team abraham
San Diego, California, United States | INDIE
Headlining the night was up-and-coming local band, Team Abraham, which played an arousing set fully equipped with tambourines, harmonicas and sweet pop vocals.
Fronted by Abraham Nunez, the five-piece band showcased hit after hit through its folksy and airy sound. Country splashed and full of energy, Nunez told stories via song while smoothly transitioning between each breath.
- The Daily Aztec
By Nina Garin, Union-Tribune Staff Writer
2:00 a.m. March 5, 2009
Team Abraham EP Release, with Lights On
When: Tomorrow, 8:30 p.m.
Where: Casbah, 2501 Kettner Blvd., Middletown
Tickets: $7
Phone: (619) 232-4355
Online: myspace.com/abrahamnunez
We've all heard tales about unlucky musicians – you know, the ones who, no matter how hard they try, never seem to catch a break.
This isn't one of those stories.
In the year since Abraham Nuñez has been playing music, he's had a knack for being in the right place at the right time. There was one night when Nuñez went out for a drink and happened to meet a radio DJ. By the end of the night, Nuñez convinced the DJ to let him perform live on the air.
“I didn't have an official band or anything,” Nuñez said. “I had to go and get songs together so that we'd sound professional on the show.”
Not long after that gig on the now-defunct radio station, Nuñez found himself in another enviable position: Team Abraham was given an opening spot at The Casbah.
“We'd only been together three weeks,” Nuñez said. “But I used to live right by the Casbah and I was there practically every night, meeting people and introducing myself to bands.”
Though Nuñez may have had some lucky breaks, the continued success of Team Abraham is a reflection of Nuñez's persistance and the band's sunny alt-country sound.
There's traces of everything from Wilco and the Shins to Pavement and Built to Spill in the music.
“I don't want to be in one of those bands that plays the same thing,” he said. “I like switching up genres. It makes it hard to classify us, but I think the music's more interesting that way.”
Nuñez, who taught himself to play guitar after he broke his ankle on a skateboard, is the primary songwriter. But he's expanded Team Abraham to a five-piece outfit that includes Matt Strachota, Eric Oliver, Neil Gutierrez and Kim Lynette.
The band releases its debut EP, “Driven by the Mystery ... I See,” on vinyl, tomorrow night at the Casbah. There will be some CDs and downloads available for those who don't have a record player.
And speaking of the EP, the band recorded it at Stereo Disguise Recording Laboratories, the recording studio run by Pall Jenkins of Black Heart Procession and Three Mile Pilot.
“That was an amazing experience,” Nuñez said. “He's really scientific when it comes to music. Working with Pall taught me a lot about my sense of timing.”
Educational as it was, don't bother asking Nuñez how he hooked up with such a prestigious studio in the first place.
It was just another example of his luck putting him in the right place, at the right time.
Nina Garin: (619) 293-1284;
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- SDUT, Night & Day, Nina Garin
EP "Driven by the mystery... I see" Vinyl 10' only release

Barely over a year young, indie alt-poppers team abraham have been hand picked by legendary San Diego venue The Casbah to open for national buzz acts such as Blitzen Trapper, Earlimart and Neva Dinova... Just back from their first tour of the midwest including a sxsw slot, this young group is poised for a west coast swing supporting their self released debut EP "Driven by the mystery... I see." produced by SD indie icon Pall Jenkins of The Blackheart Procession. R. Peters - The Complete Record Company