Sonya Kahn
Sherman Oaks, California, United States
When you take one part Pat Benatar and part Alicia Keys and mix in a lot of originality you get Sonya Kahn a talented performer coming from a history of classical performances that is going to make her mark on the world of popular music. - Douglas Lentes
So, while listening to the album that really is beginning to remind me of the hollywood starlets who are gracing the music scene as I type, I am only imagining that as long as Miss Sonya has a good publicist, it doesn’t matter WHAT the album sounds like, as long as she looks the part. But I’d be selling the artist short, which isn’t fair. For one thing, the first website I go to to read up on what everyone else thinks of her? Sonya is a concert pianist. You don’t see that a lot with pop stars. Someone who I can very honestly vouch for that will be able to read music. This makes it exciting.
The more the album plays, the more I hear piano/keyboards and the more I believe that Sonya Kahn is definitely a musician in it’s truest definition.
The diversity in New Beginning is… astounding. Everything sort of sounds like something I would hear on the radio, which would prove Sonya's commericial pull. The pretty shocking thing is each song I could think of a different radio station to play it. Some would play on the rock & roll stations. Some on the adult contemporary. And most of them will fit the top 40 playlist requirements. - www.bigrockfinish.com - Angela Poon
Sonya Kahn's introduction into the international music scene comes with New Beginning. She is a classically trained musician with a penchant for writing unique songs. She might not have created the genre, but she does break a few of the rules. To classify what she does, the best I could do is "rock opera." She combines her classical training with modern rock to create something very grand, showy, and soundtrack?like. Her vocals are brilliant and powerful. The songs might not be considered great by everyone, but the songs are interesting, amazing, and some are kind of addicting. - Marie J. Pellegrino - TheCelebrityCafe.com
New Beginning is the sort of album that could establish Kahn as a Rock Diva, ala Celine Dion with a bit harder of an edge. Don't Go Away is the type of song that marketers build campaigns around, and just might be the class of this classy album. Friend is a bittersweet and angry ode friendship lost, and allows Kahn to display the power and vulnerability her voice can convey. Hunter opens up the pipes for a blues inflected rock tune that wants to border on heavy metal. Don't Go Away is a plaintive plea and perhaps the most gorgeous melody on the album.
In short, New Beginning shows the incredibly dynamic range of sound that Sonya Kahn can create with her voice. Here we see a potential superstar in the making. New Beginning rocks, coos, soothes, and shakes you for all its worth. You'll keep coming back for more. - Wildy's World
New Album "Stripped Ballads" will be available soon...
Full length debut album "New Beginning", these tracks are streaming and can be heard on the radio - Friend, Sabre Dance, Where Do You Go...

For Singer-Songwriter Sonya Kahn, the quote, "Where words fail music speaks" isn't just a quote, it's part of who she is as an artist. A classically trained concert pianist - talent powerhouse utilizes her experience, education and creative wizardry to share her ideas, thoughts and soul through her music.
Sonya started playing the piano by the age of three, singing by five and writing music by the age of six. Her family’s background in music is vast – with her mother an established concert pianist and university professor; her grandmother a singer/actress and radio performer; making three generations of musically gifted women an accomplishment in itself. So it came as no surprise that Sonya was introduced to the joys of classical music at an early age.
It’s been a long road from her first six-year touring gig in Europe at the age of six, with the group SUNSHINE. Back then Sonya was a multi-talented child prodigy touring, recording, performing as a lead vocalist on three albums, while being a full-time student at a prestigious European music academy. “I was just a kid,” she remembers. “But I loved the idea of being on stage and singing in front of thousands of people. It was me first taste of success.”
The adrenaline rush ignited her ambition composing and taking time to appear on national television as an actress/singer in a myriad of productions. Her next band TAKE FIVE had her getting a taste of performing in the genres of pop/jazz and rock. It was evident that her classical music foundation would springboard her into almost anything.
While continuing to further her education with occasional trips back to Europe she finally landed in the melting pot, of the number two radio and television music market of Los Angeles, where some breaks came her way with her song, “Don’t Go Away” appearing on the horror film soundtrack of “The Thirst.”
Her 2009 new break-out single, “Lonely Road’ from her classically inspired, soulful and rock-a-phonic CD, NEW BEGINNING, was her second music video from the album. NEW BEGINNING is a 13-track labor of love with heartfelt rock ballads, feisty driving rock songs and fun dance tunes.
This beautiful music maverick is a force to be reckoned with. Her dynamic professionalism, talent and individuality certainly put her head and shoulders above the rest.