sky white tiger
Brooklyn, New York, United States
If Brooklyn based 'Sky White Tiger' was an ice cream flavor, it would "taste like a combination of your favorite taste that you can't describe, and that dream you wish you could go back to," claims front man Louis Schwadron; "it's the taste you've always been looking for, the feeling you've always been looking for and something that you love so much that you just wanna kiss it. It's not vanilla."
Not vanilla indeed. Upon arriving to the Adler Planetarium's Sky Theater last Thursday night for the Adler After Dark Summer Series, I could tell that the only thing "vanilla" about Sky White Tiger, was the hue of their threads. Decked in head to toe white, five men seemed to glow in the darkness of the cramped planetarium stage. Cue guitars and stars and SWT proceeded to rock the crowd in to "channels to some other consciousness".
Self described as "psychedelic, symphonic, and lyrical" Sky White Tiger certainly delivers on those promises, but there's quite a bit more to them. SWT hopes to create a "blur between fantasy and reality, and (without being too dramatic) aims to help create or inspire the feeling of how to figure out new ways to Be." Schwadron doesn't just want to give a great show, he wants to make people think...feel. "Music has the power to go straight to thought and emotions and by playing in a different type of environment, like planetariums, hopefully we can create an environment where you can experience something of your own."
He may be onto something. Plus it can't hurt that he's gotten a lot of practice with some heavy hitters - Rufus Wainwright, David Bowie, Elton John and The Polyphonic Spree, just to name a few. As the bands' symphony soared over the crowd, one couldn't help but look up and gaze at the artificial sky. A different sort of constellation was projected as each song bled into the next, only stopping when the whole room went black as different moving images were projected onto the band itself, or Louis Schwadron, Kyle Sanna, Michael Cassedy, Adam Gold and Vincent Naples, collectively. Crazy numbers and dates flew across their bodies and truly beautiful images of space were held captive across every fret and key. There were hints of Radiohead in their sound at times and every so often Schwadron hit a note that was slightly reminiscent of an early Billy Corgan (but with much more hair), but it's undeniable that their songs are intrinsically unique. Hauntingly melodic lyrics bled into the chords of consciousness as the final image was projected in the sky; a white tiger.
Wanna hear 'em? Check out Sky White Tiger's website for info on how to purchase their LP and MySpace to find out when they'll be in your area. - www.examiner.com - Chicago Underground Music Examine Vanessa Pegram »
Brooklyn psychedelic pop outfit Sky White Tiger paired visual spectacle with soothing, mind-bending melodies for an eye-catching and ear-captivating performance at Adler Planetarium on Thursday, July 15.
As a young rocker just trying to grow up in this crazy world, I spent quite a few hours at the local planetarium taking in laser light shows set to the sounds of such influential bands as Pink Floyd and Nirvana. Adler Planetarium’s Adler After Dark series builds on this premise by having the band you are hearing play live in the room with you.
Sky White Tiger’s spacey tunes, such as “Say You’re The First” and “Returning the Shard” from the band’s 2009 EP, proved to be the perfect complement to the show happening above. Slowly rotating compasses, stationary stars and constantly changing constellations appeared before the audience as each song filled the small, darkened room.
Phot by Brad Meese
The only lights present under the dome were the multi-colored lights that lit the faces of Sky White Tiger leader Louis Schwadron and his backing quartet, who were all dressed in white clothing. However, they remained mostly unseen except for spare moments of moving silhouettes.
While the set was short, roughly 45-minutes long, the experience Sky White Tiger cultivated did not feel rushed. Each song and visual built upon the one that preceded it.
The set concluded with the last constellation morphing into various animals and objects with Schwadron reciting a spoken word verse that lead up to the phrase, “We are Sky White Tiger” as the group’s logo took center spot on the dome above.
The Adler After Dark series is a fun experience whether you are there to see a specific band or just wandering in from a day at the Planetarium. Sky White Tiger and its dreamy, psychedelic soundtrack provided a stunning sensory experience on Thursday, July 15. If only all concerts had such a relaxed atmosphere.
Check out Audrey’s photos from Sky White Tiger at the Adler Planetarium at her Flickr page.
- LOUD LOOP PRESS - www.loudlooppress.com - chicago
".there's a golden moment between thinking and speaking ..."
