Montréal, Quebec, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
New York, NY (Top40 Charts) The latest flame to rise out of Montreal's musical blaze, The In & Outs, a high voltage and electrifying rock trio, are proud to announce they will be performing at this year's Canadian Music Week this coming March in Toronto, ON with show details to be announced at a later date.
"We are excited to perform during CMW in Toronto this year! This will be the perfect timing for us to promote our upcoming second album! Who knows, maybe we'll release it there?" comments vocalist / guitarist David Groover.
New York, NY (Top40 Charts) The latest flame to rise out of Montreal's musical blaze, The In & Outs, a high voltage and electrifying rock trio, are proud to announce they will be performing at this year's Canadian Music Week this coming March in Toronto, ON with show details to be announced at a later date.
"We are excited to perform during CMW in Toronto this year! This will be the perfect timing for us to promote our upcoming second album! Who knows, maybe we'll release it there?" comments vocalist / guitarist David Groover. - top 40 charts
L'année de l'Acadie, au Festival interceltique de Lorient (Fil), irradie aussi la ria d'Etel, avec le groupe TheIn & Outs qui y fait escale entre une tournée en Irlande et les grandes scèneslorientaises où il joue avec Joseph Edgar. Bien que ponctuée d'un concert, ce samedi au Breton à Etel, cette escale est avant tout la suite d'une belle histoire d'amitié nouée lors de leur première venue au Fil en 2011. «On était allés à un concert de Joseph Edgar. La rencontre s'est faite lors de la dédicace du CD, et le courant est super bien passé!», raconte Patrick Simonneau, de Belz. «Patrick portait le maillot des Nordiques de Québec (NDLR: hockey). C'était tellement inattendu que depuis la scène, je ne voyais que lui! Après le concert, on a jasé un peu, et on est restés en contact», ajoute David Groover, l'Acadien du groupe, originaire de Neguac (Nouveau-Brunswick).
Croisé par hasard à Montréal
En fait, ce maillot québécois sur les épaules du marin breton renvoie à Adeline, sa fille, devenue quasiment québécoise depuis qu'elle y a vécu trois ans. Dès qu'elle le peut, elle y retourne. Et c'est lors de son dernier séjour à Montréal qu'elle a croisé le trio, «un peu par hasard». De là, elle leur a lancé l'invitation à séjourner chez elle entre leurs concerts à Dublin et ceux au Fil. Et à profiter du soleil breton et des plages d'Erdeven. Grâce à un contact avec Stéphane, le patron du bar Breton, une date a pu être fixée pour un concert à Etel. Pour Patrick et Adeline, ce concert qui sera un avant-goût du Fil, est l'occasion de faire partager leur coup de coeur pour ce groupe «qui déchire à fond!» et qui, selon les mots mêmes de David, «est tombé en amour sur la Bretagne».
Pratique Concert à Etel, samedi28juillet, à partir de22h, auBar Breton. Entrée libre. - Le Télégramme- FRANCE BRITTANY ( french )
So after Dublin we arrived in Lorient, Brittany. We did over 15 shows. 4 of them were unexpected and were shows we got offered from promoters. People where insanely nice and loved every note we did during our shows. Some bodysurfed, some danced on stage with us and a lot, I mean a lot of them, were dropping their drinks on stage and in the venue.
We performed in a tent sponsored by Guinness at the Lorient Festival (FIL). The promoter liked our show so much that he took one afternoon off and presented us to other promoters of the festival for more potential shows for next year. Also, during our stay, some newspaper and radio journalists interviewed us. For me, having so much attention is unusual. We like to talk about ourselves but in the overall what we are best at is to be on stage!
Today we are leaving Brittany (I am writing right now at Nantes’s airport), and heading for one last show in New Brunswick and then we come back home. There is a feeling of happiness, accomplishment but also nostalgia. I do believe that this crazy experience is finally opening doors for us and that this is just the beginning of a great adventure.
