The Boom Bang
Norman, Oklahoma, United States | INDIE
The Week In 7 Inches
Vinyl reference, innuendo only partially implied.
7. The Boom Bang – Bummer Camp (Guestroom)
Debut EP from promising punk rockers from Oklahoma
- www.bigtakeover.com
The Boom Bang are about to put out their first 7?, the excellently named Bummer Camp EP featuring four tracks and marvellous Dr. Suess style artwork. The release is scheduled for the 17th September on Guestroom Records.
The four tracks are a blend of scuzzy, scrappy, lo-fi garage rock that gleefully burrows into your skull uninvited and once there takes up residence for the long-term. Influences are grabbed, sucked dry of their juices, and discarded on the roadside – from Link Wray’s Rumble, to twangy surf-pop to the latest buzz bands like The Crocodiles or Fresh & Onlys.
Check out lead track Run Way Away and the sub-two minute gem Swamp City.
Download The Boom Bang – Run Way Away mp3 (from Bummer Camp EP)
Download The Boom Bang – Swamp City mp3 (from Bummer Camp EP) - The Mad Mackerel
Yo yo. Got something real nice for you guys here today. Not sure if you remember what I said from a few days ago about having stuff lined up already for everyday this week, but I’ve already gotten a bit off task from my original plans. You could thank THE BOOM BANG for this, because they sent me an e-mail with some information about their forthcoming 7? EP from Guestroom Records out of Norman, Oklahoma, and I’m glad they got in touch. The release date for this brand new 7? of theirs would be September 17th (also my birthday), but the band was nice enough to hook you guys up with a download of the 7?. Not sure how long it will be available, so you should probably snag it now while you can.
First things first: There guys play LOUD. I can only imagine what one of their shows might have in store. That being said – let’s hope these guys make it out to Philadelphia sooner or later. I’m sure it would be a ballin’ time. This way we could witness the madness that is The Boom Bang right before our eyes, but moving on. These guys play absolutely head splitting, heavy guitar driven garage-punk songs with an extremely staggering guitar sound. The gritty guitars may actually make you cringe – kind of like when somebody scratches their nails against a chalk board – but not in a bad way. The cringe would be out of sheer happiness and love for this band and their lethal sound. And call me crazy, but parts of James Smiths vocals in the song “Swamp City” actually remind me of Glenn Mercer from the Feelies. But you guys should definitely check out these songs below, because I think yr gonna like these guys. Don’t forget you can download this stuff too. You should check this out too – they’ve got a music video for the song “Tokyo Roll”.
Tokyo Roll –
Swamp City –
My Rating: 8/10
Genre/ Tags: Garage Rock, Lo-Fi, Punk
Bummer Camp 7?: Tracklist:
1.) Tokyo Roll
2.) We Skeletons
3.) Run Way Away
4.) Swamp City
You download the 7? completely for FREE right here – now say thanks to the band!
The Boom Bang on Myspace
The Boom Bang on Facebook - http://styrofoamdrone.com
The Boom Bang are from Oklahoma City. They are putting out their first 7" record, Bummer Camp, next Friday through Guestroom Records. Its a tasty 4-track that cleverly showcases both the sound of the band and their temperament also...
SOUND - messy, sloppy, scuzzy, fuzzy, poppy, punky, spunky, funky.
TEMPERAMENT - knockabout, layabout, party-hard, spazztastic.
Their single is, funnily enough, on the B side - 'Run Way Away' - but in my opinion there are stronger tracks on here, including the one I have below, 'We Skeletons'. Its a hell of a lot of fun. Their reference points - from Davie Allan, Dick Dale, and Link Wray, garage bands such asThe Cramps, The Gruesomes, and The Swamp Rats, and contemporay bands like Wavves, The Intelligence, Thee Oh Sees, and Crocodiles - speak volumes.
The Boom Bang - Run Way Away
The Boom Bang - We Skeletons - sonicmasala.blogspot.com
It’s elementary to associate the West Coast, lo-fi, surf-rock movement with, well, the West Coast. But meet The Boom Bang, an equally disgruntled, happy-go-lucky foursome from Oklahoma that stand to defy the very stereotype. Dudes are far removed from an any discernible coast, yet manage to sound like they’re birthed from San Diego or fall out in Silverlake. They’re a fist full of awesome and headin’ places if they keep dropping records like their debut, Pizzapocalypse. They call it “your future soundtrack to mischief-laden evenings” and it’s due on iTunes next week. - http://paulnewmanandaridehome.com
The Boom Bang is a clear case of truth in advertising.
The Oklahoma City quartet’s lead-footed, garage-rock clamor offers pedal-mashing thrills as wheels spin in a rubber-laying roar that unites a tsunami of surf-inflected guitar distortion and chunky rhythms, over which front man James Smith unleashes his frenzied vocal attack. Like a ’70 Cadillac Eldorado barreling down a narrow alley, sparks showering on either side, there’s no choice but to let the rumbling momentum run right over you.
