The New World Side Order
New York City, New York, United States | INDIE
I have seen the future of hip-hop. It is a bleak wasteland. MCs are incarcerated just for spitting rhymes. Graffiti is a crime punishable by immediate execution. And amidst this cultural and political dystopia, only 2 MC's, a DJ, and Alien Man remain true to the roots of hip-hop. They are The New World Side Order. Dressed in hazmat suits to avoid the toxic air, and fueled by the ancient Colt 45 40 ounces strapped to their backs, they rebel against totalitarian bullshit and advise us to avoid their future.
The Side Order was the main dish at the monthly Enter the Cypher event, hosted by Cousin Larry's this past Friday night. Rocking steadily for years now, the Cypher is usually host to more traditional forms of rap. But New World Side Order uses rock's theatrics to create a stage show that features props, skits, and a creative storyline. It's an innovative way to solve one of hip-hop's enduring problems: the fact that there's not much to watch on the stage. Sure, rappers can hand gesture all they want, or pace furtively around the performance space, but other than their attractiveness and charisma (or lack thereof), an MC can't really bring much more than his voice to the stage. Ditto for the DJ, whose intricate art is entirely lost upon the crowd without some kind of camera to display his work. Of course, New World Side Order will seem wack to purists, who'll want to defend their own right to be boring.
Astute rap fans will note that the whole "coming back from the horrific future" schtick has been done before — notably by Del tha Funkee Homosapien, whose Deltron 3030 album is essentially the first and last word in time-travel rap. But DJ Halo respectfully sampled a drum break from the Deltron disc, as if to say that they're not biting Del's idea — they just want to give it their own spin. You can check out the future at myspace.com/thenewworldsideorder.
By Dan Barry - Hartford Advocate 5/19/2009
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_2xbpvTBSk - M3 SONIC SHOWDOWN 10/15/2009
New World Side Order EP/DVD
2009 MINDSpray Records

C.O.N.C.E.P.T.2020 (MC), The Crazy Eric Carthage2020 (MC), Quazzar2020 (Beats), their extraterrestrial friend PeePeekakatooey (Alien Hype Man) and - depending on the state of the Space Time Continuum - MilkMoney2020 (DJ), Halo2020 (DJ) are the group known as THE NEW WORLD SIDE ORDER.
They come from the future - the year 2020 to be exact – hailing from a world that is toxic and devastated. In this world, Hip Hop was the leading voice against injustice before society plummeted into a permanent state of turmoil. Hip Hop was outlawed as well as all arts that questioned the nefarious Shadow Government, which acts as the puppet master for all countries and economies.
The Shadow Government tried to serve Hip Hop a Disco-like death, but when they failed they began framing Hip Hop artists as terrorists. Any one who MCed, DJed, produced Beats, Beat Boxed, Break Danced, or partook in Graffiti Art were severally punished for practicing their elements. In their time The New World Side Order live as outlaws for continuing to perform their illegal Hip Hop arts, the last surviving artists in 2020.
The world eventually evolved to a state where it could no longer be treated or saved. The poor stayed on Earth, while the rich colonized and started a new and pleasant life on Mars. In order to save Earth and defeat The Shadow Government, the only option for The New World Side Order was to go back in time. The New World Side Order pose a deadly threat to the government’s oppressive regime as the combination of their beats and lyrics create a vibration which disrupts the Shadow Government’s communications, weapons, and general infrastructure.
Seeking help, they teamed up with the Alien Mutant Hybrid Doctor Megabeatsbump, inventor of the Chronic Alien Mental Dimensional Time Machine. Forced to make their time slip early as The Shadow Government closed in, they did not have a chance to develop a way to travel back to the future. Unfortunately, The New World Side Order are hindered by their mutant adaptation to the environment from the future. Forced to live in our present with their Toxic Purification Suits constantly worn, clean water and fresh air are hazardous to their health.
So as long as they exist in the present year they are intent on completing their mission, a mission not only to save Hip Hop but the whole entire world as well. What happens to this world affects the state of the universe and control over the entire known galaxy. If they do not save the world they’re at least going to stay drunk and high rocking parties all the way into the inevitable devastated future they know all too well. The New World Side Order taking Futuristic Crunk World Wide Since 2020!
Achievements: 2009 M3 Video Contest Winners
Born In San Francisco CA, raised in Toronto ONT, currently residing in Brooklyn NY. This duel citizen MC has made his mark as a devastating freestyler, with emphasis on positive conscious lyrics served up with a hardcore flow. C.O.N.C.E.P.T. is 1 of 2 MCs in The New World Side Order.
• 1998 Begins writing and freestyling lyrics.
• 2000 Moves to NYC and becomes active in Open Mics and performing live.
• 2001 Begins recording original material. Becomes a featured artist on Homegrownmedia.net
• 2002 Establishes MINDSpray Hip Hop Collective and begins producing Open Mics and live events. Releases Mix Tapes/Demos and starts selling CD’s on the streets of NYC
• 2004 MINDSpray releases first Mastered Compilation CD “Shot In The Dark Vol. 1”
• 2005 MINDSpray tours U.S. east coast. C.O.N.C.E.P.T. wins 1st place Guerilla Words MC Battle
• 2006 Releases Mastered Albums C.O.N.C.E.P.T. “In the Moment”, LEFTist C.O.N.C.E.P.T. “Intervention”, and MINDSpray “What’s Inside?”
• 2007 MINDSpray tours Europe. C.O.N.C.E.P.T. wins 1st place in Freestyle Mondays Off the Head Game Show Battle and Releases “Mix On Lock Vol. 1” Mix Tape
• 2008 Forms The New World Side Order. Featured on the “Jim Bean Presents:
Hop N Nob” Czech Republic Hip Hop Compilation CD
• 2009 Releases Mastered EP/DVD “The New World Side Order”
• C.O.N.C.E.P.T. has shared event bills with Aesop Rock, Cage, El P, Poison Pen, and Breeze Eva Flowin, among other well know artists.
The Crazy E
Born, raised, and currently residing in Brooklyn NY. This clinically insane MC has a rock star rebel mentality with inebriated party lyrics mixed with a distinct original voice that make his delivery demand respect. The Crazy E is 2 of 2 MC’s in The New World Side Order.
• 1998 Began writing and freestyling lyrics
• 2000 Began recording original material. Becomes active in Open Mics and performing live
• 2002 Releases Mastered Album “The Table”
• 2003 Becomes a Member of MINDSpray HipHop Collective
• 2004 MINDSpray releases first Mastered Compilation “Shot In The Dark Vol. 1”
• 2005 MINDSpray tours U.S. east coast
• 2006 Becomes a member of the Grass Roots A