North York, Ontario, Canada | SELF
Heino Døssing
Toronto Metal Music Examiner
February 7, 2012
Toronto-based Tiger Star is a new name on the Toronto metal scene. January 13th 2012 the female-fronted rock / heavy metal band released its self-titled debut album “Tiger Star,” and on Friday, February 10th 2012, vocalist Mila Star and her band are ready to throw one awesome release party at the Bovine Sex Club, 542 Queen St. West, Toronto, ON.
Leading up to the Tiger Star debut album release party, this Metal Music Examiner touched base with Mila Star, who promised, “Tiger Star fans will NOT be disappointed! We’re planning a lot of really fun stuff.”
Here are the highlights from the rest of the email conversation with Mila Star:
Who is Tiger Star?
Tiger Star is a fusion of the best from heavy metal and rock, with a 21st century modern twist. The leader of the band, Mila Star, has a 5-octave voice, and she is gaining a reputation as the Marilyn Monroe of heavy metal. Tiger Star shocks people by being a heavy metal band that unites both hardcore metal heads and non-metal heads.
How was Tiger Star created?
I’ve been a vocalist my whole life. It’s what I know. It’s what I was born to do. After having been a solo-artist and in several different projects, I felt the itch to start a whole new project – and heavy metal was the natural next step. It just felt right. The timing was right and the passion was definitely there. Cam Carnage, the guitarist, was in on it from day one, and we started writing songs. I focused on lyrics, and he on composition. We both produce. Tiger Star was meant to be, and I’m really proud of what we’re doing.
What is your, Mila Star’s, source of inspiration?
I would say emotions. I sing from my soul, as cheesy as it sounds. I am a very emotional singer. Everyone in Tiger Star is very passionate in their roles. When we create and play our songs, emotions come out.
What does Tiger Star sound like?
We surprise people. Our audience is very eclectic. The heaviest of metal heads reveal that they enjoy our music, and people who wouldn’t normally listen to a metal album follow us – show after show. It’s incredible! I would say we’re a mix of the best things in rock and metal, both classical and modern. We don’t like to be put in a specific box. It’s up to the listener to decipher what we mean to them.
What is unique about Tiger Star?
I think we’re very different in our own way. This is why we invoke a lot of strong feelings. Maybe it’s our energy on stage, song composition, my vocal style or our image. I definitely think it’s a combination of things that you hear and see. We’re proud of being ourselves. We don’t follow anyone or anything. We just stay true to ourselves.
What happens after the Tiger Star release party?
During Music Week in Toronto, March 21st, we are playing for Indie Night in Canada at the Ballroom. Other shows are being nailed down for sure! We’re definitely going to play outside Canada. It’ll be announced soon, and we’re looking forward to whatever that may be!
article link:
``Upcoming major rock talent Tiger Star from Toronto is one of the fresh promising jewels in the Canadian rock music that is rocking the scene more and more.
In the where so many bands chose they easy path of writing flat songs void of climax or substituted guitar skills with 3 chords, vocals with growls Tiger star choose the difficult path of Employing a style of complex style of Iron Maiden/New classical style melodies with up beat riff and a female vocalist with a wide vocal range and a 21st century touch. The band’s front won has a 5 Octave range and she is not afraid to use it.`` “"Best Band to appear in a long time in North America. Extraordinary quality. After one just listen I can say that this record composition in production is close to an early "Iron Maiden" album quality. Mila's voice is a voice you might find as one in a million or one in 10 million......" Ala' Quadi (Live Music Metropolis-Ottawa Chapter)”
Mila Star and Cama Carnage of TIGER STAR interview by FASHIONLINE7
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZrWTHBkQIQ - FASHIONLINE7
When I walked into Sneaky Dee’s dark and early, the first band had just begun to play. The first thing I noticed about Tiger Star was not the band, but three drunk hooligans right up front who made enough noise for 15 people, moshing with each other, screaming, grabbing all the free merch Tiger Star offered and generally causing a ruckus. A good-natured ruckus, but enough to keep me well clear of the stage. The band themselves were attired like classic 80s thrashers, and shredding and headbanging passably well. Their set went on a bit too long and was rather light for my taste – too much smoke machine and not enough substance. Vocalist and front woman Mila Star is definitely the, er, star of the show, with an impressive, classically-trained vocal range and a look somewhere between Jem and the Holograms and Courtney Love. - HELLBOUND.CA
Capping off the night was Tiger Star, a band that started off with my seal of approval, as they had a female singer (Mila Star, if you’d like her name) For those who aren’t as familiar with the metal world, female fronters are far from common. From there, the band only went farther up in my esteem because not only were they female fronted, but SHE WAS GOOD, with a tonal quality that was not unlike the legendary Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden.
