The Hunting Horns
Toronto, Ontario, Canada | INDIE
I recall having enjoyed The Hunting Horns debut, Songs from the Iron Range, when it came out last year, but for some reason the band quickly fell off my radar shortly after. Recently they’ve popped back up for several reasons, not the least of which being this show at The Rivoli earlier in the month.
Somber, but raucous and lead by charismatic front-man Ryan Griffiths, The Hunting Horns painted a picture of a Dylan-esque cowboy traversing an apocalyptic western landscape—roots rock with just the right tinge of empassioned fervour. - Wolves, Hawks And Kites
The Hunting Horns
Songs From the Iron Range
BY STUART BERMAN May 28, 2008 16:05
If local singer/songwriter Ryan Griffiths were a more cunning bastard, he would flood the internet with selections from Songs From the Iron Range, label them as new Wolf Parade MP3s and bask in the misdirected blog buzz. Which is to say Griffiths shares a certain hoarse-voiced raggedness and defeated temperament with Wolf-man Dan Boeckner, however, his Hunting Horns band so excel at forging their own distinct brand of slow-burning Canadian Gothic that cheap promotional ploys ultimately prove unnecessary. Iron Range is firmly situated in desolate locales (ghosts towns, cemeteries and the gates of heaven) previously excavated by fellow Toronto roots-rock renegades like FemBots and Elliott Brood, but the richly atmospheric arrangements — bolstered by guest turns from multi-instrumentalists Will Kidman (Constantines) and Don Kerr (Rheostatics/Dinner Is Ruined) — cast Griffiths’ ominous narratives in a decidedly luminous glow; all those glockenspiels, cellos and tubas serve not as extraneous embellishments, but as necessary glimmers in a world where the skies are forever grey. - Eye Weekly
As purveyors of self-described "Chamber Death Folk," Toronto's The Hunting Horns have left the haunted barn doors open on this album of gritty and empassioned folk-rock. - Zunior.com
The Hunting Horns released their debut album "Songs From Iron Range" digitally on the Zunior.com site last November and released traditional hard copies in February. The album is available at several Toronto retailers including Soundscapes and Sixshooter Records as well as at our live shows.

The Hunting Horns began with singer-songwriter Ryan Griffiths and friend/drummer Nathan Gawalko during informal late night recording sessions. What started innocently enough as an opportunity to make a few demos turned into a driven period of creativity that resulted in a full blown album. The rest of the band began to take shape as the songs and arrangements fell into place. Since then the band has played to enthusiastic audiences around Toronto.
Their live performances have earned comparisons to such artists as Nick Cave, Arcade Fire and Tom Waits due to their intense and dynamic shows. The band looks forward to having the chance to continue to play and record and grows stronger and more creative with every show.
As far influences - the band really came together with a shared love of artists such as Nick Cave, Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, Lou Reed, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan and other great writers and musicians and tries to retain a little of their integrity.