Atlanta, Georgia, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2000 | INDIE
MARCH 2, 2018
1. Billy Danze of (M.O.P.)–Halle Barry
2. Jericho Jackson (Khrysis & Elzhi)–Breguets
3. Illa Ghee–Gripped Up
4. ANoyd–Just A Fan
5. PRhyme–Rock It
6. Roc Marciano (f. Knowledge The Pirate)–Bohemian Grove
7. Sa-Roc–Forever
8. Sekkond Hand (f. Menace)–I’ll Win
9. Phonte–Cry No More
10. O.C.–John Wick
11. Daz Dillinger (f. Kurupt)–Violation
12. Snoop Dogg (f. Goldie Loc)–220
13. *Dana Dane–Delancey Street*
14. Apathy–The Order
15. Prince Ak–James Brown
16. Sadat X (f. Tony Sunshine)–Who’s Judging
17. Jamo Gang–Straight No Chase
18. Jericho Jackson (Khrysis & Elzhi)–Self Made
19. Evidence–Weather Or Not
20. Sixman–Eyes Wide
21. 38 Spesh & Benny–So Strategic
22. Roc Marciano–Bed Spring King
23. Ghostface Killah & Apollo Brown–The Sure Shot Pt. 1 & 2
24. Southpaw Chop (f. Large Professor)–Jewel Of The Day - premierwuzhere
FAM ENT present Sixman The Grand: The Grand a stellar project by the Grand Rapids native. The project includes production by the likes of Araab Muzik, Pete Rock, Tommy Vamoz, Matt Houston, Statik Selectah, 9th Wonder, Black Milk, Dj premier, J-Dilla. Sixman also collaborates with fellow artist J-Rob and A-1 from Grand Rapids and Wise Thoughts from Chicago. This project is a jewel. The listener will enjoy this high-quality master piece of art, rhymes, beats and life in The Grand.
The Stand out tracks are Authentic prod by. DJ Premier, Eyes Wide prod by. Tommy Vamoz, Carnel Knowledge prod by. The Alchemist, What It’s Worth ft. Wise Thoughts prod by. Black Milk, Summer 17 prod by. 9th Wonder & Un American prod by. Tommy Vamoz
Other notable tracks are Maybach Dreams ft. JC prod by. Kontender, Versace prod by. Statik Selectah, Spark Ya Lighters prod by. J.Dilla & La Grand Vitesse (The Grand) prod by. Pete Rock.
Not only does Sixman have super production but he also holds his own as an outstanding Emcee. “The Grand” is one of the best releases for the first quarter of 2018. It will be receiving a lot of air play at www.allthewaylivehiphop.com. Check out Sixman’s new video for Maybach Dreams. - Erick Ebanks
Panel at Wealthy Theater, May 15, 2017.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Hip hop appreciation week kicked off in Grand Rapids Monday with an official proclamation by Mayor Rosalynn Bliss.
In the proclamation, Bliss declared “accountability” to be theme of the week, saying that hip hop culture has become a key to “uplifting the spirit of many.”
Second Ward Commissioner Ruth Kelly with GR Hip Hop Coalition
Victor Williams is the president of the Grand Rapids Hip Hop Coalition. It’s been an annual event across the country since 2001, and happens every third week of May. The stated goals of the week are to reflect upon the cultural roots of hip hop and how it can be used to promote social change.
There was a round table discussion at the Wealthy Theater focusing on the history of hip hop in Grand Rapids. Other events this week include a film panel on the documentary “Time is Illmatic,” which focuses on the making of rapper Nas’ 1994 album Illmatic; a Black Tie, White Sneaker benefit gala at the B.O.B. Thursday evening; and a Unity Jam Saturday morning at MLK Jr Park.
The Hip Hop Coalition says money raised will support an inaugural Hip Hop Summer Camp this summer for Grand Rapids youth ages 8 to 18. - Fox17 news
Le MC de Atlanta a sorti sont projet « The Grand« . L’album est en référence a sa ville de naissance Grand Rapids dans le Michigan.
