Roz and the Rice Cakes
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
A local favorite that played at the concert, Roz and the Rice Cakes, recorded their album with The Low Anthem at their studio and will be releasing it soon. - THE LINE OF BEST FIT
Over in the main theatre following a wonderful introduction from Columbus Cooperative & Low Anthem member Bryan Minto, The Rice Cakes took things over for another spectacular performance. With "Halloweenie", a new song in "Hay Fever", "Push & Pull", a version of "Floor Boards" with Roz Raskin on the grand piano and the hit "Yellow Fields", this amazingly talented trio brought out something truly breathtaking. The Rice Cakes have also been working on a new full-length album with The Columbus Recording Company that will be out next year, it very well could be the landmark record of their career. - GoLocalProv: Rob Duguay
photos by James Joiner - PASTE MAGAZINE
At Saturday's show, the fruits of their labor were front and center for Providence music fans, who filled the theater and its lobby until the end of the night. Each band brought a different style and energy to the show, all supporting the same purpose. Some of the bands, like Roz and the Rice Cakes, have close ties with the theater and its staff.
"Ben and Jeff [from The Low Anthem] have been good friends since we started as a band and they have been such a help in producing our new record. Playing the second Revival was an honor, so many great bands -- we're honored to be in such good company," said Roz Raskin of Roz and the Rice Cakes, who are currently mixing their forthcoming album that they recorded at the theater. - Huffington Post: Jen Brown
The music of Providence band Roz Raskin and the Rice Cakes (winners of the 2012 BRU rock hunt) defies easy categorization but vocalist Roz is okay with being hard to describe. If no single genre can quite capture their sound, Roz has no trouble coming up with some useful adjectives “Our music is progressive . . . experimental, but really melodic and catchy.” Find out for yourself Thursday night, July 18th, for a free, late show at Murphy’s Law in Pawtucket (where bassist Justin works).
Even more exciting, Roz Raskin and the Rice Cakes (drummer Casey Belisle and bassist Justin Foster) will be part of the upcoming Newport Folk Festival on Friday, July 26th. (Proving that genres are getting pretty squishy, the festival weekend lineup includes Trombone Shorty, Beck, and Amanda Palmer.) The Saturday and Sunday tickets to the Folk Festival sold out immediately so an extra day was added. Ben Knox Miller wasted no time in organizing “The Low Anthem presents Newport Homegrown” featuring Roz and the boys, Last Good Tooth, Death Vessel, and Vudu Sister on the Homegrown Stage. (BKM is on the verge of becoming an impresario, dare we say . . . a mogul?)
When asked recently about her influences, Raskin cited Gwen Stefani of the early No Doubt days with “her attitude, and the empowering way she commanded the stage” as well as Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday, anyone who could “tell a story with their voice.” Roz has been playing piano since the age of five. In high school she and her brother joined the Classical High Jazz Band which her father Allan Raskin, also a musician, started directing gratis due to budget cuts. (They have long since graduated, but Mr. Raskin just kept on doing it . . . for other people’s kids. Allan Raskin — Dose “Volunteer of the Week.”)
Raskin loves the Mars Volta and cites the Ben Folds Five album “Whatever and Ever Amen” as a pivotal inspiration and also wants people to check out locals the Volcano Kings and Omnivore (Glenna Van Nostrand).
After returning from SXSW last March, the Rice Cakes got down to writing and recording at the Columbus Theatre (some of it recorded live on the main stage) and hope to have a new full-length album by the end of September-ish. - Providence Daily Dose
Who better to conclude an evening like this than The Rice Cakes? They had people digging every note by starting off with "Magma" and following it up with "Halloweenie". They then went right into "Push & Pull", "Floor Boards", "Zabudabudee" and "Yellow Fields" with Matt DeCosta from Roses on lap steel guitar to finish off an evening worthy of starting an amazing festival. The Rice Cakes will be playing the Newport Homegrown showcase being put on by The Low Anthem during the official 1st day of The Newport Folk Fest, make you sure check it out along with everything else going on at Fort Adams. For more information on whats going on during The Newport Folk Fest, log on to newportfolkfest.net to check out the schedules, artists and special aftershows going on this year. While your at it, log on to The Newport Blues Cafe's website at newportblues.com to check on of the best music venues in The City By The Sea. - GoLocalProv
A little over a month ago The Rice Cakes released their newest effort, “Floorboards / Halloweenie.” Two songs that do exactly what a 7? should do: prepare the listener for the full length’s sound, ideas and emotion. Although admittedly I’m not sure if there is even a full length pending, if there was, these two songs would have to do it justice. - Bad Jams
The Rice Cakes sound better than ever on "Floor Boards." And while they've been known to play musical chairs onstage, Belisle holds his own while accompanying Raskin on vocals on both of the new tracks.
