Silver Talon
Portland, Oregon, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2017 | INDIE
Silver Talon guitarist Bryce VanHoosen showed off his monstrous chops in a new playthrough of the power metal outfit’s track “Cold Embrace,” off their debut record Becoming A Demon.
VanHoosen started the playthrough off on an acoustic guitar before diving headfirst into pummeling riffs on a Jackson Pro Series CD24. Wyatt Howell provided the roaring vocals as VanHoosen tore into a wild solo.
Watch the playthrough below, and catch Silver Talon live here. - Jackson Guitars
Formed from the ashes of Spellcaster, Silver Talon are a new name on the metal block. However, they have the skills and the songs to quickly wipe that 'ex-Spellcaster' tag from everyone's lips and become a name known to all. Influenced by the US metal greats like Savatage, Omen and Helstar, but with the kind of unique twist that made Manilla Road stand out from the pack, Silver Talon are an exciting prospect. They even attempt a cover of Sanctuary's classic 'Battle Angels' and - assisted by Jeff Loomis - make a very decent fist of it. The future looks bright for US metal with Silver Talon around.
Chris Kee 4.5/5 - Zero Tolerance Magazine Issue 88
Portland, OR-based heavy metal hitters Silver Talon recently dropped their debut EP Becoming A Demon in October of last year, and are gearing up to show you what they’re made of with this exclusive dual-guitar playthrough of their track “Speed of the Night”! This is a classic heavy/power metal-influenced shred masterpiece, and guitarists Bryce VanHoosen and Sebastian Silva have no problem flying through this track with ease. That’s no small feat considering just how crazy some of these runs are. I mean, come on, just look at those arpeggios! My fingers are sore just watching them play! And with the soaring vocals from singer Wyatt Howell, this tune’s got a lot going for it. Watch, listen, and be amazed, only right here, on Gear Gods!
About the song itself, VanHoosen had this to say:
“A lot of energy went into crafting and mastering the guitar parts for ‘Speed of the Night,’ and Sebastian Silva and I are happy to be able to give you an up-close look at the fruits of our labor. It’s one of our absolute favorite tracks to play from Becoming A Demon. Be sure to catch Silver Talon live this summer at Dong Open Air festival in Germany where you can watch us play this one in person!”
The band is also playing Dong Open Air in Germany, which is slated to occur Thursday, July 11 – Saturday, July 13, as well as a few other select European dates around the same time. Be sure to get your hands on Becoming A Demon on the band’s Bandcamp, as well as to follow these dudes on Facebook and Instagram. - Gear Gods
Guitarists Bryce VanHoosen and Sebastian Silva of Portland, Ore.-based power metal band Silver Talon show off their chops in a recent video playthrough of the band’s single “Speed of the Night.” The track is off their 2018 debut EP Becoming a Demon, which is available here.
The metallers sure know their way around a fretboard as “Speed of the Night” is loaded with brisk arpeggios. VanHoosen tears it up on a Ferrari Red Jackson Pro Series King V KV, and Silva holds his own on a Black Pro Series King V KV.
Give the playthrough a watch below, and catch Silver Talon live here. - Jackson Guitars
Embora o nome da banda estadunidense SILVER TALON seja novo no Metal mundial, seus músicos já haviam construído uma reputação com o Spellcaster, tendo lançado três álbuns e conquistado uma boa parcela de admiradores. Com o lançamento do EP “Becoming a Demon” em 2018, os guitarristas Bryce VanHoosen e Sebastian Silva deram o pontapé inicial para que o SILVER TALON ganhasse vida própria, amparados pelo talento inconfundível do vocalista Wyatt Howell. Agora contando também com Devon Miller (guitarra), Walter Hartzell (baixo) e Elijah Losch (bateria), o time trabalha na confecção do novo trabalho, com lançamento previsto para o primeiro semestre de 2020.
No bate-papo com o guitarrista Bryce VanHoosen, realizado no começo de setembro, pudemos perceber a incrível vontade do músico em crescer, sobretudo agora com o line-up estabilizado e com as gravações do novo álbum prestes a iniciar. Inspirado por nomes clássicos do Metal mundial, como Sanctuary, Nevermore e Savatage, o guitarrista comentou sobre o término das atividades do Spellcaster, refletindo sobre o péssimo momento em que a banda estava passando: “Definitivamente, foi uma decisão difícil terminar com o Spellcaster, mas acho que foi a melhor decisão para todas as partes envolvidas. Havia muitas drogas, álcool, festas e egos envolvidos com o Spellcaster, e isso acabou criando um ambiente extremamente tóxico para se trabalhar.”
Neste mês de outubro o SILVER TALON entrará em estúdio para gravar o sucessor de “Becoming a Demon”. Bryce revelou alguns detalhes sobre este próximo passo na carreira do grupo, que terá um ataque triplo de guitarras: “O álbum será mais pesado e mais agressivo que o EP! Estamos adicionando um novo guitarrista (Devon Miller), à banda. Então, comigo e Sebastian e Devon, estamos prestes a ser um grupo de três guitarras – o que deve adicionar outra camada de harmonias e atmosfera à coisa toda. Devon começou substituindo Sebastian enquanto ele não conseguia entrar nos EUA (ele é mexicano), mas ele se mostrou bastante valioso! Então, espere pelo menos três solos de guitarra no total (risadas).”.
Mais detalhes sobre o novo trabalho serão divulgados em breve, logo após a entrada dos músicos em estúdio. Bryce ainda revelou ainda que prefere gravar suas partes de guitarra em casa do que em estúdio e relembrou as gravações do Spellcaster e do EP: “Em termos de produção, trabalhamos principalmente da mesma maneira que no álbum “Night Hides The World” do Spellcaster. Fomos aos estúdios Sharkbite em Oakland, Califórnia, para trabalhar com Zack Ohren, e trabalhamos com Gabe Johnston no Falcon Studios, em Portland, nos vocais. A única diferença na produção de “Becoming a Demon” era que eu era capaz de gravar todas as guitarras em casa e enviá-las para Zack para serem re-amplificadas no estúdio. Eu fico um pouco nervoso gravando, então é mais fácil fazer isso na minha casa, de cueca ou algo assim!” - Roadie Crew
O SILVER TALON é uma das grandes revelações do Heavy Metal norte-americano da última década, e seu surgimento remete a 2017, quando os guitarristas Bryce VanHoosen e Sebastian Silva ainda faziam parte do Spellcaster, mas decidiram seguir caminhos separados do vocalista Tyler Loney. Com um novo nome, partiram na busca de um vocalista, chegando até Wyatt Howell, do Sanctifyre, vindo de Eugene, também do Oregon. Para a gravação do EP contaram ainda com o baixista Gabriel Franco (Idle Hands) e o baterista Colin Vranizan (também ex-Spellcaster e atual Idle Hands).
Inspirados por Yngwie Malmsteen, Savatage, Sanctuary, Queensryche e Helloween, o grupo, oriundo de Portland, Oregon, aos poucos tem conquistado seu território, mostrando-se prontos para se tornar uma grande força no Heavy Metal mundial. Lançado em outubro de 2018, o EP "Becoming A Demon" demonstrou a habilidade do SILVER TALON de misturar melodias e habilidade técnica num Heavy Metal extremamente pesado e empolgante, tanto que conseguiram um lugar de destaque na playlist oficial do Spotify chamada "Heavy Metal". Neste EP ainda apresentaram uma versão matadora do clássico "Battle Angels", do Sanctuary, com um solo do guitarrista Jeff Loomis (ex-Nevermore, Arch Enemy).
Hoje a formação da banda conta com Wyatt Howell (vocal), Bryce VanHoosen, Sebastian Silva e Devon Miller (guitarras), Walter Hartzell (baixo) e Elijah Losch (bateria), time que trabalha atualmente na confecção do novo álbum, com lançamento previsto para o primeiro semestre de 2020. No bate-papo com o guitarrista Bryce VanHoosen, realizado no começo de setembro, pudemos perceber a incrível vontade do músico em crescer, sobretudo agora com o line-up estabilizado e com as gravações do novo álbum prestes a iniciar.
"Becoming a Demon", lançado em 2018, conquistou grandes resenhas e abriu muitas portas para a banda. Diria que fez até mais sucesso que o material do Spellcaster. Mas, como foi encarar o término do Spellcaster? Por quais motivos a banda encerrou as atividades?