Tour Dates:
06/06 - Pully, Switzerland
06/07 - Pully, Switzerland
06/08 - Wadenswil, Switzerland the Frabrik
06/09 - Roman – Ville de Nadège, France
06/14 - ST Micro - Grenoble, France
06/15 - Festival Sous Les Cèdres - Montbonnot, France
06/16 - Monbonnot, France
07/19 - Sweeneys - Dublin, Ireland
07/20 - Workmans Club - Dublin, Ireland w/16 Layers
07/28 - Bar le Breton - Lorient, France
08/02-11 - Festival Interceltique de Lorient- Lorient, France
- Pure grain audio
The latest flame to rise out of Montreal’s musical blaze, The In & Outs – a high voltage electrifying rock trio – have just conquered France.
In the midst of their mini European tour, The In & Outs recently had the pleasure of playing the massive Festival Interceltique in Lorient, France to roaring, smashing reception, all caught on tape by a new die-hard fan.
The ten-day festival saw 4,500 musicians take to the stage with The In & Outs being one of the fest’s certain highlights, as can be seen in the just released 11-minute fan video that includes the band joining the crowd on the floor and the crowd joining the band on stage.
Blending an expert mix of folk-guitar, funky-blues bass and reggae-jazz drums, The In & Outs’ vast influence of diverse genres from Johnny Cash to The Doors, passing through Elvis Presley and John Spencer, amongst others can be heard on such tracks ‘Boo My God’, ‘Me, Myself and My Guitar’ and ‘Often On The Moon’ from the bands 2009 debut full length ‘Ascending Back And Forth’.
Truly unique, The In & Outs have demonstrated more than a profound love of music. They also reflect the ups and downs of life and the essence of a society which is expressed in its eclectic lyrical content. In their own way, The In & Outs amalgamate a biting and realist poesy that they transmit to their public in a stream of energy.
The band is currently in production of their second album, set to be launched in late fall 2012. Until then, fans can delight themselves with three dynamic songs for pay what you want download from their recent EP, available on http://theinnouts.bandcamp.com.
- The scene magazine
The In & Outs are a band which may defy classification. They are an energetic and powerful force that has been recently tearing it up around Europe. The group, not content merely to tour and record a new full length album (due out this fall) decided they needed something else to do. With that in mind they dropped a three-track EP this summer and yours truly is lucky enough to have friends that will send such gems his way.
Being just three tracks with a total running time of less than ten minutes the In & Outs EP is more of a snack than a musical meal. Still, it’s spicy and full flavoured and…. …. and I really need to start writing these reviews after lunch.
A moment ago I said the Montreal group was hard to classify. They seem to be a little rock, a little alternative and they throw in just a hint of classic rebellion just to keep the listener guessing. The last song on the EP, “Sleepy Sheep” reminds me of John Lennon’s song “Imagine” so much I wondered if the late, great master had been cloned. But where Lennon’s song was soft and sweet and dreamy, “Sleepy Sheep” combines positive lyrics with sounds like a guitar and a drum kit got into a wrestling match and ended up having sex while falling down the stairs. Yeah, it’s as interesting and intense as it sounds, go listen to it!
Check out the In & Outs as they tease us with their bite-sized EP on Bancamp and be sure to check back later for their full length album, due out by the end of the year.
Rockin’ Out
Johnny Sixstring - We love rock & pop
Looking back through the notes I took during The In & Outs’ Wednesday-night Canadian Music Week performance at Cherry Cola’s Rock N Rolla Cabaret – and, yes, I took notes – one of the beer-stained scribbles caught my eye: Seriously, how are they not tired?!
The three-piece band from Montreal constantly and consistently took the audience on a thrilling ride of fast, hard-hitting rock.
Case in point: ‘A Thin Mind’. David Groover’s wavy guitar screeched in time to Francois-Michael Beauchamp’s marching drums and trotting symbols, while Alex Pepin’s heavy bass threaded itself through the loud music to drive the track onward.
‘Zero Gravity’, meanwhile, provided listeners with a few more noise-rock elements: unpredictable guitar riffs paired with a swelling bass. Groover’s strong vocals and Beauchamp’s sure drum hits steadied the track and it grew and grew and grew.
