The bianca Story
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The bianca Story

Band Rock Avant-garde


This band has not uploaded any videos
This band has not uploaded any videos



"Portrait: The bianca Story"

"...makes it clear that: The freethinking rock music of TbS combined with danceable elements is in line with the trend...
...There are still a few months to go until the new CD is on the market. But it's worth waiting if you look at the previous songs..."

All reports in full length and in its original language can be viewed at - 20 minuten, 13/10/06


Although the band was only formed shortly, they display some amazing maturity. They have potential, that's for sure...
...their performance at the Bscene 06 demonstrated that - they convinced with a mix of rough Indy sounds and playful Pop outtakes -, they have left their beginnings way behind...
...When Elia Rediger sais that he doesn't know how long The bianca Story is going to be staying in Switzerland, it doesn't show arrogance but simply a sense of healthy attitude of the situation..."

All reports in full length and in its original language can be viewed at - Basler Zeitung, 10/05/06


"...The music goes into danceable areas, with a decent portion of bass and a focus on synths...
...acting authentically, being honest to yourself and taking hard decisions. But mostly: Enjoying life!
The new CD is out soon and is now being mastered at Metropolis Studios in London. It's worth listening to!"

All reports in full length and in its original language can be viewed at - Subculture, 04/06


"...The song "Paper Piano" has already been released as an appetizer for the upcoming album and strides with elegant nonchalance through the slowly fermenting wave-revival. "Paper Piano" gains enough air to breath in the hysterical rush of a steady indie scene. Mature achievement."

-Andreas Schneiter- - Basler Zeitung, 23/11/06

"Who’s the headliner?"

Rockers from Another Way devised a good strategy, when they made the
record release party free for everyone. But the best news was that
they brought the Swiss band "The bianca Story" as their support. They
contacted this prodigal band over myspace and booked a few shows
The club wasn’t even half-full, the audience at first looked at the
stage rather cautiously, but the captivating, uncompromising electro-
rock’n’roll of "The bianca Story" soon magnetized all the people
around. The beautiful chanteuse and a charismatic frontman never let
anyone pay attention to their beer. Their image was complemented by a
retro TV screen onstage. The frontman’s megaphone performance was
also part of the great show. If you are into Franz Ferdinand or the
Czech band Moimir Papalescu and the Nihilists, forget about both of
them and go for The bianca Story! - Rock&Pop (CZ), 4/07

"The bianca Story - Hi Socety!"

Frisches Musikgut aus der Schweiz. Von dort grüsst man freundlich die Gesellschaft, die aus Rockern ebenso wie aus Ravern bestehen darf.

Unbekümmerter Rock gefolgt von hüpfendem Wave gefolgt von ambitionierter Indie-Komposition. Die Abwechslung setzt sich fort. The bianca Story, der eidgenössischen Kunsthochschulszene entsprungen, macht es den Schubladendenkern nicht einfach. Das soll deren Problem sein. Die fünfköpfige Band liefert die Musik. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Und egal welcher aktuellen musikalischen Baustelle man die einzelnen Titel zuzurechnen hat, den jeweiligen Standard erfüllen sie stets. Es macht Spass, mit "Hi Society!" zwischen Radiohead und Franz Ferdinand zu mäandern und nie das Gefühl zu verlieren, Originale zu hören. Das ist roter Faden und Stärke des Albums: Musik aus Leidenschaft, aus dem Bauch heraus, nicht kalkuliert, einfach gemacht. Und sehr charmant dabei. Hoffentlich können die experimentierfreudigen Schweizer einengende Stilpolizisten vom internationalen Parkett noch lange auf Distanz halten. Es wäre schade, wenn eine zunehmend normierte Erwartungshaltung ihnen die vielseitige Spielfreude rauben würde.

Wofgang Kienast - VISIONS (02/08)



Album: Hi Society! (Rodeostar Records)
Single: Paper Piano
(Played by radio stations from Switzerland to Germany to Slovenia)
Videoclip: Paper Piano
(Screened by Swiss television and international film festivals such as CAN in Leicester UK, Miskolc in Hungary and Balchik in Bulgary)
EP: I Decay
(Soundtrack for The bianca Story's first music film "I Decay". Including their new single "Tick Talk")



Fall 2008: New The bianca Story FREE DOWNLOAD SONGS @

- Release of their debut album "Hi Society!" at January the 25th by the German label Rodeostar Records
- album reviews in magazines such as VISIONS (D), ROCK&POP (CZ) or ROCKSTAR (CH)
- European tours in May 2006, February/March 2007 and Septembre/Octobre 2007, February 2008
- The song Paper Piano is being played on various radios from Switzerland to Slovenia
- The videoclip Paper Piano is being shown on TV and international film festivals
- They played at the biggest Swiss openair St.Gallen on June 30th 2007
- Headliners at the Swiss festivals bscene07 and JKF 07
- Release of their first music film "I Decay" in June 07

At the scratch of this ensemble, there was a so far neverending enthusiasm: Just formed the group already tours their first very responsive tracks through Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe followed by festivals such as St. Gallen (CH). Supports of international acts such as The Gossip followed shortly after. Their first single "Paper Piano" gets radio airplay from Switzerland to Slovenia and is nominated for Best Songs Of 2007 at MIDEM Cannes (F). Their videoclip of "Paper Piano" opens them doors for international video festivals and leads into a musical film "I DECAY" which definitely classifies them as a promising international young act in every aspect.

In fall 2007, The bianca Story was signed by the German label Rodeostar Records. Their Debut Album "Hi Society" was released in January 2008, which VISIONS caused to say "... it's fun to switch between these musical elements without losing the feel of hearing originals. That's the red string: music for a passion, never calculated, simply made and very charming!"

The genre was called New Haven, whose roots bring you back to the good old New Wave Rock'n'Roll. Their New Haven is a "must-go for broad-minded ships
in the 21th centure" as singer Elia puts it. There you will find a young group of artists who seem to play with eclectism and history in a obvious reckless way. History for them is not here to be repeated, therefore they try to learn to deal with the present as if it was our last day. As a matter of fact The bianca Story breaks common situation of nowadays pop-circus in pieces. One moment they play wireless-headphoneconcerts, hold exibitions in galleries, sample the audience to write a live-song together, just to play the next day at Europe's biggest festivals. A guaranteed interesting evening if you are ready. There will be walls of trombones, tender melismatic voices, screams and choirs, a single guitar lick and the tough but forgiving drumbeat which will hopefully make you shiver.
Or as MTV Head Of Press, Matts Wappman puts It: "The bianca Story is extremely convincing with its individualistic style of music and their very charismatic frontman. Purely fresh and long-lasting, this music rocks and transports the listener, and it's full of experimental facets. Its versatility and great artistic claim are very impressive!"

The bianca Story leaves tracks in these tumultuous days between Brighton, Budapest, Baltimore, Berlin and Basel and can count on a rapidly growing and abiding fanbase.

"Basically it's about breaking all that Rock'n'Roll gossip back to its most truthful moments, something that makes it worth to remember the NOW! I hope we can
keep confusing things there as 'The bianca Story' singer Anna says. After their promising Debut 'Hi Society' The bianca Story will inevitably make themselves heard throughout the scene. Soon with music, movie or further stranger things. Among these for sure the well known and unforgettable live concerts.