The Appledaughters
Gig Seeker Pro

The Appledaughters

Middletown, Connecticut, United States | SELF

Middletown, Connecticut, United States | SELF
Band Folk Alternative


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This band has not uploaded any videos



"Performance Evaluation"

Howe has really been applying himself in P.E. this year. He has risen above the bottom 10% bracket in his class, proving that he is not physically unfit, but merely unmotivated at times. - Coach Greiner


"A N O T H E R M M Y S T E R Y" EP



The Appledaughters are four rascal upstarts who like to dance loudly and sing in traumatizing harmony. Hailing from Wesleyan University, they've flabbergasted audiences while opening for the likes of the Dodos, Bear Hands, Laura Stevenson and the Cans, and Twin Shadow. If you like melodious vocalizations, majestic songs, and clogging, don't miss the original spirituals of this post-punk/post-post-folk/pre-space quartet.

Sam and Howe first met while exploring the forest path between their remote cabins in northwestern Wisconsin - at the time, they were both growing beards and recording folk albums. As Sam saw Howe approaching through the forest, he screamed (confusing Howe for a bear), and Howe harmonized with his scream. The two became fast friends, and they decided to put their penchants for harmony and similar body types to use by forming the Appledaughters.

Because Sam and Howe decided that the only good bands are quartets, they found two homeless gentlemen and asked them to join the Appledaughters in exchange for food and shelter. They soon replaced these homeless gentlemen with off-off-Broadway pit musicians, Gabe Greenberg and Jon Saalfield. To this day, the four share a cabin in the arctic tundra of Middletown, Connecticut, knitting sweaters and raising natural, grass-fed music.