Bryce VanHoosen: Definitivamente, foi uma decisão difícil terminar com o Spellcaster, mas acho que foi a melhor decisão para todas as partes envolvidas. Havia excesso de drogas, álcool, festas e egos inflados envolvidos com o Spellcaster, e isso acabou criando um ambiente extremamente tóxico para se trabalhar. Por causa disso, o guitarrista Cory Boyd saiu em algum momento no final de 2016. A banda recrutou Sebastian Silva e continuou, mas as coisas não melhoraram. No final, eu temia ir aos ensaios. Nos reunimos uma última vez quando o vocalista Tyler Loney quase brigou com o baterista Colin Vranizan. Tyler acabou desistindo, e foi isso. O resto de nós decidiu continuar, mas como uma banda diferente.
E com o término do Spellcaster, iniciou-se a jornada com o Silver Talon. Quais os planos iniciais com a banda? O que você e Sebastian tinham em mente?
Bryce VanHoosen: Essencialmente, só queríamos manter o clima leve que tínhamos inicialmente com o Spellcaster e não perdê-lo com dramas e besteiras pessoais. Fiquei realmente feliz por começar a trabalhar com Sebastian, e tinha uma inclinação em poder melhorar o foco da guitarra daqui dali em diante. Gabriel Franco e Colin Vranizan, agora ambos em Idle Hands, também foram extremamente úteis para tirar o Silver Talon do chão. Estávamos todos juntos em busca de um novo vocalista e seguir em frente.
A entrada do vocalista Wyatt Howell foi um verdadeiro achado, não é mesmo? Vocês já o conheciam?
Bryce VanHoosen: Porra, realmente! Estamos todos muito felizes por trabalhar com Wyatt. Nós o conhecemos da sua banda anterior, Sanctifyre, mas não o conhecíamos pessoalmente. Ele enviou uma demo cantando o que se tornaria a música "Devil Machine", exatamente como um bom número de 25 a 30 pessoas, e ele era o melhor aos nossos olhos. Também ajudou que ele era de Eugene, que fica a algumas horas de Portland, e estava disposto a se mudar para cá para tocar com a banda.
Com o line-up completo, foi lançado "Becoming a Demon". As músicas do EP são fortes e mostram uma clara evolução sua e do Sebastian como guitarristas. E ao mesmo tempo que a banda carrega aquela veia "anos 80", a sonoridade do EP é bem moderna e atual. Como foi o processo de composição destas músicas e sua posterior produção?
Bryce VanHoosen: Na verdade, começamos a trabalhar em três faixas enquanto ainda éramos Spellcaster. As músicas que se tornariam "Devil Machine", "Silver Talon" e "Warrior's End" começaram como músicas do Spellcaster que foram passadas para o Silver Talon. "Cold Embrace" foi a primeira faixa em que Wyatt e eu trabalhamos juntos, e o arranjo foi montado em torno de seus vocais. Em termos de produção, trabalhamos da mesma maneira que no álbum "Night Hides The World", do Spellcaster. Fomos aos estúdios Sharkbite em Oakland, Califórnia, para trabalhar com Zack Ohren, e trabalhamos também com Gabe Johnston no Falcon Studios, em Portland, nos vocais. A única diferença na produção de "Becoming a Demon" era que eu fui capaz de gravar todas as guitarras em casa e enviá-las para Zack para serem re-amplificadas no estúdio. Eu fico um pouco nervoso gravando em estúdios, então é mais fácil fazer isso na minha casa, de cueca ou algo assim! (risadas)
O fã mais atento notará várias influências na sonoridade da banda, mas também verá que o Silver Talon busca suas próprias características. Poderíamos dizer que Sanctuary, Nevermore, Jag Panzer, Metal Church e Savatage formam uma parcela considerável de suas influências?
Bryce VanHoosen: Essas são bandas que admiramos e respeitamos. Nós criamos muitas músicas em "Drop C" especificamente porque o Savatage usou essa afinação em clássicos como "Hall of the Mountain King" e "Power of the Night". Sanctuary e Nevermore também são outras grandes influências, assim como Warrel Dane em geral, especialmente nos vocais de Wyatt. Jeff Loomis também é uma grande influência para mim.
O próprio Sanctuary foi homenageado com um belíssimo cover para "Battle Angels", com a participção de Jeff Loomis, ex-Nevermore. Como rolou esta participação?
Bryce VanHoosen: Eu conheci Jeff em 2016 em um show do Fifth Angel em Seattle. Desde então, mantivemos contato nas mídias sociais. Como Wyatt estava recebendo muitas comparações com Warrel Dane, pensamos que seria uma escolha natural coverizar uma música do Sanctuary. Tive a ideia de pedir ao Jeff que tocasse o solo principal e, para minha surpresa, ele ficou interessado! Como fã de Sanctuary, Nevermore e Jeff, achei super legal ouvir uma versão dele gravada adequadamente para o solo de "Battle Angels" que ele tocava com Nevermore nos anos 90/2000.
O Silver Talon faz parte de uma nova leva de bandas com sonoridade voltada ao Heavy/Power Metal dos anos 80, destacando Sanhedrin, Traveler, Eternal Champion, Sabire, Riot City, Smoulder, Haunt, Hitten, Dream Toll e tantas outras. Como é a sua relação com estas bandas? Você gostaria de destacar outras bandas?
Bryce VanHoosen: Também temos que citar outras bandas de Portland, como Bewitcher, Soul Grinder e nossos irmãos do Idle Hands. Além disso, outra grande banda de Idaho se chama By Fire & Sword, que vale a pena ser conferida. Somos fãs e amigos de muitas dessas bandas. É legal estar em um grupo de pessoas que parece finalmente estar decolando. Pelo menos parece que o interesse pelo Metalcore/Deathcore ou o que quer que seja está finalmente acabando. Desejo uma boa viagem para essa merda!
Eu não poderia deixar de falar do Idle Hands, a outra banda do guitarrista Sebastian, que abrirá a nova turnê de King Diamond. O estilo deles é bem único, você não acha? Como ele te conciliado trabalhar com ambas das bandas?
Bryce VanHoosen: Sim, é definitivamente único. Seu principal compositor e vocalista, Gabe, escreve material nessa linha há muito tempo, principalmente como um projeto paralelo. É legal vê-lo fazer isso como um projeto principal, e, é claro, ter tanto sucesso com isso. Fiquei impressionado quando soube sobre a turnê com o King Diamond. Eu não sabia que esse tipo de coisa era possível para uma banda mais nova. Certamente me dá esperança para o futuro! Mas, quanto ao envolvimento de Sebastian no Idle Hands e no Silver Talon, é bastante fácil, na verdade. Ele é um verdadeiro maníaco, e é totalmente tranquilo tocar em tempo integral com as duas bandas. O único problema que encontramos recentemente é que Sebastian é um cidadão mexicano, então tem sido difícil para ele ter acesso aos EUA para trabalhar. Tivemos que ir ao Canadá para nos reunir e trabalhar no novo álbum do Silver Talon. É especialmente foda por causa da retórica de Washington sobre manter as pessoas do México fora daqui e construir alguma parede idiota ou alguma merda, e este é o nosso guitarrista - ele é do México! Isso nos fez perceber o quão impotente o cidadão comum está diante do império. Os reis e rainhas da sociedade são capazes de desfilar, fazendo o que quiserem e se safando, mudando as leis para se adequarem a seus próprios fins - enquanto todo o resto de nós ficamos para pegar as peças. Bem, eu digo para matarmos todos os reis do caralho!
Vocês entrarão em estúdio para começar a gravar o novo álbum no mês de outubro. O que você já poderia nos adiantar sobre o álbum?
Bryce VanHoosen: Será mais pesado e mais agressivo que o EP! Já estamos obtendo muito mais comparações com o Nevermore. Eu acho que isso é de se esperar. Mas também estamos adicionando um novo guitarrista à banda, Devon Miller. Então, comigo e Sebastian e Devon, estamos prestes a ser um grupo de três guitarras - o que deve adicionar outra camada de harmonias e atmosfera à coisa toda. Devon começou substituindo Sebastian enquanto ele não conseguia entrar nos EUA, mas ele se mostrou bastante valioso! Então, espere pelo menos três solos de guitarra no total (risadas).
Uma curiosidade: há uma série chamada "Grimm", que se passa em sua cidade, Portland, Oregon. Você acompanhou a série? Pelo que a série mostra, a cidade é bem bonita e interessante. Como é viver aí? Sei que muitas bandas tocam na cidade... Já imaginei a banda tocando em vários lugares da cidade!
