Seattle, Washington, United States | Established. Jan 01, 1993 | INDIE
Available at most Disc jockey stores and Cellophane Square.
Our world's not a real nice place right now, but we can make it better. That's the message of the self-titled debut CD of Worldtime- a trio with members from Puyallup, Everett and Spokane.
The disc traces a lifetime, from birth to 12 years of schools' "mind jamming" to fighting in a war over oil to breaking down, finding hope, and facing death. Whew.
Worldtime begins with environmental noises- and ocean's roar, a baby's cry-then moves into a more familiar pseudo-metal formula. The power chords, dramatic vocals and earnestness make one think of Queensryche.
The music may sound a bit familiar, but the lyrics mostly avoid cliche. Sometimes, however they lack subtlety: "Write and call our leaders/Hold them responsible for their actions or inaction." Poetry that ain't.
"We believe in positive empowered world change, " the CD liner notes say. A Greenpeace address and Jerry Brown's 800 number are listed as proof. - The News Tribune (Tacoma WA) Stephanie Reader
This trio out of Seattle is without doubt highly influenced by RUSH and for me thay are the only band that knows how to fill me with enthusiasm in this grunge-contaminated scene. Maybe you don't have to see the comparision with RUSH that serious cuz the ten songs are also dominated by heavy guitars sometimes. Very good is singer Jay Ames with a real powerfull voice. I would also emphasisze the great environmental engagement of this band that is the main theme in most of the compostions. The sound quality is also excellent so you'd better contact the band to hear about the price for this masterpeice. GERALD MITTINGER - Translation "UNDERGROUND EMPIRE"
and once again the magic word is america. There gathered 1990 three well-experienced musicians to create WORLDTIME. A good decision, cuz this CD goes in the direction of QUEENSRYCHE although the basic mood is darker and not that sterile as the Seattle Prog-Metaller celebrate. Especially the atmosphere knows how to chain the listner. Only the stright rocker "Stay down johnny" is very different from the other compact compositions. It seems to be that WORLDTIME created a concept album. the material isn't very simple written-more highly detailed. We have to be very curious to see how these hopefuls in atmospheric progressive metal continue their musical career. Send as soon as possible 25,-DM to Dynamo. Detlef Dengler (8 pts out of 12) Translation: Patrick - Translation "HEAVY ODER WAS"
Keeping a band together is rough enough with conflicts of personalities and creative differences seemingly around every corner. Under various configurations and names, WORLDTIME has stayed together for eleven years despite what drummer Donn Garrett says is an unofficial rule, "that we don't live any closer than seventy miles from each other. " A geographical separation that most marriages couldn't survive.
Garrett now lives in Spokane, while writer, vocalist and lead guitarist Jay Ames resides in Puyallup, and bassist Dennis Coile calls Everett home. But when Garrett was asked if he would ever consider doing something a little more local he stated, "No, I'm a Worldtimer, I wouldn't want to clog my system up with other music. I think for me and Jay, and Dennis as well, that we couldn't envision doing this with anyone else. If this doesn't happen, I'd probably just disappear into obscurity". It's that kind of loyalty and commitiment to their vision that has kept these guys together despite their separation and while playing (according to Ames) "all the little shitholes on the I-90 corridor."
With influences as diverse as Hendrix, The Who , and Rush (Ames has been compared vocally to Rush vocalist Getty Lee), one would think that these guys are rockers, and they are. But they are much more than that- they are rockers with a message. As Garrett puts it, "My philosophy is everyone trying, despite color or religious differences, to pull together and heal this planet." And their music, which has been described as "environmentally aggressive rock," reflects this philosophy.
All the songs on the band's debut release, "Worldtime", deal with relevant enironmental and social issues. A prime example being "Petrodollar Connection," a song about the war in the Gulf. As ames puts it, "Petrodollar Connedtion" was written the eve before the United States' deadline to bomb Iraq. It mentions religions as a motivation for going to war. But there's this underlying theme of oil, and big money. When you start seeing gas prices blowing through the roof and then you hear people saying this is not about oil, it just doesn't make any sense. "Petrodollar" is about the objects like money, oil, the power to travel. The song came out of the frustration of the time."
The album, however isn't just a morbid collection of pissing and moaning about the world in general. The band hopes people will llisten to their message and begin to change. Change not for more money or material things, but for the good of all the world's inhabitants. "The Demanding Dreams of Success" is about change. Ames relates his philosophy and the album's theme with the response, "It's like the turning point in the storyline (of the album) to change things, it comes down to the individual. Self-empowerment, believing in yourself, It's not somebody else's problem. I'm a part of the problem. I believe that one needs to try on a daily basis to change, not necessarily who I am, but the way I do things. To try and change things even if it means just to have a more positive outlook. To try and make the world a better place than the way I found it."
Their album should be available at local Hastings stores and the band recently shot a video at Jimmy Z's in Everett in hopes of getting their message out to more people.
"You make what you believe, " says Ames. "Just look over your shoulder and see what kind of life you've lived. Is that something that you can accept and pass on with when you're laying on your death bed? I know it sounds a little dreary, but we're only here for a short time, and a person can give or take. If we all give a little more than we take, the world would be a better place." OCTOBER 1993
"The Scene" DENNIS LUNSTROTH - The Scene (Spokane WA) by Dennis Lunstroth
Worldtime (Circle Ranch Productions)
In this age of declining global environment it is easy to appreciate a group that can emphasize positive change for our future. The Debut C.D. from Worldtime achieves this message with integrity and talent, and delivers it in a tight and well produced pop rock concept album.
