Straight Six
Aurora, Colorado, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2017 | SELF
9. STRAIGHT SIX – Full Circle – Total points: 255
It happens every year. One band asks its fanbase to vote for its album on the Sleaze Roxx‘s readers year end poll. In 2016, it was Italian rockers Twisted who finished a surprising #5 with their Dancin’ On Chaos EP. In 2017, it was Kickin Valentina who took the #12 spot with their Imaginary Creatures album. How can you tell you may ask? Well, usually the band only gets first place votes and often it’s the only album voted for. One voter even informed me that the only album that he had obtained in 2018 was Straight Six‘s album Full Circle. With that latter comment, I could only conclude that the voter wasn’t a regular Sleaze Roxx reader. Whether Straight Six got a boost from their fan base or not, there is no question that their debut full-length album Full Circle deserves to be in the top 10 albums of the year and is worth checking out. Of note, Sleaze Roxx preferred Straight Six‘s grittier debut self-titled EP over the more polished Full Circle and included the former in the Sleaze Roxx’s Top Ten Albums of 2018. Both albums were released in 2018 and in this case, since the great majority of the readers’ votes went towards Full Circle rather than the Straight Six EP, the votes casted to the latter if attributed to the former would not have propelled Full Circle to a higher finish than #9. - Sleaze Roxx
7. STRAIGHT SIX – Straight Six
Colorado, USA rockers Straight Six had a busy year in 2018 releasing their self-titled six-song “demo” EP in February and the full-length album Full Circle in October. In addition, the band ended up winning the coveted Heart For Hayden Music Festival‘s Battle of the Bands, which saw the group beat out 30 other Colorado bands in a competition lasting over two months. I know many would be expecting Straight Six‘s debut full-length album Full Circle to be the record to figure in any top ten list but I actually prefer the self-titled EP, which feels rawer and has more of a live feel to it. Although the Straight Six EP isn’t as polished as Full Circle, you can still appreciate what great musicians that bassist Glen Drieth (think Billy Sheehan), guitarist Eric Schaudies (think Eddie Van Halen) and drummer Joey Shapiro (who also plays in XYZ) are. Add the gritty but solid vocals from Jay Quintana and you have a real recipe for success. I acknowledge that one of the best Straight Six songs — “Divided We Stand” — is not on their debut EP and had it been on it, the EP would have likely ranked even higher on this year’s list. - Sleazeroxx.com
Straight Six is out of Denver, Colorado. Until a few weeks ago I was not familiar with the group, but upon seeing them open for Dio Disciples in concert last month and being blown away by their stage show, I knew I had to explore more of their music. To date, the group has recorded one EP, with more recordings on the way.
Straight Six is comprised of vocalist Jay Quintana, bassist Glen Drieth, Eric Schaudies on guitar, and Joey Shapiro (of the band XYZ) on drums. It’s only been about a year since the group formed, but they’ve already begun drawing in a following. At the Dio Disciples show where I saw the band as a support act, I purchased their EP, which I’ve been listening to constantly since then. And it’s time to give it a review.
The group’s high energy live show got my attention, and I’m pleased to announce the EP certainly doesn’t disappoint. There are only six tracks on here, but for its duration of just under 25 minutes, these tracks hold your attention. It’s a rock and roll party reminiscent of sounds from the old Sunset Strip days and early Van Halen, with fantastic work from all the musicians. These guys are musically talented and proficient but clearly have a good time and don’t always take the lyrical themes too seriously, as is beautifully demonstrated in the opening cut, “Black and Blue.”
Most of the tracks on here are straightforward rockers, but the group branches out with a handful of slower and more melodic cuts as well. My personal favorite track on the record is “Old Back Road,” with backing vocals which feel like they could have come from an Enuff Z’Nuff song. From the release's opening moments to going out with a bang on closing cut 21 Guns (not a cover of the Green Day song) this EP kicks ass.
The guys in Straight Six make great music and have a fantastic time doing it. Bring on the next release! But in the meantime, be sure to pick up this EP. Any fan of old school rock and roll from the classic Sunset Strip era and/or old Van Halen will love what these guys have to offer. Highly recommended. - ZRockr.com
Full Circle - 2018

Straight Six the answer to ‘Is rock still alive?’
The answer is a very resounding ‘YES’
Formed in 2017, Straight Six is the modern equivalent of the days where the rock was loud, the musicians gave their all, and no holds were barred.
Featuring Jay Quintana(Death Bed Confession) on vocals, Glen Drieth(Chris Cagle Band) on bass, Joey Shapiro(XYZ) on drums, and James "Rooster" Olsen on guitar, this merry group of individually talented musicians has reinvented the idea of the ‘Rock Band’.
The concept for Straight Six originated as a revisiting of a version of the band that Glen formed previously, with songs and an attitude that resonated with the fans and the industry. Times changed, but due to the changing nature of the scene, it was time for a rebirth…
Enter the rest of the band—with the power and finesse of Joey Shapiro driving the band, James Olsen bringing the songs new and strong riffs (and a few blistering leads), and Jay Quintana adding a mixture of soulful and awe-inspiring vocal adventures, the vision originally conceived by Glen has come into full focus.
Band Members