Bryce VanHoosen: Eu não assisti a série, mas me lembro deles filmando pela cidade há alguns anos atrás. Minha esposa também trabalhava bastante em um local que eles usavam para gravar o programa. Espero que possamos filmar um videoclipe por lá no futuro! Mas sim, Portland é uma cidade realmente bonita e interessante. Há muitas árvores, montanhas, praias, deserto - tudo fica a apenas algumas horas de carro da cidade. Também chove muito, então eu acho que ajuda a manter nossa música bastante sombria. A cena musical também se destacou recentemente. Portanto, hoje em dia há uma sólida cena local de Heavy Metal aqui, que parece positiva e favorável a todos.
Que recado você daria para os leitores brasileiros? O que eles podem esperar do Silver Talon para o futuro?
Bryce VanHoosen: Obrigado por todo o apoio! A quantidade de apoio dos brasileiros que recebemos até agora tem sido fantástica. Definitivamente, mal podemos esperar em tocar para todos vocês. Aguarde pelo novo álbum do Silver Talon em 2020 e espero que possamos tocar aí mais cedo ou mais tarde! - Whiplast.net
Os Silver Talon são uma máquina anormalmente técnica que recompensa o ouvinte com “Becoming A Demon”, uma aula de virtuosismo ministrada por músicos da mais alta estirpe e que fazem com que nunca exista um momento morto. “Devil Machine” é o exemplo perfeito de tudo o que uma banda deste género tem de melhor: um vocalista prodigioso, dois guitar heroes, qual deles o mais sofisticado, um baterista que gosta de meter o pé no acelerador e, em suma, um colectivo que fará as delícias dos fãs de Symphony X, Helloween ou Nevermore, entre muitos outros. Claro que a mãozinha do mestre Jeff Loomis num dos temas é só mais uma confirmação, não é? Impressionantes. - Metal Hammer Portugal
The SILVER TALON is one of the great revelations of the North American Heavy Metal of the last decade, with the public virtuous guitars, thunderous kitchen and powerful vocals. Inspired by Yngwie Malmsteen, Savatage, Sanctuary, Queensrÿche and Helloween, the group, coming from Portland, Oregon, has gradually conquered their territory, being ready to become a major force in the heavy metal world. Launched in October 2018, the EP "Becoming The Demon" has shown the ability SILVER TALON mixing melodies and technical skill in Heavy extremely heavy and exciting metal, so that achieved a prominent place in the official playlist Spotify called "Heavy Metal" . In EP still had a killer version of the classic "Battle Angels" , the Sanctuary, with a solo of the legendary guitarist Jeff Loomis (ex-Nevermore, Arch Enemy).
The emergence of the band refers to 2017, when Bryce VanHoosen guitarists and Sebastian Silva were still part of the spellcaster, but decided to go their separate ways vocalist Tyler Loney. With a new name, they set off in search of a vocalist, reaching Wyatt Howell, the Sanctifyre coming from Eugene, Oregon also. For the recording of the EP still relied on the bassist Gabriel Franco (Idle Hands) and drummer Colin Vranizan (also former and current Spellcaster Idle Hands). Bryce VanHoosen guitarist explained the way that the band has been looking after the Spellcaster: "We are basically trying to raise that began in Spellcaster a little further. The songs are more complicated, more progressive, more aggressive, more guitar solos and more crazy vocal harmonies. "
Now allied with the bassist and drummer Walter Hartzell Elijah Losch, initiated the debut of the production work, scheduled for next year and disclose the Vocal + Guitar Playthrough music "Cold Embrace" . Bryce VanHoosen guitarist commented on the vocal performance Wyatt in music: "The vocal delivery Wyatt in the chorus is one of the best of his works to date. If listeners can invest a little time and attention to a song that does not reach the climax in the first 60 seconds and only experience the music, I think it will be addicted. " - Roadie Crew
O SILVER TALON é uma das grandes revelações do Heavy Metal norte-americano da última década, apresentando ao público guitarras virtuosas, cozinha estrondosa e vocais poderosos. Inspirados por Yngwie Malmsteen, Savatage, Sanctuary, Queensryche e Helloween, o grupo, oriundo de Portland, Oregon, aos poucos tem conquistado seu território, mostrando-se prontos para se tornar uma grande força no Heavy Metal mundial. Lançado em outubro de 2018, o EP "Becoming A Demon" demonstrou a habilidade do SILVER TALON de misturar melodias e habilidade técnica num Heavy Metal extremamente pesado e empolgante, tanto que conseguiram um lugar de destaque na playlist oficial do Spotify chamada "Heavy Metal". Neste EP ainda apresentaram uma versão matadora do clássico "Battle Angels", do Sanctuary, com um solo do lendário guitarrista Jeff Loomis (ex-Nevermore, Arch Enemy).
O surgimento da banda remete a 2017, quando os guitarristas Bryce VanHoosen e Sebastian Silva ainda faziam parte do Spellcaster, mas decidiram seguir caminhos separados do vocalista Tyler Loney. Com um novo nome, partiram na busca de um vocalista, chegando até Wyatt Howell, do Sanctifyre, vindo de Eugene, também do Oregon. Para a gravação do EP contaram ainda com o baixista Gabriel Franco (Idle Hands) e o baterista Colin Vranizan (também ex-Spellcaster e atual Idle Hands). O guitarrista Bryce VanHoosen explicou o caminho que a banda tem buscado após o término do Spellcaster: "Estamos basicamente tentando elevar o que iniciamos no Spellcaster um pouco mais adiante. As músicas são mais complicadas, mais progressivas, mais agressivas, há mais solos de guitarra e harmonias vocais mais loucas". - Whiplast.net
Back in May 2017, Spellcaster split up after losing two prominent members: guitarist / founding member Cory Boyd and vocalist Tyler Loney. While the Spellcaster chapter has officially closed their doors, the remaining members pushed forward and formed a new shredding beast, Silver Talon. The Portland, OR outfit utilized their dark and aggressive power metal tenacity and introduced their next chapter last year with the release of their latest EP Becoming the Demon.
Today (1st), we are excited to premiere their latest vocal and guitar playthrough video for the song “Cold Embrace.” For those who enjoy horror and sci-fi mixed with ferocious riffs and original vocal melodies, you will be pleased with what Silver Talon has to offer. “Cold Embrace,” is intertwined with the group’s original shreds to parts from Bach’s Prelude in D as the band commented:
“Wyatt’s vocal delivery on the chorus is some of his best work to date. If listeners can invest their time and attention into a song that doesn’t deliver a climax within the first 60 seconds, and sort of just experience the song, then I think we’ll have them hooked. It’s sort of like a John Carpenter slow burn kind of thing.”
Watch the playthrough clip below and order the EP. - Metal Insider
Zweifelsohne ist es immer noch schade, dass die US-Hopefuls Spellcaster 2017 nach drei Klassealben auseinanderbrachen. Tröstlich ist indes, dass die Musiker uns mit tollen neuen Projekten
erfreuen: So zählte der Idle-Hands-Erstling zu den besten Veröffentlichungen des letzten Jahres, und Leathürbitch machen ebenfalls Laune. Mit SILVER TALON ist nun die nächste Kracherband auf dem Spellcaster-Mist gewachsen: Die Formation glänzt mit ekstatischem US-Metal, der von ausrastenden Gitarren und einer perfekten Powerröhre geprägt wird. Zusätzlich gibt es unaufdringliche Keyboards, die dafür sorgen, dass die Songs größer wirken und wie bei ´Speed Of The Night´ eine epische Aura erhalten. Liebhaben könnt ihr diese Truppe und ihr Digipak hier: www.silver-talon.com. Wer sich livehaftig von der Kapelle überzeugen möchte, kann SILVER TALON im Juli beim Dong Open Air in Moers erleben.
Mich würde ja interessieren, ob Sänger Wyatt Howell dann auch seine waffenscheinpflichtigen weißen Stiefel tragen wird... - Rock Hard Magazine Issue 383 (Germany)
Rising from the ashes after the demise of the band Spellcaster in 2017, Silver Talon are here to reclaim the title of Portland's most epic metal act. With a virtuosic guitar attack, a rumbling rhythm section, and powerful, soaring vocals, their debut EP, 2018's Becoming A Demon, made a lasting impression on Spotify's Heavy Metal playlist and topped numerous best of the year lists. Listen to Becoming A Demon on all streaming platforms now. - Vortex Music Magaine
4/5 of now defunct Prosthetic recording artists Spellcaster recast themselves as Silver Talon, with new singer. This marks their initial foray: intro/outro, five originals and a cover of Sanctuary's "Battle Angels", with Jeff Loomis (Arch Enemy/ex-Nevermore) guesting on guitar. Both the vocal timbre and overall sound are heavier than Spellcaster, but not without the strong melodies and trademark guitar interplay. Wyatt Howell (ex-Sanctifyre) recalls the Mexican Dio, James Rivera, minus any shrieking highs.