Formed two years ago, the band suffered growing pains that claimed a succession of drummers before the group settled on its current lineup early last year. After spending the fall recording in Clinton, The Boom Bang assembled the set of seven songs that comprise its recent EP, “Pizzapocalypse,” a phrase guitarist Tommy McKenzie overheard while working at Hideaway Pizza.
“We had this grouping of songs, and said, ‘Let’s just go ahead and put it on iTunes.’ We didn’t have enough money to have a physical release,” he said. “So we put it on iTunes, and the reception of those who heard it has been nothing but positive.”
It’s not hard to see why. From the spooky swagger of “Pink Pistola” to the Ramones-ish “Kristin,” and an incendiary rave-up in “Tag Along,” The Boom Bang sound like Black Lips’ grittier cousins. Smith layers his vocals with reverb and effects in order to match his backers’ crush of sound.
“He’s just really experimental,” McKenzie said “He uses a lot of vocal effects, like guitar pedals through his vocals, so it’s able to fill up a lot of space, as opposed to someone who just sings into a microphone, James treats it like an instrument, where you have this aura of noise, as opposed to having the guitar and bass do all of it.”
The group’s live shows are as chaotic as its recordings. The musicians have set off firecrackers at house parties and mutilated an amp in front of last year’s Dfest audience. The live shows get so out of hand, the guys often end up injuring each other. Bassist Weston Lorance has bled all over his bass, while McKenzie was thwacked by a swinging microphone at a recent gig.
Meanwhile, Smith wanders the stage like a deranged, homeless man panhandling for love, alternatively plaintive and intimidating. The whole atmosphere is “anything goes.”
“The audience at a show knows as much about what’s about to happen as we do,” Smith said. “We just kind of go with it.”
The Boom Bang has played a lot of shows of late, including the recent South by Southwest music festival in Austin, Texas. All the time on the road hasn’t impacted the writing — in fact, the busy schedule seems to have inspired the members. They’ve written nearly all the songs for their full-length debut, and recorded more than half of them.
A summer release is eyed for “Ghost Without a Coast.”
“It’s like we’re this spooky surf music, but we’re in the central United States,” McKenzie said. “We’re not on the West or East Coast, so we’re without a coast, but it still resonates with that same feeling.”
As for the upcoming album’s sound, listeners can expect the same no-holds-barred ferocity of the notorious live shows.
“I’m always disappointed if I hear something live that I don’t hear on the CD, or it doesn’t translate,” McKenzie said. “I feel like whatever you see up there, I want to hear music that makes me feel how it is when I see it performed.” —Chris Parker
- Oklahoma Gazette
Les bienfaits de myspace, quand le grand capital sert la cause du rock'n roll ! ! ! Découvert donc via la toile The Boom Bang est un groupe américain qu'un échange de mail a fait atterrir dans ma boite aux lettres, pas la virtuelle, la vraie, l'unique, celle que l'on ouvre manuellement avec grand bonheur. Que vois-je donc arriver, un 7 titres qui crache son venin, un rock'n roll rapide et malfamé, puissant, répétitif dans la forme mais diaboliquement tonique. Sacré bave aux commissures des lèvres, des litres de whisky de contrebande se répandent, un peu de Stooges ou plutôt de l'iguane, pas mal de Cowboys From Outerspace, des kilos de The Dirteez avec derrière l'esprit carnassier du Kaïser Lucas Trouble. Une cave, de la crasse, de l'humidité, j'aime ce genre là d'autant plus qu'ici la rythmique n'est pas des plus calmes et des plus soumises, “ Spies like us “, “ Kristen “ m'ont plu d'entrée mais c'est surtout sur “ Science queen “ et les deux bonus “ Coast of Christmas trash “ et “ Get erased “ que j'ai crains le plus fortement le retour des démons transis de la secte “ 666 “. Fourche, tenue rouge et noire, raclure des bas fonds, beats punks saisissants, chant tendu mais charismatique tout en impose, gros bol d'air malsain américain. Je vous le conseille, ça c'est du rock'n roll venimeux, il n'y a pas photo... Un deuxième cd me proposait la version vidéo en noir et blanc de “ Spies like us “, excellent, des corps et des visages qui se tordent, une ambiance concert torride et crépusculaire, énorme, ça m'a foutu
le frisson, affaire à découvrir d'urgence... J'étais gâté ce soir après ça je me suis branché sur le tribute au Dum Dum Boys parfait complément inquiétant et tout aussi sauvage ! ! ! (NqB).
