Reviewer: Craig Hartranft
Dangerdog Reviews receives its fair share of independent releases from bands around the world, many are quite good. But nothing of late has quite compared to the enthusiasm and professionalism of Canadian rockers Top Johnny! Yes, the exclamation point is part of the name, but it is well deserved. Top Johnny!'s full-length debut delivers energetic fast paced rock and roll with memorable melodies, big hooks, and even bigger guitar licks. Add to this the crisp mix and exciting delivery and I could literally feel the band's presence gushing from my speakers. I can only imagine what Top Johnny sounds like live. It must be quite the show.
Top Johnny!'s musical adventure is both conventional and novel. On the conventional side, this is straight forward melodic hard rock with a huge beat and boisterous delivery (which invokes some not so subtle memories of 80's glam and sleaze rock). Most bands attempt to impress and draw you in by putting their best song first. “Bad Boy”, a raucous and rowdy number does that, but frankly it's only the beginning.
What follows, with few exceptions, is a steady dose of impressive and engaging rock and roll. “Bustin' Loose”, “Your Love Is Killing Me”, and the rowdy, raunchy and somewhat corny, “Love You Like An Animal” are solid hard rock and roll numbers with lots of bravado. All feature some stirring fret work from TJ Star and Izzy. But the real star here may be bassist, Karo, whose chops are so persuasive and clean as to undermine any male counterpart. Honestly, “Keep It Real” would be an average melodic rock song if it weren't for her effortless and steady bass line. The big hit, however, is the thoroughly amazing “The Edge (Is Where The Action Is)” with it's huge arrangement, infectious chorus, and blazing guitar solos. Another one I'd love to hear (and see) live.
Where Top Johnny! becomes novel is towards the end of this work. The band draws heavily from groove-laced funk rock and, dare I say, some hip-hop nuances for “This Time” and “We Are Live”. I know what you're thinking: in the words of the apostle, May it never be! But if anybody can pull it off, Top Johnny! can do it, and they do it quite well. Think Living Colour meets KISS in the back seat of lowrider just on the border of Compton and you may have an idea what I hear. This is exciting, edgy, and quite convincing rock music.
Top Johnny!'s debut could not better: this is impressive, refreshing and exciting rock and roll. The music grabs you by the throat, heart, and soul and takes you prisoner with it's bombastic and believable melodies, big hooks, and edgy creativity. Highly recommended!
- DangerDog Music Reviews
The first thing I have to say about the Canadian-based quartet TOP JOHNNY is that this is definitely THE most professional press package I have received in a LONG time. It came in a colorful, logo-emblazoned, velcro-sealed folder not only containing the self-titled CD itself, but also an official press release, several pages of biography on the band and its members, some short press quotes and airplay information, an 8x10 of the band and a business card! Just like the old days when bands and their management/ record companies actually gave a shit to put something like this together… kudos to StarBrite Productions!!!
Secondly, before I even get into the music itself, I have to say that the production value on this release is just incredible! This is one of the best “sounding” CD’s I have heard in a LONG time as well. Producers Mr. P and TJ Star (who is also the band’s lead vocalist and songwriter) really went out of their way to put out a quality product. Simply looking at this release from a “production” stand point… this is 5 stars all the way!
And finally, we come to the band and music itself… Wow! That’s all I can say…
TOP JOHNNY is an edgy, hard rock/ metal band that combines elements of that classic, guitar-oriented, metal sound of bands like BADLANDS, PINK CREAM 69 or LYNCH MOB with touches of more modern bands like TOOL or RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE. What really makes these guys even more interesting is the fact that there aren’t a whole Hell of a lot of bands out there still doing what these guys are doing!
From the opening track “Bad Boy (For Loving You)” to the final chord of “Ready 4 U,” every song on this CD is a pure adrenaline rush at its finest. There’re no ballads, no breaks and certainly no slowing down. This is just straight forward, in-your-face rock ‘n roll… period! The songs are aggressive and edgy, the arrangements are tight and as a unit, TOP JOHNNY will kick your ass!
Just check out tracks like “Out of Control,” “The Edge (Is Where The Action Is)” and “Your Love Is Killing Me.” With their heavy guitar licks, these aggressive rockers combine some great, heavy hooks with potent melodic chorus’ ala bands like DOKKEN or PC 69. Then without slowing down, TOP JOHNNY ventures over to the bluesy side with “Love You Like An Animal” while “Feel So Alive” and “Keep It Real” have an almost late 70’s/ early 80’s hard rock vibe to them. And if you’re looking for some tunes with a touch of that more modern flair, you won’t be disappointed in “Bustin’ Loose” or “We Are Live.”