Sur le projet on retrouve, Matt Houston, 9th Wonder, Araab Muzik, Black Milk, Tommy Vamoz, Dj Premier, Statik Selectah, Pete Rock, Kontender sur les prods et J-Rob, A-1, Wise Thoughts et Nano pour les feats
L’album est dispo sur Bandcamp et le vinyle est disponible en pré-commande sur Diggers Factory. - WRITTEN BY NANO ON 22 MARS 2018
Sixman drops music video for a straight up boom bap banger. With DJ Premier at the production helm, you know this track is official. Don’t sleep on a slice of “Authentic” Hip Hop. - in news
The Return of SIXMAN. Sixman comes home to Grand Rapids, MI to discuss Hip-Hop culture and how it all started for him and how he has traveled the world in the name of Hip-Hop. - Liquid Lounge podcast
Decent joint from Sixman, thanks largely to the DJ Premier beat. - Grown up rap
Hip-hop artist Sixman is back with yet another high video, this one for “Breathe” produced by Araab Muzik. It’s certain to get you snapping your neck. Shout out Dre Banks for the cameo. We at Liquid Lounge Radio feel you should check it out!|
Written by Joe Ro’Be | Edited by Mr. Joe Walker | Photos by Search Engine Exploration | Directed by The Liquidation Committee | Produced by Liquid Arts & Entertainment |
Share your thoughts with us on Twitter @LiquidRadioXXL, photos on Instagram @liquidloungeradio.
Thank you for visiting LiquidLoungeRadio.com! Until next time, have a seat in the Liquid Lounge…we’ll be right with you.
“From Grand Rapids to the world.” - Joe Ro’Be
Playin Sixman Blue Skyz Tonite!!!!! - DjRomestallion Fofm
Prod. By AraabMuzik
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Sixman is back from Amsterdam with new projects and a new album called Re-Connect!
With a new Ep after his last couple of singles dealt with adult Love and letting the Cops know they wouldn’t keep me down, he wanted to get back to the kind of fun music that used to Turn him up and his friends back in the day on Wu-Tang "Forever" Or Public Enemy, "I like to think the ReConnect Ep is something people might drive to, so this new Ep is a bit more aggressive but still super sexy!"
Join us for a taste of Hip Hop with guest host Uncunvintial and featured guest Sixman. Playlist includes City Lyfe and Tiki Black.
Tonight 1200AM EST - 9:00PM Mountain/Pacific Time.
Call in or SKYPE 1.646.564.9897 to listen in or comment or ask a question.
Join Chat @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/vertikalliveradio/2015/10/17/music-cafe-featuring-sixman
Want to be a Business Sponsor contact ads@vertikallifemagazine.com or call 1.202.642.9377 for information and details. - VERTIKAL LIVE Radio
Here we sit down with Rapper Sixman straight back from Europe. He also performs his Single Lay Down. - CubeKonect
Performing Hot0Twenty indor Festival Sept 2 Melkweg,
Smokin (Budda Song) new Single set to drop this Mth on itunes and radio.
- Ham Magazine
This is a nice seventeen track mixtape from an emcee that oozes of that old kinda D.I.T.C flava. He is real and spits nice with that vocal tone that hits hard everytime. ‘Life & Times’ is a good track that gets the head nodding, but it’s the Kayne West produced ‘Some’n 2 Feel’ that impressed me. He fits on the beat nice, and kills it with intricate worldplay. There are a few guests on the mix like Brandy, Makaveli, Treja, Alicia Keys, Ron C, Kayne West and more. It’s nice and I feel that we are gonna be hearing a lot more from Sixman soon. Good music always prevails. Review by Tricksta - rago magazine U.K.
Performing Hot0Twenty indor Festival Sept 2 Melkweg,
Smokin (Budda Song) new Single set to drop this Mth on itunes and radio.
- Ham Magazine
Ji­maine “Six­man” Wil­son, a rap­per mak­ing his mark in the music in­dus­try, re­cently made his act­ing debut in the lo­cally pro­duced movie, A Peo­ple of Si­lence.
SIX­MAN is slowly be­gin­ning to take over the music in­dus­try, he is al­ways com­ing out with newmixes and tracks, and has a lot of ded­i­ca­tion.
Six­man a rap­per from Michi­gan USA, sta­tioned in Am­s­ter­dam, pre­mieres
his video ‘So far away’ on 12th de­cem­ber 2012. This track is one of
many joints of his new EP ‘The Con­nect’. With re­leas­ing the video,
its his way for you to con­nect with his EP.
