TAME, The Aspiring Me
Houston, TX | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | SELF
Last time, The Aspiring Me gave us an exclusive listen his OK, Whatever album before it’s release. Now, the rapper is back at it again with the fire tracks!
Since his last visit, he has added five tracks to the album. TAME tells Coog Radio why he added the tracks, and shares the interesting stories behind them on The CHI CHI Show.
New Tracks on OK, Whatever:
“Houston on Tuesday, LA on Friday”
“Black Child”
“Draking & Driving”
“ZIN WAY, TX 77004” - Coog Radio
This episode features Andrew Davis, better known by his rap monicker, "The Aspiring Me". Fresh off releasing his brand new full length "ok, whatever", Andrew is relentlessly - Dead Dialect
Over at 8 One Sneaker House, you can grab a first listen of the new album, “#OK Whatever,” from rapper, The Aspiring Me. The Mo City rapper will be dropping the album to grab honest feedback from all who attend, and with the likes of Mobbs, Bizzy Thowed, and iLL Faded on this release, the Q & A portion should get great responses. There’s also a DJ set from DJ Kenny Evans. The RSVP only event has more information here, it’s all ages and the 100% FREE event gets going around 7:00. - FREE PRESS HOUSTON
Son of Houston rap legend Big Mello, The Aspiring Me is destined for greatness. There is no denying that Davis is deeply invested in his art. Claiming he would take death if he couldn’t have rap, the rapper faced a fear of anacondas and roamed the New York streets for 17 hours during the production of his latest video “Not Today”.
His spur-of-the-moment production captures moments from Brooklyn’s West Indian Day Parade. Not only is the rapper writing and recording lyrics in real time, but the people, the NYPD vehicle, and even the anaconda are all totally real and totally random. The rapper admits that he endured swollen feet for a month after his ordeal. But, when he remembers the experience, he can’t help but smile." - Tobechi
"Being the son of Houston rap legend Big Mello, Davis has been exposed to the ways of the game and it helped him find what works for him musically. After dropping his EP The Aspiring Me in 2010, Davis traveled a long road in finding the perfect sound for his self-titled debut album droping in July. Rocks Off got a chance to speak with The Aspiring Me about his album, his father Big Mello and finding himself in music." - Charne Graham
The Aspiring Me is rap royalty, son of the late Houston rap legend Big Mello - THE HOUSTON PRESS
In the headspace of The Aspiring Me, everything with OK, Whatever feels liberating. A tape that feels like it's been sitting in an incubator for a long while, it picks around what satisfies The Aspiring Me’s id: women, drinking with friends and casual braggadocio that gets souped up when playing the dozens.
The title track sways around in chaos with Andrew Davis moving out of his head for a brief second to rage out. The party continues on with “Black Child,” in a sort of minor rage against the machine affair. It’s subtitled “all of my life,” and it sort of plays that way. Most of the punchlines here riff off 1990s-style Beavis & Butt-Head comparisons — witty lines that jump out when focused upon but when strung together, form a bigger conversation.
We normally crucify people who play up to their idols, so much so that they end up aping those artists for extended moments. The Aspiring Me does his best to scurry away from the Kid Cudi Rager moments on OK, Whatever. He even pulls off an act of love, lust and reflection with a four-track opera from swinging from town to town (“Houston on Tuesday, LA on Friday”) to ultimately falling to his knees wondering for answers from a lover (“For a Visit”). Even when piecing rap lines together with best friend Fat Tony, The Aspiring Me walks and resonates best when he’s asking questions.
“White Lies,” with Express, is a query about the justice system, chasing friends from chasing bad decisions and ultimately thumping your chest just for surviving a day. It only helps that the music on OK, Whatever, from “Trump Supporters Be Like…” (with Grayson Paul Creely) to the ethereal folksiness of “Zin Way, 77004,” stretches the tape outside of its predetermined box. One, because The Aspiring Me still finds a way to “Funkwichamind." Two, because Andrew Davis has forever been served playing to his own drum. - Houston Press
“My name is Andrew, the son of the late Big Mello…how was N Love With My Money created?” I got that down home feeling hearing a question that actually called for an answer, instead of the typical blog drop question structure-“Hello, my blog is ______, my twitter is______, I make beats, what are you doing for the youth?” Andrew’s fan boy vibe captured why we all were really at Rice University’s Grand Hall. His truant shame and unaffected interest in the etymology of Chamillionaire and Paul Wall’s classic song reassured me that the Houston rap fan base was as genuine as I remembered it.