- Providence Phoenix
We're so happy to be bringing back our Volunteer Spotlight series, where we tell you all about all the awesome folks that make Girls Rock! Rhode Island's magic happen! If you'd like to join our amazing volunteer team, you can visit our year-round volunteer page or Girls Rock Camp volunteer page (no musical experience necessary!) to learn more!
With that, we'd like to start off this Volunteer Appreciation Week with the totally awesome Roz Raskin, of Roz Raskin and the Rice Cakes!
- Girls Rock RI
To end the night of extravagant madness, The Rice Cakes went up last and infected the crowd with pure glee. "Humans", "Boys & Girls", "Magma", "In Search For Violent Hills", "Like Ass", "Yellow Fields", a rendition of Radiohead's "There, There" featuring Mike DeCosta on guest vocals that made everything exquisite, "Hate", "Halloweenie" and "Floor Boards" highlighted the rest of the performance that brought sheer beauty to the eye of every beholder. After a performance like that, you know there was going to be an encore. The Rice Cakes brought it back with "Zabudabudee" to conclude a concert that was amazingly awesome. - GoLocalProv
The 7? itself is more than worth a listen. Floor Boards and Halloweenie each have their own personality, but sound like a match-made in heaven when played consecutively. New listeners will feel more comfortable with the familiar beats and sounds on Floorboards, and long-time fans will enjoy the experimental feel of Halloweenie. Both songs, however, are quality hits and are sure to gain The Rice Cakes some new fans and listeners. - Based on Nothing
http://www.dontspreadbullshitspreadmusic.com/fresh-spread-roz-raskin-and-the-rice-cakes-floor-boards-halloweenie-7/ - FRESH SPREAD
Justin Foster's uncanny skills on bass, guitar and glockenspiel, Casey Belisle living up to his billing as the second coming of Keith Moon and Buddy Rich with his maniacal drumming and Roz Raskin's incredible songwriting on keyboards and guitar proved why this trio is the act to watch when it comes to seeing live music in Providence. - GoLocalProv
FRIENDS! We are hitting the road for our 7th tour (sponsored by our good friends at Narragansett Beer) in 3 years and we are beyond stoked. We will be hitting some of our favorite spots around the East Coast, get ready to party. Tell your friends, lets all hang out. Thanks for all the support everyone! - http://www.narragansettbeer.com/
The Rice Cakes, one of the best and most vital bands to come out of The Creative Capital in the past 5 years, were getting ready to go on stage to bring the night to a close with their epic style of indie-pop that's is so infectious you won't be able to stop your self from cutting a rug on the dance floor right when you hear Roz Raskin's amazing voice and her first note on the keys. Rounding out the trio are Justin Foster on bass and the greatest drummer since the likes of Keith Moon and Buddy Rich, Casey Belisle. - GoLocalProv
The Rice Cakes play the final Friday Night Concert Series tonight at Waterplace Park . This is a show YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS. The Rice Cakes, winners of WBRU’s Rock Hunt, are a talented bunch and together they shine, playing perfect pop melodies in the most soulful way. We’re proud to have such a band call Providence home. This is a special show for the band and if you have ever seen them play live, you know it’s a special show for Providence as well. Casey, the drummer, took a few minutes to answer a couple questions for us…. and hands down, the Rice Cakes may be the nicest band around. - In-Downcity
Coming fresh off a spring east coast tour and recently winning the 2012 Annual Rock Hunt Contest hosted by Rhode Island radio station WBRU; The Rice Cakes sat down with Lobstanaut to talk about their crazy journey and the voyage they have ahead. From the contest and tour to the making of their “Magma” video, their next record and the huge gigs their playing this summer, Roz, Justin, Casey and I were entrenched in wonderful conversation the entire evening. - LobstaNAUT by Derek Roberge
Irrelevant jaded oldsters aside, there’s every indication that the Rice Cakes just might make it – and it’s not really their fault for being so young, talented and hungry. - Providence Monthly
check link - Berklee Groove
But in the end — to paraphrase George Costanza — lead Rice Cake Roz Raskin and her mates were be-boppin and scattin' all over the stage, winning over the judges with their unique blend of jazzy rhythms and uptempo jams, which eventually resulted in a feel-good moshpit.
