The Remony
Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States
The Remony is a pop rock band hailing from northeast Indiana. The group is comprised of five members, four guys, and one gal. The band boasts dual lead vocals and the ability to harness the assertiveness of rock while maintaining a Top 40 sound. In an independent music scene formerly dominated by Indie, punk rock, and experimental music, The Remony offers a unique and distinct voice amidst the noise.
Initially the band was formed simply to fill a performance spot, held by founder/band leader, Jason Best, in the 2012 Fandana Music Festival, in Huntington, Indiana. Jason reached out to drummer, Mike Pattengale, and guitarist, Josh Wenning who had all worked on previous music projects together. It was through Pattengales connections that vocalist, Jordan Brown, and bassist, Troy Whonsetler, were added to the team. Only expecting to play together for the Fandana festival, the band was surprised with their immediate chemistry and ability to create. The bands first single, Brace Yourself, was written within their first practice together. After one short month of preparing for Fandana, the band decided to stay together and pursue making music beyond the festival. Almost immediately, enough material was written and arranged to fill an EP
and so was born A lot To Learn.
Coming off of a successful showing at Fandana Music and Arts Festival, The Remony went straight into the studio to record their debut single, Brace Yourself. The release of this track allowed the group to promote itself while preparations were made to produce a 5 song EP. During this time of preparation, a summation of a common theme and message, from the record, was found within the song A Lot to Learn.
The concept behind A lot To Learn was actually born while I (Jason) was watching the news back in the Spring of 2012. Three stories came on back to back about sex trafficking in United States, the Kony 2012 film, and the ongoing Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. My immediate thought was that our generation likes to talk a lot but lacks a sense of action. Were complaining about the issues but taking no initiative to change them. A Lot To Learn is a charge to our generation to be the change.
- Jason Best
Each song on the record speaks specifically to different personal struggles our generation encounters. Its The Remonys hope that our audience will find inspiration to face down the obstacles that prevent them from being a change in their society.
After releasing the A Lot To Learn EP, The Remony has resumed playing shows to promote the album. With enough material already written for another release, the band has begun planning for another record and is gearing up for a vigorous tour schedule this summer. In order to directly promote our message, The Remony has partnered with organizations like Mudlove Pottery (benefitting clean water for Africa), and Destiny Rescue (promoting human rights). By doing so the band is answering the call to be the change.