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Tórshavn, Streymoy, Faroe Islands | SELF

Tórshavn, Streymoy, Faroe Islands | SELF
Band Rock New Age


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This band has not uploaded any videos



"Steso in the hot seat"

What's the meaning behind the band's name?
Steso is one of the main characters in a wicked Danish movie called Nordkraft. The band started out as a one man project, but I wanted to stay clear of “creative” band names like Dave Matthews Band. Don’t get me wrong it’s a great band, but the name doesn’t require much brain activity. Naming the band The Hergeir Staksberg band seemed cheap and lazy to me. Then one day I watched Nordcraft and the Steso character reminded me of me on many levels and eureka! The band name was there.

How the band started?
I’ve been in other bands, but always wanted to make music myself. That way you don’t have to compromise with the other members. So I started to make some ideas which grew into entire songs. Then I asked some of my very talented friends if they could help me out and add their unique touch to the songs. They all agreed to join forces and Steso grew to a five piece band.

What's the message to transmit with your music??
We’re not trying to save the world, win a nobel prize or protect the panda. Our “message” is more on a trancendental level. Our message is best put like this: when words fail music speaks.

What's your method at the time of writing a song?
Selfdicipline is the main ingrediense. If you manage to sit still and jam for an hour or two the songs will come to you all by themselves. I don’t think that songwriting is something you can plan. Songwriting to me is a leap into the unknown. As cheasy as it might sound. I think Forest Gump put it quite well when he said: you never know what you’re gonna get. The same goes for songwriting. It’s an adventure.

Which are your music influences?
I listen to bands ranging from Enigma to Slipknot, and my favorite genre is grunge, but that doesn’t make any sense if you listen to our music. I was in a band called Makrel for 10 years, so I’d say that they’re a great inspiration. And I’m sure that people who know Makrel will hear something Makrel’ish in our music.
Another thing is that I’m not an educated musician. I don’t know the names of the chords I play, I don’t know any scales etc. – and to top it off I’m not able to play fast. I have to be aware of my limits and use my abilities as good as I possibly can.
With this in mind. It was quite a revolution to me to hear the song Solitude by Black Sabbath. It was quite overwhelming to me to listen to my all time favorite song and realising that it was extremely simple and very slow. Solitude consists of only two chords, and to me the song is a mastepiece. So I guess Black Sabbath and Makrel are my main influences.

What plans do you guys have for the future?
We’re just about to release our debut album, so touring, record labels, airplay, reviews and interviews like yours are vital at the moment. But our main goal is to make a living out of music and share our music with the rest of the world.

Which has been the funniest prank you guys have been or took part while on tour or after a show?
This is going to sound as boring as watching grass grow, but we’ve only played two gigs this far and I can’t really think of any pranks... sorry.

If you guys were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 65 miles away from where you guys are. Who would you guys send to look for help? And if while the rest wait, there's no food and the only way to feed yourself is by eating each other. Who would you eat first?
Hahaha a very likely situation. Well there’s a dilemma here, because the person who I would have chosen to go and seek help is the same person who I’d like to make a delicious buffét out of.
The happy traveller would be Jens. He’s always calm and is used to wander in the nature, so he’s be my first choice. On the other hand he didn’t start partying until he was 19, so in terms of meat he’s the least polluted of us. He’s also the biggest guy in the band, so he’d make the best steak in terms of meat amount. I’ve got a solution! We would get him to seek help and then when he returned we’d eat him.

Which country you guys would love to play?
Think Japan would be cool. There’s something fascinating about Japan and the japanese people. Come to think of it. I’d go anywhere as it’s not the location which is important. The people, the energy and the entire atmosphere are far more important than country borders and geography.

With which bands you guys would love to share stage??
Loads. Massive Attack get the first place, Sigur Rós a close second and Guns N’ Roses and Shakira would share a third place.

Are you guys OK, with the direction the band is going actually?
As long as the compass is pointing forward we’re pleased. And it’s pointing in the right direction at the moment, so we’re pleased.
- Vents Magazine

"Ein erlig og áhugaverd frumframførðsla."

Nakað seinkaðir fór manningin í Steso á pallin í tí frammanundan kókandi heita Tjóðpallinum. Um tað var av hesi orøk, at fólk settust á gólvið heldur enn at standa, skal vera ósagt. Men hettar passaði væl til stílin á tónleikinum sum var spældur restina av kvøldinum.

Tónleikurin er sera droymandi og atmosferiskur. Sovorið sum vit eitt nú kenna frá Sigur Rós, og tí sum hevur tikið sína ávirkan haðani.
Teir einføldu melodiirnir vera endurtiknir í hypnotiskum bylgjum, ið gerast alsamt meira ágangandi.