Read more: http://providence.thephoenix.com/music/136137-rice-cakes-take-the-wbru-rock-hunt-title/#ixzz1rEsGOVBT - The Providence Phoenix
But in the end — to paraphrase George Costanza — lead Rice Cake Roz Raskin and her mates were be-boppin and scattin' all over the stage, winning over the judges with their unique blend of jazzy rhythms and uptempo jams, which eventually resulted in a feel-good moshpit.
Read more: http://providence.thephoenix.com/music/136137-rice-cakes-take-the-wbru-rock-hunt-title/#ixzz1rEsGOVBT - The Providence Phoenix
Te Rice Cakes always seem to ?ndthemselves atop lists subjectively rank-ing Providence bands. It’s because they’vebeen pigeonholed into a very speci?cniche o? ?unky, jazzy, punky alt-rock, andthey’re the only ones that do it like theRice Cakes. Te three-piece is also hugely accessible. Fun-loving ?rontwoman Rozsat down with Post- in late 2011 to discusstheir recent release,
Monster Man
. Whenbands want to talk to us, we like them.Bias? Absolutely not. In all seriousness,the Cakes’ engagement with local publica-tions is indicative o? their devotion to theProvidence scene. Tey never stray too ?ar?rom home, and when they embark on na-tional tours, we know that they’re alwayscoming back. And, you know, their musicis a whole lot o? ?un. Nothing quite com-pares to a bare?ooted Roz pouncing on herkeyboard - Post Magazine
A prog/ indie band that blends in a little electronic and rock, Roz Raskin, Casey Belisle and Justin Foster definitely have creative musical talent which sets the backdrop for their unique sound. - LobstaNAUT!
The band is by far the most talented indie-pop power trio you’ll ever see with Roz Raskin, Justin Foster and Casey Belisle alternating on different instruments constantly, as evident at Monster Man’s release party at Firehouse 13 in Providence on August 26th. “Gore”, “Hate”, “With A Monster Man”, “Everyone” and the most catchy song of 2011, “Magma”, make Monster Man definitely worthy of a top 5 spot.
- Examiner
Narragansett Beer (the northeastern beer of Hipsters) likes to choose local Rhode Islanders to be their Gansett Girl of the week and month. Occasionally, they choose a hipster-Jew girl who’s got soul-crushing pipes as singer of her own band, Roz Raskin and the Rice Cakes. Check out Roz Raskin’s profile from Narragansett Beer below. We hope she’ll follow this up with our own famous Who Wants a HJ profiles.
- Hipster Jew Blog / Dec 20, 2011
Call it New England (more specifically Rhode Island) charm or call it quirky, the Ricecake charm is nonetheless endearing and an important part of their musical aesthetic. Their latest EP Monster Man is full of it. Catchy melodies intertwine with a delightful array of strings, percussion, and glockenspiel to make up the 6 song composition. - I Am Profound Blog/ Dec 5, 2011
In conclusion, Monster Man and the band themselves may not be the proper thing for everyone taste; but surely, as mentioned before, would fit perfectly in someone’s playlist who is searching for something out of the ordinary and that don’t follow today’s music patterns. - VENTS MAGAZINE
The Rice Cakes -Raskin, Casey Belisle and Justin Foster - are a reflection of many influences, and in each of their songs, a new emphasis can be detected. At times, they're reminiscent of punk bands like the Arctic Monkeys or even No Doubt; yet older inspirations also weigh in, with songs such as "Yellow Fields," taking on a more Fleetwood Mac-style jam. - BreakThru Radio
Being a three piece band (with no lead guitar) also adds another layer to their dynamic. They say that having only three members stresses the contribution of each instrument and limits superfluousness. The keys take a viscerally dominant role in the overarching mellifluousness (yes, thesaurus.com... so sue me!), the drum rhythms have pitter pattering swing and the bass lines have a more prominent role with the stripped down band formation. Still, they manage to fill the space up to the brim with a very full sound when their songs swell into their climax (please don't Google "swell" and "climax" and then click Images... it's like a dancing blue chili). - TBLMS, Article by Sam Schwab
When it comes down to it, The Rice Cakes are quite possibly the hardest working in the band in Rhode Island, New England, and maybe even beyond.