Hey, blogspot readers, SouthSide touched the hand of God. That's how she would accurately describe her profound experience ...a cosmic journey across the solar universe with Sky White Tiger. On Thursday night, this reviewer had the extreme pleasure of attending their double Adler After Dark performances at the Adler Planetarium. Both performances featured the famous Adler Sky Show as well as visual constellation designs by A.J. Epstein inside the Adler Sky Theatre. Both starry combinations truly brought the symphonic/rock music of Sky White Tiger to life. Plus for SouthSide, this was the most unique venue ever to review a rock performance.
Compared to yesterday's Reckless Records performance, SouthSide was completely blown away by the cosmic spectacle of music and visual art. There was more to be awe-struck over with the stars and constellations above her head while listening to Sky White Tiger and vice versa. This reviewer enjoyed the featured constellations which appeared at the beginning of each SWT song. It aided by giving the audience an idea of what the song was about. For example, for Miles To Go, the constellation featured a man holding a portrait of a road that seemed endless. Or for their cover of Peter Gabriel's Mercy Street, it was a woman inside a china tea cup while Returning The Shard had a starry scene consisting of two open palms with a shard of glass in the middle. Besides the starry glow of the universe above, the band itself was aglow with their own constellations projected against their all-white clothing. This also gave the performance a psychedelic atmosphere as trippy neon colors or meteor showers bounced off them during certain songs.
Both SWT performances featured music in which orchestral movements were created for the celestial darkness. It inspired all of SouthSide's sensory imagination to come forth while "feeling" this band's symphonic/rock vibe. The audience took an incredible ride between reality and fantasy that had this euphoric high before SWT sent everyone back to earth in the end. Each set opened with an ambient crescendo (which SouthSide dubbed as the call of the Sky White Tiger) to prepare everyone for their fantastical journey of music. Fans will enjoy the bursts of energy felt in their music and sound. During certain songs, the music was filled with electronic rhythms while in others, Louis and the band had this rockin' alternative/pop/psychedelic groove happening. It would be a fair comparison if viewing SWT's genre/style of music to Pink Floyd's however this music had more depth while tapping deeply in other genres and influences. SouthSide highly suggests listening to SWT's version of Time to familiarize yourself with this band. Though nothing like Pink Floyd's song, this song still retains the same concept that time is fleeting and always momentary. She also suggests listening to Twisted Trail and Fantasy Man. The highlight of both performances came when Louis did a spoken word poetry about the Sky White Tiger which had the enter Sky Theatre aglow with all of the pictured constellations as well as the Sky White Tiger constellation.
This reviewer highly recommends journeying across the solar universe with this band at their next performance. Hopefully Sky White Tiger can return soon for another fantastical adventure during a future Adler After Dark date. For dates and places where this amazing band is performing again, visit www.skywhitetiger.com or www.myspace.com/skywhitetiger.
Until next time, support your local scene,
Posted by SouthSide of Chgo at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: entertainment, music
Thursday, July 15, 2010
14 Jul 10
Hey, blogspot readers, SouthSide journeyed across the universe in one afternoon! It was an incredible experience rockin' to the symphonic sounds of Sky White Tiger. This band performed a special in-store set at Reckless Records (Wicker Park location) before their double Alder After Dark appearance happening Thursday night. This dress rehearsal gave the audience an enlightening as well as enchanting sample of what to expect under the starry glow at the Alder Planetarium. Despite not having the stars and constellations to accompany the fantastical music, this reviewer still enjoyed "feeling" selected songs (some off SWT's current CD) come to life ...immersing her within its deep rhythms and orchestral vibe. It was music from the cosmos for all to hear.
Sky White Tiger had the Reckless staff as well as the audience groovin' to songs like Miles To Go (an excellent song to familiarize yourself to this band) and Returning The Shard (a power ballad in which you feel the dynamic and intensity of Louis Schwardon's voice on the lyrics). Compared to the recorded versions, both songs performed live captivated this reviewer's sensory imagination in ways she never thought could occur. While listening to the music, she rode the cosmic soundwaves of the - SOUTHSIDE ON THE TOWN BLOGPSOT
Still working on that hot first release.