"Scarlet Sins is a band that reaches back into the roots of the rock, metal and industrial traditions and pull out a fist full of sinfully sonic sounds conjuring a tempest of music that floods your soul like an infinite ocean chasing the phoenix--their live performance is like a flooding flight of fire and great entertainment as they perform their own sinfully original
compositions, so be sure to check out Scarlet Sins at a venue near you." - Al Soni, Metal Canvas, CHUO 89.1FM Ottawa
Scarlet Sins
Another band that we at Pitriff became aware of through MySpace.com. I am always a little hesistant when accepting submissions from unsigned bands like the kind you find on sites like MySpace, you feel obligated to throw them a bone to help their careers, but that would run contrary to our policy of stark honesty and site integrity. God knows I have been taken off the Christmas lists of a few big labels for scathing reviews of their overhyped and overvalued bands. They can at least survive a few bad reviews because they are assured of getting another dozen sappy sweet ass kissing love fests from other sites hoping like hell to garner an interview or other such favor. Small bands though, a bad review from a bigger webzine could be crucial, so they submit their product with fingers crossed.
That brings us to SCARLET SINS out of Toronto Canada. This one provided me with extra pressure, not only because of the above reasons, but also because generally speaking I have never been impressed with all girl bands. Yes I know that is politically incorrect in this day and age, but I have listened to thousands of bands and never found a female line up that could go riff for riff with their male counterparts. That doesn't even mention the whole "chicks can't play metal" argument that still rages all over the net. Let me tell you this much, if you have these same drawbacks you can feel rest assured because these ladies can kick some serious ass, and I don't mean just for girls either. In fact after a couple of spins I no longer cared what their ranks consisted of.
SCARLET SINS play a dark and at times progressive form of metal, and they have their sound down tight. They have superb production levels to match the song writing and execution as well. That production accentuates the thick brooding rhythm of bassist Tanya Nicklaus and new drummer Elie Bertrand. That foundation supports a great guitar performance from Christina Bishop. Again, forget the fact that this is a woman playing and just revel in a multi-layered effort that is both hefty and delicate when it is called for. Miss Bishop may be a star in the making.
So the music is great, but what about the vocals you may be asking. Well that is where I save the best praise for. Metal vocalists of the fairer sex usually fall into two categories. Either their voice is not strong enough to keep up with the cacophony surrounding them, or they are so over the top that you could not distinguish them as a woman without a band picture as proof. Thankfully neither is the case here. Sylvya Nuvynska has a voice that is all woman, but her pipes are dynamic to say the least. Full of emotion, she can sell what the band is peddling seemingly without breaking a sweat. She never gets hysterical, instead opting for a dark performance, especially on the old fashioned slash your wrist power ballad "With You". Song wise I was really into "Let Go" "Above Ground" "Own Truth" "Strangelove" "Backstabber" and especially "Drown". The latter passed the 13 year old daughter test, since mine kept asking me to go back to it because it had been stuck in her head since she first heard it.
PITRIFF RATING - 9/10 - I hesitated on this one for awhile before I cracked the seal on the CD. In retrospect though that was dumb, this is a band that deserves some attention. Not because they are a group of girls that have ventured into a male dominated field, but because they are a band that has debuted with a strong album that should cross any and all genders. Support this band!