-Rob Duguay - The Examiner
"I am almost mad that the chorus only comes around once in the song. I guess that is the mark of any good band, they always leave you wanting
-Marc Clarkin - Motif Magazine/ August 17th Issue
"The sound remains totally unique, from the stirring, ice cold effect of "Gore" to the jazzy 90-second jam "Hate," while "Everyone" and "With a Monster Man" are two of the best yet from the Rice Cakes collective".
-Chris Conti - The Providence Phoenix
With a summer/fall tour in the works, The Rice Cakes recently released their latest EP, Feel Like Human, which features a polished brilliance similar to The Friend Ship. Both albums are DIY and self-released, but the new EP was recorded in a studio that Foster built himself in Central Falls, RI. - Performer Magazine 2011
The final song had most of the audience dancing along; they delivered on their promise of finishing on an upbeat note.
Kelsey Legloahec, treasurer for Feminist Collective thought this performance was one of the best.
“I had seen Roz perform in Keene before, and this was probably one of the top five performances at the Starving Artist and definitely the best one Femco has put on,” she said. - The Equinox: The Student Voice of Keene State College
Even the multi-generic tag of indie punk folk doesn't quite capture the band's sound. They blend a variety of styles, layering electric piano and glockenspiel with guitar, bass and drums.
All the songs, regardless of the groove, Raskin said, "still have that Rice Cakes vibe to them." - Sentinel Tribune
Roz Raskin and The Ricecakes, one of this week’s Foundwaves Weekly Picks, will be headlining a show at the Middle East Upstairs tonight.
Although on the surface Roz Raskin leads a piano trio, she distinguishes the band by fronting it with the warm organic sounds of a Fender Rhodes electric piano. With bell-like melodic lines and complex chordal washes, her keyboard creates a rich landscape in which bassist Justin Foster and drummer Casey Belisle explore vibrant rhythms as Roz’s voice floats above it all. There is a subtle intimacy in the interplay between the three musicians in Roz’s songs, but also moments where the three combine into a powerful and slamming unified front.
Stream and download two tracks off their new record The Friend Ship, buy a copy of the full album from CD Baby, and check the band out at the Middle East tonight. - Foundwaves
I'll say this about The Rice Cakes: they know how to work together. The opening track "Zabudabudee" and psuedo-title track "Humans" were created with the standard Rice Cakes line up. The incredibly strong bass wraps the perky, and often dissident keyboard and smoothly loose drums to create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. The tone of Raskin's keyboard invokes a very innocent and childlike stigma, the kind that makes you long for the taste PBandJ sandwiches and the smell of crayons. - The Daily Distortion
The Rice Cakes deliver a captivating combination of powerful drums, a soulful voice, and great songs. “The Friend Ship” has nine power ballads played in fast tempos with dynamic drums.
The tender Rhodes piano sound, and arpeggiated melodies of “We Search for Violent Hills” reminds me of the Texas band Eisley, only much more excited and soulful. In her own words, “When I found out we could borrow a real Rhodes for the recording I almost peed myself. If I have a Rhodes, why would I play an electric guitar?”
Justin Foster’s Bass playing is powerful and essential that comes to prominance in “Boys and Girls,” a straight pop song. It has a breezy bridge and some tempo changes that demand your attention. “Casper” perks us up and like many tracks here, demonstrates Roz’s jazz influence, with a hint of swing and a march in the conclusion that builds to a frenzy of punk energy.
In our darkest moments, we can all relate to lyrics like, “I’m really bad at wishing and hoping, I’m really good at bitching and moaning” on her vindictive, “Like Ass.”
