It could be said that the convergence of the four young, talented musicians that compose Mad Orchid was all due to serendipity. In fact, the way this unique rock band formed and gelled in just a few months still surprises these guys.
In less than six months, band members Mike Ostuni of Naugatuck, Kyle Berardinelli of New Hartford, Tony Dilonardo of Waterbury, and Joe Bastura of Middlefield, have accomplished what it takes other bands years to do. They have come together to write and record many original songs, have performed in shows across Connecticut and other northeastern states, and even scored a couple of endorsements.
Mad Orchid is the brainchild of singer/guitarist/drummer/sonwriter Michael Ostuni, who was playing drums in another band when he decided to start his own group. With a passion for songwriting, Ostuni began to compile songs while searching for other musicians who were as emotionally in tune with the music he was writing.
“I’ve always been into the darker, more expressive styles of music,” Ostuni said. “Music that has a stamp of personality. Up until this point I haven’t been able to do anything like that.”
Then Ostuni made a call to Berardinelli, a bass player with whom he had collaborated before. It only took one listening session for Berardinelli, who studied music at the University of Hartford, to sign on.
“He’s a brilliant musicians and quite a nice guy,” Ostuni said. He added that Berardinelli is his musical soul mate.
In perhaps the strangest twist of fate, Mad Orchid found its drummer. After months of searching for one, a friend mentioned someone he had seen playing with The Givin. Ostuni had trouble finding any contact information for the recommended drummer, especially after The Givin disbanded. Just a short time later, however, Ostuni got an email from Dilonardo – The Givin’s former drummer – responding to his ad on Craigslist.com for a drummer.
“It was really strange timing,” Ostuni added.
Middlefield’s own Bastura would complete the band as its lead guitarist. Bastura, a graduate of Berklee College of Music and a member of the band Pushboxx, was looking to start his own group when he came across Ostuni’s ad for a lead guitarist online. After many conversations and listening sessions, Bastura came on board and Mad Orchid was complete.
It was exactly what I was looking to do,” Bastura said. “It just worked.”
In less than six months since then, Mad Orchid has fallen into a comfortable rhythm of regular rehearsals, and has been booking four shows a month. Musically, Ostuni has been a songwriting powerhouse, working with Berardinelli and the rest of the group to solidify the arrangements. Bastura has worked to generate publicity for the band, and garnered two endorsement deals – with InTune Guitar Picks and Illusion Clothing – lending the group even more credibility.
Ostuni and Bastura call Mad Orchid’s music “melodic alternative rock” – a unique pairing of hard music and often sad, yet romantic lyrics. People can connect to their songs both lyrically and emotionally, they said. Fans have often compared their music to the Deftones, Filter and The Used.
“It’s all about the melodies, the harmonies and the lyrics of the songs,” Bastura said.
Mad Orchid is hoping to be signed by a record label and produce a full-length CD. Ostuni said it will take the right person to hear their music and take it to the next level. Though their music might be different than much of what is currently out there in the mainstream, Bastura said they have already found a solid base of fans, which tells them that there is a market for a group like theirs.
Mad Orchid’s myspace page (www.myspace.com/madorchid) has already seen nearly 24,000 hits, and has more than 12,000 friends/fans.
“It will be a tougher sell, but a good side to that is that you have a very loyal following,” Ostuni said.
- Town Times - Pamela Morello
Mad Orchid opened for Tom Morello's new band Street Sweeper Social Club in New York City on May 6, 2009 at Kenny's Castaways!
Tom Morello was the guitarist for Rage Against The Machine and Audioslave. - Victor J.
Mad Orchid will be opening for Marcy Playground (Sex and Candy) on October 2, 2009 for their second show at The Chance Theater in Poughkeepsie, NY! This will be a MAIN STAGE event! - Victor J.
Mad Orchid is now on iTunes,Pandora Internet Radio, Alexa Internet Radio,Ultra Internet Radio,WCCC Hartford CT - Waterbury Republican
Mad Orchid makes the front page of Sold Out Tour with Shinedown. - Sold Out Tour
Mad Orchid CD "Crush" will soon be in Best Buy Stores in CT - Rock News
"The singer/songwriter Michael Ostuni has previosly been recorded and produced by Toby Wright. Toby has produced Alice in Chains, Sevendust, Primus and many other national acts. Michael has also worked with the talented engineer Gary Tole who has mixed recordings for Pantera and Bon Jovi."
-Daily Planet - Daily Planet
A unique pairing of hard music and often sad, yet romantic lyrics. People can connect to their songs both lyrically and emotionally."
-Pamela Morello, The Town Times - The Town Times
"Ever-creative minds"
-The Waterbury Republican - Waterbury Republican
Detach (unsigned EP 2008)
Absolve (unsigned EP 2009)
Crush... (unsigned LP 2009)

STATIC KILL was formed in the ever creative mind of singer/song writer, guitarist and skillful drummer Michael Ostuni.
Michaels former band Craving Lucy was produced by Toby Wright (Alice in Chains, Korn, Sevendust, Ozzie, Primus, Tantric, 3 Doors Down and many others )
During his time with Craving Lucy Michael had written songs for his solo album.
After a favorable response to the new tunes by his musically creative peers
and fans Michael decided to form a band to perform them live.
Michael then removed himself from the position of drummer for Craving Lucy, and took on a new role fronting his project Mad Orchid.
Since then, Mad Orchid have released two EPs "Detach" and "Absolve" and one LP entitled "Crush"
They have done extensive regional touring throughout New England and New York to promote the CD's "Detach" "Absolve" and "Crush"
MAD ORCHID opened for TANTRIC St. Patty's Day Wed. March 17th 2010 at The Hideout in Binghampton NY
MAD ORCHID was recently asked to share the stage with Cold, Nonpoint and Soulfly by New England Concerts.
MAD ORCHID has shared the stage with Rage Against the Machine/ Audioslave guitarist Tom Morello and his new band Street Sweeper Social Club
MAD ORCHID members have also shared the stage with POD, Black Label Society, Puddle Of Mudd, Stone Sour, Shadows Fall, Lacuna Coil, Candlebox and Tesla.
The Mad Orchid project even with all its success is no longer, Michaels new project is STATIC KILL
STATIC KILL is currently recording a new EP at Five Below Studios in CT.