Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom | INDIE
New EP from the Tyneside duo, Jonny and Sarah, who have roped in guest vocalist Meghann Clancy for the title track, Such A Light, and it’s lovely; a gorgeous slice of atmospheric pop which soars in the most gentle of manners. Elsewhere, the pair evoke plenty of beautifully swirling electronica and beguiling acoustica which is a pure joy. Seek: www.softwhere.org.uk DP
Released February 2011 - The Crack Magazine
From pastoral drum and bass workouts to Tom Waits’ style balladeering, Softwhere refuse to be stuck in a box labelled ‘Indie’, ‘Rock’, ‘Pop’, or indeed ‘This Way Up’. They’ve got a forthcoming album out soon (July 6, fact fops) and it’ll take you on a journey to where ambience meets acoustica; quietness has an inner strength; and where poetry and fragile beats gently collide on a half-imagined, half-remembered, dreamscape plane. Yes, you heard correctly: dreamscape plane. Well-respected BBC Radio DJ, Tom Robinson, is a fan and could recently be heard hurling the phrase: “Genius, sheer genius!” their way, which was nice of him. And can we also mention that the band make their own videos including a fab effort for the track Movie Man which consists of a plethora of footage from old Sherlock Holmes films. The game is afoot! DP - The Crack Magazine
Tender Robot EP (digital download)
Softwhere are a Newcastle-based duo who are not afraid to stick Daft Punk style vocals over a beautifully tinkling piano (which they do on the first track here). They’re also not afraid to write gorgeously atmospheric acoustic songs that rely entirely on the beauty of the voice (female this time, not Daft Punk style) and melody to make its point (second track); or write moody instrumentals that sound like the aural equivalent of The North Yorkshire Moors (third track); or write Wicker Man-style folky numbers (fourth track); or write dreamy soundscapes which deploy trancey beats to fine effect. In short: very good. Check ‘em: www.myspace.com/softwhere RM
- The Crack Magazine
Nuthin' to Say album (2009)
No End single (2009)
Tender Robot EP (2009)
Such A Light EP (2011)
Softwhere vs Sonodrome EP (2011)

From pastoral drum and bass workouts to Tom Waits’ style balladeering, Softwhere refuse to be stuck in a box labelled ‘Indie’, ‘Rock’, ‘Pop’, or indeed ‘This Way Up’. Their Album “Nuthin’ to Say” will take you on a journey to where ambience meets acoustica; quietness has an inner strength; and where poetry and fragile beats gently collide on a half-imagined, half-remembered, dreamscape plane. Yes, you heard correctly: dreamscape plane. Well-respected BBC DJ, Tom Robinson, is a fan and could recently be heard hurling the phrase: “Genius, sheer genius!” their way.
Softwhere are not afraid to stick Daft Punk style vocals over a beautifully tinkling piano They’re also not afraid to write gorgeously atmospheric acoustic songs that rely entirely on the beauty of the voice and melody to make its point; or write moody instrumentals that sound like the aural equivalent of The North Yorkshire Moors or write Wicker Man-style folky numbers; or write dreamy soundscapes which deploy trancey beats to fine effect. Softwhere also make their own award nominated music videos that can be seen on their youtube channel which won a BBC website of the week; screened recently at the London Film Makers convention and broadcast on US tv channels