This band has no press
Pie Eater (2013)
Bones n' Broken Stereos [Single] (2013)
Big Clouds (2012)
The Dean Project's First Studio EP (2011)

The Dean Project are the Alt. Folk lovechild of Iggy Pop and Tom Waits. Born in Newfoundland and raised on Prince Edward Island, singer/songwriter of the group, Dan Frampton now calls Toronto his stomping ground (And boy, does he ever stomp). Dan says the mission is simple “We want to inspire and entertain. One song. One Performance. One Connection at at time.”
Dan mostly performs solo live acoustic sets alongside mascot, Munchie “The Nutcracker” MacQuillan, however, on occasion he is known to bring in an accompaniment of piano, organ, and bass.
Munchie is also the star of his very own morning-style web show Munchie’s In The Morning which airs randomly on the bands’ YouTube B Channel DeanTV. [The band advertises that it airs Monday mornings but it's never held to any sort of ridged scheduling requirements.]
Dan does all the bands recording, mixing, mastering, booking, soliciting, shooting, designing, pitching, meeting, managing, selling, networking, marketing, planning and execution. If you’d like to help him out a little (lord knows, he could use it) please email him at frampton.dan@gmail.com
Find the band across most social media platforms including…
Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/thedeanproject
Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/deanprojectrock
Tumblr- http://framptonblogs.tumblr.com
Instagram – @TheDeanProject
YouTube “A” http://www.youtube.com/user/thedeanprojectmusic
YouTube “B” http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-NAJ1AuMJhUFWQTIjV9aLQ
Or at home http://thedeanprojectworldtour.com