Last up was The Johnstones. This was only my third time seeing them, but they absolutely blew me away. They rocked my face off so hard I had to go to the hospital to get it put back on. With their CD constantly near my computer as I listen to it a lot, it was good to see them live with a smaller crowd. Their live show is just as good, if not better than their CD. Just watching them perform with the energy that they bring is just amazing. Not only do they sound good, but they have the best band uniform ever. This is a band I want to see live a lot more. Keep up the good work guys.
Review by Michael Collins - Michael Collins-www.4thwave.ca
"...so I finally I got the chance to catch a Johnstones concert and let me tell you; this is one band no one should go without seeing.
I had listened to their EP and I am a big fan, but in no way did this prepare me for what I witnessed June 16th at The Shadow. This band stole the show like I have never seen before. They were SO entertaining that every one of them could have been up there by themselves and still have had everyone mesmerized. The whole place was dancing and it was like you didn’t want to look away for a second because you never knew what was going to happen next…."
By: Susan Liddle
full version available at http://www.uoguelph.ca/~ontarion/newspaper/artsandculture.html
- The Ontarion (University of Guelph Newspaper)
HRIS BRACKEN , Chronicle Staff
They hit the stage half naked with crazy antics and so much energy that it would take you 10 Red Bull drinks to catch up to them, and that’s before they even start playing.
Coming on the stage dressed up as ghosts to a techno remix of Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart, and throwing off their sheets as soon as she says turn around is only one example of their antics on stage.
With horns blaring, drums snapping, that typical ska sound on guitar, and all five members singing at the top of their lungs, The Johnstones have raised the bar in ska music.
Although the vocals are fast, squeaky and hard to understand, it’s hard to picture The Johnstones with a different voice. Blending together trumpets, trombones, keyboards and various other instruments, they have made the right combination for a CD full of ska anthems.
At their release show on Sept. 16th, the Opera House in Toronto jam-packed. Although they were supported by bands Keepin’ 6, Angry Agency, and The Salads, the majority of fans were there to see The Johnstones unveil their first CD.
“Our CD release went like we hoped,” said Jarek Hardy, vocalist, guitarist, and trumpet player of The Johnstones. “All the bands were great, the crowd was fantastic, and as far as the sound goes, all I heard was great things. Not to mention we just had a really good time. It was the first time we saw the album, so it was pretty exciting to finally see it.”Their set included all their known songs like L.A.D.I.E.S, Action, and Gettin’ Paid. The crowd loved every minute of it, and the whole floor at the Opera House was a skank-circle.
Just before the release of their first CD, Word is Bond, The Johnstones were signed to ska-punk label STOMP Records. This is a huge step for the boys, considering they’ve been tearing up the local music scene since 2002.
And although they just released an album, they are back and hard at work already writing their second album.
“We’re already writing like mad,” said Hardy. “We love writing and playing. I think in the future we’re just going to take over the world, or if that doesn’t work, we’re just going to try and make it with The Johnstones.” - THE CHRONICLE
“After Green Division, The Johnstones immediately rocked the crowd in full force with there ensemble of catchy tunes including; "Normal Guy", "Can't Tell" and fan favourite "Hackey Sack" ... "they closed the night with severe intensity"..."the energy was tremendous and without a doubt The Johnstones stole this show"… "The Johnstones rocked the crowd like no other.”
Review of “Sick Children’s Benefit Show (December 28th)"
Review by: Joe Clancy- (Founder of Ontario Ska, and owner Joe Shmo Productions)
In full at http://ontarioska.proboards22.com/index.cgi?board=reviews
- Ontario Ska Pages
*Sigh*, the `90s: the Chrétien and Clinton administrations are in full swing, Tom Cruise isn’t completely scary yet, and teenagers all across America are finding sweet release in the sounds of ska, pop-punk and hip-hop. As if to crack open a time capsule from this not so distant past, Ajax, Ontario’s the Johnstones release Word Is Bond.