Release date: -Dec-Waka Flocka Flame – DuFlocka Rant Halftime ShowLearn more
- Ham Magazine
Smoke Everyday...
Natuurlijk spreken we voor een interview met de Amerikaanse rapper Sixman af in een coffeeshop. De man van het album The Green House floreert immers in een dergelijke omgeving...
Titels als Smoke Everyday, Kush Cloud en Up In Smoke laten niets te raden over wat betreft de onderwerpkeuze van Jimaine Wilson aka Sixman, 30 jaar en uit Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. De cd gaat in het algemeen over The Green House, maar is ook opgehangen aan The Greenhouse, een van de meest populaire coffeeshops in magisch Mokum. “Dat was ook de eerste coffeeshop waar ik naar toe ging toen ik in Amsterdam kwam. Prachtige shop! Nu zitten we in Funky Munkey! Een van de meiden die hier werken ontmoette ik tijdens de laatste High Times Cannabis Cup. Ik was daar om mijn album te promoten, wij speelden later in de Melkweg.”
“Ik hou van blowen. Het liefst OG Kush of Silver Haze.„
“Ik kwam in Amsterdam door Jayroll Platters, een Nederlandse gast met een eigen bedrijf. Via internet was-ie in mijn muziek geïnteresseerd geraakt, en vanuit de States begonnen we aan The Green House project. Hij liet me naar hier overkomen om het te promoten. Echt tof! Dat was mei vorig jaar. Ik ben toen tot december gebleven. Natuurlijk vind ik het hier geweldig, ik kan m’n wiet roken zonder achterom te moeten kijken, en iedereen is superrelaxed. Mensen hier zitten niet met een hoop attitude, zoals waar ik vandaan kom. Daar loopt iedereen met een ‘chip on their shoulder’, ze zijn allemaal zo lichtgeraakt... Ik begrijp het ook wel, maar het is prettig om daar weg te kunnen gaan en te ontspannen, om niet in een wereld te zijn waar je alleen maar aan de bullshit moet denken.”
“Het plan is om hier steeds 3 tot 4 maanden per keer te zijn, dan terug naar huis, wat mensen opzoeken, en weer terug naar Nederland. Een paar weken geleden was ik nog op tour met Redman, hebben we in Zurich en Parijs opgetreden. In Nederland trad ik op in Arnhem, op Live on the Low, het Metro54 Festival. I try to get around, make my name. Ik ben nu aan een nieuw album bezig, The Connect. Dat heeft te maken met degene die me hier naar toe heeft gehaald, S.C.A.N. Music Records. Er komen tien nummers op, geproduceerd door Dutchflower. Ik kijk er naar uit om te gaan samenwerken met Kalibwoy, een grote naam in de dancehall, en met labelmaten zoals MC Nektar, echt een goeie. Ik heb wel wat contacten hier en daar...”
Goed spul
“Er gaan nogal wat van mijn raps over smoken, ja. Het zou onderdeel van mijn image kunnen zijn, ha! Ik hou van blowen. Het liefst OG Kush of Silver Haze – ik hou van de haze hier. Echt goed spul. Maar White Widow gaat er ook wel in hoor. Waar ik vandaan kom houden ze echt van het stevige werk, daar heeft iedereen het over Kush, maar als ik hier ben schakel ik over op de haze. Ik maak in Nederland kennis met al die andere en betere wiet, en mijn ervaringen speel ik dan weer door. Ik kan ze daar vertellen hoe smallminded ze zijn, ik heb wel iets beters!”
“De echte competitie hebben jullie van Californië, daar hebben ze zulke fantastische wiet! Ik kom uit Michigan, maar mijn vader woont in Californië. We bellen wel eens en dan schep ik op. Zo van, hee pa, ik ben in Amsterdam! Goed zo zoon! De wiet is ook goed pa! Maar hij is niet zo onder de indruk...”