Two days later I went to a Fat Tony show and caught Andrew freestyling by the bathrooms about Mo City, Texas, seminal fluids and Hulk Hogan. But before I got a chance to talk to him about the panel he bounced because he had to serve as Fat Tony’s hype man that night.
The very next day I went to my favorite vegan friendly super market where I, again, coincidentally crossed paths with Andrew a.k.a. The Aspiring Me. We decided to hang and he agreed to bless The Troy Blog by shooting the shit with me about his father, the late Big Mello, Houston rap (past and present), and his upcoming album. Enjoy the conversation (you can listen to the audio here, plus The Aspiring Me’s post interview freestyle). - Douglas (@DroopyDood)
Definitely good to know that Andrew Davis, The Aspiring Me if you will, is back to rapping for the sake of fun. And "OK, Whatever" is a fun record where he can fantasize about cougars, charging appearance fees and not sleeping with underage women. The tomb and boom of “OK, Whatever” does the trick and sets up nicely for the full-length project of the same name, due out next month. - Brandon
The Aspiring Me is the son of Big Mello, a forefather of Houston gangster rap. So it'd be easy to anticipate that his first proper tape, TAM, would mirror Mello's mammoth 1992 debut, Bone Hard Zaggin, in style. (The Aspiring Me even uses a cutout of Mello from the cover of Bone Hard Zaggin on the cover of TAM.) It'd also be entirely incorrect*.
Where BHZ meant to cave in your chest, TAM is an introverted project that mostly** examines itself (to great effect, mind you). The best moment: "Easy To See," which sees The Aspiring Me bounce around an almost end-of-the-game credits roll rapping about the latent effects of his father passing away when The Aspiring Me was a teenager. He does so directly ("13 when my dad passed on/It was easy to see he was gone") and indirectly (The most clever bit: When he raps, "In the clouds so above/Haters? So what/You lazy motherfuckers still sitting on sofas/Show up to your life by the time your door shut/You lazy motherfuckers still sitting on sofas?"). Both ways are devastating.
*It's worth noting that even in his most frenzied state, Big Mello also displayed the "weirdness" that The Aspiring Me brightly displays. To wit: The intro of Mello's crippling "Bone Hard Nigga," which Mello opens with a lift of George Clinton's "If you will suck my soul, I will lick your funky emotions" line.
**The Aspiring Me is not entirely above provocation, the most obvious example being "T.O.P.," which starts with a clearly agitated The Aspiring Me barking, "I'm tired of all of this oppression, enough of all this abusing, they definitely misused us, they must think that we're stupid!" - COMPLEX MAGAZINE
Missouri City, Tx.
“ My name is Andrew Davis, Houston artist..by the name of ‘The Aspiring Me’. The name derives from a point to where you just really soul search. My father was an artist, a rapper from Houston ..by the name of Big Mello. He was a gangster rapper, and my music wasn’t necessarily like gangster rapper type of music. So when I would go out and try to play it for people, people wanted to support it ..but the first thing they would say,” it ain’t really that Mello, but I see you.“ I like to think of music as sound designing rather than just musicality. I like to paint pictures, and soundscapes as well..and tell stories based off of stuff that I’ve gone through. If you’re not aspiring to be yourself out here it defeats the purpose of trying to find out “what is your purpose?” You have to find out yourself first and go from there. I take different influences from everywhere because that’s how the world works. The advancing of life is the sharing of information..as long as we can share stuff and grow off it.“ - The People Project
“My message is really my story. It’s not just one lesson you pick up. Instead, I use my life and experiences as the message; and I leave it there for people to pick whatever they can learn from it.”
Wanna know a fun fact about the guy on stage? He’s a BCIS and Gym teacher. Oh, and he’s also an up and coming rapper. Andrew Davon Davis, otherwise known as the Aspiring A.D.D, has made a name for himself across the Houston area. With back to back shows this summer, a new album, and emerging fans, A.D.D is an aritist to be noticed.