The Johnstones combine the upstroke guitars, horn section and organ of third wave ska with power chords, acoustic guitar and funk leanings. They tend to have pop-punk-oriented lyrics focusing on girls and having a good time but also throw in hip-hop braggadocio. With these elements the band is extremely adept at transferring the most appealing quality of ska from the live setting to recorded form; that quality is fun. The silly lyrics, the multitude of instrumentation, and the many voices that chime in all sound like one big chaotic party. The only problem with that vibe is the album is too late for summer.
The opening song is a fairly standard ska-punk song, with “whoa-oh"s and the vocals delivered in an unintelligible skat-like manner, not at all bad but nothing too memorable either. Next comes the song “L.A.D.I.E.S.” which one almost feels guilty listening to and enjoying so much. Having ridiculously rapped verses with lines like "hey yo check it so ladies, why don’t you have all my babies, it’s doggie style but I don’t have rabies" that might make you cringe, but the way they are delivered you can’t help but smile. The chrous is an anthemic bit, using a catchy guitar line and repeated hook of "This is for the ladies!."
Mainly where the band falters is in the structure of the record. “Sunny Days,” which is an acoustic pop song with some light reggae tinges that would please the sandal and popped collar golf shirt-wearing crowd is really quite good (think Jack Johnson, that’s right, I know what Jack Johnson sounds like). It has an infectious breezy attitude, catchy lyrics, some nice room to just let the guitar play and the laid back rapping is reminscent of something like the Pharcyde. However the song comes in at track number 5, totally tripping up the moment the album was building. It would have been far more effectively placed at either the beginning as a pseudo-intro to the party or some calming hangover music at the end. Speaking of the end, the album's cohesiveness falls apart when it is coming to a close. It finishes on the completely unnecessary second version of “L.A.D.I.E.S.," and before that is the false ending of “No Song Here…” which is really a funky group rap after a few seconds of silence. It starts promising but is ruined by the use of the ever-classic “fart” bass and useless talking parts.
Beyond the structural problems, slightly weak lyrical content and one or two choruses that don’t really work, what you have is very enjoyable modern ska CD. If you are searching for a feel-good record to help melt away those dreary November days, this may be the one you're looking for. If you don’t like any rapping I do suggest you stay far away from this because there is a heavy emphasis on that sort of delivery.
- http://www.punknews.org/review/5817
the Johnstones brought their dance ska hooks for a two night stay in cape Breton, complete with fun horns, upbeat tunes, and mad skillz to get ya off your feet. The Maple Leaf Lounge show, (August 25th) featuring Newfoundland’s “Beaumont Hamil” a definite blast, with a ton of dancing and finally a chance to see “The Johnstones” Live show up close and personal. Packed into this small and sweaty venue, The Johnstones Amazed the crowd by switching instruments, playing on speakers, playing a fantastic a cappella tune, and probably the best live act to hit Cape Breton in quite Some time. Hope you come back soon Johnstones!
Review at Cape Breton Locals
www.cblocals.com - John Savard @ cb locals
HRIS BRACKEN , Chronicle Staff
They hit the stage half naked with crazy antics and so much energy that it would take you 10 Red Bull drinks to catch up to them, and that’s before they even start playing.
Coming on the stage dressed up as ghosts to a techno remix of Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart, and throwing off their sheets as soon as she says turn around is only one example of their antics on stage.
With horns blaring, drums snapping, that typical ska sound on guitar, and all five members singing at the top of their lungs, The Johnstones have raised the bar in ska music.
Although the vocals are fast, squeaky and hard to understand, it’s hard to picture The Johnstones with a different voice. Blending together trumpets, trombones, keyboards and various other instruments, they have made the right combination for a CD full of ska anthems.
At their release show on Sept. 16th, the Opera House in Toronto jam-packed. Although they were supported by bands Keepin’ 6, Angry Agency, and The Salads, the majority of fans were there to see The Johnstones unveil their first CD.
