Browse: Home / Music, NYC/Brooklyn, U-S-A / Tigersapien
By Jakae • January 5, 2009
Today the guys from Tigersapien sent over some artwork two tracks from their newest EP. I gotta say, the accompanying artwork is some of the weirdest (in an awesome way) bizarre shit I’ve seen in a long time. Anyway, the tracks were produced and recorded at Mike from Designer Drugs‘ studio in Philly, Shotgun Audio. I can’t say it reminds me of anything specifically, but it definitely has a familiar sound to it. Also, we have respect for any electronic outfit that puts on a live show with drums, bass, guitar, and synths; so check out these two tracks, word on the street is that we will have another along with a Designer Drugs remix for your downloading pleasure sometime next week. And on a side note, if they wear these masks on stage, well that would pretty much be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. - jacuzzi killers.
Tigersapien is wild as hell. I'd heard of these guys, but never checked them out until these tracks leaked my way. I knew when I hit their myspace that I would like them because look at those pics! Their sound is dirty electro rock with a focus on electro. Unlike some electro rock which I find myself bored of, there are vocals, usually filtered through some kind of effect. Very cool shit. Check out these two tracks, which will be on an upcoming EP...
...Tigersapien has got to be one of my favorite new discoveries. Part of it is the "what the fuck?" factor, but despite (or in addition to) the raunchy pictures and tiger masks, their music is great. They have a cool, danceable electro rock sound without being overly excited or whiny like a lot of electro rock seems to be these days. Right now the guys are working on their live set, which according to them, is going to be badass. I'm gonna buy a tiger mask and go. Here are two more songs from their upcoming EP. - pigeons and planes.
From the streets of Philadelphia comes the blogs new favorite kids, Tigersapien.
These cats, pun totally intended, have ties that run deep within the musical community both within the Philadelphia area as well as my sleepy town of Tallahassee. I first found out about Tigersapien through my boy Maniac Magee of Rough House Tactics, who though their sound was right up my alley. Maniac and Tigersapien go years back it turns out, each one calling the other "family" in the highest regard.
After talking with boys of Tigersapien myself, I also found out that they are quite good friends with Michael from Designer Drugs, who actually helped record and master these tunes as well as make an official remix (which will be released shortly).
But what makes Tigersapien a breathe of fresh air is not who they know or who helped make their tunes, it's how they make their tunes. All these tracks are preformed live with a drummer, guitarist, bassist, and lots of laptops and synths and whanot... like a band. Remember those?
Live production, live performance, live electro goodness... Long live Tigersapien!
Taste it!
- penned madness.
So you're into your electro, but you're also into a bit of rock, ya know, you like listening to Le Castle Vania and the such. That kind of electro-rock crossover, not the electro-indie crossover, but the electro-ROCK crossover. Something a bit thrashy, fist pumpin' and head-bangin'... Imagine picking up a guitar, and wanting to play something like that -what would come out? Something that'd come out perfectly in the form of dance and rock maybe? Catchy electronic riffs, chunky bridges and big face-melting riffs that'd work perfectly after a drop yeah? YEAH!! Ah imagine it, it'd be amazing!! You could be some kind of Electronic Rock God!!
Too late, there's already some guys that have picked up on this new genre, and boy, they rock.
Let me introduce to you Tigersapien
Four guys from Philadelphia and New York, working together to create something new and exciting for the electro world. Like a full band version of a DJ, combining that unique blend of rock music and electronica. Already featured on a few blogs, they're creating quite a stir in the scene and I can officially say they're gonna be huge. They're breaking out onto the live scene very soon, just tightening up their sets and I for one hope they come to the UK with their tour. For now though, they're showing what they're all about with some promo's off their upcoming first EP.
And being from Philly/NY, who would've thought, they're bessie mates with the one and only, Louis Louis favourites, Designer Drugs!? Apparently they've been working quite closely with the guys and you can tell from their sound the influence DD have. So much so that I can say, if you love Designer Drugs, you'll dig Tigersapien. Trust me, ennit.
- louis louis.
What do humanoid tigers do when they’re not tearing it up at strip joints?
They make badass punky ElectroPop, that’s what!
I’m really digging Tigersapien, poppy but with a raw edge and dancefloor credentials…and they’re Tigers who like strippers, what’s not to like?
- electronic rumors.
1. tigersapien - EP.
we're all over the blogs, internet radio, and small terrestrial radio stations.

we were fucking tired of seeing dj's at every club we went to. yeah, the music sounds good, but it's like watching some jerk from geek squad set up your internet connection. we wanted to bring the sonic quality of a dj set (bass in your face!!!, filtered sounds, and super tight beats) to a live setting that was more energetic and entertaining.
we've developed a dj-set/live band hybrid that delivers the best of both worlds.