“I believe what sets me apart from most of the other rappers in Houston is that I want to have fun first. Rappers be trying to be too serious; and when you’re always focused on this rap shit it takes away from you as a person.”
The twenty-two year old is the son of late and respected Houston rapper, Big Mello, a big contribution to the city’s rap scene. Therefore, it’s no mystery why A.D.D holds so much talent. His debut album The Aspiring Me was released last year and other than that he was worked on projects such as the Mello Campaign and has performed over N.E.R.D’s beats. Considering that I have seen N.E.R.D live, I can truly say that A.D.D’s “Everyone Knows” was very nicely delivered.
He’s from the suburbs of Missouri City but resides in Third Ward. When he’s not rapping he’s teaching children drama, microsoft excel, or having them run laps around school. He enjoys eats at Sparkle Burger and is usually found anywhere from Downtown to Montrose. With performances alongside Fat Tony, Buckamore, Lisa Harris, Dirty and Nasty, Hollywood Floss, and many other talents, A.D.D is one artist who should definetly be recognized. Catch him this Friday at Nak Productions Warehouse!
For music, shows, or info, check out his website:
http://TheAspiringMe.com - Sup Houston?
In 2002, Houston’s ever-growing hip hop community took a major hit when gangster/Southern rap artist Big Mello died in a car wreck.
And his son Andrew Davis — currently performing as A.D.D. — has spent the years since trying to find his own sound in a place where fans instantly connect him to his late father’s work.
There’s no denying Big Mello’s definitively 90s rap and G-Funk sound and its influence on Houston hip hop.
But where Big Mello is a reflection on what’s classic and beloved in hip hop, A.D.D.’s sound is a beautiful example of the open-ended possibilities current rap artists can see unfolding before them like a highway into the unknown.
There are no rules in hip hop anymore, and A.D.D.’s sound personifies that.
He creates pleasant soundscapes, layering intelligent, self-aware raps — and soft-edged elements like sing-songy vocals and the occasional jazz-funk element — over top of them, but the old-school hip hop elements are still there.
This weekend, he’s playing his very first solo set at a Tequila Rok show with local rockers We Were Wolves and Houston rap hero Fat Tony and it’s been a heavily hyped show, for good reason.
Here’s what Davis had to say about his projects, his dad’s influence on his style and the Houston hip hop community at large:
Q At 22, you’ve had two projects out there, as well as a 2010 EP that seems to have made waves in Houston. Tell me a little about the material you’ve released so far.
A My first official mixtape “The Mello Campaign Pt.2” was released back in 2008 back when I went by Lil Mello. It was an ode to my dad to show that the Mello name was still present and was going to forever be present. Shortly after though I changed my name to A.D.D. which started the part of my life where I was struggling to find my own identity.
That led to me doing the “A.D.D. The N.E.R.D. Tape” in 2009. That mixtape was put together rather quickly. I wrote it in two weeks in Houston then flew to Texas Tech and spent roughly four recording it. I made a promise to myself to drop it before Valentine’s Day.
I chose to rap strictly on Pharell beats because at that time his music spoke to me the most.
Photo courtesy of the artist
His beats were fairly simple but the progressions were awesome. I thought it would be fun to just go crazy on it to make it sound like a beautiful contradiction.
During the process of recording that tape, I came into my own identity. I also have a mixtape coming out super soon with Shadyville DJ, JC Flores. It’s an entire “Free Style” tape.
Q Do you feel like you would have ended up in hip hop as a career had it not been for the influence from your father?
A Definitely! The only reason I rap was because I was around my dad 24
7 when I was little. He took me everywhere. I would be on stage rapping his words and in the studio playing with Leggos while watching him record. I never gave anything else a second thought. Although, when I saw Samuel Jackson in “The Negotiator,” for a brief second i wanted to do that.
I was a kid that grew up around rap so I was under the assumption that this is what I’m going to do because my dad did it. He was the only person I wanted to be.
Q After your dad passed away in 2002, have you ever felt like you need to carry on the musical legacy he may have left behind?
A I do, but in a different way then most people in my situation would do.