- Pitriff
Scarlet Sins released their debut album. They're four wonderful girls from Toronto and they're able to grasp the audience thanks to their catchy and plucky heavy rock. For sure they're not kidding and they're not second to their male collegues : hey, those energetic girls could really win spurs! Scarlet Sins play immediate songs, underlined by a huge sound, bulky riffs and refined solos, showing off how to create high quality heavy rock strenghtened by a good technique. This album is a perfect combination of wild, aggressive music excerpts and melodic, catchy atmosphere. We have thirteen great songs full of adrenaline, able to give listeners a strong feeling created by a sharp communicativeness. It's hard to choose just one out of all of the songs I like, but for sure I have to praise Drown, a powerful track, With you, an exciting and catchy song, Strangelove, Backstabber, and Entre. Scarlet Sins show off a plucky, unexpected attitude. They're excellent musicians and Sylvya Nuvynska has a clean, interesting and fascinating voice, strenghtened by a good charism. Cristina Bishop (guitars) is able to play precise, sharp and fast riffs with a good technique. Elie Bertrand is a strong drummer and she plays the drum thanks to her powerful attitude. Tanya Nicklaus makes a great job with her bass guitar. This album could be really the revelation of the year and the producer Rich Chycki (Rush, Aerosmith, Mick Jagger) could help to embody perfectly the sound and the rythmic section. Well done, Scarlet Sins. Let's take a look at scarletsinsonline.com www.myspace.com/scarletsins
"Scarlet Sins"
Tracklist: 1. Let Go , 2. Drown , 3. Above Ground , 4. Own Truth , 5. With You , 6.. Reborn , 7. Strangelove , 8. Are You Worth It , 9. Backstabber , 10. Broken , 11. Fire Inside , 12. Entre, 13. No Arguments .
Line up: Sylvya Nuvynska (Vocals), Cristina Bishop (Guitars), Tanya Nicklaus (Bass), Elie Bertrand (Drums).
Debut album per le Scarlet Sins, quattro splendide ragazze provenienti da Toronto (Canada) che con la loro musica dedita ad un sound di stampo heavy metal-rock conquistano fin dalle prime note. Le ragazze non scherzano, e ci danno dentro con un'energia tale da poter fare invidia a molti loro colleghi maschi. Con suoni corposi, riff granitici, e assoli che volano su scale tonali decisamente tecniche, realizzano brani incredibilmente diretti, sia nel sound che nei testi, dimostrando come si può fare heavy rock d'autore. La tracklist presenta tredici pezzi uno più bello dell'altro, pregni di carattere e di forza comunicativa, ben resa all'aggressività più adrenalinica, con ritmiche più indiavolate e dure degne ad altre melodiche e coinvolgenti. E' difficile fare una cernita di pezzi imperdibili, visto che non ce n'è uno da scartare; tuttavia sono sicuramente da segnalare la potente Drown , l'emozionale e stupenda With You , una tra le mie preferite, Strangelove , Backstabber , ed Entre . Le Scarlet Sins mostrano grande attitudine ed una grinta inaspettata. La voce di Sylvya Nuvynska dalla una timbrica molto pulita, accattivante, potente, ma allo stesso tempo melodica mostra ottime doti ed una gran personalità, come buona è la prova strumentale delle altre ragazze. I riff taglienti, veloci ed elettrici eseguiti dalla chitarrista Cristina Bishop sono precisi e ben eseguiti. Elie Bertrand picchia le pelli della sua batteria con potenza, pulizia e velocità. Ottimo lavoro di Tanya Nicklaus con il suo potente basso. Una produzione affidata a Rich Chycki (Rush, Aerosmith, Mick Jagger) che rende giustizia ad ogni strumento, completa il quadro di un album che potrà essere la rivelazione dell'anno. Visitate il loro sito scarletsinsonline.com <http://www.scarletsinsonline.com/> e la loro pagina MySpace www.myspace.com/scarletsins <http://www.myspace.com/scarletsins>
- Cathouse Italy
It’s best to leave all pre-conceived notions at the door when entering Scarlet Sins’ self-titled debut. An all female four-piece they may be, but they put the screws to the idiotic belief that women in metal = looks before talent. The Toronto-based band is 10 steps ahead of their demo EP circulated to garner attention, and the comparisons to the now defunct Drain STH are so far off the mark as to be laughable. Call this modern-edged tribal groove metal (guitar solos included), falling somewhere between Alice In Chains and Black Sabbath, with a healthy dose of Black Label Society guitar fatness thrown in to bind the hooks together. And there are a ton of ‘em. It’s a shock, in all honesty, just how deep the album sinks in right from the opening stomp of ‘Let Go’ and 'Drown', through the Zakk Wylde guitar crush of ‘Own Truth’ and a neck wrecking cover of Depeche Mode’s ‘Strangelove’, to the hypnotic ‘Fire Inside’. Vocalist Sylvya NuVynska possesses one of the most unique female voices in metal these days – somewhere between Layne Staley and your favourite phone sex operator – and that groove… positively lethal when it wants to be. Credit where it’s due, producer Rich Chycki
(Rush) has brought out the sonic best in Scarlet Sins, kicking the song dynamics in the ass in a way; what you would expect on a Rush release.