Modern punch on "Devil Machine", but never belying traditional metal roots. Slightly more epic in scope, the signature tune has all the dynamic changes that appeal to lovers of Teutonic metal and sweeping solos, to boot. Another winner! Nice baroque start (on speedy guitars) to "Speed Of The Night". "Cold Embrace" is a strong one too, plenty of guitar wank. Only "Warrior's End" fails to hit the bullseye. Any version of "Battle Angels" will be judged on the helium induced high notes, versus the original. Howell's thumping rendition wisely attempts neither the frequency, nor severity, of Warrel Dane's Heaven piercing/vocal cord shredding. Quality all around, will be interested to hear more from the Cast-offs. - Bravewords
Forming out of the demise of Spellcaster (who issued three heavy/speed metal albums, the last of which Night Hides the World appeared in 2016 on Prosthetic Records), Oregon act Silver Talon contains three ex-members, along with vocalist Wyatt Howell who sang for Sanctifyre. Aiming to keep the fire alive for heavy metal, Becoming a Demon is a solid eight song salvo for those who love mid 80’s power/ heavy metal US style with occasional nods to Teutonic finesse. In other words, these gentlemen rear back and let the riffs fly, giving plenty of axe action to study – while not forgetting about keys like harmonies, melodies, and hooks amidst the crunchy tones on display.
Sebastian Silva and Bryce Adams Vanhoosen supply the guitar attack, deftly volleying from Sanctuary/Nevermore-ish type affairs like “Devil Machine” and then striding valiantly into Savatage/Queensrÿche-oriented outings such as “Silver Talon” – while the double kick and free flowing fills from drummer Colin Vranizan up the energy and progressive/extreme propulsion factor to this material. Wyatt’s range and ability to sustain upper register notes will obviously draw comparisons to singers like Midnight of Crimson Glory as well as Rob Halford and Warrel Dane in their prime – some of his more emotionally resonant work evident during “Cold Embrace”. Tackling the classic “Battle Angels” of Sanctuary, the band add the expertise of Jeff Loomis for lead break guest activities – the Silver Talon version possessing more crunch and less Mustaine-reverb proclivities, perfect for what the group wants to achieve in that ‘united’ front for all within heavy/power metal. If there is a disappointment to be had, it’s that taking away the short intro and outro, you get a six song EP when this scribe would be very satisfied with a full-length outing based on the talent, playing abilities, and solid songwriting mechanics already present.
With the goal of taking what Spellcaster did previously and marching it up to 11, Silver Talon has achieved what they set out to do here. It’s in that sweet spot of US metal that has plenty of heaviness while being musically sharp, sophisticated, and awe-inspiring. - Dead Rhetoric
Silver Talon are a heavy metal band from the USA forming in 2017, releasing two demo's, 'Warrior's End' (2017) and 'Devil Machine' (2018). The bands first official release is the E.P. 'Becoming A Demon'.
Eight songs across thirty one minutes for an E.P. is very good value, especially when every one is a thunderous slice of "foot on the monitor" style heavy metal. The meandering, atmospheric instrumental 'Breath Of Kerosene (intro)' signals the beginning, and what a beginning! 'Devil Machine' is a thunderously heavy American power metal styled romp, very catchy, very infectious and head bangingly addictive. Turn the volume up metal heads, this is gonna be a great ride... The self titled song 'Silver Talon' increases the heaviness and also picks up the speed, setting a blistering pace as it races on. Chunky and beefy, Silver Talon are hitting the airways hard with their brand of heavy metal. They kick so hard you're gonna find yourself flying through the air at high velocity, slamming into walls and basically devastating anything that you come into contact with.
As brutal as heavy metal can get before stepping over the border into the thrash metal genre, the album cruises on with the guitar led 'Speed Of The Night'. The opening guitar riffage is spellbinding wizardry, launching 'Speed Of The Night' into the ether at full tilt. Planting one foot in the thrash metal genre, Silver Talon deliver a crushing crescendo of raw savagery, as 'Speed Of The Night' forays furiously forward. Reducing the pace, but keeping the heaviness, 'Cold Embrace' is a monstrous foot thundering stomp. Lesser mortals best make sure they have a huge supply of headache tablets...
'Warrior's End' is the most melodic song on the album, a much more classic sounding heavy metal offering, incorporating many traits from the NWOBHM evolution. Addictive and mesmeric, 'Warrior's End' is smile inducing metal at its very best. Now for something special, with an added bonus. Sanctuary are an American thrash metal band formed in 1985, featuring the late Warrel Dane as their vocalist and at one time, Nevermore and Arch Enemy guitarist Jeff Loomis in their ranks. 'Refuge Denied' is the debut album by Sanctuary, released in 1988, and Silver Talon cover 'Battle Angles' from that album, and also have Jeff Loomis as guest guitarist...and what an amazing cover it is too. The pace is kept close to the original, but Silver Talon up the heaviness and proceed to deliver their version with more thunder, more aggression and a venomous vocal delivery. 'Outro (Estudio)' is a mellow, guitar led ending that allows the adrenalin rush to subside, the pumping blood in your veins to return to its normal flow and your breath to slow back down.
Overall, a breathless and blistering half hour of very heavy "foot on the monitor" styled American power metal, infused with elements of thrash and NWOBHM.
Review By Iron Mathew Collins - Frenzy Fire
SILVER TALON have released quite an impressive EP with “Becoming the Demon”. This independent release comes courtesy of Portland, Oregon’s own Wyatt Howell on vocals, guitarists Bryce Vanhoosen and Sebastian Silva, drummer Colin Vranizan, and bassist Gabrial Franco. “Becoming the Demon” is a powerhouse of virtuosic traditional heavy metal that is so polished it’s like a nuclear bomb.
“Devil Machine” gets straight to the point with its neoclassical vibe. Here the guitarists Vanhoosen and Silva are in full blazing effect that overtake the song. Relentless drumming by Vranizian adds that fury and hunger some bands lack. Vocalist Howell is a scream machine with his brand of stridulate vocals that sound eerily like the late Warrel Dane (RIP). “Silver Talon” is another ripper of a song. Clearly, both guitarists have amazing chemistry and it shows on “Silver Talon”. There is a power metal quality to the song that just propels it to the next level. “Speed of the Night” again proves that guitarists Vanhoosen and Silva are absolute beasts that cannot be tamed. Masterful performance. Vranizan pummels his way throughout and compliments the guitars and bass with aggression. As always, another kickass chorus adds the cherry on top.
“Warrior’s End” is a mid-tempo number that really demonstrates the range and ability SILVER TALON contain to transition from fast to mid-pace. Here we get more outstanding solos that are such ear candy. Album closer “Battle Angels” seems like a logical and perfect fit. This is a cover from Sanctuary’s “Refuge Denied”. No doubt a tribute and homage to Warrel Dane, as we also get Jeff Loomis (Archenemy, ex-Nevermore) lending his axe to play a solo. SILVER TALON execute “Battle Angels” perfectly and do it justice. Not to be missed! With “Becoming a Demon”, SILVER TALON have developed a sound all their own. Aggressive, virtuosic, flawless, and polished heavy metal. SILVER TALON can do no wrong and I am keeping them on my radar for any future releases. For fans of Nevermore, Savatage, thrash, traditional heavy metal, and power metal. SILVER TALON truly are the devils machine!
Songwriting: 9
Originality: 8
Memorability: 8
Production: 9 - Metal Temple
Silver Talon are a heavy metal band from the USA forming in 2017, releasing two demo’s, ‘Warrior’s End’ (2017) and ‘Devil Machine’ (2018). The bands first official release is the E.P. ‘Becoming A Demon’.
Eight songs across thirty one minutes for an E.P. is very good value, especially when every one is a thunderous slice of “foot on the monitor” style heavy metal. The meandering, atmospheric instrumental ‘Breath Of Kerosene (intro)’ signals the beginning, and what a beginning! ‘Devil Machine’ is a thunderously heavy American power metal styled romp, very catchy, very infectious and head bangingly addictive. Turn the volume up metal heads, this is gonna be a great ride… The self titled song ‘Silver Talon’ increases the heaviness and also picks up the speed, setting a blistering pace as it races on. Chunky and beefy, Silver Talon are hitting the airways hard with their brand of heavy metal. They kick so hard you’re gonna find yourself flying through the air at high velocity, slamming into walls and basically devastating anything that you come into contact with.