- http://cafzic.oldiblog.com
Aan het begin van een nieuw jaar zijn er meestal weinig nieuwe releases te bespeuren en komen de restjes van het vorige jaar aan bod. Die restjes zijn natuurlijk niet de platen die een enorme positieve indruk hebben weten te maken. Om het nieuwe jaar direct te beginnen met het afzeiken van een paar platen is ook weer zoiets. Daar hebben we immmers weer een jaar de tijd voor. De oplossing landde tussen kerst en oud en nieuw met een luide knal op deze planeet. De band heet The Boom Bang en is een obscure garagesurfpunkband uit Oklahoma. Op de in eigen beheer uitgebrachte debuut ep Pizzapocalypse heerst de band vanaf de eerste noten. De vette fuzz druipt uit de op ruwe wijze gesloopte amps. Een waanzinnige zanger en een drummer die al vrij vlot van gekkigheid niet meer weet waar hij nu weer op moet slaan. Zo geniaal kom je ze zelden nog tegen. Als deze band niet heel snel een plaat uitbrengt op In The Red Records of op een ander gerenomeerd garagerocklabel dan is de zondvloed nabij.
Dinsdag 05 Januari 2010 at 8:25 pm Geen reacties - Planet Trash
Norman Music Festival - Best of Saturday
* Joshua Boydston/The Daily
* Matt Carney/The Daily
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The Boom Bang performs Saturday during the Norman Music Festival on the Guestroom Records Stage. Joshua Boydston/The Daily
Best of Saturday
The Boom Bang, Guestroom Records Stage, 5 p.m.
It didn't take long for Norman Music Festival to kickoff with a, well, bang. After a fast and furious set from Gang Starr Museum, The Boom Bang took the stage to overcast skies, some raindrops and a looming fear of electrocution. It lit the set off (literally) by lighting a smoke bomb and launching right into one of its best executed sets this year. It was loose, fun and loud. Mother Nature brought the rain, The Boom Bang brought the thunder. - Joshua Boydstun (The Oklahoma Daily)
While some bands spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and hours in the studio in search of that perfect, pristine sound, Oklahoma City’s The Boom Bang revel in everything lo-fi. Their grungy, surf punk sound brings to mind basements filled with sweaty bodies, cheap beer and good times. The band’s newest song “Get Erased” will be sure to have fans of Jeff the Brotherhood tapping their feet. - www.ourstage.com Bethany Leavey
“A smashed amp, blistered fingers, dozens of smoke bombs, hundreds of Black Cats and countless blown minds would eventually lead to their debut EP, “Pizzapocalypse,” your future soundtrack to mischief-laden evenings and dastardly drives over abandoned highways. From the frightening thud of “Tokyo Roll” to wild yelp of “Tag Along,” you quickly get the sense of The Boom Bang being the band playing the legendary house party you wish you had been at and never left.” - Joshua Boydstun (The Oklahoma Daily)
This four piece of southern hipsters plays tight, indie surf punk to match its members' tight jeans and devil-may-care demeanors. Crashing cymbals, shrill reverb, tambourine and howling vocals enlighten the loud sound of "Spies Like Us", an underground gem of raw attitude. It's got a perfectly catchy chorus of chanted hoots and bow-wow-wows and a theme of night-owlish behavior any 20-something can relate to. And it gets it done in under three minutes, which gives the tune its punk badge. The band formed in May 2008, professing that their music only wants a good time to be had by all. Their Pizzapocalypse EP (best EP title ever) came out in 2009, and a new one will be whipped out by March of this new year. These Southern gentlemen will also be playing the four-day Neon Reverb Festival in Las Vegas of that same month.
By lazarus
Feb 05, 2010 in San Francisco, CA, North America - www.spinearth.tv
1. Pizzapocalypse LP - 11/09/2009 - Self Released
2. Get Erased - Single - 03/29/2010 - Self Released
3. Bummer Camp - EP - 09/17/2010 Online release 10/02/2010 Guestroom Records
4. Coast of Christmas Trash Single - 10/18/2010 - Nice People Records
5. World War Fun LP - 03/11/11 - Nice People Records
6. The Boom Bang/Copperheads - Split 7" - Okie Dope Records
"Bummer Camp" vinyl EP is distributed through Matador Records and Revolver Records.
All songs are available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, etc...
Currently songs off the "Bummer Camp" ep and "World War Fun" LP are getting rotation on www.thespyfm.com, which is also 105.3 The Spy in Oklahoma City and various college radio stations in the country.
Songs also on rotation on Jezz Harkin's radio show Get In The Van.

The Boom Bang are a suburban Oklahoma band that would be right at home living in Ty Segall or John Dwyer's bathroom closet. Riding a wave of recognition from blogs and other press, the energetic four piece that toured the United States in the summer of 2011. The Boom Bang is constantly writing and recording new albums including a split 7" record that will be out in December and a follow up full length album in 2012.