Delivering their acoustic-based punk rock with uncompromised passion and aggression, the Burnitdowns create an impressive atmosphere on The Ugly One. Dynamic, the album flows between twang-y chug, a borderline Celtic/gutter punk rock drive and full-on blast, thereby blending the influences of Johnny Cash, Rise Against and early AFI with ease. Still, the band’s ability to stack wavering vocal melodies over the most sublime of rhythmic passages creates intense layers for what seem like otherwise straight-forward tunes such as “I’m Goin’ Out,” “Rhythm And Booze” and “Quarantine.” The production rides the line between technical perfection and edgy live so perfectly it’s almost disturbing. These 11 tracks fly by with paced power that necessitates further listening to ensure one actually got it all. Sounding like a band with far more years under their belts than their fresh faces would indicate, The Ugly One is a stellar introduction to countrified punk rock for a new generation and a hard reminder of its importance for the callous old one.
- Exclaim! Magazine
The Burnitdowns don't have a name for their new album yet, but they say the genre will remain folk-country-punk.
The band's second album, is now being recorded and is expected out early this spring.
“They've come a long way in the last couple of years, and the new music is by far the best stuff they've ever written,” said Matt Shortill, owner of High Art for the Lowdown, the band's label.
Lead guitarist and Humber journalism grad Ty Trumbull said The Burnitdowns owe their beginnings to a night of heavy drinking and an old record.
“Me and the singer (Chris Payne) were hung over one morning and listening to a Hank Williams record and were like, 'Wow, this is really good, we should mix this with punk music,” said Trumbull. “ We thought it was a great idea."
Roommate Matt Marshall came on board to play drums, followed by college friend Jesse Bennett, another guitarist, and his brother, bassist Sam Bennett.
The band has been playing various gigs around Toronto ever since its first album, The Ugly One, was released two years ago.
“That was awesome for us,” said Bennett, currently in his fourth year studying journalism at Guelph-Humber. “It was a big deal. I felt like we accomplished something, having an album out there.”
Trumbull hopes the new one will be even better.
“The new album's a little bit more country and a little bit more punk at the same time,” he said. We're getting a few songs back and it seems like it's going to sound pretty cool.”
The band plans to release the album as part of a package that would include both a vinyl LP and a CD.
“Artistically they’re a pretty self sufficient band - I don’t have to do much for those guys,” Shortill said. “They know exactly what they want.”
For now, The Burnitdowns said they want to keep making music.
“You need to put a certain amount of commitment into a band for it to be worthwhile,” said Trumbull.
Melissa Hayes
A&E Reporter
Published: December 11, 2008 - Humber Et Cetera
The Burnitdowns - The Ugly One: Full length album released in 2007.
The Burntidown - We're Not The Things We've Done: Full length albume released in 2009.

In short: take five guys who were forced to find out what good country music was by moving to the big city, filter that through years of punk rock, and you've got something close to The Burnitdowns.
The seed of the Burnitdowns was planted years ago when Chris Payne, then singing for the Johnny Law, met Ty Trumbull and Matt Marshall who were playing in the same small town punk scene. It was there that they formed a mutual respect for punk rock and cut their teeth as performers. With a move to Toronto, Ty would be introduced to the brothers Bennett, Jesse and Sam, who also sported a small town background and a penchant for plaid. The Bennett’s soon came onboard to provide The Burnitdowns with their signature guitar and bass hooks. Once together it quickly became apparent that, while the aggressive sounds of their youth were prevalent, the band had become somewhat nostalgic for the rural music they'd long since left behind. With the straightforward, country-tinged chickin' pickin' of hands and ears fed a steady diet of Hank Williams and Johnny Cash etching into the band's sound, The Burnitdowns have been able to scrape out a unique position in the vibrant Toronto music scene.
Exclaim! Magazine called their debut album, The Ugly One, "a stellar introduction to countrified punk rock for a new generation and a hard reminder of its importance for the callous old one." The record would go on to sell out at record stores and is now in its second pressing.
The Burnitdowns are currently working on their sophomore album and planning a two-week East Coast tour for the summer.