The Trash*Pop Icons
San Jose, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | INDIE
Jackie Cular Interview with The Trash Pop Icons during South By So What 7. - In The Key Of Change
We're still recovering from an amazing week at SXSW and Buzznet's mind is blown by the amazing bands we got to hang with. We had a blast talking to the Trash Pop Icons who shared all the behind-the-scenes secrets from their most embarassing moments on stage, crazy fan encounters and the band (besides their own!) they'd love to be in! - Buzznet
Time to swing the spotlight onto another indie band, and this time we’re pointing it squarely on The Trash Pop Icons. They are high-energy pop-rock trio fronted by sisters Nadia and Naomi Zep. Loud, fast, and most definitely danceable, The Trash Pop Icons have made a name for themselves in the NorCal area, including winning the first ever Whole Foods Market and VH! ‘Raw And Unprocessed’ Team Member Music Project in 2012. - Indie Minded
Since none of us here at Lucy Out Loud will be able to attend SXSW this year, we’ve put together a list of 50 acts(in no particular order) we think those of you that are attending shouldn't miss!
The Trash Pop Icons
Fronted by sisters Nadia and Naomi Zep, the group has made a name for themselves throughout the San Francisco Bay area. The group’s debut album, A Way With Words, has a sound for any type of listener and an energy that is sure to translate to the stage. - Lucy Out Loud
San Francisco Bay area sisters Naomi and Nadia Zep, along with drummer Bobby Templin, took a moment from their busy SXSW schedule to talk about their new album A Way With Words. Described as “power-pop” the sisters had been playing together for more than a decade, even playing on the Vans Warped Tour.
Tell me about your current album
Nadia Zep — The current album is called A Way With Words and Bobby isn’t on it unfortunately, he came after. It’s out first full-length album and it’s released on Vindicated Records. It’s a fun Indie label that was good enough to pick us up and help us out. We’re really excited about getting going on our next one, too.
Are the songs really personal to you?
Nadia Zep — A lot of the songs are about the same person for me. I think.
I understand you’re already itching to get your next album underway, why?
Naomi Zep — The first album was a challenge, just because we didn’t have Bobby in the band, so we had to do a lot of acoustic songs, sent them to the label with notes on how we wanted the drum parts to sound, before we even go into the studio. While I love our first album, it’s a very specific type of sound, but not necessarily the sound we have right now, just because we are now 100 percent in charge of what our sound is.
Nadia Zep — The studio had to add their flavor of drummer and I still don’t know their names, but they’re on our tracks. It’s hard to communicate some things via email, like ‘I hearing a little diddle diddle dee and it should be diddle dee diddle dee.’ How do you describe that?
You’re a recent addition to the Trash Pop Icons, what’d you do before?
Bobby Templin — Before I started playing with them, I played with a band out of Oregon called Indubious. I went to music school, so I was classically trained on a lot of different styles.
What do you add and what is like being thrust into this girl group?
Bobby Templin — I tell you what, there is a lot of feminine energy and it is different being in a band with women. But it’s good. They have all the ideas and they had a lot of it already going and were working with people. Even though that first album isn’t exactly what they wanted, they had some good people playing on it, so it was really easy for me. I pick things up really fast. That is what I do. I step in and pick up the sons fast. I let them get out front and shine. I’m not some drummer who is just loud playing a bunch of crap. Also with their feminine energy, I give the bands some balls. - A.R.T.S.Y. Magazine
Joining SXSW in Austin, TX for the very first time was pop/rock band, Trash Pop Icons! They gave a powerful performance at the Thirsty Nickel that filled the air with radiance and energy. Having traveled from San Francisco/Bay Area, CA, be sure check the Trash Pop Icons’ performance here at Chill Den! - The Chill Den
If you're one of the lucky ones heading down to Austin, TX for 2014's SXSW festival, you can still support bay area music by wandering a bit beyond festival bounds.
