Ryan Sy
Los Angeles, California, United States
Ryan Sy was featured on the double-length finale episode of "the Voice Korea" - Season 1, which aired on August, 2012. In the episode, he os approached by the season winner (Seung Yeon Son) as well as her celebrity coach (Shin Seung Hun), after they see him perform on the Santa Monica Pier. He is then invited to their Mansion in Beverly Hills, where he shares tips on writing music, sings a duet with the season winner, and showcases some of his own music. - Mnet
Who is Ryan Sy? Yeah, I had to ask myself the same thing. No worries. Sy is a young singer/songwriter from the Philippines that is now based out of L.A.. Very much influenced by Jason Mraz and Ryan Adams, Ryan Sy is fresh to the scene that originally started songwriting as a hobby. His hobby lead to stepping out of his comfort zone and into local venues to let others enjoy his music and really experience his talent. I will say I still think this track, “Danny”, is slightly rough. Truly, I believe that with a band to back him up to push his sound even further, spotlight his vocals more, this track could be give Mraz a run for his money!
So much potential in this young artists abilities.. I love finding artists like Ryan Sy that still have a likeable rawness to their sound. He sings for his enjoyment and with great sincerity.. Ahhhh… I love new artists. - Hype Machine (Earplugs Not Included)
Skope: How will you celebrate being in Skope’s November A2W?
Ryan Sy: I’ll probably stay in with my family and help them cook a Thanksgiving/Skope magazine turkey. It’s November, so it’ll be like killing two birds with one stone. ;)
Skope: What are you most proud of accomplishing with your music for 2011?
Ryan Sy: 2011 has been a very good year for me. I just released a 3 song EP this October, and my song “Danny” has received airplay on various US and international radio stations. It’s still early on in my musical career, but I feel like I’ve already accomplished something I used to dream about as a kid! I’m also playing more live gigs around LA. And being from the Philippines, this is something I’ve always wanted to do.
Skope: What are you currently promoting the most via an album, tour, single etc?
Ryan Sy: A lot of my music is about getting past the hurdles I faced growing up. I was a stupid kid, and got into a lot of trouble. Through the music on my EP, as well as my live shows, I’m hoping to share what I’ve learned through making, and overcoming these mistakes.
Skope: How can musicians play a role in the Occupy movement going on all over the USA?
Ryan Sy: As musicians, I know how much music can affect people’s emotions, attitudes, and perceptions. If we want to spread a message, then what better way to do it than through music? I also believe we should set an example by not joining any of the protests, because many of these have gotten out of hand. I feel like the protests promote anger, and angry people usually don’t get what they want.
Skope: How do you find time to manage your music activities & social media duties?
Ryan Sy: It’s definitely a challenge, but I think I’m managing my musical and social media activities pretty decently so far. I’m also a student here at the Musicians Institute, and that definitely adds to my workload. But that being said, I’ve always been better at organizing myself when I have many things on my plate! Keeping a calendar has saved my life; too many times to count!
Skope: What is coming up for you & where you at online?
Ryan Sy: I am very excited for 2012. I’ll be working with an awesome producer on my second EP, and will be performing more frequently here in LA. I’m also working on some co-writing sessions with some very talented musicians. - Skope Magazine
Ryan's Youtube video was featured on an entertainment news show, by LA 18, the leading Asian language television station in the US - reaching over 9 million households in Southern California. - LA18 tv
Philippines born artist, Ryan Sy, originally started performing at local cafes and bars in Edinburgh, Scotland before moving to Atlanta for college. From Atlanta he migrated west to Los Angeles to further his career as a performer and songwriter. His music is inspired by his life experiences; stories consisting of relationships, battling his own addictions and the gaps between social and economic classes. His style is an appealing blend of folk, pop, soul and country. Sy wears his personality on his sleeve and lets his emotions out in every song he sings. Sy recently completed a three-song release titled, The EP, which features the soulful and inspirational track, “Danny.” Another track from the EP, “California Dreamcatcher,” could easily be heard in a scene from any movie or TV program. Last but not least, is the haunting, “Symbiote,” which channels Sy’s inner-spirit and best showcases his writing ability. Since the EP's release, Sy has received airplay on www.indie1031.com, “The Current” KCMP (Minneapolis / Saint Paul, MN), KNRK (Portland, OR), WEQX (Albany, NY/Manchester, VT), WCNR (Charlottesville, VA), WXPN Philadelphia and Moheak Radio (www.moheak.com), as well as internationally in Germany on the tastemaker station FluxFM. - Passport Approved
Singer/Songwriter/Musician Ryan Sy is the total package; he sings, writes, and plays several instruments. One of the strongest aspects to this artist’s music is his enriching lyrics full of life lessons that are well beyond Sy’s young age of 24 years old. Another strong point to Sy’s music is his amazing voice that will have you weak at your knees. If you want to listen to music that comes from the heart and soul, then Ryan Sy fits the bill. But don’t take our word for it; read about this artist in this fantastic interview and make sure to check out his music for yourself. Enjoy!