As brutal as heavy metal can get before stepping over the border into the thrash metal genre, the album cruises on with the guitar led ‘Speed Of The Night’. The opening guitar riffage is spellbinding wizardry, launching ‘Speed Of The Night’ into the ether at full tilt. Planting one foot in the thrash metal genre, Silver Talon deliver a crushing crescendo of raw savagery, as ‘Speed Of The Night’ forays furiously forward. Reducing the pace, but keeping the heaviness, ‘Cold Embrace’ is a monstrous foot thundering stomp. Lesser mortals best make sure they have a huge supply of headache tablets…
‘Warrior’s End’ is the most melodic song on the album, a much more classic sounding heavy metal offering, incorporating many traits from the NWOBHM evolution. Addictive and mesmeric, ‘Warrior’s End’ is smile inducing metal at its very best. Now for something special, with an added bonus. Sanctuary are an American thrash metal band formed in 1985, featuring the late Warrel Dane as their vocalist and at one time, Nevermore and Arch Enemy guitarist Jeff Loomis in their ranks. ‘Refuge Denied’ is the debut album by Sanctuary, released in 1988, and Silver Talon cover ‘Battle Angles’ from that album, and also have Jeff Loomis as guest guitarist…and what an amazing cover it is too. The pace is kept close to the original, but Silver Talon up the heaviness and proceed to deliver their version with more thunder, more aggression and a venomous vocal delivery. ‘Outro (Estudio)’ is a mellow, guitar led ending that allows the adrenalin rush to subside, the pumping blood in your veins to return to its normal flow and your breath to slow back down.
Overall, a breathless and blistering half hour of very heavy “foot on the monitor” styled American power metal, infused with elements of thrash and NWOBHM.
Breath Of Kerosene (intro)
Devil Machine
Silver Talon
Speed Of The Night
Cold Embrace
Warrior’s End
Battle Angels (Sanctuary cover, feat. Jeff Loomis)
Outro (Estudio)
https://www.facebook.com/silvertalonband/ - Metal Gods TV
Fear not! Heavy Metal is in safe hands. All those punters questioning the continuing longevity of the scene in the face the result of father time and retirements of the old guard can rest easy. Silver Talon is here to right your quizzical mind. Not that they are the sole saviours – but if you want any convincing that Heavy Metal will continue to thrive under the guise of a new school of metal bands, then by christ is Silver Talon one massive candidate to carry the torch!
From the outset, it must be stated that if you are a fan of classic 80’s old school traditional US Heavy/Speed/Power Metal then you cannot let Silver Talon slip past you. Let me throw up some like- minded luminaries for you to contemplate – Savatage? Jag Panzer? Helloween? Queensryche? Sanctuary? If any of that killer list of Metal genius is remotely in your wheelhouse, then you are going to adore Silver Talon. To be fair, such a list of 80’s classic metal band might have you questioning the ‘nostalgic’ path that Silver Talon choose to tread on this new 8 track mini-album – and you’d be right in pondering such thoughts. Of course, Silver Talon do absolutely nothing new in the genre – but why is that even necessary here? Silver Talon’s music isn’t here to offer up any new direction or redefine the style. It isn’t the point! This band exists to celebrate all that has gone before them, to continue to fly the flag of Heavy Metal, loud and proud for all to witness! With that all said and done, Silver Talon are a force to be reckoned with and ‘Becoming a Demon’ is a magnificently infectious Metal beast!
Silver Talon is a new name – formed in 2017. However, the line-up has history. Trad Metal fans may recall ‘Spellcaster’ who released three albums on the Prosthetic Records label. Man, that 2016 ‘Night Hides the World’ album was a beauty. Well, when vocalist Tyler Lonely split from the group – the remaining core – Bryce VanHoosen (guitar), Gabriel Franco (bass), and Sebastian Silva (guitar) decided to change their name and were then joined by vocalist Wyatt Howell from fellow Oregon metallers Sanctifyre! If you are familiar with the material Spellcaster produced, then imagine Silver Talon giving that template a kick in the ass and pretty much amped up all facets of their sound times ten-fold! Everything captured here is more over the top – backed by a heavy vibrant production ‘Becoming a Demon’ just bristles with energy throughout. The songs are more complex in structure, the hooks, the melody, the powerful rhythmic riffage and some simply stellar virtuoso lead work from Bryce VanHoosen and Sebastian Silva enables their compositions to march Spellcaster’s ass into oblivion!
Musically, Silver Talon are irresistible. They have some massive weapons in their dual guitarists – Jesus, they can play! However, their greatest strength – the one element that gives this band massive kudos – is vocalist Wyatt Howell. My god, pipes of fucking gold! His tone is at first very familiar, but then at the same time so hard to pin down given the distinctive phrasing and inflections he employs throughout this eight tack affair. For me Wyatt reminds me of early Geoff Tate (lower register) combined with the mid-range power of Warrel Dane and the epic dramatic tones of Harry Conklin (Jag Panzer). Fair company you would agree? Interestingly enough, Silver Talon do a ripping version of Sanctuary’s ‘Battle Angels’ on this EP (*Jeff Loomis guest spot also), yet Wyatt pays massive respect to the upper register screams of the late Warrel Dane by not even attempting to emulate it. Huge props to Wyatt for that move – he recognised that that is a stratospheric vocal level you just don’t fuck with.
Book ended with a couple of dark and moody keyboard intro/outro instrumentals (which will serve them well in the live setting), ‘Becoming a Demon’ is a 31 minutes classic/US Power metal fan’s delight. 5 superb originals and a stirring Sanctuary cover fly by in no time, leaving the listening salivating at the prospect of future material to come. Highly addictive with their thunderously epic compositions, Silver Talon are the real deal – they have a killer image to match their sound and if this mini-album is anything to judge by, they are primed to explode! 8.5/10 KMaN - Blessed Altar Zine
This EP was a nice surprise. I was in the mood for some classic Metal and boom here it is, someone heard my prayers. Coming from Portland, Oregon, US, Silver Talon is actually a new band created by former members of Spellcaster and Sanctifyre.
However we should not straightly compare the Silver Talon material to the above bands. You see both Spellcaster and Sanctifyre were actually mixing their Heavy Metal with lots of Speed Metal stuff, on the other hand Silver Talon, remain mainly to the classic Heavy Metal vibe.
They for sure carry some -little- Speed Metal breaking on their sound, but I would consider the German Teutonic Heavy Metal genre as their first main influence, while the straight and melodic classic Heavy Metal genre is their second main influence. If you listen carefully to their leads you will even discover some neoclassical vibes which makes their sound even more interest.
Songs mainly in faster tempo, based on hammering riffing and catchy choruses. This is the kind of Metal that we should all enjoy to listen on a club, fast, loud and Heavy. I still wonder for what fucking reason Zippo is not writing this review!
Well, well the above points are mainly about the three first songs of the EP -“Devil Machine”, “Silver Talon”, “Speed of The Night”, however we got two more songs on the EP. On “Cold Embrace” they are even approaching a dark – semi-Prog touch, that reminded me of good old Sanctuary. The same goes for their “Warrior’s End” song -which was the first recorded result we have heard by those newcomers-. An excellent epic composition which is however based on an almost prog main theme and a catchy chorus.
What I also have to point here is that the band has done an excellent job on their song structures, something that I was not expecting from a band of such genre to tell you the truth. On a usual case one of the -many- newcomers delivering that Classic Heavy Metal inspired stuff, would simply put some riffs one next to the other, quickly transforming them into complete songs. Silver Talon are not going this way. They would carefully handle their riffing parts, they would add breakings, they would emphasize in their leads and choruses, making the final result of each and every song, really interesting.
Last but not least there is a cover version to the Sanctuary classic “Battle Angels” it is quite OK and the singer shows that he can reach an even higher vocal range. I hope he will use it more often on the future!
Well here we got an interesting debut by a band that has some good and high quality Steel to offer. Check them out for sure! - The Forgotten Scroll
Rising from the ashes of Portland traditional heavy metal band Spellcaster, Silver Talon aims to keep the flame of heavy metal burning. Formed by ex-Spellcaster members Bryce VanHoosen (guitar), Gabriel Franco (bass), and Sebastian Silva (guitar) in the spring of 2017, and joined by vocalist Wyatt Howell (Sanctifyre) shortly thereafter, Silver Talon seeks to pickup where Spellcaster left off.
Their debut album, Becoming a Demon was released in early October this year.