Vocals on this CD are smooth and precise throughout, complementing a soldi musical backdrop ranging from semi-acoustic tracks like "Child Within" and "Demanding Dreams of Success" and the hard driving "Sandtray." "Demise creates an eerie, moody tone that closes the CD well, leaving the listener both humble and inspired; a song that could easily become the favorite of any Worldtime fan.
The sound that, Donn Garrett, Jay Ames and Dennis Coile create is talented and polished. One listen through will show that this CD is definitely par for the course. JERMEISTER - Pandemonium! (Tacoma WA)
The most environmentally conscious local recording of the year has been released by a band based in Puyallup, WA. The ten songs on "Worldtime" focus on the net effects of "progress," beginning with a young father's mussings on the world his newborn child will inherit, and ending with the grown child becoming a slave to a multinational corporation. There is also a less pronounced water theme expressed in the subtitles of each song, such as "newborn Dreams (Ocean), " and "Living Fantasy (Raging Creek)." What Worldtime need to work on is punching up their music. The guitar and drums are mixed so low they ar barely noticed, while the vocals owe a large debt to Geoff Tate. Worldtime's hear is in the right place though. The proudly display a photo of their electric car and provide the addresses of groups who "believe in positive empowered world change." -GREG BARBRICK - The ROCKET (Seattle WA)
2015 TERRA ZOO CD release "All your love in a lifetime" available at PRCo Seattle $12.98 FREE SHIPPING http://terrazooseattle.com/TZBR1.html
2011 The all new Terra Zoo Blues Review 10 song digital release. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/all-new-terra-zoo-blues-review/id546269959
2009 Special Edition release of "WORLDTIME" available at CD Baby/Apple I-tunes/Napster & more.... (non lyric edition)
2008 Gerald Lee Ames & Cascade Country
12 song album cd "Cascade Country" http://terrazooseattle.com/PRCoSeattleGLA.html
2007 GLA 10 song solo version of "Walk thru fire"
2006 GLA 10 song solo release "open Roads."
(available at CD Baby and apple i-tunes)
1993 concept album cd release "WORLDTIME." w 8 page CD color and b/w lyric booklet
featuring Seattle producer Jay Follette.
Select tracks received airplay on KISW and local college radio stations.
"Wikitime" video released in Dec of 2010 honoring the life and vision of John Lennon.
You are invited to a lyric photo concept album journey at the link (http://terrazooseattle.com/WORLDTIME.html)
Just follow the "Experience Worldtime" logo

"Experiencing life, celebrating the feelings with great music"
Jay Ames and Wes Smith have been writing and performing together in various groups since 1982. Ames has engaged in opening act to headliners as diverse from John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown band to the 80's metal group RAIL. Recording projects include the 1993 production of "Worldtime" with producer Jay Follette at the former Ironwood Studios, Seattle WA.
Ames performed the Eastern WA club circuit of chicken wire bars and honkey tonks stretching from Wenatchee, Mabton to Omak performing in a rock trio as "the Presence" and WORLDTIME "We literally starved and put our time in to art."
The 1991 oil wars ignited the sparks of band and recording project WORLDTIME. Ames, teamed up with producer Jay Follette for the 10 song concept album featuring climax song "Petrodollar Connection. 93-94 the group performed in the Seattle club scene at the Ballard Firehouse, the Swan, Bogarts , the Detour, Jimmy Z's, The Flamingo and in clubs across state at Mother'spub, and Outback Jacks. A performance at the Rainbow Valley Peace festival (the rain clouds parted for the show)
Airplay for the band included KISW 99.9, KVLR live interview/feature album, KSVR interview /airplay, KSFC Spokane, KHSU Arcata CA.
In 2006 Ames wrote performed and produced the solo debut country release on the PRCo indie label Gerald Lee Ames "Open Roads". (cd baby)
2006 Ames performs the National Anthem at Cheney Stadium, Tacoma WA
2007 second GLA cd release with indie PRCo "Walk thru fire."
In 2008 Ames recorded GLA album Cascade Country, featuring songs Hearts Pass, You're like heaven . (available at CD baby)
2006-2008 Ames with GLA perform at the
Taste of Tacoma & 2008 Bite of Seattle
2009 Special Edition CD re- release of WORLDTIME album.
2010 Ames records solo album project "The all new TERRA ZOO blues review" (available apple I tunes)
2012 Ames starts forming new plans for power trio TERRA ZOO
2014 TERRA ZOO performing live preproduction shows in Eastern WA performing songs from WORLDTIME, the all new TERRA ZOO blues review, and then NEW forth coming January 2015 album release.
2015 TERRA ZOO releases CD "All your love in a lifetime" with PRCo Seattle with trio Jay Ames lead vox, bass guitar, keys, Wes Smith lead guitar backing vox, Greg Autrey percussion drums, acoustic guitar, vox
2016 TERRA ZOO releases new CD "Cash Alligator" featuring Smith Autrey Ames line up.
2016 TERRA ZOO is emersion writing and recording their next full album due for a 2017 release. "We are real excited about this next phase of our development as a group. We are bringing out our big guns for this new album and stepping our show up to the next level. 2015 shows included concert production levels of touring with a 60 par lightshow, follow spots, full FOH sound and video screen projections. 2016/2017 will include all that plus some new developments in our presentation.
Band Members