Facebook: forallmusic
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Tags: Muziek | Roken
Editie: Highlife 2012 - 9 - HighLife Magazine
Poppodium Buk Buk organiseert vrijdag 14 oktober a.s. een nieuwe hiphop-happening, onder de veelzeggende noemer: Heiloo in da Hood. Dit evenement wordt op grootse wijze afgesloten door de bekende Amerikaanse hiphopper Sixman. Als support worden een aantal open-mic optredens gehouden en een act Wesley Reyes, ons eigen talent uit Heiloo. De deur gaat open om 21.00 uur en de entree is 7 euro. Geïnspireerd door de Nederlandse realitysoap Holland in da Hood op Rtl 5, heeft BukBuk haar eigen concept bedacht Heiloo in da Hood . In de serie gaan de acht rappers van hollandse bodem naar Los Angeles toe om proberen daar door te breken als rappers. Aan het eind van de serie staat een auditie gepland voor een grote platenbaas uit Los Angeles en die bepaalt wie van hen de beste hiphopper is. Centraal in Buk Buk staat het optreden van Jimaine Wilson, alias Sixman afkomstig uit San Jose, California. Dit is waar hij voor het eerst interesse kreeg in de Hip-Hop. Beïnvloed door o.a. Run-DMC, LL Cool J, Nas, Marvin Gaye, Isley Brothers en The Temptations ontwikkelde hij zijn eigen hiphop skills. Sixman is geen groentje als het gaat om live-shows. Zo heeft hij in de ’Urban Spice Rip van Atlanta opgetreden. Bij de Sea awards heeft hij geshined met Bizzy en Dsyko in Memphis. Hij heeft met veel bekende artiesten opgetreden, zoals Al Green, Rob Base, Kurtis Blow, Whodini, en Slum Village. Last but not least maakte hij een optreden in Club Star 69 in Florida, naast Body. Sixman heeft ook in diverse tv-shows opgetreden, zoals ”The Underground Video Show” met presentator Paul Allen en ’What’s going on ” met presentator Ken Murphy in New York. Beroemd is Sixman van zijn unieke manier van CD’s verkopen. Hij heeft zelf al meer dan 15.000 cd’s verkocht uit de kofferbak van zijn auto. Het optreden in Buk Buk is voorlopig het laatste in Europa, want Sixman maakt zich op voor zijn World Reach Out Tour, met 60 aaneensluitende optredens in Azië. Het mag duidelijk zijn dat de sound en lyrics vna Heiloo in da Hood niet te onderschatten zijn. Behalve Sixman kan iedere hiphopper zijn skills tonen bij de open-mic. Als speciale support zal een optreden plaatsvinden van Wesley Reyes, mede-organisator van de eerste editie van Heiloo in da Hood. The vibes van big guy Sixman zullen onevenaarbaar zijn, maar elk hiphop-talent krijgt de kans om zijn skills te performen. Jongerencentrum BukBuk - Pastoor van Muijenweg 12 - 1850 AC Heiloo - by heiloo
Michigan-reppin emcee Sixman does it big over some choppy and steady marching production from DJ Premier on the freshly pressed single “Authentic”. The single (and video) are from Six‘s soon-to-drop project The Grand and servers as a pretty potent opening shot from the Grand Rapids resident.After watching the video, you can listen to (and buy) the _____ via the links listed below as well as catch up on the latest music and news from ______ by making sure that you’re connected to ____ via the social links provided. - MRVN
This is a nice seventeen track mixtape from an emcee that oozes of that old kinda D.I.T.C flava. He is real and spits nice with that vocal tone that hits hard everytime. ‘Life & Times’ is a good track that gets the head nodding, but it’s the Kayne West produced ‘Some’n 2 Feel’ that impressed me. He fits on the beat nice, and kills it with intricate worldplay. There are a few guests on the mix like Brandy, Makaveli, Treja, Alicia Keys, Ron C, Kayne West and more. It’s nice and I feel that we are gonna be hearing a lot more from Sixman soon. Good music always prevails. Review by Tricksta - rago magazine U.K.
JUMP OFF - 11pm UK - 6pm EST - 3pm LA
Wild1 Radio & Rockstar Energy Drink US presents...
Hosted by GRANT BODY-P! Special guest - Eloh Kush!
Eloh talks his new project dropping this week, he talks his new book and how Prodigy impacted his career!
All this plus new Sixman, BTG, Royce Da 5'9, Heather Victoria, Wu-Tang Clan & more!