The precision of the guitars was dead on, backed by a chest-pounding bass beat. Soaring over top was Star’s vocals, which were hardcore and silky smooth at the same time.
I want to take a moment here to emphasize the technical excellence of these guitarists. With influences based in such diverse areas as soul and German classical music, the clarity of the guitars was (literally) music to my ears, crystal clear. On top of that, the guys made it look effortless as they danced, goofed off and stood on chairs as they played.
The best part about Tiger Star, though, was that they had FUN. This in itself made their charisma rocket up 150 points. They were definitely my Buzz Band of the night (this means you need to look them up. Now.) - EXPRESSIONS MAGAZINE
Tiger Star
This is one of my favourite bands out of Toronto these days. I think everyone’s going to start hearing a lot more about them over the next year or so. They have a rad retro sound, they look totally hot, but check out their singer, this chick can seriously wail… - BlondeMetal.com
Mila Star and Chris Powers interviewed by Julz and Gen of one of Toronto's wicked radio stations INDIELOVE
- IndieLove
DEBUT CD Released 01-13-12
Radio Stations that Play TIGER STAR music:
94.9 CHRW FM
BLONDEMETAL ckcufm.com
CFBU 103.7 FM
the Metal Experience slaminternetradio.com/listen-live
Metal Mayhem Radio

TIGER STAR is no doubt a ".. major rock talent from Toronto, and is one of the fresh promising jewels in the Canadian rock music that is rocking the scene,” according to Live Music Metropolis.
In the sweltering summer of 2009, 5 octave vocalist Mila Star created Tiger Star as a way to express her desire to perform the music she feels deeply about. Teaming up with Cam Carnage as songwriting and producing partners they created a heavy blend of rock, metal and elements of pop to create a sensational modern form of metal, which could change the minds of many music lovers.
Armed with a batch of their own songs, they surged onto the Canadian Music scene with heavy and energetic performances alongside greats such as Thor, Michael Monroe, Famous Underground, Faster Pussycat, Cauldron, Kobra and the Lotus, Sister Sin, Genitorturors, and many more artists.
Their tracks “Lolita” about wanton desire quickly climbed up and stay on the charts of Indie Love Radio in Canada, an internet-based radio station which garners millions of listeners a month. This track is also featured in full in the Canadian grindhouse-style horror film Black Eve, in which Mila Star and her band also make appearances in.
LMM also adds “…where so many bands chose they easy path of writing flat songs void of climax or substituted guitar skills with 3 chords, vocals with growls Tiger star choose the difficult path of Employing a style of complex style of Iron Maiden/New classical style melodies with upbeat riff and a female vocalist with a wide vocal range and a 21st century touch. The band’s front woman has a 5 Octave range and she is not afraid to use it. ``
Dubbed as the "Marilyn Monroe of Heavy Metal" by fans, Mila's voice is sited as "hardcore and silky smooth" by Expressions magazine; as Hellbound says that she is "impressive." In addition to the "precision" of their guitars and bass, TIGER STAR's unique blend of metal and rock is enough to get even the heaviest of metal heads wanting more.
Tiger Star’s debut album dropped worldwide on the net on January 13, 2012 winning raves from music lovers and fans alike. LMM states Tiger Star’s debut efforts “that this record composition in production is close to an early "Iron Maiden" album quality. Mila's voice is a voice you might find as one in a million or one in 10 million......"
Tiger Star recorded half their album at The Palace Room (Formerly EMI publishing studios) and at Carnage Studios. Mila Star wanted to ensure that fans received what they had been anticpating for during its fall and winter recording. As the main lyricists of the band she sings about kings and queens, battling for the soul, and turbulent love between people.
A modern twist to what sounds like a mix of the best of heavy rock and metal, TIGER STAR is destined to leave a deep unshakable impression to music loyalists.
94.9 CHRW FM
BLONDEMETAL ckcufm.com
The Metal Experience: slaminternetradio.com/listen-live
CFBU 103.7 FM