin-inducing display of music geekiness. The show included all the songs on their demo disk (on sale at the merch table for five bucks — how do these people make money?? — and they throw in a free sticker which I needed for my husband’s guitar case) as well as a few covers.
I have a terrible set list addiction, so naturally I shoved my way up to snap a photo of it, which you may notice is upside down so we can read it. You can see the rest of my photos from the gig here. From here the band is headed to Virginia Beach, DC, and multiple dates in New York, and it doesn’t look like they’ll be slowing down any time soon. More power to ‘em. Next time they’re in Raleigh, I bet they’ll be able to fill the Lincoln. Get there early. - The Glowing Edge
August 22, 2009
I don't usually think of Miami when I think of Latino music or mind-numbing over-produced hip hop, rather than a hotbed for folk-based music. Young singer/songwriter Tristan Clopet is trying to change that impression with his new EP Duende.
Clopet is a rare combination. His writing is definitely firmly rooted in folk rock traditions. Musically, he can't help but betray a deep appreciation for funky rock. The result is a collection of laid back tracks like "Your Love Is A Drug" and "The End Of An Era", which evoke thoughts of Ben Harper and G. Love respectively.
On the flip side, Clopet proves to be both wistful and gritty with "Let It Go". The songs boasts a Jack Johnson breeziness punctuated with a Lenny Kravitz-style guitar riff. Another intriguing combination comes up on the closer "Oceans". The body of the track has a gentle Jeff Buckley aura, while it rounds out into a mellow funk breakdown.
Duende definitely has a place in today's music. It will be interesting to see whether Clopet can build on the EP or whether he falls into a comfortable groove with this sound.
Best tracks: "Let It Go", "Your Love Is A Drug"
Track listing for Duende:
* Your Love Is A Drug
* The End Of An Era
* Let It Go
* Flowers In Bloom
* Concrete Dreams
* Oceans
- T.O. Music Snob
24th October 2009
Tristan Clopet - Duende
Readers, listen up! I have a secret for you…one that I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while, but time has been a luxury lately.
Ladies and gentlemen, presenting Tristan Clopet. Clopet’s debut EP Duende is an interesting conglomeration of good ol’ southern soul, funky rock, and a whole lot of heart. For one, Clopet’s vocal range is impressive, smoother than the other side of the pillow (and that’s smooth!) in both the higher and lower registers. The instrumentation here perfectly complements the clean and breathy vocals at every turn, showing a real rapport between Clopet and his bandmates.
Duende takes off with “Your Love is a Drug”, a funked out jam that oozes classy-cool. “The End of an Era” begins like a typical folk-pop track, but Clopet’s vocals and the reverberating echoes of harmonies turn the song into a soulful treat. “Flowers in Bloom” see Clopet taking on the role of storyteller that reminds me of the golden days of Citizen Cope. The spontaneity and freshness of “Let it Go” sees the band juxtaposing spitfire rock with soft ebbing harmonies, while the clear highlight of the EP is the skittish rocked out “Concrete Dreams”.
So what are you waiting for? Grab a copy of Duende (note: iTunes link).
Listen to the whole EP here!
posted by Benji
- CarlSandbergVisits.com
“If I was to have a headline in Rolling Stone, I don’t care what it says, as long as it isn’t negative or related to boy bands…and that it doesn’t say I’m a sensitive songwriter,” says former Hurricane Tristan Clopet, the 22-year-old front man of the band Tristan and the Juice.
He describes the band’s sound as “Jeff Buckley covering music by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.” Clopet, a true musician, writes and arranges at his home studio.
“It was a big investment, but you have to have a product before you can market it,” Clopet said. “It takes so much more than good music to make it. You have to eat, sleep and breathe this.”
Clopet has an insatiable hunger for and love of music. He says that he’ll listen to anything but country. He cites rapper Andre 3000 as an inspiration as well as singers such as Billy Corgan. He also appreciates musicians such as Eminem and the Beastie Boys as innovators.
“My mom forced me at 5 to take up an instrument, and I hated her for it. She let me play everything but drums, and I think the neighbors appreciated her for that,” Clopet said. “But I’m so thankful she forced me to do that. I truly believe what Yo-Yo Ma once said, ‘If every child played an instrument the world would be a better place.’”
It was during Clopet’s sophomore year that he answered his true calling. Clopet transferred to the University of Miami from Brooklyn College to study journalism, and it was the death of a classmate that made him realize life was too short not to pursue his dreams. So Clopet left UM his junior year to devote himself to his passion for music.
