Sean Cox
New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States | SELF
Sean Cox's album 'Return to Me' was named one of the top 100 albums from New Jersey artists from 2001-2010 and featured in the book 'Are You Listening?' by Gary Wien. Sean's album is in the company of artists like Bruce Springsteen, Fountains of Wayne, My Chemical Romance, The Bouncing Souls and many more. He is currently working on his second album which is soon to be released. - Gary Wien
Featured artist on Ourstage. Copy and paste link to your web browser:
- Ourstage.com
"He has a sound that really hits home with the women, along with some really powerful music. It's hard to pass Sean up; he is a hit."
Sean Cox's "Electricity" is #2 in spins on WMXO, second only to Alicia Keys. - WMXO
Sean Cox was recently interviewed by DJ Joe Rosati of Z100. Joe Rosati was quoted and said "This was one of the best interviews I have ever been a part of." The interview will air twice a day in August on the Z100 HD2 New Music Channel. To stream the interview live, copy and paste the link below and then click on the Z100 HD2 New Music link online 24/7.
- Interview with Joe Rosati of Z100
Radio Stations nationwide playing "Coming Home"
Nearly 300 spins per week nation wide.
- Jimi Jamm (Radio Promoter)
Radio Stations nationwide playing "Electricity"
Nearly 200 spins per week nation wide. - Jimi Jamm (Radio Promoter)
Mix 108 welcomes Small Town Sleeper
and Sean Cox in concert
July 17, 2008 by admin
Filed under Media
Mix 108 (KBMX 107.7-FM) is proud to welcome the rock band Small Town Sleeper and solo artist Sean Cox to the Head of the Lakes Fair Friday, July 25th!
Also, both Small Town Sleeper and Sean Cox will be appearing at Ace’s on 29th in Superior (2827 Oakes Ave) for a FREE “Guitar Hero” video-game challenge starting at 8pm on Thursday, July 24th. Cox will also perform a short acoustical set for fans. The public is invited to this FREE party to win some great prizes and meet these up-and-coming stars!
Small Town Sleeper is known for their hit “Backseat”, which has been one of Mix 108’s top-played songs this summer. The Urbana, IL-based group opened for Daughtry in the summer of 2007 and recorded their debut album “Conversations” on Upper 11 records in 2006. Check out the band’s website at: www.smalltownsleeper.com
Sean Cox is known for his rising hit “Coming Home” which has been rapidly gaining popularity on Mix 108. Cox started his career as a member of a band that won a national Hard Rock Cafe’ competition and opened a concert for headliner Simple Plan. He’s since recorded his debut solo CD “Return To Me” which was mixed by Grammy Award-winning producer Peter Moshay. Check out the band’s website at www.seancox.com
Mix 108 is giving listeners a chance to win V.I.P. tickets to the concert complete with front-row tickets, backstage passes and a free catered meal, provided by Famous Dave’s BBQ before the show. The concert also includes the rock band Cracker. Call Corey Carter, Mix 108 Program Director, for more information at (218) 727-4500.
– Source: Mix 108 press release.
- Duluth Journal
Howdy music aficionados! It’s Andy Gesner and the staff from HIP Video Promo, here to introduce you to one of the Garden State’s freshest independent songwriting voices. Sean Cox is a real rocker at heart, there’s no denying that; on his debut full-length album, he leads his band through thirteen sharply-observed and earnestly-performed songs. But the tracks on Return To Me would be just as affecting if Cox had chosen to record them solo – adorned only by his acoustic guitar and likably-roughnecked vocals. Like the best Turnpike musicians (the singer-guitarist hails from the evocatively-named Millstone, New Jersey), Sean Cox pens blue-collar narratives that are sturdy enough to stand up to a ferocious full-band treatment. Cox and his band have opened for Simple Plan and fit right in; likewise, he’s performed his songs at Garden State coffeeshops and moved folk-rock audiences with his deftly-turned melodies.
Return To Me begins with a rave-up titled “Electricity” and ends with the beautiful “Redemption”; in between, Cox sings of “Secrets”, a “Guardian”, and, tellingly, “Innocence”. “Coming Home”, the penultimate track on the album, is a prime example of Sean Cox at his best: big-hearted, plaintive, earnest, emotionally-evocative, and faithful to the spirit of rock and roll. It’s no ruminative number, though – his band roars through the track with the conviction of true believers. Cox has assembled a flexible, powerful, and road-tested unit: that’s Kevin Hupp (Joan Osborne, Rufus Wainwright) pounding the skins, C.P. Roth (Blessid Union Of Souls) on piano, and Jersey rock veterans Frank Gagliardi and Jeff Norberg on guitars. This summer, they’ll be leaving their usual Northeast haunts behind for a Midwest tour that’ll culminate with a gig at the Play: St. Louis Festival.
