Shadow Reborn
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | INDIE
They pounded out music with skilled precision and made everyone know it was their time to play - John Welin
“Shadow Reborn are not continuous as streamlined as some classic gothic metal bands, accordingly. they display a flair shared by Japanese metal bands. Open-minded Gothic Metal fans should definitely risk an ear for what this quartet has to offer”
"Überbegriff: Gothic Metal. Im Detail: Harter Gothic Rock mit Progressive Metal-Elementen, wie sie besonders durch japanische Bands wie Dir En Grey bekannt sind, Geknüppel und Growls inklusive. Seltsam und faszinierend zugleich. Am rockigsten ist „The Purge“, das wie eine Mischung aus Moonspell, Type O Negative und In Flames klingt. Nach Anfangsgegrowle geht es hier eher deathrockig und vor allem sehr geradlinig zur Sache. Ob die eine oder andere ausufernde Gitarrenpassage wirklich sein muss, ist Geschmacksache. Auf eine frickelige Art melodisch ist auch „Radiance“, das streckenweise nach fulminantem, energiegeladenem Gothic Rock klingt, dann aber unvermittelt durch jaulende Gitarren ausgebremst wird. Auch hier wieder die Frage: Muss dieses Solo jetzt wirklich sein? „Beyond Darkness“ beginnt langsamer und düsterer, steigert dann sein Tempo unerbittlich, wobei Sänger Shades durch rasante Wechsel im Gesangsstil besticht. Shadow Reborn machen keine einfache Musik, sie sind nicht durchgehend so stromlinienförmig wie manch klassische Gothic Metal-Band. Wer japanischen Metal-Bands nicht abgeneigt ist, sollte unbedingt ein Ohr riskieren, aufgeschlossene Gothic Metal-Fans auch."
Karin Hoog - Sonik Seducer
“Driving drums, cool bass riffs, playful and progressive strings and a dark vocal cord ensure a gloomy atmosphere, reminiscent of singer Jyriki69. The guitar solos expose a little loosening, flaring as "vampire of the sun"”
"Das Quartett aus Südkalifornien liefert knapp 3 Jahre nach ihrem Debüt “Lust pray” eine MCD, welche sich als Melange aus Prog Metal, Goth Rock und Deathrock exzessiv in die Gehörgänge schält.
Der Einstieg ist mit “Radience” gleich reichlich druckvoll inszeniert. Treibende Drums, kühle Bass-riffs, verspielte bis progressive Saiten und ein dunkles Stimmband sorgen für eine düstere Atmosphäre, wobei die Gitarrensoli ein wenig auflockernd den Vampir der Sonne aussetzen. Das folgende “Breeze dawn” ist im Gesamtbild eine Spur schräger instrumentiert. Neben Metal dringt auch ein wenig der Punk in eruptiven Zwischenspielen an die schwarze Oberfläche. Das Timbre wird ein wenig kehliger, wobei in harmonischen Gesangslinien immer wieder Erinnerungen an Jyrki 69 wach werden. “Beyond Darkness” könnte bei einer Jam Session von 69 Eyes und den Leningrad Cowboys entstanden sein. Voluminös, krachig und voller überraschender Wendungen. Hinzu kommen galante Disharmonien, die sich kraftvoll der melodischen Eingängigkeit entgegen stemmen." - Amboss-Mag
"“Overall the stylistic ability of the band is undeniable, managing to navigate between disparate rhythmic with skill and dye inspired Gothic romance felt through guitar solos or the help of melancholic synth an aggressive approach, technically impeccable.”"
"EP di debutto su Danse Macabre per questo quartetto gothic metal di Fort Lauerdale dalle diverse contaminazioni. In attività dal 2012, il loro potente sound gotico ed ispirato è riuscito a farsi sentire fino al Vecchio Continente, permettendogli di entrare nel roster della blasonata etichetta tedesca ed uscire ad Aprile con questo "Intricacies", EP confezionato in digipack a quattro facciate ed illustrato dall'artista Lindsay Clemens. Il lavoro funziona come un concept atto a sondare la complessità dei sentimenti umani e le conseguenze che essi portano quando si manifestano. Visti come scultori della creatura umana, vengono musicati attraverso giochi di luce ed ombra attraverso quattro tracce - le altre due fungono da breve preludio ed interludio - dalla forte potenza espressiva e dalle contaminazioni più disparate. Gothic metal, elucubrazioni progressive metal ed una forte influenza proveniente dal lontano oriente - la band stessa ha ammesso di ispirarsi a gruppi come Malice Mizer o Dir En Grey - riscontrabile soprattutto in certi synth e certe ritmiche serrate, evidenti in pezzi come "Breeze Of Dawn", "Beyond Darkness" o la devastante cavalcata finale "The Purge". Nel complesso l'abilità stilistica della band è innegabile, riuscendo a barcamenarsi tra ritmiche disparate con maestria ed a tingere di ispirato romanticismo gotico attraverso sentiti assoli di chitarra o l'aiuto di synth malinconici un approccio aggressivo e tecnicamente impeccabile. Quello che funziona meno è invece il tema di fondo, che poteva essere meglio spiegato attraverso l'aggiunta dei testi. Il concept passa così in secondo piano, mostrando solo una bravura compositiva ed esecutiva spalmata su quattro tracce che in meno di mezz'ora sono già terminate. Si spera in un lavoro più completo - contenutisticamente parlando - nel prossimo futuro."
Lorenzo Nobili - Darkroom Magazine
Shadow Reborn debuted their first single on Halloween 2012 through the song "Lust Prey", available digitally through iTunes, Amazon, and every other major online music distributor. This was of course, merely a build up for a bigger venture.
On 2014, after having ventured into the studio at StandBy Studios (Davey Sucicide, Black Veil Brides), Shadow Reborn released the "Intricacies" EP. A 5 song spectrum designed as an introduction into the band's prominent use of dualism into the mindset of music composition. The single and music video "Radiance", is to date, the band's most ambitious recording pursuit, along with the medium to which the Ep "Intricacies" is being fronted by.
Currently, Shadow Reborn is doing the final touches to an upcoming bonus track to be released on Halloween (as per tradition) by the name of "Prelude do Dark", which serves to provide further insight into one of the elements explored upon "Intricacies"

Within three years since its creation, Shadow Reborn has swiftly achieved several accomplishments, such as landing an opening show for the legendary Skid Row as well as Black Tide, and My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult (on 2012, 2014, and 2015 respectively),and releasing two music videos for the songs Somber Melody and Radiance.
Regarding discography, we have released a single entitled "Lust Prey" in 2012, and an EP in 2014 by the name of Intricacies, of which the single and music video "Radiance" is excerpted from.
The band's style has been described as "Goth 'N Roll" or "Vampiric Metal" since the early days, but we have grown to incorporate sounds from Progressive Metal, Glam Metal, Jazz and many other genres, creating a truly unique sound rarely matched in the modern music scene.
Our visual experience has prompted the signing to Germany based label, "Danse Macabre records" for European distribution since March 2015. Accordingly, many writers and bloggers both in the US and abroad, have featured yours truly in several magazine articles, blogs and a couple of online radio interviews. Among some of them are: "In Extremis" from France, along with "Negatief" and "Sonic Seducer" from Germany.
Influenced by acts such as: The 69 eyes, HIM, Type O Negative, Motley Crue, Metallica, Malice Mizer, and Dir en Grey, we are bound to bring you a wide range of emotions and broad musicianship that shall forever inhabit your perception.
Band Members