The band, meanwhile, moved and moved and moved. The used up the entire stage – jumping around and energizing the crowd. Where does energy like that come from?! Even when The In & Outs slow it down, they’re still pleasantly fast-paced.
‘Sleeping Sheep’, a somewhat darker track, slowing down before speeding right back up. The song is heavier on the bass lines, and Groover’s vocals turn to a hefty pitch and the drums – oh, the drums – Beauchamp goes insane.
Here’s to hoping that The In & Outs never slow down.
Groover said the band is set to drop their second album sometime next month. For more on The In & Outs, visit: http://theinnouts.bandcamp.com/ - Raz Mataz magazine
Who: The In & Outs
From: Montreal, Que
Where: The Bovine Sex Club
When: Tuesday March 19 – 10pm
Crowd: The bovine was half full. However, the crowd just stood there. The Quebecois play a great set with buckets of enthusiasm, but nothing seems to get the crowd going.
Style: Blues/Rock/Rockabilly
Sex appeal/image: Drummer Francois-Michael Beauchamp was the most entertaining member to watch although it was pretty dark! Bassist Alex Pepin didn’t look that cool like he does in the music video “There We Go”. The band moved around like they were on fire, they used up the whole stage.
Memorable song/moment: The single “There We Go”. The In & Outs do a fine job ending their set with a Queens of the Stone Age-esque rock song. David Groover plays guitar the way Josh Homme would do. The guitar solo at the end didn’t suck either.
Technicalities: If the band had problems with the sound, I’m pretty sure nobody noticed.
Comments: Tabarnack rock!
Review By: Giancarlo Cortez
Photos By: Stephanie Tran
THE SCENE - The scene magazine
<<[…]And speaking of stage presence, Montreal’s The In & Outs were
rather nuts – the guitarist David Groover added a pantomime element
as he shot down bass player Alexandre Pepin using the power of rock
from his guitar, and then later on the drummer Francois-Michel Beauchamp
lept away from his kit to swap instruments with the now re-animated Pepin.[...]>>
www.musicvice.com - music vice
And speaking of stage presence, Montreal's The In & Outs were rather nuts - the guitarist David Groover added a pantomime element as he shot down bass player Alexandre Pepin using the power of rock from his guitar, and then later on the drummer Francois-Michel Beauchamp lept away from his kit to swap instruments with the now re-animated Pepin. Entertaining stuff.
- Brian Banks
Still working on that hot first release.

Expertly fusing rock riffs with cheeky lyrics and the occasional hint of funky blues, only begins to underline the trios vast influences from diverse genres, ranging from Johnny Cash to The Doors, passing through Elvis Presley and John Spencer.
Lyrically eclectic and musically unrivalled each and every In & Outs song demonstrates a profound love of music and reflects the ups and downs of life and the essence of a society where creating your own opportunities leads to self-fulfilment, all of which is transmitted to their audiences through a hypnotic stream of sound and energy.
Landing a commercial placement in a 2011 Ford Focus televised ad in Quebec with their track Steep Mountain (video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAoRDl-VM2g), along with their songs Celebrate Consumption and Boo My God used for Sports Network (RDS) show H2Snow (video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9WcXbQXYWQ), The In & Outs have progressed in the Montreal music scene and beyond, touring Europe in 2012 and performing at multiple festivals in support of last years self-titled EP and their debut album, Ascending Back and Forth.
Vocalist/ Guitarist David Groover comments:
Last year was a crazy one for science, astronomy and for us too! During a festival in France inside an Irish tent, we stopped in the middle of a song and yelled to the crowd: Mesdames et messieurs, right now, as we speak, we are on Mars! as a rover was landing on Mars while we were playing new songs for the Breton crowd. From Dublin to Switzerland and France, we got inspired every single day. You can hear in the intro and outro of Sleepy Sheep the last track of the album sounds of sheep that we recorded in the south of France. The album title, Zero Gravity, is dedicated to discovery and life itself.
The band has released its first single and music video, There We Go, at the following links:
Bandcamp - http://theinnouts.bandcamp.com/track/there-we-go-2
Music Video - http://youtu.be/IJk83l6CCXY