New York City, New York, United States | INDIE
Belle’s blend of coffee house pop is a welcome addition to a lineage that includes the likes of Sheryl Crowe. Wise for her years, she draws on her own life experience and spirituality for inspiration. Standout ‘One Day He’ll See’ is a beautifully languorous country tinged reflection on the pressures on young girls for intimacy and the delusion that can follow. ‘Be The Voice’ is a rallying call from the heart, rooted in America’s long protest song tradition, urging people to take a stand against repression. There’s an inner purity and deeper meaning to this redemptive debut that elevates it beyond others in this mainstream genre.
Album Review by John Smithies, The Epoch Times. - The Epoch Times
Belle’s full album, Never Too Late, is playing on AOL’s CD Listening Party today (Aug 15). Check it out here: http://music.aol.com/new-releases-full-cds#/19 - AOL
Artist Profile: Belle
On the front page of iTunes for “New and Noteworthy” this month, newcomer singer-songwriter Belle is following her heart and conscience with her debut album... - The Epoch Times
Belle's debut album “Never Too Late” was selected by iTunes as one of their “New & Noteworthy” singer/songwriter albums on the day of the album's release. - iTunes
"I think the world will absolutely enjoy it! ...It's really good to see that somebody else in the world has actually got the nerve and the mettle to stand up and say something [about Falun Gong] on a big stage." - Big Scott, Radio Cardiff, Wales
Debut Single: "What Is Love?" (July 2011)
Debut Album: "Never Too Late" (August 2011)
Single: "Lambs To Slaughter" (July 2013)

Australian-born, New York-based singer/songwriter, Belle, has officially formed the band SONIC BELLE with Serbian guitar virtuoso, Nemo Rebic, and Australian synth player, Kay Rubacek. Nemo and Kay also recorded on Belle's upcoming album "Speck of Dust", which will be released by Ingenious Records under the new band name.
The SONIC BELLE mission is to rediscover the essence of music and share it with the world.