“People said I was crazy for leaving, that I only had one more year to go, but I’d rather fail at what I’m trying than succeed at what I don’t want to do,” Clopet said. “Life isn’t worth living if you don’t enjoy it.”
Clopet wants people to feel the honesty in his music, and wants his message to his audience to be to “live life passionately, be truthful to yourself.”
For more information about Tristan and the Juice please visit: http://www.myspace.com/TristanTheMusic
If You Go
What: Tristan and the Juice play at Patio Jams
When: Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009
Where: UC Patio
Cost: Free
- The Miami Hurricane
When I was first contacted by Tristan Clopet & The Juice, for some reason I thought, “This’d better not be another Christian rock group. How do these people find me?”
Luckily, they weren’t a Christian rock group. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a Christian rock group.
After listening to “Concrete Dreams”, the first song on their debut album Duende, I was intrigued. Then “End of an Era” began and I was sold. Although they claim to be Alt/Funk/Ghettotech, I found so much more in their music. In a world full of poseurs and mediocrity, I was pleasantly surprised to hear such a unique sound. They transcend genres, world regions, and times, bringing Spanish-esque guitar riffs and 70’s funk together to create something that makes me long for the hot, rolling haze of summer. I tasted sex and caught the bitter-sweet smell of musk throughout the seductive “Your Love is a Drug”, a throwback to the sounds of Soul.
But there’s a startling emotional honesty about their music, a wisdom far beyond their years that really makes me wonder if this is really their first album. This kind of caliber of music-making is not what you’d expect to find among a group of newcomers. I went in expecting amateurs and instead came out wondering how the hell they were going to top this. Because this? This is quite literally amazing.
Tristan Clopet croons as lead vocalist, possessing a voice that will literally leave you shivering where you stand and wishing that the days of Blues and Soul were still with us. The Juice (comprised of Phil Mullerschoen - drums, Colin Veit - bass, Sean Skelton - that oh, so sexy guitar, and frequenter Rich Chwastiak - percussion) complement Clopet’s vocals beautifully, seamlessly flowing all around him like music ought to. There are far too many vocalists who are at war with their other band members, all vying to be heard; Clopet and Co. are not among them.
Tristan Clopet & The Juice dare to be innovative while paying homage to the giants that have come before them, making for a fantastic debut. I only hope that they’ll make their way up to ....Boston.... sometime in the future. With talent like this, touring can’t be too far away.
I give Duende (EP) 5 out of 5.
Recommended Downloads: “Your Love is a Drug”, “Let It Go”, “Oceans”
Posted by R.C. at 9:41 PM
- Miss Media: A Road Map to the Entertainment World
Name It What You Want (2011)
1. A Summer In Sussex
2 A Chat With My Brain
3. When You Were Younger
4. Idiosyncrasies of the Resolute
5. La Naissance
6. Toutes Directions
7. Hold on Lover, Hold on Girl
8. An Introduction...To Forward Thinking
9. Fife and Drum
10. The 4:45 Through Remembrance
Purple EP (2010)
1. Proximity Bomb
2. So Alive
3. Superficiality is a Sin
4. Ethereal Evidence
5. Love and a Question
6. Black Panther Party
Duende (2009)
1. Your Love is a Drug
2. The End of an Era
3. Let it Go
4. Flowers in Bloom
5. Concrete Dreams
6. Oceans

Having opened for legends like Billy Bragg, Darius Rucker, Grammy-Award winners Inner Circle and most recently Academy-Award winners, The Swell Season, all the while accumulating a strong internet presence with over 1.25 million plays on YouTube, Tristan Clopêt (Clopay) continues to be in demand and make headway as one of the industry's bright young stars.
With his debut LP, ‘Name It What You Want,’ Tristan took advantage of offers from seasoned record producers, Raymond Richards (Local Natives) and Justin Gerrish (Vampire Weekend) and together created a ten-song, tour-de-force of intelligent songwriting, lush harmonies and dance rhythms.
The first single, ‘A Chat with my Brain,’ (http://bit.ly/fDFxyM) deals with the paradox of separating oneself from the mind that embodies it. The album generated fantastic praise worldwide, NME Europe calling it 'well-crafted and captivating' and Alternative Magazine naming it '2011's Best Indie Release.'
But contrary to most rising stars in the music business, world domination isn’t on the docket. ” Honestly, I’m so grateful to be going back on the road and just playing the best I can. I live my life on the principal of trying to make each day a little better than the last and the creative belief that my best work is yet to come. If I can get in front of fans, show them what I’m about and get an enthusiastic audience reaction, then that’s all I could really ask for.”