Wavering between gleefully obnoxious and postmodern genius, the music of Electric Grandmother unfolds like an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, a million reference points pasted together to disorient.
That seems to be the ultimate point of The Stenographer, the latest release from the one-man multimedia experience. Influenced more directly by television shows than bands, songs like "Mount St. Helens, 1980" and "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" exhibit a cacophony of electronic noise atop giddy vocal refrains and mechanized drums. Like Atom and His Package and local duo Ocean Ghosts, Grandmother gets under your skin whether you like it or not.
- Columbus Alive!
Lo-fi synth-pop gems with witty lyrics largely based on characters from '80s and '90s sitcoms. Some may write it off as a gimmick, but there's something strangely sincere about Faust's delivery. You sometimes forget you're singing along to a song that's about The Golden Girls. (4/4 Stars) - Alternative Press
“Your music is WAY cool.”
- Kramer, founder of Shimmy-Disc records
“Great Stuff!”
- Mark Hosler of Negativland
“Your stuff is definitely fresh.”
- MC Lars
- (Various)
An old cable box at that, from ’88, the one with the round black dial that had no remote and obscenely clicked fuzzed hell on the screen for each channel change. Someone left Electric Grandmother alone with it, somehow they mated. And if someone out there is concerned all the hard work Danny Tanner put into his full house will disappear from our collective works of philosophy, come down off the ledge. A brave, if winded soul is undertaking the project.
It is wonderfully imperfect asthma our Electric Grandmother has, fitting. It’s right that something with ‘Grandma’ in the title breathe heavily, just a little. It makes it like pilled-up-granny is communicating with you through Nick at Nite, a Caleco, and a raw electric current coming strait up through the mildewed crawl-space where the past TV-Guides are kept. Some black noise-box makes the tone for the lone Grandmother figure, who holds only a mic, rambling happily from song to song, shouting randomly at acquaintances who pass by – just as gran’mas do – the Viuex Electrique offers heartfelt lessons about the wife of Danny Tanner, Nintendo, Tom’s girl, basement life —–
/ Fuck Rainbow!” /
A yell from the crowd at Andyman’s Treehouse on Fool’s Day came crashing with delight to the stage. Electric Grandmother is “pleasantly disturbed” someone told me. I like that. It wasn’t too close for comfort.
Gran’ma then told me about getting robbed. In Westerville. By young kids. Gran’ma, electrified, saw them at Blockbuster, followed them, glared at them
and then wrote a song about them. It endears you to Grans, especially if some punk sucker has stole any of your shit.
I like that too.
Remember that show with Jim J. Bullock and Ted Knight? “I can teach you but I’d have to charge,” says Electric Grandmother. Want to learn? Be taught by music so preter-obsessed with 80’s culture that it taunts dementia’s boundary. Lourie Loughlin. Kimmy the neighbor girl. Stamos. Doogie’s friend Vinny, remember when he got rejected from film school? And there’s Doogie, all, “I’m a teen doctor,” and shit. Vinny should have cloct him. Fuck you, Doogie, delivering a baby in a mall is plain hokey show-off crap. Ostentatious prick, tell us next about how you have scars from the shrapnel of an exploding appendix mine. What was that made-for-tv movie with Patrick Duffy and Lonnie Anderson, where Doogie plays a boy plagued by limp legs? I hope Vinny gave him those. It’s all family ties in an electric way.
Step-by-step it gets worse, this 80’s slope, slipperier it gets the more you dance on it. Oh well, sweet and kindly old Electric Grandmother has your hand, puts candy in your ear. Weird ol’ gran’ma. An eccentric.
- Phillip Kaplan
"The Stenographer" - 2007
(All Hail Records, LLC)
"Pee Sells...But Who's Buying?" - 2005
"Sin City Sex Mix" - 2004
"Dickalis" - 2003
"My Imaginary Audience" - 2003
Songs from "The Stenographer" have been featured on Columbus radio station CD101 - www.cd101.com
"Pee Sells" peaked at #4 on WCSB's CMJ Top 30 in July '05, and was on the playlist for two consecutive months.

The Electric Grandmother is a one-man musical-goodness machine. The inventor of the genre Sitcom-Core, EG has established himself as a favorite smart aleck of Columbus, Ohio. Musically, EG combines electro-beats and synthesizers with classic pop songwriting to create a brew of musical perplexity that pairs perfectly with his post-modern lyricism. The live show is a chaotic multi-media extravaganza, with his wife/live band member Mary Alice! handling live visual projection. To see EG perform is to participate in his performance, as you are drawn in by his slightly off-kilter sound and friendly sense of nostalgia.