Sum skilst var manningin og framførðslan nakað tarnað av ymiskum last-minute broytingum í mun til hvussu bólkurin annars hevur arbeitt við tónleikinum fram til hettar kvøldið. Hettar merkti tó ikki framførðsluna stórvegis, uttan so at man fór at grava sindur meira undir yvirflatuni.

Líggjas Olsen og Hans Marius Ziska stóðu fyri vokalu innsløgunum á konsertini. Og hesir báðir vóru eisini teir mest sjónligu persónarnir á pallinum.

Røddirnar vóru nýttar sum ljóðføri meira enn sum framburðir av lyriskum virðum. Og hetter eydnaðist sera væl. Báðir eru teir fangandi hvør á sín hátt og enn meira tá teir syngja saman.
Í tí eina sanginum sang Unn Paturson eisini saman við teimum báðum. Og djarva valið av trýræddaðum vokalum spældi sera væl av.

Carl Johan Jensen stóð fyri einum monologi í einum sangir. Hóast hann ikki sá út til at vita nakað um samanhangin ímillum upplestur og tónleikin, vegna áðurnevndu broytingar, eydnaðist tað væl, og fólk tóku væl ímóti skarprættarinum.

Eisini feitt at síggja Rasmus Rasmussen á palli aftur. Hesaferð spældi hann bass, men tað prógvaði bert hansara egna genialitet. Saman við Magnus Hansen á trummum leiddu teir lurtaran trygd ígjøgnum settið.

Nógv góð hæddarpunkt poppaðu upp ígjøgnnum konsertina, har serliga Hans Marius á guitar og Líggjas á ljómborð vóru mest sjónligir.

Onkursvegna spell at Hergeir Staksberg ikki var meira eyðsýndur, men tað er kanska avmarkað hvussu nógv man kann krevja av manninum. Hann er heilin afturfyri skapandi processina men ikki sjálva framførðsluna. Tvs. meira sum maðurin aftanfyri tað heila - eisini bókstaviliga.

Summir sangir kláraðu tó ikki heilt at halda dampinum uppi. Styrkin í melodiunum varieraði ov nógv til at bera allan vegin. Teimum manglaði til tíðir variatión, dynamikk ella kontrastir. Tískil gjørdust endurtakandi tematisku landsløgini til tíðir ov einstáttaði og onkurtíð óneyðug. Arbeitt verður avgjørt víðari við hesum til komandi framførðslur.

Djarvt, kærkomið og flott eru orð í lýsa konsertina væl. Djarvt og kærkomið við at hettar sjáldan er roynt í Føroyskum høpi áður. Og alt í alt flott avgreitt.

Til tíðir longdist eg eftir at náa meira eksplosivum hæddum heldur enn at byggja upp alla tíðina. Sindur sum at klatra uppá tindarnar bert fyri at síggja at einki er at síggja á toppinum. Ella kanska handlar tað meira um fjaltúrin heldur enn útsýnið frá toppinum.

STESO helt stílin tað mesta av vegnum og eg gleði meg til meira.

Ein erlig og áhugaverd frumframførðsla, sum mest kemur at standa sum ein góðður inngangur til komandi framførðslur hjá bólkinum.



Steso will be entering the studio in february 2010 and the album will be produced, mixed and mastered by Sturla Mio who is known for his work with Bjork, Coco Rosie and other great artists.



Steso is a relatively new and exciting band which originates from the Faroe Islands with the band name being inspired by the brilliant Danish movie called “Nordkraft”.

The music that Steso plays is best described as joyful, soothing, melancholic and fragile. Steso is not like any other band and it’s therefore impossible to compare the music to other bands. The only way you can get a true picture of the music Steso creates is by listening to their music.

Here is what other people have said about the music on other musicsites:

" I love this, I really love it...
beautiful enchanting floaty light and dreamy sound...
i love the spaciousness in your tracks... a great pleasure to be dissolved in your magical sound!"

"I’m surprised that more people don’t know about your music, I think there is a huge audience out there waiting to hear the likes of these beautiful tunes."

The members of Steso are mostly longtime friends and they have all been active in the music industry for many years. The members of Steso are known from Faroese top notch bands such as Makrel, Sic, Orka, Marius, Budam, Eivør and Deja Vu. The latest addition to the team is the Icelandic producer and sound engineer Sturla Mio who has worked with artists such as Bjork, Bonnie Prince Billy and Cocorosie.

Most of the bandmembers do have a lot of experience when it comes to performing on stage. Alle the members have toured in at least three different countries in Europe while others have toured loads more.

Other than that Steso is a bunch of friendly and music loving people who originate from the Hobbit paradise which goes by the name of the Faroe Islands.

If there is anything you would like to ask... feel free to drop us an email.

Warm regards