Perhaps the only sticking point is the final track ‘No Arguments’ and the short acoustic ‘Entre’ preceding it, both of worth but somehow out of place after an 11 song run of captivating magic.
Carl Begai [8.5]
- Bravewords & Bloody Knuckles
“A montage of sonically charged music guaranteed to take a person on the emotional, parabolic roller coaster of their lives.”
- Franz, 102.7FM, CILU
Arts & Entertainment Staff Try and say "all-female metal band" and not laugh. I dare you. I double dog-dare you because you can't. In a world where people used to describe Avril Lavigne as "punk rock," the concept of a legitimate quartet of rocking females is an absurdity. Or at least it was.
Scarlet Sins fill their self-titled debut album with a heavy bass, plenty of dark lyrics, and music that's just generally best played loud. But the band is still able to switch up into a little slower fare in "With You" or "Broken" while still keeping their own distinct metal sound.
Lead vocalist Sylvya Nuvynska is really what will hook you to the band, as she certainly doesn't have a stereotypical voice for a female singer. That's because it works perfectly for rock instead of pop, though you begin to feel like her vocals are eclipsing some of the band's other musical talent after a while. This is especially true in "Reborn," where an awesome guitar solo seems to stop short for the vocals to cue back in.
The album isn't without its low points, like the stereotypical filler song "Backstabber." However, it's far from deserving mockery and worth checking out to see how well the fairer sex can rock out when they do it properly.
- Paul Knochel
SCARLET SINS are a 4-piece all-female band releasing a stunning debut CD that looks and sounds very impressive. The girls are playing a modern approach of Melodic Metal, a bit groovy here and there, with huge guitar riffs, but also strong melodies, reminding of a mix between BLACK SABBATH, DISTURBED, SHINEDOWN and the 2nd PHANTOM BLUE. It is the combination and best of both worls, so a little of the classic 80s US Power Metal with today’s American Metalsound. 13 songs are included and for an independent CD the sound is huge and as good as any major label release. These girls surely know how to rock hard, because this album sounds really big and with songs like “Above ground”, “Are you worth it”, “Fire inside” and also the lovely semi-ballad “With you”, SCARLET SINS show we are dealing here with a band that has a bright future ahead of them. Definitely a highly recommended band and perhaps the next big thing!
(Points: 8.5 out of 10) - Gabor Kleinbloesem editor of Strutter'zine
It starts with a good kick in the head, and doesn't let up for the entire time that the heavy, metal-infused rock pumps from your speakers.
A full on auditory beating, the band's youngest member and drummer, Elie Bertrand, does an amazing job at backing front lady, Sylvya NuVynska's vocals as she belts out the rough, deep, and heartfelt lyrics, song after song.
The first four tracks on the CD boast heavy beats, deep bass lines provided by the band’s bassist, Tanya Nicklaus, and enraging, get-your-blood-racing lyrics, all the while kicking your ass for even thinking you can handle the all-female metal group’s music.
The self-titled album slows down for a few minutes (perhaps to let you catch your breath) with the rock ballad, “With You”. NuVynska reminds us all of our first loves, and our true loves.
Can't get you out of my mind, you make me feel alive. You kiss my lips goodbye as if it was the very first time. I wanna hold you close and never let you leave. You’re everything I ever wanted, you make my life complete.
The pace picks up again with "Reborn", and flows right into "Strangelove", which might be my favourite song on the entire CD.
While NuVynska has a very unique vocal style, I can’t help but think of Bif Naked’s heaviest moments during this song. Sylvya definitely knows how to yell. All too often in heavy rock, female singers come out without the necessary force behind their vocals to really make a rock scream sound just right. In the words of HtzFM DJ (and my idol) Kristy Knight, Sylvya “screams like a man”. Don’t take that as offensive, it’s probably one of the biggest compliments for women in the metal genre that there is.
