The Chairman Band
Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan | Established. Jan 01, 1997 | INDIE
繼上張專輯《眾神護台灣》榮獲多項金曲獎入圍肯定後,董事長樂團2013的最新專輯即將發行,第9張專輯名為《One Life/一條命》,之前離團的鼓手金剛、吉他手小豪,這次也回歸參與。記者會上好兄弟五月天的怪獸特地提著「一缸啤酒」祝賀,更催促董事長樂團乾「缸」,沒想到董事長樂團根本沒在怕,還豪邁地說:「我們今日事、今日畢,沒在寄酒的啦」。
為了這張專輯,董事長樂團還特地遠赴休士頓進行為期三個星期的專輯後製,過程中美國資深音樂製作人Andy Bradley對整張專輯讚不絕口,甚至說:專輯中的《美麗啊》如果有英文版本,絕對會是電台播放率最高的歌曲,不但如此,專輯中破天荒有了第一次男女對唱的歌曲,記者會上邀請閻韋伶合唱《幸福的滋味〉。由此種種都可看見董事長樂團對這張專輯的重視,以及令人期待的新轉變。
((Following last album, "The Gods Bless Taiwan," won several Golden Melody Awards, Chairman band's latest album to be released 2013, the 9th album "One Life / a life", .Press conference good friend Mayday /Monster specially mention the "one-cylinder beer" congratulations.
For members who left the group before, lead singer and guitarist A-Jee joked: "Mayday is enough for a band, they have no other choice but to come back." King owned corporation said that this return only three simple reasons: brothers, revolutionary spirit , a life, so that six people can fit quite moving again, but said they would take advantage of the long incubation period of this social issues of concern with songs to stand.
For this album, The Chairman also specifically went to Houston for a period of three weeks after the album made, the process of the United States, a senior music producer Andy Bradley was full of praise for the album, even he said: album "Beautiful ah "If there is the English version, will definitely be the highest rate of the radio broadcast songs, not only that, the album the first time with the first duet of the song, press conference invite Yan Weiling chorus of" happiness taste". )) - China Times
這份突破,鈞董特別對這次新光三越主辦「第3屆不插電音樂大賽」的參賽選手喊話:「玩音樂千萬別忘了,音樂的『本質』還是最重要的。」以近兩張專輯取自太極圖的意念為例,一正一反、一靜一動,達到一個完美的平衡。一條命 一個世界,講的是社會、是兄弟、更是愛情,一個人的生命,其實就是一個世界,屬於你自己的世界。世界有多大,走得多遠,遇到多少人,都會化為創作的元素,白董說:「很多人告訴我們,一個世界這張專輯,很適合旅行,就像開在一條長長的公路上,沿途景色奇麗,伴隨著沉靜的心。」
((Each “Boss" are legendary, and story.
"Playing rock music is in recording the moment,
we do want to do music, so worthy of my own music, do not flatter the mainstream market.”
Ji Dong said, how high the Chairman of the orchestra recognizable independent music scene the key, "worthy of their" efforts, are still practice twice a week at least, recorded in the works. "Rock record the moment things happened, we issue works which indeed have left history," Dong Jun sighed softly: "culture, it is so away from us so close,but so strange.”
The more international.
Shin Kong Mitsukoshi sponsored this "rock celebrity Exhibition", the Chairman is particularly the eighth album, "The Gods Bless Taiwan," and various handmade goods by master craftsman ordered. One of the most special is a whole gold embroidered guitar, back and forth to spend a lot of money,and so far are reluctant to bomb.
Of course there are the years of domestic and international trophies, including the seventeenth Golden Award won "Best Band Award" for the fifth "find a new world," and was nominated for the Golden Melody Awards in Taiwan, it is subject to the continent the "Chinese Golden Melody Awards" valued "The Gods Bless Taiwan."
The chairman's "The Gods Bless Taiwan" gives them a revelation, though some did not understand Hokkien, but opens up an idea to combine the cultural tradition of popular music, indirectly opened the entire Chinese local music.)) - inCulture
((22nd Golden Melody Awards, with "the gods bless Taiwan" album nominated for Best Best rock band award, The Chairman have a creative idea for Avenue of Star on the red carpet,They really brought the gods blessing, singer expressed the hope that through this album, Taiwan's unique culture will flourish.
The Chairman members wore traditional dress, while pounding the wooden drum onto the Avenue of Stars on the red carpet.The vocal A-Jee said they that "The gods bless Taiwan" album will bring back our childhood memories of Taiwanese culture.)) - Liberty Times
Still working on that hot first release.