This is just a killer, killer release all around. Fans looking for that heavier, aggressive, melodic sound will absolutely flip over this and for all you guitar-oriented rockers, let me tell ya… Izzy Slater attacks the strings like a lion on an antelope! His heavy, thrusting melodies combined with some stellar solos and classy licks are beyond impressive… it’s no wonder this guy has been winning “best guitarist” awards all over Canada for the past couple of years!
Great job guys… err… and gal! (sorry Karo!) I look forward to hearing more in the future.
- RockEyez
These Canadian rockers are true to hard rock, melodic hard rock and classic rock and if you take a bit of the best bands from the 80`s and mix them with some of the new great metal and hard rock bands today you will end up with a solid rocking debut from Top Johnny! Twelve songs with a solid production and cool sound and a band that sounds tight in every direction with a steady rhythm section, cool guitars and a singer with a clear rocking voice. A proof on all this we get with the opener Bad Boy, a great hard rocker with great riffing guitars, a fine melody and an addictive chorus. Bustin` Loose has a more modern rock oriented style with a touch of rap metal, while Your Love Is Killing Me is a more straight forward melodic hard rock oriented song. A cool guitar solo and the melody and chorus easily take place in your head after some rounds in the player. Keep It Real is a pop/funk style song while Out Of Control is a more classic rock oriented song with a glam rock style and the first times I heard the song it reminded me of Sweet. Love You Like An Animal is even more classic rock oriented than the last and it takes me back to big moments and songs from bands like Bad Company and Led Zeppelin. The Edge is a fast rocker with great riffing guitars, the chorus part is addictive and easy to remember. I also like the female voice in this! Feel So Alive is a more pop/ rock styled song with a touch of funk. A great song with a good melody and a hit-like chorus! My X-Tasy has a more metal-like style, a nice melodic chorus lifts this song to big heights. This Time starts with some electronic elements and is one of the most experimental songs on the disc with a rap metal like style. We Are Live also has a touch of rap, while the last song Ready 4 U has a more classic hard rock style. A great varied album from a band that really makes good songs that are easy to like, so if you have time to check out Top Johnny!, you better do it immediately! - Melodic Hard Rock
Not content to stick to one style, Canada’s Top Johnny! pride themselves on fusing a range of ingredients into their overflowing broth of melodic hard rock, metal, a little funk and, wait for it… rap. But before you go running for the hills, note that the main culprit, Bustin’ Loose, is far from a nu-metal ship wrecker. Rather it uses aspects of the funk, beats and some of the vocal styling found in rap to create a left of center rock tune that ain’t half bad, although it perhaps doesn’t work quite so well on other tunes We Are Live or This Time.
Feel So Alive, Keep It Real and Love You Like An Animal sees the funk influence really come into play but it’s on out-and-out rockers like Bad Boy (For Loving You), an 80s metal throwback big on hooks, Out Of Control reminiscent of Velvet Revolver’s She Builds Quick Machines and The Edge is where Top Johnny! really excel.
- Not Afraid to Push the Boundaries.
