Sheena Brook
Fort Myers, Florida, United States | SELF
Featured Artist: Sheena Brook
Most of us hear new music on a regular basis and a lot of us have friends who are passionate about singing and performing. I know I have grown up and lived along side of many individuals who fall into that category. I love being surrounded by such talent! Though when I speak of Sheena Brook all of those people pale in comparison. The first time I saw Sheena perform I had never heard her music previously. Sure, I had heard of the local band that she formerly adhered to, but I never took interest. I had been introduced to Sheena outside of that part of her life and was invited to check her out, as a future business/client prospect. It was actually the last time she was to perform with the band who she had been with for the past years. The crowd was buzzing that night with a lot of excitement in the air which set the tempo for the night. I was blown away. Never had I been so enthused by a performance, not to mention some of the best vocals I had ever heard, of a person who I never heard a lick from previously. I needed no more nudging. I was on board, with helping Sheena pursue her solo career, from that point forward. Whenever I wasn't working at my full time job or wrapping up side gigs for TD I was out filming Sheena perform live, helping push her social media and designing anything she would let me. The man behind the curtain, Xavier, helped me get ideas of what to film and we spent the summer filming and editing. (if the videos below are not showing - please hit refresh) Shoot + Show Miami Show As we continued to work long nights and weekends traction began to build. The team decided it was time to shoot and release Sheena's first single and music video. I was a smaller part in all of this, but completely honored to have a part in it all. Through all of the performances it was obvious which single would be chosen. "Drank My Way to Jesus" A song written by Sheena and her songwriting friend, Scott. Xavier wrote out a script and gathered an elite team. Director: Xavier Moreno (Atlanta based DJ) Filmmaker: Sean Ocean (World renowned fashion photographer) Editor: Steve Carmona (Independent Film-maker) Actor: Robbie Gambrell (Model/Actor) Available for Download: Drank My Way to Jesus by sheenabrook That's not all folks! There's MORE! That's right. The story doesn't end here... it's only just begun. Sheena has a show coming up in Miami, FL and I want to take this time to personally invite you! Sheena Brook - LIVE! Van Dyke Cafe 846 Lincoln Road Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-534-3600 @VanDykeCafe Find out more about Sheena Brook: @sheeenabrook FB Sheena Brook SoundCloud - Janet Chamberlain
Sheena Brook Lusk
Interview by: Nathan Steere
Sheena Brook Lusk is a Fort Myers native who has been part of the local music scene for several years. Performing around Southwest Florida as a member of the band Fellowbliss, she brings her powerful, melodic vocals to a scene that sometimes seems short on female rockers. Last year she announced a new chapter in her life, both personally and musically. Pulse caught up with Sheena to learn the latest.
Music has been part of your life since you were very young. How did you get started?
I began singing in church and the passion just grew from there. Some childhood friends and I started a rap group, and while learning to write my own rhymes, I realized that I could also write and play whole songs. I eventually started composing lyrics and grew to love expressing myself through all genres of music.
What artists have been musical influences over the years?
Wow! That's always a tough question. I’ve had so many artists inspire me in so many ways. I grew up rather sheltered musically, so sometimes I’ll hear a song like Aerosmith's “Dream On” and think, “Man, I can’t believe I missed that era!” I remember being into this old school Christian girl group called Point of Grace. They had all these four-part harmonies and I thought they were great until I learned they didn’t write their own music... my 12 year old self was devastated. That's probably when I said to myself, “I have to be a writer.”
What do you draw upon for musical inspiration?
I’m really a big believer in the “write what you know” theory. A lot of my songs are based on something personal that I’ve felt or experienced, like the song “Your Hand” which is about my life and directly from my own heart. I also have songs inspired by stories that I’ve read or lived through like “Drank my Way to Jesus.” I just try to draw my inspiration from real life, or the real me. Of course, my imagination also plays a role. Lately, I find myself really inspired by Adele. Not only her amazing skill as a performer, but her vulnerability as she writes.
What musical accomplishments make you most proud?
I love the music that I played with my former band Fellowbliss, and I can't lie, singing on stage with Shaun Morgan of Seether was pretty incredible!* However, I’m really proud of what I’m doing now – just writing and pursuing music on my own steam and by my own choices, working hard and singing my heart out!
*Editor’s Note: At 99X Fest, Seether invited Sheena on stage to perform the female vocals to their song “Broken.”
Let's talk about that. You announced in 2011 that you were leaving the band Fellowbliss to strike out on your own. How's that project coming?
Things are going great! I have been learning a lot, going from rap to rock to soul and a bit of country too. I’ve been writing with Scott Krehling (guitarist/songwriter) for about eight months now, and we’ve created some great music together. We recorded an EP of most of our songs and a few of my own making as well. I actually hope to shop some of those songs to a few artists in the future, as southern rock might not be my genre for the long haul. For now, however, I'm having a blast writing it and performing as often as possible.
What is your current songwriting process?
Every song is a little different. Some come to me when I'm just singing on a whim. Those are the days when you just kick yourself for not recording. Others take a lot of thought. ’ve even been known to research and take notes to fully get into an emotion or character – or just to make sure I know what the heck I'm talking about! But the best songs just sneak up when I'm sitting behind the piano and in the moment. I won’t be trying to write anything and shazam! it just comes out... no pun intended!
After all these years of making music, any advice for artists just starting out?
Don’t try to be anything but yourself, but be willing to learn from others. Uniqueness isn’t just in the sound, it's in the heart! Just be real because people always see through the bull anyways.
Any lessons you know now that you wish you'd known all along?
Well, that’s a huge question. Just because, yes! and at the same time, no. We’re all a summation of our circumstances. It's been a hard road discovering who I am and what my dreams are, both as a musician and as a person, but the journey was all worth it, one hundred percent. The biggest lesson though, hands down, is to always believe in yourself and others will join.
I know your fans are interested in your recent activity…please describe your 2011 year.
Remember what I just said about that long road? That was my 2011, on both a personal and musical road. I was playing with Fellowbliss and knew that I needed a fresh start to be a real success as a writer and as an artist. I decided early in the year to gear up and move the following year. As the months flew by, not everyone in Fellowbliss was feeling that change. So, sad as it was, it was best for us to part ways so that we could all keep chugging forward. After that, I was on a mission! I got a regular job and played when I could while writing on the side. I worked hard to save my pennies, which as you know is tough for struggling artists and such. So although last year was a long hard road, it was ultimately an amazing year for both for my career and personal happiness.
Just to clarify: are you leaving Southwest Florida, and if so, where to?
Yes, I'm moving to Atlanta. I was born at Lee Memorial Hospital in Fort Myers, so it’s time! I’m going to take advantage of some musical connections and pursue my dreams with my unbelievable girlfriend and some close friends, my former manager DJ X (formerly from this area also), and a great team up there known as 6grand.
What can fans look forward to and when can they expect new music?
New music is always just around the corner. Scott and I will be recording a few tunes before the move, and I'll be recording a bit as well with just vocals and piano. I'm really growing as a songwriter – 2012 is going to be a big year! I plan on writing a new solo EP and working with some amazing artists, so stay tuned, it's going to be a fun ride! - Pulse Magazine
SheenaBrook - Acoustic Ep
Sheena Brook - Ain't Gunna Mess Around" - Coming Soon