Winners of the 2013 LIVE 105 Not-So-Silent-Night Local Band contest, Fritz Montana, will be bringing their blues-based jam to several Austin clubs, while SF's, Trash Pop Icon's have slated a few clubs, as well. Both acts have multiple performances at multiple time, as well (see below for complete schedules).
The performances are even more significant, as each band braces for the release of brand new material. Fritz Montana will be releasing a 7-song album (which is being mixed, as we speak), in the coming weeks, while The Trash Pop Icon's have a pair of new songs breaking, as well.
Stay tuned for news and review of these aforementioned releases. Meanwhile, check the schedule, with included stages:
The Trash Pop Icons Showcases:
Wed March 12 at 12:00pm-12:20pm at Thirsty Nickel (Big Picture Media)
Wed March 12 at 3:20pm-3:50pm at Shiner's Saloon (Texas Rockfest)
Thurs March 13 at 6:00pm-6:45pm at Blue Moon (Texas Rockfest)
Fri March 14 at 7:45pm-8:15pm at LOT323 Showcase (Colorado&4th) - Examiner.com
Preparing for our trip to Austin for SXSW, I felt like a kid preparing for my first day of school. Not really knowing what to expect and full of questions. What’s it going to be like? Are people going to like me? Do I have everything I need? Did I pack enough shoes?! Needless to say, I was nervous, but excited and I think we all felt that.
Once we landed and drove away from the airport towards downtown, it was a little bit of a shock that Austin wasn’t at all what I expected. Where we all the cowboys?! Downtown Austin actually reminded each of us a lot of our home in San Francisco. The main differences were the food trucks everywhere and the fact that everyone was more than willing to have a conversation. Meeting so many friendly people quickly eased all my nerves and made my decision of whether or not I liked Texas and easy one; I loved it!
I thought that being a female fronted band an event like this was going to be a bit of a challenge, but it proved to be the opposite. I think we got a little bit more attention for that. This was refreshing considering back home being a female fronted rock band makes it harder for people to pay attention and care. Or, at least, that’s how it feels sometimes. However, we soon found out that the only negative thing about being a “chick” band (sorry Bobby – our drummer) was how the humidity affected our hair! God bless Helene Curtis for inventing hair spray back in the 50’s. (yes, that’s a fact.) My sister, Naomi, and I would’ve been lost without it.
Day time on 6th street during SXSW can be compared to your typical street fair only multiply the head count by about a thousand. Night time transforms 6th street into a madhouse (multiply the head count by a million! Or, at least, that’s how it feels). Crazy outfits. Music EVERYWHERE! People performing on the roofs of their cars. Anything just to get heard. Cd’s, flyers, food containers, etc. cover the streets like a grassy field in spring. It can be overwhelming at times, but that fact that everyone there has traveled for miles solely for the love of music makes the vibe out on the street unlike any I’ve ever experienced before.
When I was a kid first learning how to play guitar, SXSW and Austin, TX seemed like a million miles away. I had heard about it and was in awe of all the bands that were able to make the journey across country or across multiple countries and seas to be a part of it. To actually BE there, experiencing something so beautiful was a dream come true for me. (The SXSW tragedy is exempt from this statement. Our hearts go out to those affected and their families.)
Now that we’re home, I have a whole new list of questions for myself, only this time they’re a little bit different. What has this experience taught me? So much it’s hard to summarize. I think I’m still taking in the lessons. How and what can we improve? I am more aware now of my areas of opportunity as a performer than I ever was. Did I pack too many pairs of shoes? No way! There’s no such thing. Are we going back next year? Hell yes we are! And prepare yourself Texas, because we’re going to come back stronger and rocking harder than ever!
-Nadia* - Lucy Out Loud
I think it’s safe to say that SXSW is a like the great pilgrimage to mecca, but the pilgrims are musicians and music fans, and mecca is 6th street in downtown Austin, TX. As we sat at a bar in SFO, waiting to board our flight, we met a young girl equally as tired and excited as we were to share our flight full of musicians and industry professionals, and join the madness that was scheduled to begin hours before we landed. We quickly found out that, unlike us, this was not her first time going and she had a ton of advice, stories and food truck suggestions that we were eager to listen.