Isaac: It’s an amazing time to be a DIY artist/performer/band/musician. What do you enjoy the most about being an indie performer?
Ryan: I love sharing my music – I literally play for people every chance I get. I started off as a writer, and actually came very close to writing for a big label – the thing is I couldn’t possibly bear having anyone else sing my songs, lol. They were based on my experiences, and they really mean a lot to me. Since deciding to pursue music rather than banking though, I’ve been doing a lot more singing and my vocals are finally beginning to shine as much as my song writing. I guess the difference between being an indie performer is that you’re not “forced” to focus on marketability (voice/image/etc) and can be truly appreciated for the quality and passion of the songs your write. There’s more heart, I guess, and less flair.
Isaac: If you had an opportunity to sign with a major label, would you sign now knowing you may have to give up some of what you have build up over the years about you in the process?
Ryan: Oh hell yeah. I write for myself, really - it’s my way of taking intense feelings – whether they’re good or bad – and expressing them rather than keeping them bottled up. Also, it helps me deal with several issues and setbacks, so I can move on from them in one piece. That being said, I perform my music to share my story, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I want to be able to reach as many people as possible. One advantage that major labels have is that they’re really good at being “loud” – they’ve got crazy promotion and distribution channels, and they definitely use them well. I definitely wouldn’t feel comfortable giving up my artistic vision just to fit the bill though!
Isaac: I remembered Simon Cowell from American Idol talking about the “it” Factor that makes a musician/band stand out. What do you think is your “it” factor that makes you stand out from others in the music business?
Ryan: I mean, I’m a pretty good performer and play a bunch of instruments. I taught myself how to play the piano, guitar, and the alto and tenor saxophones, by listening to music and reproducing it on the instrument. I don’t know how to read notes, but I can replay any song almost perfectly after hearing it once. Thinking about it though, I guess my “it” factor is really my songs. All of them tell a story, and have a bit of a moral –they’re all about being an obnoxious kid and making a shit ton of mistakes, lol! My songs tackle pretty unconventional themes like bullying, the gap between rich and poor, single parents, war, etc. but they’re catchy in a very “poppy” way.
Isaac: Why should music fans listen to your music? Describe what they are going to get when they listen to Ryan Sy?
Ryan: I’m hoping my fans would want to listen to my music because they can relate the songs that I write. I mean, although I was a bit of a wild child, my songs aren’t exactly “far out” – a lot kids go through the same thing. I’m pretty much aiming for the high school/college/young adult crowd, because my music is about issues that these people face. I feel like sharing my experiences through my music will help motivate them to always go with what feels right, and will allow them to learn from my mistakes.
Isaac: Briefly describe your humble beginnings that led you to where you are at musically now.
Ryan: I guess my “humble beginning” was in freshman high school, when I skipped class to go chill with my friends at the mall. I ran into my Dad at a Starbucks, and was grounded for about 2 weeks (harsh Asian parents). I pretty much had nothing to do but mess around with the grand piano we had at home. It was literally there as a decoration and nobody in my family played music at all. I got bored and started playing with the piano and trying to imitate the songs I stole from Napster. I got obsessed with it, like really obsessed. And now here I am. : )
Isaac: You have some strong iconic influences. Of these influences, which artist/band do you relate to the most and why?