Silver Talon 2
When the loss of one band results in the birth of another, especially one with as much quality as Silver Talon, we can be happy. A traditional heavy metal band, Becoming a Demon is a fiery blast of riffs, solos, drums and gruff vocals. Don’t expect a game changer here, just enjoy the pace and fire of it all.
Devil Machine is a storming start with some real groove to the chunky guitars with the vocals switching effortlessly between styles. It’s gloriously old-school and a lot of fun. The title track keeps things rooted in that too with an impressive guitar solo before Speed of the Night flies along at a pace that is blurring. The latter is Silver Talon at their strongest.
In fact there really isn’t a bad track on the entire album with even the more pedestrian Cold Embrace smashing it with the solo. It’s heavy metal at its most refined and simplistic while having hidden depths that thrill. It wraps up with a stonkingly strong cover of Sanctuary’s Battle Angels just to cap it off too.
Silver Talon 1
Silver Talon – Becoming a Demon Full Track Listing:
1. Breath of Kerosene (Intro)
2. Devil Machine
3. Silver Talon
4. Speed of the Night
5. Cold Embrace
6. Warriors’ End
7. Battle Angels (Sanctuary Cover – feat. Jeff Loomis)
8. Outro (Estudio)
You can pick up the album over on Bandcamp and stream via Spotify. Head over to their website to pick up merchandise and find out more. As well as over on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. - Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life
This is the debut EP/mini-album from US heavy metallers Silver Talon.
Do you remember Spellcaster? You should do – Night Hides the World was a great record. Why do I bring it up here? Only because Silver Talon features these same talented gentlemen producing some very tasty new music for us to lap up.
Yep, we get 31 minutes of Silver Talon here – an intro and outro, a Sanctuary cover, (with Jeff Loomis guesting, no less), and five originals.
Silver Talon manage to achieve that enviable feat of bridging the old-school and the new. This is traditional heavy metal with a cutting modern edge somehow included. This could be paradoxical in some ways, but isn’t; there’s more old-school here than anything, although the production values are pure 2018. So yes, Silver Talon have a different emphasis to Spellcaster. Whereas Spellcaster were more of a blend of old and new, Silver Talon concentrate more on what made classic heavy metal so infectiously moreish. Anyway, when the quality of finish is so good, who cares what school this is from.
Sharp, bright, and full of energetic riffs and blinding choruses, these songs are very enjoyable. Catchy and memorable, as well as being full of hooks, this is quite delicious heavy metal, the likes of which you don’t tend to encounter too much in 2018. I suppose it depends where you look, but this is a cut above most in terms of quality and potential longevity.
With well-written songs, great performances, and a total package that screams quality, Silver Talon have arrived. If you’re into your traditional heavy metal, then I insist you check this out. - Wonderbox Metal
Formed from the demise of Prosthetic Records quintet SPELLCASTER, Portland power/speed metal upstarts SILVER TALON are proud to present their debut EP, Becoming A Demon, due out Oct. 12 via Rapid Fire Records and Alone Records.
A whiplash of aggression, Becoming A Demon showcases a band that is razor sharp and and ready to become a major force in the metal world. Featuring eight tracks blazing through 30 minutes of unbridled heavy metal destruction, SILVER TALON aims to keep the flame alive and well with their debut extended play.
Pre-order the cassette from Rapid Fire Records at this location:
or purchase the digital edition from the band at this location:
Heavy scaling riffs, a rumbling rhythm section and high-powered vocals are synonymous with SILVER TALON's tenacity for power, speed and power on Becoming A Demon. The Castlevania-like into and outro creates the perfect mood before thrusting into a tidal wave of pure fucking metal. Legendary NEVERMORE and ARCH ENEMY guitarist Jeff Loomis guests on a cover of SACTUARY's "Battle Angels," which is currently featured on the official Spotify playlists Heavy Metal and New Blood.
"The overall goal was to take everything we were doing in SPELLCASTER and turn it up to 11 – more riffs, more solos and more soaring vocals," says guitarist Bryce VanHoosen. "I think we completely nailed it with Becoming A Demon."
SILVER TALON at the time of recording:
Wyatt Howell – vocals
Bryce R. VanHoosen – guitar
Sebastian Silva – guitar
Gabriel Franco – bass
Colin Vranizan – drums
2018 Tour Dates:
11/07 - San Francisco, CA @ Elbo Room
11/08 - Los Angeles, CA @ 5 Star Bar
11/09 - Mesa, AZ @ Mind's Eye Rehearsal
11/10 - El Prado, NM @ Taos Mesa Brewing Mothership
11/11 - Denver, CO @ 3 Kings Tavern
11/12 - Kansas City, MO @ The Riot Room
11/13 - Chicago, IL @ Redmond's Pub
11/14 - Canton, OH @ Buzzbin Art & Music Shop
11/15 - Rochester, NY @ Bug Jar
11/16 - Allston, MA @ O'Brien's Pub
11/17 - Portland, ME @ Geno's Rock Club
11/18 - Brooklyn, NY @ Saint Vitus
11/19 - Washington, DC @ The Pinch
11/21 - Richmond, VA @ Strange Matter
11/23 - St. Louis, MO @ The Sinkhole
11/25 - Tulsa, OK @ Mercury Lounge
11/26 - Dallas, TX @ Reno's Chop Shop
11/27 - San Antonio, TX @ The Guillotine
11/28 - El Paso, TX @ Rockin' Cigar Bar & Grill
11/29 - Tuscon, AZ @ CANS Deli
11/30 - Spring Valley, CA @ The Bancroft
12/01 - Reno, NV @ Shae's Tavern
Becoming A Demon Track Listing:
1. Breath of Kerosene (Intro)
2. Devil Machine
3. Silver Talon
4. Speed of the Night
5. Cold Embrace
6. Warriors' End
7. Battle Angels (feat. Jeff Loomis)
8. Outro (Estudio) - Metal Temple
Friday, Nov. 16, Ralph’s Rock Diner, Worcester, Mass.
Following the demise of heavy/speed metal quintet Spellcaster, guitarists Bryce VanHoosen and Sebastian Silva, bassist Gabe Franco and drummer Colin Vranizan decided to carry on under a different moniker with a new vocalist. After connecting with Sanctifyre’s Wyatt Howell and welcoming him into the fold, Silver Talon was born.
While the speedy riffs and galloping rhythms of Spellcaster are still intact, the band has upped the ante in just about every category, with more complex song structures, intricate solos and lead playing, and added vocal harmonies, overall injecting much more of a U.S. power metal element to the heavy speed proceedings.
After recording a couple demos, the band released the Becoming a Demon EP and hit the road for a national tour. Croatia speed freaks Speedclaw were supposed to join them for the trek, but unfortunately visa issues prevented the band from entering the U.S., an all-too common occurrence in the world of heavy metal these days.
Forging on, Silver Talon has been joined by local bands at each tour stop, which meant a double dose of Massachusetts speed maniacs Seax for back to back shows in Worcester, Mass., and Portland, Maine, in mid-November.
The first New England stop took place on Nov. 16 at Ralph’s Rock Diner in Worcester. A bastion of heavy metal for bands and fans alike, it was the perfect place to check out Silver Talon in the live setting.
Although there were no pyros involved with Silver Talon’s performance, it can quite aptly be said the band exploded from the stage, as they tore into “Speed of the Night” following Brad Fiedel’s iconic “Terminator 2: Judgement Day” theme as an intro. Wasting no time, the band followed up with its cover of Sanctuary’s “Battle Angels,” and over the course of the rest of their set played the remaining cuts from the “Becoming a Demon” EP, including the excellent “Devil Machine,” complete with the “Breath of Kerosene” instrumental intro, and a few Spellcaster classics for good measure, including “Locked On” and “Power Rising.”
The six-string acrobatics were on full display from VanHoosen and Silva, as lightning-fast lead breaks were followed up by shredding solos and pulse-pounding riffs, bolstered by the thunderous bass playing of Noah Hadnutt, who was filling in for Franco on the tour. Although it may have been tough to see the members on stage at times due to an abundance of fog that was backlit with color-changing lights, making for a cool stage effect that added to the power-packed performance, Howell’s piercing, air-raid pipes cut through the mist like a scythe.
Saturday, Nov. 17, Geno’s Rock Club, Portland, Maine
Following Reckless Force was a second salvo of Silver Talon and Seax, and although Silver Talon played many of the same songs as the previous night, including “Warrior’s End,” “Cold Embrace” and “Silver Talon” – this time without the fog – the band was still on fire, inciting raised horns and fists, ample amounts of head-banging and frequent air-guitaring.