Guitarist Christina Bishop keeps your pulse racing with her heavy riffs and chords accentuating Sylvya’s rises and dips throughout the song. Her presence in every song on the album is well noted. This woman knows how to play, quite easily better than most men I’ve seen.
The album’s track, “Backstabber”, strikes a personal chord with me. One might credit this song to an ex-boyfriend or husband, but I see more. I see a sour and dissolved friendship that lasted 5 years longer than it should have.
I won't let you suck me in, I won't be your sideline fix. Gave you more than you know. I hate you I hope you know. Backstabber, you’re nothing but a liar.
After taking a thrashing over the last 45 minutes, the cd’s ending track, “No Arguments”, slows down and caresses your open wounds … with salt.
Burning lyrics like, “What's left for me to say, we make no sense” , and “I'm tried of all the arguing everyday. We will never be the same, I don't want to play your game” sear into one's emotions like a hot knife through butter, reaching the very depths of one's soul, nailing the sucker right where it hurts the most.
It's no surprise that these girls have grown on me since I first heard of them through a Toronto indie music website. Rock, hard rock, and metal ARE my thing. But there's something very different and distinctive about Scarlet Sins that makes me think that we will be hearing bigger things from them in the very near future.
Good luck with your endeavours ladies! And I can't wait to see you in Southern Ontario later this summer! - Krystina Grandmond
Scarlet Sins - Self Titled
Independent (2009)
Can you guess what is so deliciously female while possessing the in your face
attitude of Motley Crue or Velvet Revolver, the talent of a
Black Label Society, while having the song writing prowess next to
nobody... and I can top it all of by declaring that they just might be the next
big thing? If you guessed that it is Canada’s biggest hidden hard rockin’
metallic jewel, Scarlet Sins... you are right.
Hailing from Canada’s biggest City, Toronto Ontario... These four ladies have
come to give straight ahead metal music a firm kick squarely in the ass. The
have been bouncing around eastern Canada for awhile now, being a staple of the
bar circuit and opened for such notable acts as the already mentioned Motley
Crue, Canadian metal legends Anvil and even have had shows with
Canada’s other all girl group, Kitte.
One look at these four metal mistresses, and it is clear that they are some
very beautiful ladies and all... when you see the talent that they have is when
you realize that they never will have to rely on that ever( Like Vixen
did). One listen to their self titled debut and it is so clear that these girls
know how to put together some wicked metal. They can play rings around any band
out there... and have the attitude to kick them when they are down
Songs like the brutally heavy ‘Drown’ which is so damned catch yet it
leaves head banging furiously, not to mention the bone crushing attack of
‘Reborn’ fires out and tells the tale of a band, regardless of gender,
that can absolutely rock hard. It baffles the hell out of me that not one of the
many major labels (even the larger metal ones) have not snatched the
Sin girls up yet. These women kick ass... and they deliver it.
The Band: Sylvya Nuvynska (Vocals), Cristina Bishop (Guitars), Tanya
Nickalaus (Bass), Elie Bertrand (Drums) are poised to swoop in and become a
force in the metal world. I for one, will fly their flag high, and hope that the
good ol’ boys club that metal for years have had feels truly scared. The Sin
girls are on there collective ass with sound and talent that is unmatched, and
they are not going away. Become part of the Sins Movement right now... I
Musicianship: 10
Atmosphere: 10
Production: 9.5
Overall: 10
Rating: 9.8
- DJ Wheels - Senior Writer
Music review: Scarlet Sins by Scarlet Sins
By: Sherif Soliman
Scarlet Sins is one of those albums which one cannot judge from the first hearing. On first impression, you might think you see how they have borrowed the best from other bands: the repercussive guitars of Slipknot, the throaty vocals of Three Days Grace and the lyrical impressions of Linkin Park. As the tracks progress, however, the unique Toronto-based Scarlet Sins is what you will end up with.
Sylvya Nuvynska brings you sincere unwavering vocals that one rarely finds in emerging bands, and with only one guitarist, Cristina Bishop, and one bassist, Tanya Nicklaus, the scope of noise they produce is staggering.