Ryan: James Blunt and Jason Mraz, definitely. I feel like they put their heart and soul into the songs that they write, and their music has been a big influence on me – and not just musically. I love songs that make you feel “different” after having listened to them. And they’re music does exactly that.
Isaac: Do you feel that - Juniors Cave
We recently came across singer/songwriter Ryan Sy on YouTube. Inspired by life experiences, Ryan’s songs – a mix of folk and pop, soul and country — carry themes of love, loss, drug addiction and the enduring nature of the human spirit. Before moving to Atlanta, GA for college, Ryan – a Philippines-native — went to school in Edinburgh, Scotland where he first started performing in cafés and open-mic nights. The positive feedback he received motivated him to take a career in music seriously. Ryan is currently in Los Angeles recording music.
We think Ryan is a talented artist and writer, and wish him all the best in his music career. Here are two of Ryan’s hit YouTube songs “Fly” and “Symbiote”:
Ryan Sy on his song “Fly”: “It’s easy when you’re young and impressionable to become susceptible to drug use. In high-school and college, I was constantly exposed to marijuana and cocaine, as I’m sure many students these days are. By the time I was a sophomore in college, I was no longer fazed by the concept of ‘having a drug problem.’ Everyone I knew seemed to be using drugs (especially cocaine). I guess it’s easy to ignore the obvious when drug use becomes the norm. But the truth is that many people lose friends and loved ones to drugs. It shouldn’t take a tragic loss to realize this – nobody needs that sort of reality check.”
Ryan Sy on his song “Symbiote”: I promise I’m not a geek, but I did sort of get the title for this song from Spiderman. Basically, the two most famous “Symbiotes” in the comic book were Venom and Carnage. Although they were human, they came into contact with “alien substances” that gave them superhuman powers. However, these substances also made them lose themselves; eventually eating away at any humanity they had left. The thing is that they allowed this to happen because, as a Symbiote, they could overcome the feeling of helplessness they had when they were human. It’s a bit of a stretch, but drug addiction works the same way. Drug addicts know that they’re hurting themselves, but for most of them, it really doesn’t matter. This is a reality that many addicts face – they’d rather lose themselves completely than deal with the problems in their lives.
To learn more about Ryan Sy, visit his website: http://www.ryansymusic.com - Partnership for a Drug-Free America
In today's musical climate, record executives are increasingly looking toward television and internet channels to discover new talent. American Idol was responsible for launching the careers of Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Chris Daughtry, while X Factor (UK) brought us Leona Lewis, Alexandra Burke and JLS. Through YouTube, Esmee Denters performed covers of Justin Timberlake's music; eventually allowing her to become the first artist signed to his label, Tenman Records (in association with Interscope Records). The site also helped Justin Bieber ultimately land a signing deal with Usher.
Philippine-born Ryan Sy is the next artist to keep an eye out for. He began songwriting as a hobby; working up the courage to perform at local cafes in Edinburgh, Scotland, where he attended school. Eventually, he moved to the US to focus on education. Despite having graduated from a reputable university, Ryan decided to pursue his musical aspirations instead; where he has found his true calling. Inspired by life experiences, his songs carry themes of love, loss, addiction, and the ever-enduring nature of the human spirit. His style is is just the right mix of folk and pop, soul and country. With the melancholy charm of a young James Blunt and the lyrical wit of a budding Jason Mraz, Ryan wears his personality on his sleeve and lets his emotions shine through every song he sings. - A&R Worldwide
Still working on that hot first release.

Philippine-born artist, Ryan Sy, originally started performing at local cafes and bars in Edinburgh, Scotland before moving to Atlanta for college. From Atlanta he migrated west to Los Angeles to pursue a career as a performer and songwriter. His music is inspired by life experiences; stories consisting of relationships, battling his own addictions, and the lessons he's learned along the way. Possessing the melancholy charm of a young James Blunt and the lyrical wit of a budding Jason Mraz, his style is an appealing blend of folk, pop, soul and country. Sy wears his personality on his sleeve and lets his emotions out in every song he sings.