Down from Montreal, Canada, comes some very high-quality modern rock, courtesy of a quartet called Top Johnny! - it's not modern in an emo or screamo way, but just in the sense that it's good, propulsive rock-&-roll that really hits the spot. As the band puts it, this is "new, classic rock." A look at the disk's dozen track-titles reveals a pretty basic rocker's repertoire of ready-for-action, feel-good tuneage - "Bustin' Loose" and "Keep It Real" should give you a preliminary idea of what to expect, and for a lot of fans, there's nothin' at all wrong with these sentiments. Better still, there's definitely nothing amiss about the playing and production on this release. Your "Master of Ceremonies" is guitarist-singer TJ Star, who co-produced the disk with a fellow called Mr. Positive. Top Johnny! also includes a fine lady bass player named Karo, plus drummer Hitman and guitarist Izzy Slater. Now, one good indication of a band's buzz is when you have one or more of the group's songs resounding in your head a day or so after you heard it, and several of Top Johnny's tracks can seriously adhere to your grey cells in that fashion. This could be the case with "Out of Control" and "Love You Like An Animal" to name but two back-to-back hummers on the disk. Karo is a competent player, hitting a disco beat for "Keep It Real" and supporting strongly throughout, in conjunction with Hitman's drums. Released by StarBrite, the songs on this CD have a generally upbeat, progressive, sing-along quality. Expert guitar-tone craftsmanship, through crunchy chords and slippery licks, is coupled at times with synthesizer accents to illuminate propulsive tracks such as "Love You Like An Animal", "Your Love Is Killing Me", and "Bad Boy(for Loving You)". And oh yes, on that "Love You Like An Animal" track you can tell that TJ has been practicing his high-neck scales, tasty! The players in Top Johnny!, like their fellow Canadians in Nickelback, have routed at least the slightest edge of a hip-hop vibe through their polished melodic rock channel, as found in "Bustin' Loose" ("whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do?") and "We Are Live". Also, to continue on a cross-cultural theme if you go to their website, you'll find that they cater to both English and French speakers, tres bien, merci! But whatever your idiom, throughout this solid self-named CD by Top Johnny!, you get a hearty earful of the universal language of rock. - All Access Magazine
- Fantastic, rocking, fun, powerfully sung and produced music! Great work!! (comment by Alannah Myles)
- Just heard your music for the first time and, WOW, it is absolutely amazing... I love everything about it, it is GREAT!!! WOW!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!
- You guys are hottness.
- Don't usually listen to rock but I just listened to your songs and I think i've been missing out.
- Top Johnny! bridges Metal and Commercial Pop but with Metallica-like solos. Hope you guys get radio airplay because your music is way better than the crap that’s out there now.
- ..an awesome, unique sound!
- Great music! Totally digging it!
- You guys are amazing!
- Awesome!!! u r simply awesome !!!
- You sound amazing!
- I’d be stoked to hear you guys live!
- YOU GUYS ROCK!! KEEP IT UP! Top Johnnyyyy!!!
- You're Awesome! I'm a huge fan! You guys got it goin' on! Look out universe....Top Johnny is here to rock your socks off, Yeah Baby!
- Not usually my style but damn its catchy and I like the rockin guitar riffs, good shit!
- Sweet fucking sound!
- Killer f*cking classic rock-ish guitar riffs!
- JOHNNY IS TOPP!! This music is effing cool....it's making me dance.
- hope you continue to pump out great tunes like this!
- guys that’s some bad ass music right there
- You guys rock the house down! High Energy, Intense beats, catchy riffs!
- UR BEATS ARE MUDDAFUCKEN CRAZYYYY!!!!! Surrender's my new jam....you fucken rock!
- Your music takes my breath away!
- Wow! Love your sound.
- The music is awesome!
- You are an awesome band. You groove it. Better than anyone I have ever heard. You guys are so amazing I cant get over it I listen to the songs and watch the video over and over again! You Guys Are The Best. I love all the songs and how you are very rocking.
- Top Johnny rawks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Your band smokes. Killer bad stuff!!
- Holy Shit! Awesome music! You rock!
- The tunes they kick ass!
- Top Johnny cooks. Top Johnny swings. He's got the look. Top Johnny - he's the king!
- You guys are Slammin'!
- You rule!!!
- Awesome sound you got here!
- Wicked sound!!!! Sounds like Rammstein speaking English on antidepressants channelling its spirit through the Ramones...or something.
- Really great music! Keep rocking the world!
- You guys are awesome!
- Luv the energy u guys produce! Keep the parties rockin'!
- HOLY CRAP! It's like KISS was reinvented for the new millennium!
- I'm diggin it!! Great stuff!
- You guys are awesome.
- Your tunes are kickin'
- Love your songs!!!! Really great!
- Your tunes are slammin'.
- Keep doin what yer doin its all good !!!!
- Really dig your sound and energy.
- You got it!!! ENERGY!!!, Wow
- Oh finally I’ve heard somethin different. You have a very good and unique style here.
- Hell, you guys are totally ace!
- Your music is very freakin awesome! I'll be sure to haul ass to your next show!
- (your) music is bad ass. I’m diggin it.
- your music is SOOOOOOOOOO GREAT
- I had "HIP" stuck in my head all day yesterday! Such a catchy little riff!
- I Love Your Music!
- You guys rock my sox!!!
- TOP JOHNNY is one of the sweetest bands I have ever heard and I recommend you check them out!!!
- U guys have an original sound!
- You've got awesome tunes!
- I can't wait to see Top Johnny perform again!!! You guys are awesome! I want to be in a Top Johnny music video...I think it would ROCK HARDER THAN HARD.