I was very big on not riding my dad’s coattail after he died. I wanted people to say, “Hey, he raps good. Did you know he was Big Mello’s son?” rather than, “I heard Big Mello’s son raps. Let me see what’s up” because back then I took it as they weren’t coming to me because of me, it was because of my dad.
I just recently got over that, like, last year. I wouldn’t tell people who my dad was, but Bun B knew so he would introduce me to other people as Big Mello’s son. He told me it was nothing be afraid to say because my dad was well respected.
Q To what extent do you feel your style as an artist was shaped by your fathers style, and to what extent do you think it was influenced by other factors, like growing up in Houston?
A 99 percent of what I’m influenced by in some way, shape, form or fashion comes from my dad, but I rap about what it is to be me the most. According to my mom, I’m exactly like my dad.
Growing up in Houston is a big influence also. But when compared to my dad, it’s as small as an atom.
Q Houston’s got a really vibrant hip hop scene, at least that’s how it seems to someone who lives an hour and a half away, anyway. How would you describe Houston’s hip hop community? Do you think it’s more vibrant than other cities of Houston’s size?
A Houston is bubbling with talented artists. Some of us work harder than others but I believe we have crazy talent. Its scene is more vibrant than any city I’ve been to aside from Atlanta & New York city. Those places have everything you could need to make it as a artist but I like Houston more because of how spread out we are. There are still some areas in Houston I haven’t played.
Q According to your bio, you’re working on your first full-length album. How’s that coming along?
A Yes indeed! Aside from polishing up a few vocals, I’m just getting it ready to be mixed and mastered. It’s going to come out on Homeskool Recordz, the label that put out Fat Tony’s “RABDARGAB.”
It’s going to be called “The Aspiring Me: Lane Seven.” I want all of my albums to be called The Aspiring Me: etc. My music is a testament to where I am as a person during the time I’m writing it. Hence the name.
A.D.D. live with Fat Tony and We Were Wolves
When: 9 p.m. Saturday
Where: Tequila Rok, 260 Crockett St., Beaumont
Cost: Free
Online: A.D.D. on Facebook - Beaumont Enterprise
Among our holdings in the Houston Hip Hop collections are items related to the late rapper Big Mello (Curtis Davis), best known for his early nineties Rap-a-Lot releases Bone Hard Zaggin and Wegonefunkwichamind. A particularly versatile rapper, Big Mello’s output ranged from funky gangsta rap to fast spitting exploits to smooth R&B. Raised in the Hiram Clarke neighborhood of Houston’s Southside, Big Mello was one of the first to celebrate the city’s custom car culture in his music.
Last week, Big Mello’s son Andrew Davis and his sister Tammy Davis visited to view rare 12″ records and promotional materials of Big Mello’s that had been acquired through the collections of other artists. Ms. Davis recounted her brother’s love of music which stemmed from his childhood and was still burning bright at the time of his death in 2002 from a car accident. That passion has been passed down to son Andrew, who records as The Aspiring Me.
- See more at: http://weblogs.lib.uh.edu/speccol/2013/03/29/family-of-big-mello-views-hip-hop-archive/#sthash.SGQ3nTpM.dpuf - University Of Houston Libraries Blog
One of the best Houston rappers going round right now. Son of Big Mello. Which is all u need to know. - Matt Shea
I recently heard about local Houston artist, Andrew “The Aspiring Me” Davis, at a charity concert he performed at. His energy and passion for hip hip was undeniable. Rapping and dancing around the club to hits like A$AP Ferg’s “Shabba” to get hype before he went on only got the audience more excited for his performance. He is not your typical Houston rapper. You can tell he has many influences from hip hop all around the world, and can relate to hip hop fans from coast to coast. He is the oldest son of the late Houston hip hop artist, Big Mello, who debuted in 1992 with the album Born Hard Zaggin’. The Aspiring Me began to receive a nice amount of exposure after his first EP in 2010, and has continued his takeover outside of Texas as well. To stream his most recent album The Aspiring Me click here. - Houston Music Journal
Earlier this year, UH Special Collections archived local Houston rapper Andrew Davis a.k.a The Aspiring Me's self-titled debut you album as a part of the Houston Hip-Hop Collection. Andrew is the oldest son of the late Curtis Donnell Davis a.k.a Big Mello (pictured above), who was a legendary rapper in the Houston hip-hop community. Big Mello debuted with 1992's Bone Hard Zaggin' on the Houston rap label Rap-A-Lot Records. Mello's career continued throughout the mid 90s, releasing two more albums before going on hiatus until early 2002 when it was announced that he was working on a new album to be released later that year. Tragedy struck in June of that same year when Big Mello was the victim of a fatal car accident. The Gift was released posthumously and is widely regarded as one of Mello's greatest works.