There are times the sound reminds me of Forget Cassetes or the Dresden Dolls. I am amazed at Roz’s confidence and presence. I hesitate to compare her to a traditional singer songwriter because of the powerful drums from Casey Belisle, that emphasize the raw emotion behind her lyrics.
The Beating is one of the few tracks on here with guitars, and Roz’s soaring vocals tell a story of loss and loneliness; “Claim your dead, they aren’t sure as hell won’t claim themselves.”
Here is a hell of an album, a great stocking stuffer, of course, and a great way to end the year. - Performer Magazine
Ever since their electrifying sold-out performance at Firehouse 13 on 41 Central St. in Providence last August in 2009 to celebrate the release of their first record "The Friend Ship," The Rice Cakes have been on the road to musical success.
More at the link below! - The Anchor
Following the critical success of 2006’s The Ecotones, her debut solo album, Roz Raskin is at the helm of her own three-piece band, The Rice Cakes, with tour dates across New England and release of their first album, The Friend Ship, only weeks away. Known for her stage banter and high-voltage performances as much as for her songs, this multi-instrumentalist from the Mount Hope neighborhood of Providence is already a fixture at the city-state’s hottest venues. Trading her trademark Lost in Translation wig for a blue-streaked Marie Antionette coiff, Roz Raskin sat down with the Indy and her guitar Olive Oyl to talk shop about Providence music. - The Indy by Mateo Mancia
Roz Raskin and the Rice Cakes won us over after witnessing the sold-out crowd singing along throughout her CD release party last summer for The Friend Ship. Raskin plays the electric piano with the same passion she exudes on the mic. "Hear My Voice" and "Tourist Attraction" bring out the best, and her heartfelt lyrics are well-complemented by Casey Belisle's racket behind the kit and bassist Justin Foster's melodic rumble. Raskin's background in jazz and folk illuminate "We Search for Violent Hills" and "Boys and Girls," and the 21-year-old singer will captivate any room when she launches into "The Beating," an intense and unnerving number.
-Chris Conti - The Providence Phoenix
Keep going she has, with her piano and guitar and writing and singing. About two years ago, she formed Roz Raskin and the Rice Cakes with a couple of friends. She describes the group as “jazz-infused alternative rock that’s really drum-based.” They play a lot in Providence and also travel to gigs as far away as New Jersey. You can check them out at myspace.com/rozraskin or better yet, stop in at AS220 in Providence on Sunday night. - The Providence Journal
The uniquely enticing songs on The Friend Ship are further brought to life in their live show, as witnessed at a packed AS220 last month when Raskin & the Rice Cakes opened for politically-charged indie-punk act Prayers For Atheists. Raskin had plenty of fans on hand, who sang along to tracks from their 2008 debut EP The Crunch and savored the new songs. Raskin boasts enough charisma and charm to lure fans of any genre, and their CD release show lineup is a testament to her hybrid sound. - The Phoenix
Roz Raskin & The Rice Cakes: If you've ever seen the eclectic trio play a show in Providence, I'm sure you'll understand where I'm coming from when I say that Roz Raskin & The Rice Cakes have a sound that'll just capture you, gets you hooked like a fish being caught on a line. The band consists of Roz Raskin on keyboards, vocals and sometimes strumming on guitar, Casey Belisle going crazy on the drums that'll make you start talking about Keith Moon and Buddy Rich in the same sentence, and Justin Foster plucking on the bass. It's very hard to describe the band's music just because of how original it really is but i'll give it a shot, they remind me a lot of the late 70s Talking Heads, Vampire Weekend, and Television with Roz's poetic voice sounding like a combination of Jenny Lewis and Joni Mitchell. Truly a sound to behold, and the best way to experience it is to see them live. This past August, the band put out its first album titled "The Friend Ship", celebrating its release in front of a sold out crowd at Firehouse 13 on 41 Central Street in Providence on August 26th and receiving rave reviews from peers and critics alike. Songs I suggest checking out by the band are "We Search For Violent Hills", "Like Ass", "Sing to Me", and "Reindeer Tracks". The band's next show is at as220 on December 9th around 9pm, so come down to Empire St. in Providence and experience one of the best bands the Providence music scene has to offer. - The Examiner