For those of you who have never been, SXSW is basically split up into two huge events. There’s the main SXSW event that is super exclusive, costs, like, a million dollars to be a part of and is held at the convention center. Then there’s the other event, which is held throughout the town, but mainly on 6th street, which they close off for safety, and includes every bar and restaurant for what seems like a 5 mile radius. Entry to this is free, and trust me it’s where you want to be anyway.
There isn’t a single time of the day where the streets and bars aren’t filled with tons of people all waiting to hear awesome music, maybe witness the beginning stages of “the next big thing,” or possibly meet a celebrity or two. So, if loud noises and large crowds give you anxiety, SXSW isn’t for you. For the rest of you, SXSW is an experience you will never forget. Unless you find yourself having too much fun at the bars, in which case, you might forget. But that’s totally ok. Because that’s the beauty of SXSW and a big part of the reason “keep Austin weird” t-shirts exist.
For all you musicians planning on making the trip, SXSW is a great place to gain exposure and get your music heard. The venues and music fans are all excited to hear you and see what you have to offer. You’re provided most of the gear you would need to have an awesome show, but be sure you do your research because, as we learned the hard way, not every venue offers you everything you need to play. You can’t imagine how stressful it is to be far from home, where the only people you know are your band and the people you met at your shows, and then the sound guy tells you that you were required to bring a kick drum pedal that you just so happened to leave at home. Thankfully for us, all those stories had happy endings. Yes, it happened more than once.
If I could offer some advice to future SXSW go-ers, I would say, wear comfortable shoes, bring a phone charger with you EVERYWHERE, drink lots of water and whatever you do, no matter how tired you are, DO NOT over do it on vodka-redbulls. This can only end badly. Yes, I learned this the hard way also. But all in all, SXSW is awesome and unlike anything else. It’s like a tattoo really, you do it once and chances are you’ll be addicted. With that being said, I can’t wait to go back and play again next year.
P.S. I wanted to leave you with some artists we saw and really enjoyed that I think you all should check out. That said, here are…
Bands We Saw And Recommend:
Lost In Los Angeles
Carbon Tigers
Fritz Montana
Bristol To Memory - Infectious Magazine
We’re The Trash Pop Icons from San Francisco, Ca. We’re a three piece pop rock band fronted by sisters Naomi and Nadia Zep with our drummer Bobby Templin. People most frequently compare our sound to Paramore, but that could also be because there aren’t enough women in the rock genre. However, we totally accept and appreciate the compliment.
As a lead-up to South by Southwest, The Noise Room is talking to bands and artists performing at SXSW. Here’s what Trash Pop Icons had to say:
What do like most about playing at SXSW?
We don’t know yet. We’ve never played SXSW or even been to Texas, we’ve only just heard about it and what an awesome experience it is. More than anything though, we look forward to hearing some great music, meeting awesome people and eating lots of food.
Are you out promoting anything?
Mainly just ourselves and our music. We have an album out already called A Way With Words, which is available on iTunes, Amazon, etc. We also have a new album coming out (currently untitled), which we are VERY excited about. In fact, our set lists for our showcases are mostly made up of songs off this new album.
Are there any bands or musicians that you are looking forward to checking out?
For me, personally, I really look forward to seeing other women fronted bands. Again, I feel as though there aren’t enough of us out there and it’s very important that we all support each other.
What are the challenges for you or your band when playing at SXSW?
Because we’ve never played SXSW or any of the unofficial showcases, I think the whole thing will be a little bit of a challenge. I mean, we don’t really know what to expect. I know that all the showcases are back lined, which is convenient yet challenging at the same time because I don’t know exactly what equipment I’m playing on. So that can be a little scary, but we welcome the challenge and look forward to seeing how it all goes.