In the clip below, UH Special Collections librarian, founder of the Houston Hip-Hop Collection, and self-described "screwhead" Julie Grob talks about preserving materials from the Davis family as the first Houston Hip-Hop legacy in the UH Library as well as her excitement for the class of rappers coming out of Houston. With over 20 years time between the release of The Aspiring Me and Bone Hard Zaggin', Andrew Davis shows us he is very much his father's son while still maintaining an artistic identity all his own. - University Of Houston blogspot
25 year old Andrew ‘The Aspiring Me’ Davis is the oldest son of late Houston hip hop legend, Big Mello. The success of his 2013 LP, The Aspiring Me, available theaspiringme.bandcamp.com, gained him favorable exposure in Houston and surrounding cities. He has since been touring across the country; reaching Montreal, Canada as well. His early 2014 relocation to Brooklyn, NY has also gained him a following in New York City’s underground scene. The Aspiring Me & Big Mello are the only rap legacy to be archived inside the tier 1, University Of Houston, library.
The Aspiring Me has a unique styled delivery of his fresh lyrics and beats. He weaves between masterful sliced phrases to quirky drop beats. The artist is defiantly onto a new straight fast delivery mixed with slow melodic grove based flow. Hopefully The Aspiring Me will continue to push the limits and bring us more in the great music in the future! - YOURBAND.INFO
Big Mello was one of biggest names to ever churn out widely-accepted album releases during the late 90’s, and while he did spit some heavy Southside flows, “The Gift”—arguably his best foot forward—proved that Curtis Donnell Davis also had a slice of R&B groove in him.
Fast forward to today’s generation and we see that the art of combined rapping and singing has expanded beyond what the H-town legend had set in place. However, the agenda for his son Andrew Davis still held a hefty task, but it wasn’t just to fill the shoes of his father. Under the rapper name The Aspiring Me, the son of Hiram Clarke’s biggest advocate has made it an effort to go beyond what had been set in place for him. With his newly released self-titled album, the agenda already looks to be off on the right tone.
Hip-hop fans who are solely looking for an overreaching and delving message to satisfy their conscious rap needs should look elsewhere, as “The Aspiring Me” does not hold anything hugely deep outside themes pertaining to growth and making his father proud. The lyricism isn’t that complex, either, but that isn’t to say that the album is without charm or absent of the distinct sound usually found in most H-town rappers today. These attributes alone are what drives the energy and overall appeal.
There’s no denying that The Aspiring Me has too similar of a voice to his late father, and the sound reigns throughout the project. Take opener tracks like “Fast Livin” and “Young Bobby Bushido,” for example. Compounded with some simple, yet sonically dope production, TAM’s flows are always switching around; one minute he’ll go double time and the next he’ll come back on a smooth and steady pace with his verses, playing to his strength in having a versatile set of styles.
Though the rhymes in this album don’t hold the same impact as other prominent rappers, they definitely hold a great insight in TAM’s outlook on life and his experiences as an artist. The happy-go-lucky feel in “Easy to See” merits a must listen for it’s bright production, but the real pull of this song is the third verse in which TAM pays a small tribute to his father.
Speaking of, The Aspiring Me has also taken some hints from his father’s career regarding his triumphant R&B sound with the “P.M.M.” track featuring Lisa E. Harris. Though the production could add some color to the simple two-step drums and bass line, the jazzy track told the story of how a woman had motivated him to reach outside “a crowd of failures” after dropping out of college and take the SAT test, in which his high score on that test allowed him to be accepted at a university.
