This one time quite a long time ago we saw a band at the Boat and they blew our freaking minds. They were called TheYageLetters, and they are from Guelph. Their razor sharp musicianship gave their sweeping instrumentals a damn hard edge and while they did remind us of Explosions in the Sky a bit back then, they sound harder, faster, louder now, not unlike Wexford's very fine Adebisi Shank but kind of a bit metal. - Torontoist
"A symphony of rhythm and rock would be the best way to describe The YageLetters. The instrumental post-rock band composes using multitudinous layers, giving the listener a reason to set each song on repeat..." - Target Audience Magazine
"the songs seem to tell a sort of stry, alternating between powerful rock ballads (reminiscent of Coheed & Cambria) and soft, introspective melodies..." - UNCHARTED SOUNDS
"connection is a must for the band, with an interest in promoting and innovating post-rock by exposing their many voices and artistic timbres...." - UNCHARTED SOUNDS
"F#$kin' rad songs!!!..." - FAR PAST POST RADIO USA
Incoming Yage Ep {2010}
Hieroglyphics {2008}
Grow > Build Ep - {2007}

"TheYageLetters - Instrumental Post-Rock - Inspiring, breathtaking, powerful and energetic are just a few words to describe TheYageLetters live show. nominated by Scene Magazine for Best Rock Group in London Ontario, they are an Instrumental post-rock band who has been together for four years and have released three albums. They are graduates from the world renowned Music Industry Arts at Fanshawe College, have toured Ontario and Quebec several times as well as the East coast of Canada. and are now known as one of the best up and coming live acts in Ontario. Similar to Tool, Mono, Russian Circles, Explosions in the Sky
TheYageLetters are members of the Grow>Build Arts Collective which is a music/arts collective that focuses on promoting the Canadian arts (music, art, film)"
As well as, Art For Progress (non profit organization based in NYC USA) which is an organization that is committed to the cultivation and support of emerging artists working in diverse genres: the visual arts, fashion, music, film, and new media.
t h e y a g e l e t t e r s were originally four seeds blown west, cultivated of musical backgrounds in the autumn of oh-seven among inspiring friends and basement jams. Among the first, an attic performance was recorded and this created their first work: the 'Grow>Build EP' [2007].
note: during this period, the tree grew its first branch to accompany the original four.
t h e y a g e l e t t e r s were nourished through a year of educational slow cooking through numerous appearances and advanced friendships while slowly embarking to the quiet, wintery confines of the north to devour therein-said stew of knowledge to produce their second work: 'Hieroglyphics' [2008].
note: throughout this growth, a limb was deliberately cut down because of nearby electrical wires; but the dying branch, with its last ounce of effort, coaxed a new bough to emerge from the thickening stump.
t h e y a g e l e t t e r s toured along the easterly banks of Canada, to its Atlantic bays and back in the early spring of oh-nine among inspiring friends and loft filled jams. One by one, they slowly transplanted themselves from west to east, and caught some summer winds bound for Toronto to produce their brand new album: the 'Incoming Yage EP' [2010].
note: soon after this growth period, two branches were lost to storm - one to flood and one to ice - with the aforementioned casualty quickly blooming to expose a fresh unscathed branch; but this time, attached was a tire swing.
t h e y a g e l e t t e r s are always looking for alike minds, developed ears, and cultured supporters to help them grow.
Read more: http://www.myspace.com/theyageletters