Silver Talon is not to be missed. Although as a band they are a young entity, there’s no question its members are industry veterans and masters of their craft, putting on an arena-sized show in a small club setting. More time together on the road and the stage will only serve to strengthen their tight musicianship and potent delivery. - Dead Rhetoric
Most club gigs don't end with an axe wielding fireman walking through a smoky room, while a pumper truck sits outside, sirens blaring. Thankfully, it was more comical than dangerous, but more on that later. In the best "life hands you lemons, make lemonade" scenario, the guys in Silver Talon used the demise of former Prosthetic recording artists Spellcaster to propel this Portland, Oregon based traditional metal outfit to greater heights. Aligned with a new (stronger) vocalist, then trading smooth commercial sensibilities for increased intensity and speedy guitars, they issued a debut EP (Becoming A Demon) which has since been picked up by M-Theory Audio, the upstart label by former head honcho of Century Media/Nuclear Blast operations, in the States. The DIY spirit was impetus for the unknown (and at the time, still unsigned) band to book a transcontinental string of club dates. Guitarist Bryce Van Hoosen claims they networked, via social media, with the old Spellcaster fan base. Even touring partner (Croatian NWOBHM devotees) Speedclaw being denied entry into the country couldn't derail the plan. A Philly institution that's housed many a fledgling band, Kung Fu Necktie, the tiny hole-in-the-wall club with infamous $2 Shelf Of Shame beer selection, was the midway point in the journey, before the west coasters started working their way back home. Monday nights are thankless slots on the road, especially just two nights before the biggest bar night of the year (Thanksgiving eve), yet Silver Talon gave a first rate performance.
Local opener bailed, so it was just Silver Talon and a few dozen fans, who had the opportunity to have beer and a conversation with the guys, before and after the show. Onstage, a short intro saw all the guys circled around drummer Colin Vranizan, backs to the crowd. Good to see they brought their own light show (for a dimly lit room) and a pair of smoke machines, whose synchronized puff soon laid down a thick blanket of fog throughout the club (but that wasn't what summoned the fire brigade). The cover of Sanctuary's stratosphere scraping "Battle Angels" was up second, but singer Wyatt Howell wisely opts not to mimic the seemingly helium induced vocals on the original version. Van Hoosen was to his left, afforded a good portion of the stage, where he stood, legs splayed and hair flailing as fingers fly up and down the fretboard. The blond six-stringer reminded me of Jay Jay Reynolds, of Malice/Metal Church fame.
"Warrior's End" is an all-stage, headbanging fury. Pre-recorded snippet of "Breath Of Kerosene", the instrumental that opens the new disc, was piped in, prior to the rollicking speedster "Devil Machine". Same sequence as the studio running sequence. Silver Talon only tapped the brakes (temporarily) for the slower, heavier "Cold Embrace", where Van Hoosen's hammer-ons lead into twin leads, with guitar partner Sebastian Silva, shoehorned stage right, against the wall. Speaking of twin leads, the tandem open their signature tune, which was supposed to be the finale. However, upon completion, Howell announced they'd play another, non-album cut, "Power Rising". No sooner had the guitars kicked in then the power went dead (mixing console and stage volume, simultaneously). Blow your speakers, Manowar! Both band and the club were at a loss to explain the situation. Unable to quickly identify and rectify the situation, eventually the guys simply walked offstage, into the newly converted crowd. Everyone was joking about a tripped circuit breaker, or the irony of the song title, when the first fireman appeared onsite. It's a small club, so there was no problem seeing to the street, although obscured by a second approaching "rescuer", the rotating red lights, on the truck outside, breaking the night sky. Hot, sweaty (and artificially manufactured smoke) incendiary set, but (luckily) just a false alarm, with regards to the fire. Regardless, Silver Talon (and those that were there) will have a great story to tell. Just the first of many, I hope. - Bravewords
As they say, when one door closes, another opens. Same applies to the world of heavy metal, as bands break up and fans mourn, but members of the broken-up bands move on to newer, greener pastures. The latest such case comes from the traditional heavy/speed metal scene of the great music town of Portland, Oregon.
The band Spellcaster released three excellent full-length albums and completed several extensive tours between 2009 and ’17, garnering a legion of dedicated fans in the process, but parted ways with their vocalist and decided to put the Spellcaster name to rest. But, bassist Gabe Franco and guitarists Bryce Vanhoosen and Sebastian Silva were by no means calling it quits, and teaming up with vocalist Wyatt Howell from Eugene, Oregon band Sanctifyre, they have quickly re-emerged with a speedier, shreddier band, Silver Talon. We at Metal Assault have been huge fans and supporters of Spellcaster for a long time, and we are extremely pleased to bring you the exclusive premiere of a brand new Silver Talon track!
“Speed of the Night” is only a small taste of what to expect from the Silver Talon debut full-length, Becoming A Demon, due out on October 12. Get ready for scintillating virtuosic dual guitar shred attack, soaring clean vocals and galloping rhythm at breakneck speed. In addition to seven brand new original compositions, Becoming A Demon also boasts of a fantastic rendition of Sanctuary’s “Battle Angels”, featuring a guest appearance by shred maestro Jeff Loomis. If you liked Spellcaster, you will most certainly love Silver Talon, as this band is, in every sense, Spellcaster 2.0.
– by Andrew Bansal - Metal Assault
M-Theory Audio has announced the signing of the Portland, Oregon-based Silver Talon. The group, which features three former members of the acclaimed traditional metal band Spellcaster, will kick off a three-week national tour in support of their self-released debut EP, Becoming A Demon, on Wednesday in San Francisco. A full-length album will follow in 2019.
“Silver Talon is incredibly excited to have officially signed on with M-Theory Audio,” says guitarist Bryce VanHoosen. “It's an honor to not only work with a team of experienced and veteran industry professionals, but also to be on a formidable roster of solid young talent. We're eager to get to work on the next offering from Silver Talon just as soon as we return from our maiden U.S. tour.”
Rising from the ashes of Spellcaster, Silver Talon aims to keep the flame of heavy metal burning. Formed by ex-Spellcaster members VanHoosen, Gabriel Franco (bass), Colin Vranizan (drums) and Sebastian Silva (guitar) in the spring of 2017, and joined by vocalist Wyatt Howell (Sanctifyre) shortly thereafter, Silver Talon seeks to pick up where Spellcaster left off.
“We’re basically trying to take Spellcaster a bit more over the top,” VanHoosen says. “The songs are more complicated, more progressive, more aggressive, and there’s more guitar solos and crazier vocal harmonies.”
With a virtuosic guitar attack, a rumbling rhythm section, and powerful vocals, Silver Talon is razor -sharp and ready to become a major force in heavy metal. In February, the group released their first demo track “Devil Machine,” which offered a small sample of their ability to masterfully blend hooks, melody, and technical ability into fist-clenching, head-bangable heavy metal. Their second demo release, “Warrior’s End,” showcased more of their dexterity in riffs, bent time signatures, and lush melodies.
Over the summer, the group hit the studio with Zach Ohren (Exmortus, Fallujah, Machine Head) to record proper versions of those songs as well as three additional original tracks and a cover of Sanctuary's “Battle Angels” featuring that group's former guitarist (and future Nevermore/Arch Enemy guitar hero) Jeff Loomis. The resulting Becoming A Demon EP, self-released last month and available for streaming on Bandcamp and other digital platforms. - Bravewords
Bryce Vanhoosen is a founding member of Silver Talon the Portland, Ore. band that was formed out of the ashes of Spellcaster last year. I got to learn about Bryce’s entrance into music. Silver Talon recorded their mini album, Becoming A Demon, with Zach Ohren who they worked with for “Night Hides The World.” Bryce was able to get former Nevermore guitarist Jeff Loomis to contribute a guitar solo to the band’s cover of “Battle Angels.” We finished things up by looking back on some crazy times from a few years back with Spellcaster.
Bryce, can you give me an introduction of yourself?
I was about 15 and I started out with bass because I thought the guitar would be way too hard. I played bass exclusively for the first year. Fifteen is a bit of an older age to get started with an instrument. When I was growing up my family never had a lot of money. Music equipment is expensive, especially when you go to the local music store and they are trying to sell you some pro-grade instrument for $500 that you can play a small club with. My parents were like, “Oh, that’s crazy.” There was a couple of years of me just bothering them. Finally, they gave in and I got my first bass. Shortly after that I started borrowing guitars from friends of mine that they had lying around.