“Our CD release went like we hoped,” said Jarek Hardy, vocalist, guitarist, and trumpet player of The Johnstones. “All the bands were great, the crowd was fantastic, and as far as the sound goes, all I heard was great things. Not to mention we just had a really good time. It was the first time we saw the album, so it was pretty exciting to finally see it.”Their set included all their known songs like L.A.D.I.E.S, Action, and Gettin’ Paid. The crowd loved every minute of it, and the whole floor at the Opera House was a skank-circle.
Just before the release of their first CD, Word is Bond, The Johnstones were signed to ska-punk label STOMP Records. This is a huge step for the boys, considering they’ve been tearing up the local music scene since 2002.
And although they just released an album, they are back and hard at work already writing their second album.
“We’re already writing like mad,” said Hardy. “We love writing and playing. I think in the future we’re just going to take over the world, or if that doesn’t work, we’re just going to try and make it with The Johnstones.” - THE CHRONICLE
Action Fused
2005-10-15, Scout Hut - Cambridge, ON
This was the first time I had ever seen The Johnstones play; I had heard good things and was extremely impressed. The Johnstones set was infused with action, enthusiasm and sheer fun. Running around the stage, interacting with the audience and making people dance is what makes a good band a great band. If you ask me, they stole the show.
Claudia Francescutti
(Posted 2005-11-27) - http://www.4thwave.ca/concertpictures.php?month=oct05#2005-10-15
The Johnstones blew away the crowd. End of story. I really don't need to write anymore, but I will. This is one ska band everyone should see live. The energy they put out forces one to move, whether just grooving to the beat or making one get their skank on. Can't Tell is becoming one of my favourite ska songs. I like how they open with it to get everyone out on the dance floor. I'm sure they gained many fans on this night, and hopefully they will be able to play Sarnia again.
www.4thwave.ca - Jerry Two Tone- www.4thwave.ca
"The Johnstones are a five-piece ska band from Ajax, Ontario. These are some guys who have successfully discovered the brilliant technique of keeping an audience happy! They've got great rhythm and a solid sound that'll keep you singing all night long!"
written by: Marcus Chan
full at-http://members.asianavenue.com/AA-ska-saves/
- Asian Avenue
It really does make me wonder what kind of drugs people must be on when I hear the ever-so-popular proclamation "ska is dead!". Either these people have not yet stumbled upon bands like The Johnstones, or they're just plain stupid. Hailing from Ontario, Canada, The Johnstones play a brand of high-energy ska-punk that is damn near irresistable. With their debut debut, six track EP What the Rosstek?!, these five young men manage to jam-pack enough undoubtedly impressive hooks, infectious melodies, and sing-alongs to last any listener a lifetime. Okay, so maybe these six tracks won't keep your attention for eternity, but I guarantee you won't be doing anything but smiling, dancing, and shouting along when you pop this disc in your stereo.
The EP opens with "Can't Tell", a jaunty, ska-punk anthem, which easily summarizes The Johnstones sound as a whole. The band seems to have a formula they prefer to stick to, which is most notably made up of speed, hooks, gang vocals, and uncomparable energy. Lead vocalists Jarek Hardy (guitar, trumpet) and Ryan Long's (drums) flair is highly-enjoyable and appealing, and gives the disc a vibe of a house party soundtrack. "Hackey Sack", the second and most impressive track, is more of The Johnstones signature formula and a handful of other enjoyable ingredients. The songs chorus, which repeatedly screams "I want my hackey sack!", is almost alarming, and truly displays the raw energy the band consistently packs into their song. Additionally, this song alone shows off the pure, undeniable skill of the five members, including guitar, bass, and trombone solos. Even if the bands sound isn't to your liking, any listener should at least be able to find humor in Long's hilarious commentary.