Do you have any survival tips for those attending SXSW?
Only just what other people have told me, which is: wear comfortable shoes, wear sunscreen and stay hydrated.
Are you more “stick around, check out music and enjoy the scene” or “play as many shows as possible then get out”?
Definitely stick around and watch if possible.
What are your SXSW Show Times?
Wed March 12 at 12:00pm-12:20pm at Thirsty Nickel (Big Picture Media)
Wed March 12 at 4:00pm-4:30pm at Shiner’s Saloon (Texas Rockfest)
Thurs March 13 at 7:00-7:45pm at Blue Moon (Texas Rockfest)
Fri March 14 between 7-10pm (exact time TBD) at LOT323′s The L8 Show Showcase (Colorado&4th)
What is the best way for people to contact and connect with you?
www.trashpopicons.com - The Noise Room
The Trash Pop Icons are a high-energy pop-rock trio fronted by sisters Nadia and Naomi Zep. Loud, fast, and definitely danceable, The Trash Pop Icons have made a name for themselves in the NorCal area, including winning the first ever Whole Foods Market and VH! 'Raw And Unprocessed' Team Member Music Project in 2012.
One things you would suggest to people:
Make time to do things you love or things that make you truly happy at least once a day. Also, hug more.
Longest your hair has been?
If you combine both my (Nadia) hair and Naomi's hair, I think it would reach about four feet.
Something you miss:
Being in the studio.
Do you believe in karma?
Definitely. "Instant karma is going to get you..." - John Lennon
Every bought anything on Etsy?
Yes! I (Nadia) just bought a pair of boots off my roommate on Etsy haha! I don't think Naomi's ever bought anything off Etsy, though.
Last picture you took:
It was a selfie I (Nadia) sent to Naomi so she could see what I was planning on wearing when we play in Austin.
Do you sing in the shower?
Oddly enough, no. Only when I'm in the process of writing a song. I'll bet Naomi does, though. You can never shut her up. She's ALWAYS singing.
Were you ever a baby sitter?
Yes, we both were, and we hated almost every minute of it.
Is there a lot of sibling rivalry that happens within your band?
Not really. I think, if there is, it helps us strive to be better at what we do.
How do The Trash Pop Icons differ from your previous band, Letters Make Words?
The Trash Pop Icons have more of a pop feel, which is definitely apparent with our upcoming album. When we listen to LMW, we can hear that we were just kids then. Now, we're taking a different approach and writing about different, more mature topics. There are definitely some similarities, though, but Naomi and I feel more free as musicians and performers now. - Shakefire
The Beach Boys, Heart, the Carpenters — some great music has come from bands with family ties. In fact, looking back, I think my brother and I missed our calling as the modern day Karen and Richard Carpenter (ok, maybe that’s an exaggeration.) Seriously though, The Trash Pop Icons are Whole Foods Market’s® very own example of rock star sibling success.
Sisters and bandmates Naomi and Nadia Zep, the recently announced winners of the Raw and Unprocessed Team Member Music Project, have been making music together and dreaming big in the San Francisco Bay area for more than 10 years. Both women are also Team Members in our Whole Body department — Naomi at the Redwood City store and Nadia at the Los Altos store.
This sister act struck a chord with the public after receiving almost 6,000 votes in our first ever Team Member Music contest and they are now preparing to hit a high note in Napa on November 2, at the Live in the Vineyard festival in front of an intimate audience of music industry elite.
They’re playing for the public, too! The Trash Pop Icons will be opening for Delta Rae (a band that also include siblings), a VH1 You Oughta Know artist, at the Napa store on Saturday, November 3. Find out the details on the Napa store’s events page.