Other tracks like “Round Here,” “Sleep Come Easy” and “Going…going…gone” are also splendid efforts on the self-titled project, especially the second with the Mary J. Blige sample in the beat. However, these tracks can sound the same even when you’re kind of paying attention. The lyrics, which sport a self-righteous tones and topics of perseverance in life as well as the rap game, can get a little boring at times. It wouldn’t be too surprising to find listeners tuning out after a couple of listens. The songs aren’t bad; they’re enjoyable as they offer a bevy full of whip bumping bangers. Outside of that, The Aspiring Me album can be repetitive and, dare I say, uninspiring at times. The recurring messages can drag on and it can be a lacking for some hip-hop fans searching for something a bit more extensive.
Regardless, the self-titled spectacle is one for the books and should deservingly sit right beside Big Melo’s best releases of the early days. The album is every bit of “Bone Hard Zaggin” and “Wegonefunkwichamind” all mixed in a melting pot, but a touch of today’s spice—more specifically his son’s peppery wordplay and ear for beats—makes it all the better. “The Aspiring Me” is a great album to put on and jam out to in the car, and if Big Melo were still alive today, he’d probably bump it in his ride, albeit more than anyone else. - University of Houston "Coog Radio"
Ahead of his March 1st release for OK, Whatever, The Aspiring Me releases “Houston On Tuesday, LA On Friday”. From the first horn squelch, The Aspiring Me is in a rather happy space. He’s rapping with an angular sense of purpose, goofy when piecing together punchlines about sitting on birds but knowing what a dirty wing is in his cypher. “Houston On Tuesday, LA On Friday” centers around a girl who is a kleptomaniac, somebody who stole Fat Tony’s CD but couldn’t help but be stuck on The Aspiring Me. Stream the record below along with “Scaffold” from the Mo. City rapper. - Brandon Caldwell
Writing about The Aspiring Me almost feels like checking off a slew of boxes. One, you have to mention that he’s the son of Big Mello. Actually, you don’t because Andrew “The Aspiring Me” Davis is pretty much his own man at this point in life. Two, you have to mention that he’s from Mo. City, the same area that Z-Ro calls home, the same area that DJ Screw cut up more than a few Screw tapes at and where Travi$ Scott originated. Actually, you don’t have to do that either since there is no stereotypical Mo. City sound to pinpoint. All of it just boils down to separate aspects of hip-hop tossing themselves into a gumbo. The Aspiring Me happens to write and pick the brain of Fat Tony often but on “OK, Whatever” he’s just a Southside kid with plenty of quips about cougars, not sleeping with underage chicks (“ID my hoes”) and his own confidence (“Damn I look so good, would you hate me if I charge a fee?”).
“OK, Whatever” features production from Jo$e of Ill FADED, Davilla of the Lost Keys and The Weeknd’s guitarist/producer Bizzy Thowed. On “OK, Whatever”, the man formerly known as A.D.D stated, “People choose to deal with life’s problems in different ways. I choose to turn all the way up on life. Nothing will stop me from obtaining happiness. Being happy is an awesome feeling.”
Stream “OK, Whaever” below. The Aspiring Me’s OK, Whatever album is set to drop next month. - Brandon Caldwell
This week's subject/rapper combination didn't come together out of thin air as some of the other one's have. We actively searched out A.D.D. after we listened to his "E. Honda Freestyle" several times and then pulled his video-game card. He passed. Like a motherfucker. - Shea Serrano
The Aspiring Me releases a new single, “OK, Whatever”, off the self titled project dropping March 1st giving you a glimpse into the journey of everyday problems countered with celebration. Production credits go to Davilla (Lost Keys) with additional production by Jo$e (Ill Faded) and The Weeknd’s guitarist/producer Bizzy Thowed. - undergroundhiphopblog
When you think of Janet Jackson, you think of unmistakable beauty. When The Aspiring Me thinks about Janet Jackson, it’s a much bigger deal. “Janet Jackson” is the latest single from The Aspiring Me’s upcoming Ok, Whatever album due out tomorrow and unlike party records such as “Houston On Tuesday, LA On A Friday” and the title track, “Ok, Whatever”, “Janet Jackson” is about as directed towards a fantasy woman more than anything. Fat Tony joins The Aspiring Me for a little simple ode to a shapely woman with thick thighs and an accent. Tony says he met her in Montreal, The Aspiring Me could have met her anywhere really, just long as she fulfills his requirements.
