The Few Chosen & Stereo
Gig Seeker Pro

The Few Chosen & Stereo

Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States | SELF

Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States | SELF
Band Christian Christian


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"I AM MUSIC" EP Album. Can be found on, itunes, amazon,



And He said, Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord. And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of gentle stillness and a still, small voice (1 Kings 19:11-12).

Timika Peterson was born January 23, 1984; she is the daughter of Lieutenant Cornel Herman and Linda Peterson (owner/director of Kiddie Land Kindergarten in Salisbury, N.C.) and sibling of Trevon Peterson (dynamic songwriter and founder of BlowYourMindLyricsEntertainment). As a result of being an army child she experienced the value of family, hard work, faith in God and her gifts in music and singing. At the age of twelve she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal savior at Grays Chapel F.B.H. Surrounding herself around Preachers, Ministers, Evangelists, Disciples, and Musicians she developed her first ministry at the age of 16; which was called, "The Gospel Disciple Step Team" particularly geared to the youth in the community educating them about the bible, percussion, and stepping.
Timika's heart beat still played in tempo with the love of music and her new found interest in manuscripting her feelings into poetry; which later developed into songwriting. Following her family legacy she enrolled in Winston Salem State University and graduated with honors with a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education with a concentration in Business Administration. While in college, Timika experienced what she calls "The Prodigal Son Experience." Yes, she was a Christian but she lacked a relationship with Christ. As a result of being in the wilderness, she came running to the arms of her Father panting for an intimate relationship.

Timika witnessed an outer body experience of her uniquness and the strength of her realtionship with Christ. She pledged multiple organizations and sororities. Such as, Tau Beta Sigma and Delta Sigma Theta Inc. However, this did not influence her; she stood her ground and was given the opportunity to illustrate being in the world but not of the world (1 John 2:15-17). At the same token, Timika joined the Mills Family and Triple Dipp (local recording group). Subsequenlty, her skills of songwriting and musicianship enhanced; allowing her to write the songs, "Agape Love, John 3:30, Myth and co-write Glory Glory. Under great leadership of Bishop Derek D. Kelly (Pastor of New Faith Full Gospel Fellowship Center) she grew stronger in truth and strived to go after her purpose that God destined for her. With such ambition to evangelize God's word and minister in song, she heard God speak while listening to music saying, "I am not in the beat of music, I am not in the many genres that has been created, nor am I in the melodic melodies of song, neither rifts or runs. However, I am in the sound of stillness and quietness, I am in your worship. I am in your lifstyle, your daily living." Immediately hearing such words spoken from the lips of God, Timika moved quickly and in obedience. As she shifted where God wanted her to be; God spoke to her again concerning her walk of purpose. This time God had an assignment drawing her attention to Exodus 3:14-15, "And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM and WHAT I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE; and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you! God said also to Moses, This shall you say to the Israelites: The Lord, the God of your fathers, of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, has sent me to you! This is My name forever, and by this name I am to be remembered to all generations." "Many times we mention the names of God, such as ELOHIM, ADVOCATE, EL-SHADDAI, JEHOVAH-SHALOM, BRIGHT MORNING STAR, ALPHA AND OMEGA, CREATOR, DELIVERER, GOD ALMIGHTY, I can actually go on because he is everything," Timika states.. For this reason, I am on an assignment in this season and that is to be obedient. As God continued to display a blueprint for Timika, he whispered, "I am all these names and it is profoundly true, but this time TELL MY PEOPLE I AM MUSIC!"

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