The Hardcount
Seattle, Washington, United States | SELF
Band: The Hardcount
Release: Life and Death
Label: Self-released
Release date: Out now
Gravelly-voiced singer Reverend Adumb Green has a bit of that Dicky Barrett rasp, and the band has a bit of that Bosstones' sing-along thing, but ska isn't one of the styles you'll find on the band's eight-song debut. The Hardcount are a little bit hard rock, a little bit punk rock and a little bit twangy, which mostly makes them sound a little bit like The Supersuckers, which isn't a bad thing, especially if it's Saturday night and you feel like drinking.
- Dave Lake, Seattle Weekly
Band: The Hardcount
Release: Life and Death
Label: Self-released
Release date: Out now
Gravelly-voiced singer Reverend Adumb Green has a bit of that Dicky Barrett rasp, and the band has a bit of that Bosstones' sing-along thing, but ska isn't one of the styles you'll find on the band's eight-song debut. The Hardcount are a little bit hard rock, a little bit punk rock and a little bit twangy, which mostly makes them sound a little bit like The Supersuckers, which isn't a bad thing, especially if it's Saturday night and you feel like drinking.
- Dave Lake, Seattle Weekly
Please see URL - The Sinner Magazine
June 2010 : the 4 song Hardcount EP
November 2010: All I want for Christmas (is booze) - Single
August 13th 2011: Full Length - "Life and Death"

The Hardcount is a rock n roll band cut from the same cloth as Motorhead, the Misfits, AC/DC, the Ramones and Johnny Cash. Rock n Roll is in our blood, it keeps us sane enough to walk the planet with "normal people".
The Hardcount is led by singer the Reverend Adumb Green (brother of Modest Mouse drummer Jeremiah Green), who has his hand on the trigger at all times and does not hesitate to pull it. The Reverend preaches his message to the congregation, delivering lyrics that cover life's ups and downs by way of his gravelly, whiskey-soaked voice, not unlike Tom Waits or maybe Lemmy of Motorhead.
The guitar is conquered by Disco Donnie, a man built from equal parts love and hate. With an ammunition box loaded with Gibson guitars and Marshall amps, his sound is rooted in classic rock tone but delivers it in his own unique way. His past includes being a founding member of both "Guns of Nevada" and "Jack the Hotrod".
Providing the low end thunder on bass is the infamous Spike Hell. Just ask him to tell you some of his tour stories and you’ll wonder why he hasn’t written a book, “the Spike Diaries.” A couple bands on his resume include, “Go Like Hell” and “Los Bastardos.” This guy attacks the Bass, period.
The raw power driving this band forward is generated by drummer, Vincent Lane. A hard-hitting, straight to work, no bullshit great drummer. A true gentlemen.
Nothing in the world is black and white. Everything is gray and we hope to paint a picture with our music that we are all stuck on this garbage planet, we all have heartbreak, loneliness, bad times, good times, the mornings (or afternoons) we don't want to get out of bed, questions about the meaning of life, traffic jams, hangovers, empty bank accounts, momentous joy, death and, most importantly.....life!