The duo’s winning song, “Best of Me,” showcases their unique and self-described “trash pop” style — a fine mix of rock and pop with just enough rhythm to make you want to dance. The Trash Pop Icons have definitely made their mark with their dueling vocals, catchy melodies and charismatic stage presence. See for yourself in their music video for “Best of Me.” - The Whole Story
Congratulations to Naomi and Nadia Zep, the San Francisco Bay area sisters behind the rock-pop-dance band known as The Trash Pop Icons. Their original song “Best of Me” was announced on Friday as the winner of the first annual Raw and Unprocessed Music Project, a contest sponsored by Whole Foods Market and VH1′s You Oughta Know franchise. Beginning in April 2012, Raw and Unprocessed invited Whole Foods employees from across the country to submit original pieces of music for the chance to star in a professional music video and open for Delta Rae at both the Napa music, wine and food event, Live in the Vineyard and a public performance at the Whole Foods in Napa. The Zep sisters’ song was chosen by a public vote from 10 finalists, which were narrowed down from 729 national entries by a panel of Whole Foods Market team members. You can hear the finalists’ songs on the player at the Raw and Unprocessed website. The video below is another one of the Trash Pop Icons’ songs, “Screaming Your Name.”
Whole Foods has found a great way to link their promotion of all-natural, unprocessed foods to the local music scene. At a time when most chart-topping songs make us want to say, “Holy autotune, Batman!”, it’s really refreshing to see support for up-and-coming musicians with an “unprocessed” sound. - Healthy Way To Cook
Whole Foods Market® Team Members to open for VH1 artist Delta Rae at Live in the Vineyard festival
AUSTIN, Texas (Sept. 17, 2012) – Whole Foods Market Team Members rock, but only one band found the key to success in the company’s Raw and Unprocessed Music Project. The Trash Pop Icons beat out the competition to be named the winner in the first-ever contest.
Naomi and Nadia Zep, sisters and bandmates in The Trash Pop Icons, are both Whole Foods Market Team Members in the Bay area—Naomi at the Redwood City store and Nadia at the Los Altos store.
After making music together for more than 10 years, the sisters started this “trash pop” project, which they describe as a danceable mix of rock and pop that can heard in their winning song “Best of Me.”
“We are honored to have had the chance to participate in this competition,” said Naomi Zep, Raw and Unprocessed winner. “Winning this music project has proved to us that dreams really can come true. Performing at Live in the Vineyard gives us exposure that we wouldn’t have had otherwise. It’s an amazing opportunity.”
Whole Foods Market partnered with VH1 and its You Oughta Know franchise, which highlights up-and-coming musicians across its national platform, to help provide the winners with more access to music influencers and executives. The duo will open for Delta Rae at Live in the Vineyard in Napa, Calif. during the first weekend in November. The pair will also star in a professional music video and open for Delta Rae at a public performance at the Whole Foods Market Napa store on Nov. 2.
Whole Foods Market launched the first-ever Raw and Unprocessed contest in April 2012, inviting Team Members from across the country to submit an original piece of music. Regional panels selected their favorites from 729 total entries, which were reviewed by a national panel of Whole Foods Market Team Members, who selected the ten finalists for public voting. - Whole Foods Market
Trash-pop is, apparently, '80s-style anthem rock, but played acoustically, and with ample vocal harmonies. That's how the Trash Pop Icons make it sound, anyway. The Icons, sisters Naomi & Nadia Zep, first made a name for themselves sharing lead-vocal roles in the acclaimed San Francisco alternative-pop-rock band, Letters Make Words. (Live 105's Soundcheck loved them). Now they're a duo, with a casual, funny attitude (very evident on stage) that belies the seriousness of the songs. - SanJose.com
Podcast: http://www.fccfreeradio.com/archive/unbound%20sound/unbound_previous_2013-07-31_21-58-04.mp3
Pt. 1
Los Bastardos de Amor
