Seeping Into Cinemas
Dublin, Leinster, Ireland | SELF
"Marvellous debut album... 10 sensitive and carefully crafted songs" 4/5 - The Star - The Irish Star
Seeping Into Cinemas is the solo project of Dublin musician, Barry O'Brien who releases his debut LP on June 17th. An uplifting yet low-key affair, it is filled with a particular warmth and quiet ambition with O'Brien's multi-layered vocals bringing to mind Elliot Smith's whispered confessionals. O'Brien recently let us in on the Seeping Into Cinemas story over a cup of coffee.
(Followed by an interview) - Thumped.com
100,000 Times is the title of the debut album from Barry O’ Brien aka Seeping Into Cinemas. Released this Friday June 17th, it’s a delicate and carefully constructed release consisting of soft indie guitars, hushed gentle vocals and just the right amount of instrumentation and melody to make these ten songs stand out from the pile. Have a listen below:
The album will be released via CD and download on June 17th 2011 through Le Cheap Équipe Records.
- State Magazine
Seeping Into Cinemas is the solo project of Dubliner Barry O’Brien, who has taken the DIY approach with his debut album 100,000 Times by releasing it under his own record label LeCheap Équipe Records. A low key, hushed vocals affair the album is an easy listening release that inspires a fuzzy feeling of warmth without a hint of a harsh utterance…
Musically the album comes across like a sparse mixture of Galaxie 500 and The Clientele, but it isn’t just a simple nostalgic trip through somebody’s record collection. The album’s barebones approach gives it an airy, light feeling that accentuates a tone of ennui and the uncertainty of the sometimes bumpy transition into adulthood.
The beautiful Still Frame From A Monday Morning creates the perfect anthem for the weary romantic, summing up the feeling of the album to a tee. 100,000 Times does not strive to smother the listener in indie gloom or self pity but instead helps imagine a sun filled place of dreamy hope. - Echoparade
The music of Seeping into Cinemas, the solo project of Dublin-based musician Barry O'Brien, is an evocative mix of dreamy, moody, wonderfully melodic soundscapes that manage to achieve a lush feel despite their spare arrangements and O'Brien's deceptively gentle, almost whispered, vocals, which will instantly remind listeners of Elliott Smith, but subtle ears will also hear the ghost of Big Star's Chris Bell creeping about. It's not by accident that I speak of ghosts in reference to O'Brien's music because on Seeping into Cinemas' debut album, 100,000 Times, there is a gauzy, ghostly sense of isolation at the heart of each track. One of the album's standouts is the brilliantly titled, "Red Words, Full of Promises," a bittersweet mid-temp gem that is suggestive of what The Clientele might have sounded like if they had hailed from Austin, TX. Perhaps my favorite track is "Still Frame from a Sunny Monday," with its austere arrangement and emotionally resigned yet sweetly vulnerable vocals, it is here that the emotional darkness alluded to earlier really becomes evident, and this is what distinguishes Seeping into Cinemas from any number of other bands: it is clear that O'Brien has far more in mind for his listeners than simply crafting low-key confessionals. Highly recommended. - (La) Luna
Seeping into cinemas is the solo project of Dublin musician, Barry O’ Brien. The album that zero’s in on electronica is made up of ten songs, inhabited with dreamy soundscapes and a whisper quiet voice. The result: a rather subdued, electronica tinged affair.
“100,000 Times” is a simplified melodic and haunting homage to a world full of broken hearted misanthropes and sad souls who dream of escape. In places it is resonant of a time when Billy Corgan decided to take it down a bit and created: Adore. Tracks like Shoot Out, Coded and the stunning Dour Hour duly notes O Brien as a most capable musician who’s songs and album refuse to intrude and plays out effortlessly. It’s beautiful. IT’S STUNNING, IT’S AWESOME, go get it, it’s out June 17th. - mutantspace.ie
Very very rarely does one come across something unseen and unheard, especially in the age of technology, over hype and buzz words over saturating it, but when it happens that a little rock contains a sparkle to reveal it to be a hidden gem, ah when it happens its is majestic.
Such a thing happened to me recently when in my dropbox came a gem of an album by Seeping Into Cinemas, a name I was unfamiliar with, but was instantly curious about. The album 100,000 times blends beautiful low-key delicate whispered vocals strewn together in a perfectly sublime manner; allowing each track to evolve into the next.
The album is made up of of ten dreamy melodic haunting tracks that pays homage to a world full of broken hearted misanthropes and sad souls who dream of escape. Indeed it would be suffice to say that Barry O Briens work is reminiscent of the early soft acoustics of Smashing Pumpkins, Yo la Tengo and Low, as they have an allure that remains with you and lingers on - its melodic, its sublime, its special, absolutely worth giving it a listen and of course, spending a few quid on when the album comes out.
Check out a track (Dour Hour) from the album here: Note how cool O Brien and indeed his entire band are:
-- - File Under Good Music
Dublin musician and songwriter Barry O’Brien has been around the houses often enough to know outward appearances (rusty gutters, flaking paint, garden weeds) can be deceptive. A one-time member of various Dublin indie bands, O’Brien’s solo project is a breath of fresh air; beyond the badly sketched cover of Seeping into Cinemas is a treasure trove of songs referencing the quieter moments of Low, Marc Carroll, Smashing Pumpkins and Brian Eno. A gentle hint of cinematic qualities here is crying out for a clued-in music supervisor in search of a soundtrack; songs such as Shoot Out, Chipped Teeth, Dour Hour, Before All of This , and Still Frame from a Sunny Monday have the kind of melodies you’ve heard before but are imbued with such detail they stick around for hours. A quiet triumph. See myspace.com/ seepingintocinemas
- The Irish Times
Still Frame From A sunny Monday /
Backwards (single) Released Oct 20th 2011
100,000 Times (Album) Released June 17 2011
Shoot Out (single) Released May 20 2011
Dour Hour (single) Released February 2010

Seeping Into Cinemas is the solo project of Dublin musician, Barry O’ Brien. After playing in bands on the Dublin independent scene for a number of years, Barry decided the best way to find the sound he was looking for but had yet to find, was to go it alone. So began Seeping Into Cinemas.
Initially starting with a few low key but well received gigs, Barry then focused his efforts on writing and recording. Holing up at home with a bunch of guitars, microphones and other music making devices, he began work on what would eventually become his first album.
In February 2010 he emerged briefly from recording hibernation with the self released single “Dour Hour”, then disappeared again for more writing, rewriting and recording. The months that followed were full of late nights, obsessive attention to detail, ups, downs, and finally in December 2010, completion. In January 2011, Barry called on the mixing skills of Dublin producer Stephen Shannon. Mixing went smoothly, and “100,000 Times”, the debut Seeping Into Cinemas album was finished.
Consisting of ten songs, inhabited with dreamy soundscapes and Barry’s whisper quiet voice, “100,000 Times” is a melodic and haunting homage to a world full of broken hearted misanthropes and sad souls who dream of escape.
The album was released via CD and download on June 17th 2011 through Le Cheap Équipe Records.