Skinny Rizzy
Austin, Texas, United States | SELF
4 out of 5 Stars
"Hailing from Texas, H.I.L. is an MC with a classic sound that combines tightly woven rhymes with the confidence of a seasoned vet. With his three influences being his brother (an unsung, underground, hip-hop hero from Houston), the perfection found in the work of Dre and Dilla, and the nature of Jazz music, it is very apparent that H.I.L. embodies the qualities of these influences in his own work and aspires to continue to push himself and hip-hop to the limit. Check out “Catch You (In The Mean Time)” for a glimpse at this gifted story teller and gifted lyricist ride over a dark, jazzy backdrop." - Reviewed by Jason Kordich
"1" Indicates the Lowest Score
"5" Indicates The Highest Score
Recording Quality/Production: 4.5
Lead Vocals: 4.5
Musicianship: 4.5
Lyric Writing: 5
Music Composing: 4.5
Melodies: 5
Song Arrangement: 4
Delivery/Confidence: 5
Dear Hilsenton,
Thanks for submitting the material for the evaluation.
I applaud and respect your willingness to learn, develop and listen to constructive feedback.
As you read above, you scored very well. You are making Texas proud!
You rap with confidence, it's smooth, sincere and the lyrics are outstanding too.
I am very impressed!
To give you insight to the scoring scale above, the majority
of artists score in the 2.5 to 3.5 range in the various categories.
Whenever an artist sees a 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 or 3.5 as a score in a certain category (or categories) it means that's an area I feel they need to improve and develop.
When an artist sees 4, 4.5 or 5 as their score in a category, it's a validation from a professional, confirming that the songs are of the highest level and show strong potential in the ultra-competitive music industry.
To really raise the bar, every artist should work hard to earn a 4.5 or 5 in every category.
It's a very competitive business and people averaging in the 3's (or less) will probably not get too far without a great deal of improvement and devel opment.
I don't give out 4's and 5's easily, so any of those you see, you have earned. Well done!
One thing to keep in mind, at least for your songs designated as "Singles" (the songs geared towards winning over radio stations, record company executives and music publishers) - try to keep Intros under 10 seconds and try to reach the Chorus between the 40 and 43 second mark.
If it's 44 seconds or longer into a song and the Chorus did not kick in yet, you should edit the arrangement accordingly.
In rap music, the chorus can come in at the 55 to 59 second mark, since the verses are traditionally longer, compared to pop and rock music. - Eugene Foley
Not To Scale EP