By comparison, the tumbling drums, snapped up snares and Pretty Toney logic from The Mack sounds ludicrous when placed next to the video game like punches and conversational tone of “For A Visit” with Lyric Michelle. Davilla, Philippe Edison, & BIZZYTHOWED all contribute to the duet between two people who understand monogamy works, even if it’s a pretty flawed situation to many. Both singles are part of OK, Whatever and will be performed in full at The Aspiring Me’s release show tomorrow night at the Nightingale Room (308 Main St.) with Fat Tony on the 1s & 2s. - Day & A Dream
“OK, Whatever”, new single by The Aspiring Me. - IndieRapBlog
OK, Whatever - new single for The Aspiring Me - UndergroundHipHopRadio
The Aspiring Me - OK Whatever - UrbanBeatTV
Rice University (and Dr. Anthony Pinn) in Houston, Texas, hosted a panel discussing the way Swishahouse impacted the city of Houston and Hip-Hop culture in-general.
During the panel, the son of late Houston rapper Big Mello, Andrew Davis (aka A.D.D., The Aspiring Me) asked Chamillionaire about the creation of he and Paul Wall’s massive hit, “N Luv Wit My Money.”
Members of the panel:
G Dash
OG Ron C
DJ Michael Watts
Lil’ Keke
Archie Lee
Lester Roy - Anthony N.
Thursday you might want to begin your night at Nightingale Room for the enigmatic and sometimes crazed sounds of La Porte’s B L A C K I E. Possibly the most real artist to pick up a mic, the underground grind hip hop artist has never disappointed me at one of his shows. While his albums like 2013’s Fuck The False and 2014’s Imagine Your Self In A Free And Natural World were both some of the most groundbreaking I’ve heard in a long time, his new stuff is on a whole new level. Houston’s The Aspiring Me will be on hand to bring his hip hop tunes on as support and opener. Last year, he dropped the single “Dice Game Jumping” that reminded me of the old school hip hop that made Houston famous. The 21 & up show has doors at 7 pm and it’s 100% FREE. - David Garrick
OK, Whatever (2016)
The Mello Campaign Pt. 2 (2008) - under the alias Lil Mello http://www.datpiff.com/mixtapes-detail-2015.php?id=16280
A.d.D. The N.E.R.D. (2009) - under the alias A.d.D. https://theaspiringme.bandcamp.com/album/2009-a-d-d-the-n-e-r-d-mixed-by-dj-m3
The Aspiring Me EP (2010) - under the alias A.d.D. https://theaspiringme.bandcamp.com/album/2010-the-aspiring-me-ep
The Aspiring Me LP (2013) - under the alias The Aspiring Me https://theaspiringme.bandcamp.com/album/the-aspiring-me

Andrew ‘The Aspiring Me’ Davis, son of the late Houston Hip Hop legend Big Mello, is a quick-witted emcee from the suburb of Mo City, TX. His passion for creating ambiance-induced, feel-good music for the masses peaked when he was gifted a Casio keyboard as a child. The Aspiring Me perfected his craft as an all-around artist despite having a rhyme book confiscated by his high school principal whom cited it as being a terroristic threat. This incident catapulted "Lil Mello's" journey into the Houston underground Hip Hop scene.
Following the success of his self-titled 2013 LP, The Aspiring Me, Complex Magazine listed the project #8 of their 10 Best Houston Rap Mixtapes of 2013. The Aspiring Me's growth can be heard via his discography which includes The Mello Campaign, The Mello Campaign Pt. 2, A.D.D. The N.E.R.D., and The Aspiring Me EP. Determined to be the best he continues to hone his skills by touring across North America from The Hamptons to Montreal to New York City and performing at multiple music festivals such as SXSW in Austin and Brooklyn's Juicy Art Fest.
When asked about the vision of his music, The Aspiring Me states:
I want people to have fun and to know it's ok to be themselves. When people hear my music I want them to say "Damn, I've been there." I'm sharing my story, influences, and outlook on life, and if it turns out there may be someone else that feels the same way I want to know them and be friends.
The Aspiring Me's new album OK, Whatever is out now. Follow The Aspiring Me on all social networks listed below to receive updates on new music and appearances.
Twitter: @TheAspiringMe
Instagram: @theaspiringme
Facebook: Andrew Tame Davis
Band Members