Tesuque Revolt
San Diego, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2017 | SELF
Due to drop in October of the year 2018, the first official recording by desert-dancing sound seers Tesuque Revolt has but four musical events within this puro maximalist collection of tunes and corollary imagery. Check out the cover, ese, where a Zia-themed sun sets while a mermaid and rattlesnake make musical communion against a backdrop of mesas and various succulents. There’s a thunderbird in there too, lurking somewhere near the puffy clouds. Much like the visual representation presented to listeners who seek out this fantastic recording, the music comes from many directions and traditions at once. Latin rhythms, R&B inflected vocals for the English songs, electronic instrumentation galore, some guitar-soaked rocanrol and a post-border pop aesthetic that suggests au currant pop sounds like those made by other LA bands from Chicano Batman to Mini Mansions land this record precisely within in the psycho-geographic boundaries one expects: This is the new music of the West. By track two, “3 Palomas,” a relentless dance beat is introduced in combination with the Spanish-speaking rap listeners have been craving since the opening track wound out, locating the music in space and time for even casual listeners. Overall, the eclectic approach to style and instrumentation seems natural here. Who would have guessed that, 20 years after Hello Nasty, the term “intergalactic” could stand for the good such experimental, cross-genre work legitimized. - Albuquerque Weekly Alibi
por Estefani Castañeda Badillo 2019-04-05 - 00:00:00
El trío electroacústico de latino/dance/surf, Tesuque Revolt, llega a la ciudad capitalina desde Nuevo México para presentar su más reciente producción musical, Serenata de Plata, lanzada el pasado 5 de octubre del 2018 en San Diego.
“El grupo se gestó en el mar, conocí a Mike en Nuevo México y de ahí nos volvimos a encontrar en San Diego (California) por coincidencia. Entonces empezamos a surfear y ahí comenzó un proyecto nuevo, más electrónico”, explicó Matías Pizarro a Crónica.
Iniciaron como un dúo compuesto por Michael García (vocalista y productor) y Matías Pizarro (percusionista y productor), pero tiempo después se incorporó Gustavo López (bajista).
“Es como una colaboración. Aunque participamos en distintos proyectos, hemos sobrevivido produciendo un estilo poco tradicional, en el sentido en el que armamos todo a distancia, por Skype y compartiendo por la nube, saliendo de convencionalismos”, indicó Pizarro. Durante sus presentaciones en vivo, el EP Serenata de Plata es acompañado por otros temas que juntos componen un material de 11 canciones. Aquellas que quedaron fuera del EP suenan de manera aislada, pero a su vez como parte del concepto de la banda.
“Hemos estado explorando con la tecnología, hicimos estudios (de grabación) en nuestras casas. Es importante una estructura que te permita innovar”, comentó López.
Tras presentarse ayer en Valiant Pub (Ciudad de México), tocarán hoy en Confort Pizza Pub (Toluca) y mañana sábado 6 de abril en el tianguis de El Chopo, el Festival Almoloya y finalmente en el bar Pan y Circo. - Cronica
Their infectious melodies, catchy hooks and falsetto register evoke latin dance floor
hymns. The lyrics are as much about heartbreak as they are about riding waves. In the
land of Tesuque Revolt, reggaeton meets rock and Latin-infused urban jungle beats.
Check out the band’s bilingual release ‘’Serenata de Pirata’’ and their pulse-pounding
performances which make this act one of the most innovative new projects to look out
Tesuque Revolt is a hi-energy Electro-Border-Pop trio born while riding waves in San Diego’s Pacific Ocean. The band is characterized by a unique stage arrangement where all members stand stage front with contraptions of lights, stands and pedals. They loop guitar riffs and vocal melodies, and trigger samples in an energetic physical delivery that combines catchy songs with a masterful precision of their instruments.
Hailing from the distant lands of Chile and New Mexico, founding members Michael Garcia and Matias Pizarro shared a brief stint in San Diego, then were forced to part ways when Mike returned to his native New Mexico. The music prevailed, and the seasoned musicians continued to rehearse remotely in their studios via cloud-sharing platforms and Skype, and sometimes even sharing melodies and beats over text messages and emails. This mix of electronic and acoustic instruments spawned an innovative way of writing and performing, and San Diego bassist Gus ''Gallo” Lopez's fresh ears and production skills completed the equation. Their debut material has already caught the ears of listeners across New Mexico, Arizona, Southern California, Tijuana, and Mexico City.
Their infectious melodies, catchy hooks and falsetto register evoke latin dance floor hymns. The lyrics are as much about heartbreak as they are about riding waves. In the land of Tesuque Revolt, reggaeton meets rock and Latin-infused urban jungle beats. Check out the band’s bilingual release ‘’Serenata de Pirata’’ and their pulse-pounding performances which make this act one of the most innovative new projects to look out for.
Band Members