Third From First
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States | SELF
This band has no press
2008 - The Beginning (Full length CD)
2009- Time (EP)

God first, others second, I’m third. That is what it means to be Third From First. After almost five years of playing together, the six young men that comprise Third From First (TFF) are more determined than ever to live a life that reflects this simple truth. They are also determined to use their God-given gifts to open the door for people to see and encounter Jesus Christ by adding to His kingdom daily.
TFF believes that being in a “Christian rock band” means more than obtaining a certain image, music style or performance. It means living life intentionally with honesty, intensity, integrity and passion. Whether you see TFF live or listen to one of their recorded projects, the wall of sound that greets you presents evidence of these four things. It is proof of a lifestyle based on the constant pursuit of excellence in their relationships with Jesus Christ, their family, their friends and their fans. It is also the picture of a lifestyle lived with confidence in God’s unconditional love, forgiveness and grace when they fall.
Every aspect of TFF, whether it’s the screaming guitars, slamming keys, booming drums and bass or soaring tenor vocal, works together to reveal the intensity and skill with which these young men play. Each aspect also works together to reveal the growing intensity and passion with which Steve, Mike, Nick, Troy, Andrew and Ron continue to work toward fulfilling their mission to reach out and connect people to our Lord and Savior through powerful Christian hard rock. The intent of TFF is not to become something they are not, but rather to allow God to use them through their imperfections in order to write, sing and play about the need for a Savior.
When you have the opportunity to experience TFF live, songs like “Carry Me” reveal the truth about human brokenness and the need for salvation, while songs like “Break Away” and “Belong to You” make clear the truth that we can gain freedom from sin and pain through the redemption of Jesus Christ. The driving desire behind TFF is to live lives that are infectious and reflect the strength discovered through brokenness. The guys of TFF believe that their lives are not their own and have been bought at a price. Therefore, they will continue to strive to live lives revealing that they have been eternally changed by their Savior.