- Fu..$%*& good music and MAN, THE GUITAR IS AWESOME !!!!!
- You've got a very cool sound, very original!
- Cool songs!
- Catchy stuff- certainly not heard of anything like it over here in U.K.
- I love your music!! Sounds really great!!!!!!!!!!!
- I’m lovin the music!!
- Sweet fucking sound!
- WOOWWW.....ur music, it's totally AWESOME!!! ♥ IT!!!!!
- wow... pretty sweet
- you guys have a very cool, original sound!
- Your music is AWESOME.
- let me tell you that YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!
- very good!!! i love your style!!!!
- Cool combo of styles. Rock on!!!!
- Rock the Nation TJ!! Great Music ...
- I can't get enough!
- Continue to work hard. You are the future.
- Top Johnny! is definitely Tops on my player!
- We Want A Tour! We Want Another Album! We Want Autographs! Y-E-A-H B-A-B-Y !!!!!!!
- TOP JOHNNY Your Stuff Is Great! Keep On Rockin!!
- I'm loving it.
- you guys are really good.
- You're the cooliest with the mooliest!
- You RULE!
- That’s a BIG sound you’ve got there and a great image.
- I'm high on TOP JOHNNY!
- C'est super votre musique!
- Love your sound.
- Cool songs!
- Great songs Top Johnny. I was tapping my feet the moment Surrender started.
- your music is wicked!
- ur music gives me a boner!
- woah I love ur music!!
- Tj Star You SuperStar....
- i really love your music!?! you're really really really good. I hope you'll have a fucking big success!
- you guys are pretty frikken good.
- You guys are hot!
- great music!
- your music is different. i like it.
- your songs are amazing! i really like your music!
- Loving the music. Keep it up!
- ur music is VERY HAWT
- you guys make super rad music
- Love Your Music!!!!!!!!!
- Sweet tunes. Keep up the good work.
- you sound pretty crazy!
- those are some sweet tunes. Keep up the good work.
- That's an awesome sound you guys have..... Keep ‘em coming.
- wicked sexy sound
- Aye pappii!! Music’s makin me dance!, U guys rock!...don’t call it TOP Johnny for nothing!
- I like the band .. a lot.. really kool sound.
- WOW!
- I like the way you do it....
- Good stuff!
- Your musik kicks asses !
- I like the way you do it....
- u have some way kick ass tunes
- I really love your band
- i love you guys, yer music is awesome, and i plan to get the cd, keep on rockin!
- awesome stuff you got going on. The music is chill.
- You are so amazing. You guys RAWK!
- Your stuff is awesome!
- Nice stuff, it's catchy
- sik musik man keep it commin
- awesome music i love ittt
- I like ur music its new and very original!
- wow. you guys are super spiffy!
- I want to go to montreal to see you guys in concert. I have been waiting for almost 2 years to go back, and i definitely have a reason now. Love you guys and keep rockin!
- You "RAWK" the joint !!!
- ur music kix ass...Awesome, rock on!!
- your music is awesome...if you've ever wanted a rockin' groupie now you've got one!
- Your music's over the edge
- Your music surprized me. I actually wanted to get up and start dancing. It’s awesome! Keep It up!
- i lik ur music
- The music is awesome and just plain addicting. I love it, just keep it up! Love you guys and your music!
- You’r awesome!
- F*cking awesome music! (please pardon my ugly foul mouth) You guys rock off my socks...wait...I don't wear socks...well you still rock!
- you guys are kick ass!
- you guys are awesome!
- Surrender ROCK az FUCK !!!
- I LOVE Surrender!
- I like the music man. Awesome stuff.
- your music videos they totally rock!!!!!I love your music.
- Wowie... that’s pretty cool music. I like it.
- Your music is da best!!!
- TJ,you are da best man!!!!! Your music is da best!!!! You rock and canada rocks!!! Rock on TJ.
- oh my god you guys fucking rock!
- kickass sound
- You guys sound great, can't wait to see you live.
- Wow I love your music. Its pretty amazing !
- Thanks for making great music and for making my mind dance.
- im loving the music
- you are totally awesome. i haven’t heard that kind of good music in a long time. my son was listening to and said you were really cool. i would really like to hear more. i think i just became your biggest fan. keep up the good work. i see a lot of success in your future.
- I looove your songs! You ROCK!
- What an awesome combination of musical styles, truly inspirational to my ears!