LISTEN HERE! http://www.wild1radio.com/listen-to-wild1-radio/ - Michael Grant
Wu Worldwide Coalition Dj Donor delivers a new mixtape. After the successfull release of his ‘My Kinda Hiphop’-mixtape (which got him nominated for ‘Best Grinding Mixtape Dj’) Dj Donor likes to pay attention to those artists who perform locally and worldwide, make tours and work hard to make hiphopmusic outside the general commercial canon.
It was awesome to work with TerabanArch NemSixmanstr8jakkettMoon-Crickets-IncAlpha FaktionEdward McCallumSnowgoonsDilated PeoplesSHABAAM SAHDEEQ (OFFICIAL FAN PAGE)Will Grand SurgeonONYXDope D.O.D.StarrlightDTACHPhilip WaldenMr FunkeDro PesciYoung GotsEastgardenmusic - Dj Donor
Who Ami 1999
He is 2003
Life and Times of J.Wilson Hosted by Dj Siza Superfriends 2006
American Muscle hosted by Dj whitey2007
State of Emergancy 2008
Change has Come hosted by Dj Likwid 2010
The Green House 2011
Already Famous 2012
God Bless 2013
I Love Diila-Tribute to james yancey-2014
ReConnect-2015Already Famous DVD- 2016
The Grand Mixtape- 2018
Last King-2018
The Fix- 2020
The Lux 2022
The Six Million Dollar man 2023

. Every fabric of Sixman’s being is quilted in Hip Hop. It’s visible in his eyes. It streams from his pores and propels his movements forward. The thread of the culture is sown into his rhymes. He speaks hip hop. He lives hip hop.
Right now, Sixman’s life is all about his album The Fix, released December 11, 2020 on his imprint FAM ENT. Noted as “the new boom bap sound”, the 12-track set is produced entirely by acclaimed producer Tommy Vamoz. Its quality is equivalent to 10,000 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets. His second album with Vamoz, it comes 9 years after their classic 2011 LP The Greenhouse.
Featuring his most influential and thought-provoking lyrics to date, Sixman was personally and professionally inspired by the pain of the Covid-19 pandemic, the widespread social conflict against systemic racism, and the drug-addiction crisis in America.
Scoring early hits with “Black Sinatra” featuring General Steele (of Smiff-N-Wessun), “Bad Mutha”, and “Snake Shit” featuring El Da Sensei, The Fix was preceded by The Fix: Short Documentary with Sixman. The well-received film led to him signing a deal with Lee Pro Films to further distribute the art piece.
Originally from Grand Rapids, MI and now residing in Atlanta, GA, Sixman’s childhood diet consisted of equal parts Sesame Street, social awareness and history, and Hip Hop culture. He digested everything.
Growing up to become a skilled, respected Hip Hop artist, graphic designer, film director and editor, Sixman served his first recorded single “Who Am I” in 1999. It was one of the first Hip Hop songs to stream online and it received positive feedback from around the world.
Before long Sixman began touring internationally, blazing such stages as Amsterdam Summer Festival. He also found himself regularly on tickets with top acts like Parish Smith, Redman, and The Alkaholiks among others. Eventually Sixman started headlining his own shows while he meticulously built loyal fan support in Europe. Back in the states he followed The Green House with God Bless with DJ Game Ova in 2013, I Love Dilla in 2014, and both the EP Re-Connect and DVD film Already Famous in 2015.
In 2018 Sixman released The Grand, his love letter to his native Grand Rapids. Praised for its lyricism and beat selection, the mixtape/album scored big with singles “Authentic”, “Breathe”, and “Maybach Dreams” (featuring JC). Sixman made a ceremonious return to Grand Rapids that same year for the release of Last King which is produced entirely by DJ Supa Dave. It was his most successful and acclaimed LP before The Fix.
From ’18 through 2019 Sixman toured heavily in the states and internationally, with marquee dates at SXSW and A3C. These were followed by a headlining European tour that including the legendary de Rauwe School in Amsterdam. On the strength of singles “Great Escape” featuring PaceWon, “Aprendi” featuring Flame Killer, “Pray for My Enemies”, and “Meditation”, Sixman’s relentless efforts and critical praise would lead him to receive face-to-face compliments from the legendary Hip Hop icon DJ Premier
Band Members