When I first started out, I was in a few punk bands. I am from Oregon City, which is a suburb outside of Portland. I was jamming with people in high school. We would hang out in friend’s barns and play. There wasn’t that much that came out of that. There weren’t that many places in Oregon City to play, and I played Portland a few times. We primarily played at the Paris Theater which has a history of going back and forth with being a porn theater and a venue. I eventually started a Mercyful Fate/King Diamond cover band with Cory (Boyd) from Spellcaster. Spellcaster had a shakedown with the lineup at the time. I found my way into playing with those guys. That morphed into Silver Talon and here I am.
How did you guys in Silver Talon form? Can you tell me about your lineup now?
In the lineup it’s me and Sebastian on guitars. There is Wyatt Howell who is our vocalist now from Sanctifyre. There is Colin Vranizan on drums. Gabe Franco was in the band and got us off the ground, but is now focusing on his project Idle Hands who are on EisanWald with Uada. Gabe recorded the bass parts for our ep Becoming a Demon. He’s out of the band now. Noah Hadnutt was in Sanctifyre, and now BloodStar and is doing bass for us at the moment. He was a stand in live bass player for Visigoth for quite a few years.
Moving forward from Spellcaster to Silver Talon, how do you feel like the type of music you want to make has changed?
Moving forward from Spellcaster I guess we weren’t making as cool riffs as I wanted. It was always like here’s the cool guitar melody; you play the chords. About 70 percent of the music went forward from that way. I wanted to include more riffy elements and hooks as far as instrumentation goes. I’m a big fan of Savatage and that was the main inspiration. Listen to songs like “Hall of the Mountain King,” or “Call of the Night.” You can’t argue with those riffs. They are so badass. I wanted to focus a bit more on that with Silver Talon.
I wanted to have the opportunity to throw in some guitar pyrotechnics and interesting non-standard song arrangements taking influence from King Diamond’s Them album. Three out of five of the original songs on this mini album that we just released were being jammed as Spellcaster. That would have been the next album from Spellcaster. It would have been a bit of a departure from “Night Hides The World,” but we would have made it work. Once we split from the Spellcaster moniker, it was my own little baby.
Can you tell me what was going on when you wrote your first two released demos, “Devil Machine” and “Warrior’s End”?
It was a vastly different process between those two songs. When we wrote “Devil’s Machine” we were still jamming as Spellcaster for album No. 4. I am sure it would have been a much different song than we ended up with. The song was pretty much finished. We parted ways with our vocalist Tyler Loney. We put out “Devil Machine” as our casting call for as many different vocalists as we could find. We got a bunch of submissions and picked Wyatt. From there we fleshed out the vocals into the studio and rerecorded them.
With “Warrior’s End,” that was a song we jammed as Spellcaster, so me, Gabe, and Colin jammed that back in 2015, during the writing process for “Night Hides The World.” We pretty much finished it. The rest of the guys in Spellcaster thought it was a little too busy and hard to sing over. That shows some of the riff to melody sort of dichotomy that I was trying to fight against. It stayed as a garage band file for years until I found it again in late 2017 and brought that back to the table. Gabe and Wyatt worked on a vocal melody for that one. We went into the studio and released it as our second demo.
What kinds of things did you say to Zach Ohren during the recording sessions, and what he was looking for from your band?
We have a good rapport with Zach from recording “Night Hides The World.” He kind of knew what we were going for and what we wanted. There are a lot of modern new wave of traditional heavy metal bands out there that try to make it seem like their album was recorded in the ‘70s or ‘80s. We tried to give it a modern production so we fit in with the bands of today. We started with drums first. There were no triggers on the drums, they were pretty natural. I like how Zach is straightforward and able to coax the best performance out of you. He’s very blunt and straight to the point. He is not afraid to tell you something sucked or was shit when he thinks he can get a better take out of you. It can be grating to some people, but for me it makes me do my best.
I really dug “Speed of the Night” for the complex song writing and awesome use of arpeggios, how did this song come together?
I was listening to a lot of Symphony X and Testament and it came out of that. I knew I wanted to write an intro with a lot of arpeggio sequences to go through like a real classical chord progression. Then I took a lesson with this kid that plays 8 string guitar. He was like 17 at the time and real prodigy. His name is Sims Cashin. He showed me some different arpeggio voicings and how to make them sound a little different by substituting one note. I went through with what I had and it sounded a bit more dramatic. There was a lot of time listening to “Electric Crown” by Testament. We took the idea of playing four chords and moving those around to different spots.
How did you get Jeff Loomis to do a guitar solo on “Battle Angels”?
I just asked him and he was surprisingly into it. I met him at a Fifth Angel show a few years ago in Seattle. He was standing outside chilling out. I was like, “Holy shit!” I said, “I have to get a picture with this guy.” I was with my wife and said, “Hey, can you take a picture of me and Jeff Loomis?” She was like, “Yeah, you totally should.” She was encouraging me. I was like, “Hey man, you mind If I get a picture with you.” He was like, “Yeah, of course.” He said I looked familiar. To my surprise he says, “You live in Portland and play a Jackson V right?” Holy shit! Jeff Loomis has seen me on Instagram and is familiar with my playing.
We hung out and shot the shit a little bit. We kept in contact via social media. One day we would do a Sanctuary cover and I thought it would be really cool if I could get Jeff to lay down a solo on that. Nevermore used to cover that back in the ‘90s so he’s familiar with it. I felt it would be a cool tribute to Warrel (Dane) after his passing. It was a good way to show our influence and bring everything together.
Can you remember a crazy adventure you guys got into as Spellcaster?
The most interesting and craziest night was when we were coming back from a short tour to the Bay. We were coming back up and stopped in Arcadia, Calif. We thought it would be cool to get a room at a small hotel that had a hot tub in it. We wanted to live out our most ridiculous Motley Crue fantasies so you had five guys chilling in a hot tub. We had a lot of champagne and a ton of booze. We got completely black out drunk. Apparently, I started acting like a really big asshole, Gabe our bass player was not having it. We were breaking shit. He was upset because it was on somebody’s credit card. Somebody was going to have to pay for that… Gabe was pissed off and was yelling at me.
I then go out and grab a trash can in the hall in my skivvies. I filled it up with ice and come back in and said something like, “Gabe you need to chill out,” and I dumped the ice on him. He then tackled me. I think that was the most pissed off Gabe had ever been at me. I don’t remember what happened but I think I won that confrontation. He just curled up in his sleeping bag and went to sleep. When we woke up there was broken glass and blood everywhere.
Final Words?
Thanks for the interview. I really appreciate it. Check out Silver Talon’s debut Becoming A Demon, and we are on tour from Nov. 4 to Dec. 1.
Catch Silver Talon in New York City on Nov. 18 at St. Vitus, and in Philadelphia on Nov. 20 at No Quarter. - The Aquarian
Devil Machine Demo 2018
Warriors' End Demo 2018
Becoming a Demon EP 2018

With a virtuosic guitar attack, a rumbling rhythm section, and powerful, soaring vocals, Portland, Oregon’s Silver Talon is razor sharp and ready to become a major force in heavy metal. In February of 2018, Silver Talon released their first demo track “Devil Machine.” The track offered a small sample of Silver Talon’s ability to masterfully blend hook, melody, and technical ability into fist clenching, head-bangable heavy metal. Their second demo release, “Warrior’s End,” showcases more of their dexterity in riffs, bent time signatures, and lush melodies.
Silver Talon features guitarists Bryce Vanhoosen and Sebastian Silva, Gabe Franco on bass, and Colin Vranizan on drums – all four hailing from Prosthetic Records and internationally touring act Spellcaster. Once said four horsemen of Spellcaster parted ways with their vocalist, they decided to change their moniker, and cast a worldwide net for some new pipes. Lucky for them, the caught Wyatt Howell of Sanctifyre close by in Eugene, Oregon.
Guitarist Bryce Vanhoosen explains the path the band is looking to take after the crumbling of Spellcaster.
“We’re basically trying to take Spellcaster a bit more over the top. The songs are more complicated, more progressive, more aggressive, there’s more guitar solos, and crazier vocal harmonies.”
The band released their debut EP, titled Becoming A Demon, in October of 2018, and a full US tour in November followed. Shortly thereafter they signed with M-Theory Audio, a new label founded by former Century Media president Marco Barbieri.
Catch Silver Talon on tour this summer playing Dong Open Air in Germany and select venues throughout Europe.
For fans of Yngwie Malmsteen, Savatage, Sanctuary, Queensrÿche, and Helloween.
Band Members