A common fear about debut albums is that the tracks will sound exactly the same — a fault Scarlet Sins has successfully avoided. The album seems to have a central theme that only you, the listener, can define. You can feel the sense of anticipation brewing with “Let Go” and “Own Truth.” The story doesn’t miss a beat as it progresses to “Strangelove,” and the exceptionally strong “Backstabber.” Most phenomenally of all, however, is how “No Arguments,” constitutes the perfect closing act of the brilliant play of melodic metal.
This album is an epic performance of the heavy metal. If you like your metal, this album is for you. - Sherif Soliman
"Scarlet Sins", 2008
1. Let Go
2. Drown
3. Above Ground
4. Own Truth
5. With You
6. Reborn
7. Strangelove
8. Are You Worth It
9. Backstabber
10. Broken
11. Fire Inside
12. Entre
13. No Arguments

Call it destiny, chalk it up to dumb luck, or maybe it’s a case of fate playing fair, but guitarist Cristina Bishop’s and vocalist Sylvya NuVynska’s musical vision, Scarlet Sins, has given an industry cluttered with label cash-grabs and talentless two-chord wannabes a much needed kick in the head. Following a chance meeting in 2004, Bishop and NuVynska devoted all their energy from the start on transforming their passion for music into a living, breathing musical entity with a definite idea of where it wanted to go.
“I was dealing with a traumatic event in my life,” Bishop reveals. “The only comfort I found was in writing music. I poured myself into it and songs started flowing. Once I heard Sylvya’s voice, I knew we had to start a band.”
Working through the growing pains of establishing a sound and a solid line-up to execute it, the Scarlet Sins ranks were strengthened with the addition of bassist Tanya Nicklaus. The band’s work-in-progress Alice In Chains meets Black Sabbath gone Black Label Society delivery brought the Sinners noteworthy recognition throughout Ontario and Quebec, quickly turning them into a club staple in their Toronto stomping grounds. Mid-2007 saw the entrance of drummer Elie Bertrand, a skinbashing powerhouse despite her youth that sealed the deal and solidified Scarlet Sins’ musical direction.
The self-titled debut album issued in September 2007 is, quite simply, a feast of heavy guitar riffs, aggressive drums, melodic solos and dark grooves. A defiant mix of styles that stays within the realms of metal, there is something for every fan of distortion-heavy ear-scorching mayhem.
“The dark aspect of our music, I guess that comes from us putting all our anger, our angst and sadness into the songs,” says NuVynska, who carries the mood of the album with “one of the most unique female voices” according to Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles writer Carl Begai. “We put all our energy into that so it’s almost like therapy. We’re generally really happy people outside of those songs.”
Produced by Richard Chycki, who boasts a catalogue of work for acts including Rush, Aerosmith and Simple Plan to name only a few, the album is the equivalent of a sonic freight train. An album is only as good as its players, however, and Chycki agrees he had real talent to work with.
“Anyone that hears the Sins CD can’t believe it’s a bunch of girls,” he says. “That’s such a stereotype, isn’t it? Really, they’re simply a solid, energetic band with good songwriting. Given that they rock and don’t need to play the overt sex card at all.”
Since the release of the album, Scarlet Sins have enjoyed recognition outside their regular haunts, and the buzz is getting louder. They put in two shows, including a headline spot, at the Powerbox Festival in Seattle, WA, sharing the stage with legendary metal queen Doro Pesch (ex-Warlock), Vixen and Kittie. Add to this, gigs supporting Buckcherry, Cypress Hill, Ill Scarlett, Helix, April Wine, and Anvil. In June 2008, the band was chosen from 600 Sonicbids applicants for a chance to open for Mötley Crüe at the Sarnia Bayfest in Sarnia, Ontario. Chosen by the Crüe themselves, no less, for a show attended by 16,000 people. In October 2008, the girls found themselves on the Official Entry Ballot for the 51st Grammy nominations four times under Best Rock Album, Best Rock Song for Drown, and Best Hard Rock Performance for Strangelove and Drown.
Now, with a killer album in hand and another one on the way, Scarlet Sins are gearing up to push the envelope even further.
Music speaks for itself, but when it comes to Scarlet Sins, it shouts in your face.