- Hey! love ur music, keep up the great work!
- yu guyz r pretty awsome
- Your music really fuckin' rocks...
- wow. very impressive.
- WOW!! I'm a new fan!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really love your music!! really nice!!!!!
- Cant wait to see you all again, and introduce the most wonderful, high intensity, party band in the world! Oh my, I have to sit down for a bit, my head is spinning from all the excitement! stand by...
- Songs are great!
- your music is so good it is CRAZY
- You are going to go far. You're all already Rock Gods in my book!
- I never heard anything like this and I love it.
- your Music is great!!!!!!!!! I Really Like It
- Your songs kick ass man...Love the sound!
- Your music totally kicks ass.
- Sick music dude bloody awesome.
- your music sounds great and it,s fresh. keep on going like that, you guys are destined to go far!
- you all so rock rock rock!!!
- thats is some pretty darn good music you've got here
- I love your music !
- I think you are super awesome. just so great to listen to your song's.. keep looking fresh and rockin' sexy.
- cool songs!! love it!!
- you guys and girl are amazing!!
- your songs are soo catchy
Yeah ! Totally kick ass dudes ! Killer performance and showmanship!
A perfect blend between electro & heavy rockin' stuff. Powerful, sexy, intelligent. Geee, looks like you lot have it all!
You guys are performers to the bone. Your stage presentation is totally captivating. Love your sound too.
Fantastic guys!!!,... Great line-up, this is what I call fun, love it!
“Rockers out there, you must take the opportunity to see this band play live!... TOP JOHNNY! delivers a unique sound, real-time energy and shines on experienced talent. Together they know how to deliver a party and rock!”
Live Rock Productions
“If “H.I.P.” doesn’t get you out of your seat and movin’ your feet, you better check your pulse!”
”"TOP JOHNNY!" sounds like the theme song for a television series with action heroes fighting for love and harmony. All songs should have an audience and that's where we think it fits. The production is cool and the lyrics are entertaining.”
PeaceDriven.com Song Review of “Red Alert!”
Sample Music Web Site Feedback:
I love you guys! Watching Me is my new favourite song!!
- I absolutely love "Kick It".
- More original than most things here.
- Pretty unique stuff. I’m not really into techno stuff but this is pretty cool.
- Hell yeah!! I love this. Great groove. Great everything. From the vocals to the guitar. This kind of music takes me back. I buy this in a heartbeat! Mix between DEVO, Loverboy and all 80's hair metal!
- Kick It! is extremely catchy and has hooks everywhere, it should go far.... The lead guitar is stinkin’ awesome - wicked riffs, glass shattering solos and really greasy for essentially a disco song gone pure evil.
- Kick It! has a great mix of everything ! Rock, pop, funk - you name it! The production is good, vocals are smooth and flow real well with the song....lead guitar was smoking! You guys have your own sound all the way! ! ! !! Great job!
- If this were 1985 and I were a 21 year old dyed blonde with a fringed leather jacket, frosted jeans and a RATT tattoo on my left ass-cheek, I'd be going down on these guys like the Titanic did after hitting that iceberg!
- I definitely dig this song, even though its so far outside of what I listen to on an everyday basis. Very catchy! I liked it a lot!
- What the hell? I haven’t felt this way since the teenage mutant ninja turtles had an album. The production is great. The quality is awesome. You’re very talented, definitely not my thing but I’ll respect it...good vocals; it’s like a true mix between pop and rock.
- What can I say about "Surrender"? - I wish everyone could ROCK like this! Top Johnny definitely KICKS IT! I haven't heard originality in rock in a long time. I LOVE the sound.
- Love this. Sounds like it should be on the sound system of a futuristic night club.
-Thanks Johnny for kickin’ me up a notch. I feel revived now. Cool underground kinda sound!
Sample CD Launch Show feedback:
“It was fantastic! Totally surpassed my expectations.”
Fiona T.
“Absolutely amazing. Wow! Just incredible!
Laurie H.
WOW!!!!! (I’m) flabbergasted.
Caroline R.
"It was extraordinary. I really, really, liked it.”
“Great show. My ears are still ringing and my eyes are still stinging!”
Eric F.
“I loved it, everybody loved it, WE WANT MORE! The crowd is only going to get BIGGER FOR YOU, BLESS YOU TOP JOHNNY.”
Johnny A.
“My only regret was that the show ended. I look forward to the next one. I want more of that heart-pumping, feet-moving, dance your a** off music that Top Johnny does so well.”