Los Bastardos de Amor - Impossible
Los Bastardos de Amor - Figured Out
David Bowie - Suffragette City
The Cult - Love Removal Machine
Aerosmith - Sick as a Dog (Live)
Black Sabbath - Hole in the Sky
King Crimson - Three of a Pair
Stryper - Loud 'n' Clear
Los Bastardos de Amor - When She Comes Around
Pt. 2
The Trash Pop Icons
The Trash Pop Icons - Love Hate
The Trash Pop Icons - Stupid Love
The Trash Pop Icons - Staying Awake for You
The Trash Pop Icons - The Shame
The Trash Pop Icons - Screaming Your Name
The Trash Pop Icons - Best of Me
The Trash Pop Icons - Cold Shoulder (Hey Jonny) - The Unbound Sound Show
San Francisco’s Trash Pop Icons are a new brand of female-fronted rock and roll. With all the charisma and raw energy of rock’s most legendary frontwomen, sisters Naomi and Nadia Zep have taken the Bay Area by storm in the three years since the band’s inception. Formerly, the two had fronted pop-punk band Letters Make Words, who earned a place on stage at San Francisco’s Warped Tour 2009. As the Trash Pop Icons, the two sisters have also earned a good deal of recognition in a short time, winning the Fall 2012 Raw and Unprocessed competition through Whole Foods for the opportunity to play alongside Alanis Morissette, Grace Potter & The Nocturnals and Gavin DeGraw at VH1’s Live In The Vineyard concert. Now signed to Vindicated Records, they released their debut album, ‘A Way With Words,’ last year. The record showcases their edgy rock style and strong pop sensibilities, with Naomi on bass, Nadia on guitar, and both contributing vocals. - Avenue Live
Given that Green Day was the first band I ever fell in love with, I suppose I'll always have a soft spot for a good pop-punk song. The key word there is "good," which is in short supply these days. That's why I did a small fist-pump in my office the first time I heard this track: it's catchy, it's funny...my God, it's good. Their debut release A Way With Words is pretty solid on the whole, and I'm bummed I missed them at SXSW. - Houston Press
VH1 and Whole Foods Market are proud to introduce you to San Francisco’s The Trash Pop Icons, the winners of Raw and Unprocessed Team Member Music Project. Sisters, bandmates and Whole Foods teammates Naomi and Nadia Zep have been making music together in the San Francisco Bay area for more than decade, and their song “Best of Me” is charged with an energy and attitude that will have you thinking the The Go-Go‘s are back.
The Trash Pop Icons will open for this month’s VH1 You Oughta Know artists, Delta Rae (who are also a family band of sorts!), as well as the opportunity to play alongside amazing artists like Alanis Morissette, Grace Potter & The Nocturnals and Gavin DeGraw at the Live In The Vineyard festival, in Napa on November 2 [2012]. - VH1
Hailing all the way from San Francisco, Trash Pop Icons never thought it would be possible to play SXSW Music Festival. People say dreams don’t always come true but luckily for these talented sisters and drummer Bobby, they got lucky this year! I had the opportunity to capture the experience of the new world they were in and have a word with the band about their upcoming music! - Static Magazine
Debut Album - "A Way With Words" released July 2013
1) Love/Hate
2) Know
3) Stupid Love
4) Staying Awake For You
5) Screaming Your Name
6) Cold Shoulder (Hey Jonny)
7) The Shame
8) Villain Song
iTunes Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/a-way-with-words/id666023646

The Trash Pop Icons are sisters Naomi and Nadia Zep. The power-pop duo have been making music together for over a decade and have established quite a presence in the San Francisco Bay Area. When fronting their previous band, Letters Make Words, the sisters earned themselves a spot on the Vans Warped Tour, playing the Kevin Say Stage and were named one of the top 10 Bands in the Bay Area multiple times by local DJ Aaron Axelson of Live105.
The girls are proud to release their first full length album A Way With Words and are looking forward to touring to support their record. As winners of the first annual Whole Foods Market and VH1 Raw and Unprocessed Team Member Music Project they intend to become a staple on iPods and stereos everywhere worldwide.
Check out our music video for Best of Me: http://youtu.be/Vj7u1yUKOmw
Band Members