Michael Stern of the NYC indie production house Mabus, Inc, is well-known for his mind-warping experimental films, but for the “Coming Home” video, he plays it straight. The Sean Cox clip concerns a subject that we’ve become all too familiar with over the past decade: a soldier returning from combat to his devoted (and nervous) family, and an uncertain future. There’s plenty of footage of Cox in performance, too – and he and his band are energetic, exciting, and arena-ready. But the focus here is rightfully on the story, and it’s a moving and dramatic one: the combat veteran reintegrated into a suburban setting, and his wife and children watching at the kitchen window for his arrival. Director Stern plays with perception – the footage of the family is sped up at times as they frantically prepare the house (and themselves), while the shots of the soldier are slow, reflective, elegiac. He stares out of train windows, thinking perhaps of all he’s experienced, and wondering if it’s unfit him for contemporary society. When he reaches the house, there’s no such ambivalence: his wife embraces him as the clip fades to black.
We’re psyched to be working hand-in-hand with Jersey’s own Sean Cox! He has been gracious enough to supply us with a substantial stock of his new album Return To Me, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here at HIP to nab yourself a copy. As always, we’re here for all of your on-air giveaway needs. If you need more info, call Andy Gesner at 732-613-1779 or e-mail us at HIPVideo@aol.com. You can also visit www.SeanCox.com or www.MySpace.com/AcousticSean to find out more about Sean Cox.
- Andy Gesner
Spirit of Freedom
In its 27th year, the Long Lewis Ford Spirit of Freedom celebration combines food, fun and fireworks for Independence Day to create one of the city's most anticipated events.
The event is at McFarland Park from 10:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Friday. It will include food vendors, a fireworks show and headline performances from Sean Cox, Small Town Sleeper, Kasper from the K, Landon, Dem Franchize Boyz, Steve Holy and Skid Row.
The Shoals Radio Group hosts the event and, according to Brian Rickman, regional director of programming, they wanted to create an event to bring people together.
"The main goal is to give back to the community," he said.
The group owns six radio stations with differing formats including rock, urban and country.
Rickman said another goal is to make the event more "eclectic" by combining different genres of music.
He said they wanted attendees to be able to enjoy themselves according to their tastes and interests.
"We decided we wanted to make it an event that encompassed everybody," Rickman said.
The main stage will feature the national artists, and the second stage is for local talent including Byron Green, Malcolm Singleton, Lauderdale, Sons of Howell, Pine Hill Haints, Break, John Paul White and Firewood. There also will be a classic car show for the first time.
"We don't really see a lot of national acts come through the area," Rickman said. "That's one of the big things we want to do for Spirit of Freedom."
Molly Alston, event coordinator with the Shoals Radio Group, said more people are expected to attend the event this year since fewer people are taking vacations and because it is on a Friday.
"People don't have to go to work the next day like they usually do," she said.
Alston said each year the music is the main thing that attracts the large crowds.
"We do have a good lineup of entertainment," she said. "That has been one of our largest draws."
The fireworks show, which draws crowds to the bluffs and high vantage points surrounding the park, starts at 9 p.m.
For more details, call Shoals Radio Group at 383-2525.
- times daily
Copy and paste this link to your web browser:
http://www.ourstage.com/go/artistsuccessstories - Ourstage.com
Sean Cox - Return to Me (2008)
Sean Cox - Demo 2006
Unamed - Orange 2003
Unamed - The Uncontrollable Impulse Repeated 2004

It all starts with an angel. Specifically, the guardian angel Sean Cox carries in his pocket, a treasured gift from his mother.
Perhaps its the angel that brings the songs to Sean, if you believe in that sort of thing. If not, maybe its just talent, pure and simple. Either way, Seans been gifted with an ability to write catchy, relatable pop songs, singer-songwriter stuff backed by a full band that you can really sink your teeth into, wrap around yourself like a blanket, relate to like an old friend.
Back when Sean was 17 and writing his first song, the angel came in the form of a girl on whom he had a crush. Next Sean tried the band route, going so far as to win a national battle of the bands with Hard Rock Caf. After an opening slot for Simple Plan in Steamboat, Colo., Sean was hooked. His life path, as it were, became suddenly clear: to encompass every aspect of his music career as he possibly could.
To that end, Seans just released his debut solo CD, Return to Me. While the album may or may not have been inspired by angels, there are definite hints of divine influence. Explains Sean, The album just appeared to take shape by itself. A collection of experiences and ideas seemed to come together in a confluence of streams of thought. Instead of pushing against this torrent of sounds, I simply flowed with it, eventually riding down this wonderful river until I reached the sea.
If the albums songs flowed smoothly, the production was like the sea air after a storm, crisp and clean. Sean brought in award-winning drummer/producer Kevin Hupp (Rufus Wainright, Joan Osborne, Maceo Parker); the keyboards and string arrangements were provided by the ever-talented C.P. Roth (Blessid Union of Souls, Ozzy Osbourne). The combination of production and instrumentation with colorful melodies and heartfelt words leads to a release that is vivid, lasting, heavenly.
The songwriting comes easy, Sean says without a hint of self-consciousness, connecting with my emotions and translating them into songs. Its this emotional honesty that makes Return to Me resonate so strongly with the listener; at times, it plays almost like a personal conversation with a friend, set to music.
Still, all the music and talent wouldnt mean a thing to Sean without family. The guardian angel that my mom gave me is a reminder of that, he says. The guiding truth is that I know where I come from and who I am. Amen to that.
Kevin Hupp, KevCo Music Group
Band Members