Sharon L.
“The show was awesome!”
Kelly R.
“A fantastic show”
Glen M.
“It was awesome, I really liked it! So lively...full of energy! I liked the sound...quite innovative!”
Stephanie C.
“Great show last night!”
Stephan G.
“Great energy! The band created empathy with the crowd “
Mike B.
“It was just GREAT! We loved the show! Lots of people did, I don’t know if you could see, but people where dancing and banging their heads up and down, you know like we use to do it in heavy metal shows. That is one thing I really enjoy with your group, the “heavy metal” influence, but with a modern twist. A fantastic presentation. Stylistically ahead of its time. I think your outfits and the colors are great. I liked the flashing white light at the end, with those colors, really good effect. TJ Star is really good, everyone is good, you have great talent in there, and the other guitarist seems like he has done this for ever. I am no expert in music and don’t much follow the trends, but it seems to me you guys have something special. I haven’t seen much metal influenced-kiss type bands that are new and hip and this could be a new trend coming up, and you would be right on it! Your “Kick It” song is simply a hit! It will play on radio. I would bet on it! If not I will go and kick them myself! I’ve now listen to the other songs and they are all very fun to listen to, head banging always. My second favourite is Jungle for the originality, and I love Red Alert. I’m looking forward to your next CD and next show! “
Elise V.
“Un spectacle rythmé, c’est comme voir le groupe Aerosmith à ses débuts! Une soirée qui a passé à la vitesse d’un éclair. “
Patricia L.
“Mille fois bravos à toute l'équipe de Top Johnny! Performance digne de professionnels. Un spectacle électrissssssant, excellents musiciens et un chanteur qui chante juste et qui a fait vibrer l'assistance. “
Johanne L.
Maz Bar Show feedback:
“Thank you for rocking my socks at the bar!!! Your music is wicked..and let's face it...you guys are freaking wicked. BEST FREAKING CONCERT EVVVVVVVVVER!!!! WOOOOT!
'I saw hundreds of shows in my life but you hardly ever see such an animated show anymore...I loved it!!!''
- StarBrite
EP - Kick It! released Sept. 2005
Full length self-titled album released Dec 2008.

TOP JOHNNY! is redefining Melodic Rock with it's signature sound and high-energy live performances. Their music fuses diverse genres such as Pop, Metal, Rap and Alt Rock combining them to create intense songs with catchy hooks, huge guitar riffs, pile-driving Rock beats and anthemic, sing-along choruses. An electrifying combination that really 'gives the people what they want”. Even Canadian Rock Diva, Alannah Myles described their music as "Fantastic, rocking, fun, powerfully sung and produced! Great work!!'
The band released Kick It!, their debut 7 song EP in November 2005 (mastered by Bryan Martin) and a full-length, hard-driving, self-titled album Top Johnny! in December 2008 (mixed & mastered by Glen Robinson).
TOP JOHNNY! is constantly striving to give their audiences more than they expect with a slick, refined image, charismatic stage presence and a dynamic live show that succeeds in exciting even the most discriminating Rock fan!
The band’s primary objective is to stimulate and engage their audiences with unique, high quality original songs. The band is also ready for any performance scenario boasting a large repertoire of hit cover songs spanning over 30 years of new, modern, classic and alternative rock.
TOP JOHNNY! wants to be defined by their live shows. A TOP JOHNNY! concert is not to be missed, epitomizing pure energy and spontaneity with TJ Star regularly venturing out into the crowd to play his wailing guitar solos, getting up close and personal with his fans. Band members are all accomplished musicians often switching instruments in mid show to surprise their audiences.
Formed in 2005, TOP JOHNNY! has gone on to receive rave reviews for their immense wall of sound which features songwriter TJ Star's powerful vocals and searing guitar, sexy hard-driving bassist and back vocalist Karo with drummer Hitman anchoring the rock solid rhythm section, and young guitar virtuoso Izzy Slater adding yet another layer of magic to the band's monumental sound.
TOP JOHNNY! is also committed to making a difference by initiating lasting changes in response to our planet's environmental & humanitarian challenges. As such, the band is a proud supporter of the PLANET ALERT! FOUNDATION, a non-profit organization set up to distribute 10 percent of TOP JOHNNY!’s gross revenues to local and globally recognized projects having the best chance of achieving lasting success in solving our planet's ecological and humanitarian challenges.