Skipping ahead to the EP's fourth track "Normal Guy", trombonist Julian Warme adds a flavourful organ into the mix. The song itself, though nothing groundbreaking or remarkable, is pleasing to the ears and definitely a worthwhile listen. The bands horn section, comprising of trumpeters Jarek Hardy and Rene Gillizeau, and trombonist Julian Warme, is extremely powerful and quite unique in their harmonies. The brass is bright and up front, which is undoubtedly a favoured quality in third-wave ska-punk, and The Johnstones do not aim to dissapoint. The EP's sixth track, "Do the Ska", more or less procraims the combined members love for the genre itself. It's easy noticable that The Johnstones love the songs they write and the music they create. Bassist Brent Marks lines are consistently powerful and driving, creating a nice backbone for the bands signature sound.
Although i'm still shouting out gems like "I want my hackey sack!" and "Do the ska!", i'll take a minute to reflect on the package as a whole. What the Rosstek?!, the debut EP from The Johnstones, is a flavourful blend of ska and punk, and quite an impressive one at that. Despite the raw recording quality, there's enough to love in the songs themselves to push this release to the front of your collection. What the Rosstek?! is an EP that hits the nail on head, strikes the target on the dartboard, and succeeds in living up to any other lame expressions one may come up with. Ska-punk has never sounded so good.
http://www.absolutepunk.net/showthread.php?t=97346 - www.absolutepunk.net
Action Fused
2005-10-15, Scout Hut - Cambridge, ON
This was the first time I had ever seen The Johnstones play; I had heard good things and was extremely impressed. The Johnstones set was infused with action, enthusiasm and sheer fun. Running around the stage, interacting with the audience and making people dance is what makes a good band a great band. If you ask me, they stole the show.
Claudia Francescutti
(Posted 2005-11-27) - http://www.4thwave.ca/concertpictures.php?month=oct05#2005-10-15
"SKA IS DEAD" Compilation- May2007
"4 Aces" Movie Soundtrack - April 2007
"Word Is Bond"- Released on Stomp/Warner in September 2006
"Johnstones vs Keepin 6" EP- RELEASED Dec 2005

Management- zack@venusrecords.ca
Label- matt@unionlabelgroup.com
Contact- thejohnstones_@hotmail.com,
Ryan 905 683-3917, Brent 905 409 6557
Mini online press @ sonicbids.com/thejohnstones
**More press available on request**
Ryan Long- Drums
Jarek Hardy -Guitar
Brent Marks- Bass
Rene Gillezeau – Trumpet/guitar
Julian Warmer –Trombone/ Organ
Band Bio-
The Johnstones were born for the stage and have been ripping them up ever since their prolific formation in late 2002. Hailing from hometown Ajax, Ontario, they began receiving immediate recognition for their incredible originality as well as one of the best live shows in new music today. As a part of the new generation of punk/ska, The Johnstones take this lethal combination to a whole new level; where energetic and melodic phrases can be found side by side with serenading vocal harmonies and technical licks. The Johnstones also have a way with all the Ladies like you dunt eeeeven know.
After rapidly becoming one of the most recognized bands in Ontario The Johnstones scheduled their first Canadian tour at only 17 and 18 years old to impress crowds from charlottetown to Vancouver. The Johnstones have now sold over 2000 Cd's including their first EP what the Rosstek and the critically acclaimed "Johnstones vs keepin 6 split". A disk that has received rave reviews, tons of love and has already led to 4 on air appearances and top ten spots on the lists of 3 college radio stations. The Johnstones also won the CME music explosion campass tour of over 500 bands across Canadian universities and colleges. After Destroying a well over capacitied crowd at their Toronto CD release, the Johnstones took the next step in their career as they signed on to management with Zack Werner at Venus/EMI.
The Release of “Word is Bond” in 2006 on STOMP/Warner records has brought enormous major label attention and has led to playing on MTV live, Frostbite Tour, Vans Warped Tour, and headlining sold out shows to over 1000 people. The Johnstones just got off a 20 date Canadian tour and are releasing their first video june 30th. They are currently doing pre production before they are set to record their second album which will blow your minds in September. With their enormous live draw, myspace plays and soundscan numbers topping any other independent bands in Canada, the Johnstones are set to take over the world.
Bio written by: Adam hughes