On Thursday night I went to The Blackstone in Pawtucket to see in my opinion one of the best bands in Rhode island Roz Raskin and the Rice Cakes. My plan was to go watch the show check out some of the opening bands, since I have been thinking about expanding the topics I write about to include local music that I think kicks ass. Instead I ended up being swayed by the temptations of booze and the devils lettuce, and missed pretty much all of the opening bands (Sorry, I heard The Wandas were good though) but moving on like I said earlier Roz Raskin and the Rice Cakes are one of the most original bands I’ve heard in Rhode island. The best way i could describe their sound would be to say it sounds like walking down Thayer street you hear all these different sounds coming from the different shops each ones playing their own songs together they make up this weird melody. I feel like they do a great job of representing Rhode Island. - Blogspot
The album artwork for Roz And The Rice Cakes’ new single “Close Encounter” depicts a crowd of shadows — off-center, a smudgy sepia-toned child stands out, a pained look on their face. Stranger in a strange land, alien among their own race. The song feels similarly out of step, searching for a groove to fit in but finding itself unable to stand still. In this case, that’s a good thing — the Providence-based band plays in the shadows, trudging through slippery trip-hop and nocturnal R&B. Roz Raskin’s vocals are buried under a thin film, difficult to discern beyond the pained aching of a desire for something more. It wouldn’t sound out of place on a Warpaint album. Lis - Stereogum
Providence-based experimental indie band Roz and the Rice Cakes just released a new single on Team Love Records today called “Close Encounter.” Before listening to this song, I wouldn’t have described them as experimental, but this single is a big shift from their previous sound. They’re trying out new things in the realm of noise and melody, with a more free form style than their earlier pop-influenced alternative style heard on songs like “Magma” and “Castle.”
They’re playing a hometown show at the Providence Public Library on Friday night, and judging by the description on the Facebook event page, which describes a “curated set design that will put the bands and audience in the middle of a magical galaxy,” and Classical High School Jazz and Rock Band is listed as one of the openers, I would recommend not missing this one. “Close Encounter” is available for download now, and hand-pressed vinyls made by Future Oak Records will be available for purchase at the show. - See more at: http://allstonpudding.com/roz-and-the-rice-cakes-release-new-single-close-encounter/#sthash.Q1pwl8MC.dpuf - Allston Pudding
Ever since starting out in the late 2000s, Providence indie-pop trio Roz and The Rice Cakes have thrived on doing things on their own terms. Next week they’ll be embarking on another tour which includes a few stops at SXSW, a few house shows, and a handful of weird venues — but they wouldn’t have it any other way.
Recently Vanyaland chatted with band ringleader Roz Raskin about the upcoming tour, their experiences and expectations playing that Austin music festival later this month, and their striking new album video for Need To Feed, which adds visuals to their latest LP, out now on Team Love Records. In an age of YouTube singles and short-attention-span video clips, Roz And The Rice Cakes have unveiled 45 minutes of synced-up imagery to complement their album.
Fire up Need To Feed via YouTube below, and get full details on their tour after the Q&A… - Vanyaland
Still working on that hot first release.

Genre: indie/rock/math
Origin: Providence, RI
Website: www.thericecakes.com
Management: Roz Raskin
Email: rozyfromoz@gmail.com
* Voted BEST LOCAL BAND by the Providence Phoenix Best of 2010 Reader's Poll
* Winners of the 2012 WBRU Rock Hunt
* Winner of Best Female Vocalist by Motif Magazine 2012
* Nominated Providence Phoenix 2012 Best Local Act and
Best Female Vocalist
* Currently recording full-length album at the Columbus Theatre in Providence, RI
* Toured heavily to festivals, colleges, venues, and DIY shows throughout the East and West Coast and are continuing to do so throughout Fall 2013/Winter 2014
* Scored and composed for the independent film "Broken Crayons" directed by Alessio Cappelletti http://brokencrayonsfilm.com
FESTIVAL Performances include:
Newport Folk Festival 2013
Kahbang Fest 2012, 2011, and 2010
Treasure Fest 2012
SRPINGFEST 2012 Clemson University, SC
LIVE JUNE FIVE 2011 (Mom and Pop Tattoo and Piercing Festival)
Word X Word 2011
M.E.A.N.Y. Festival 2010
Cherryblossom Festival 2010
Allston Street Fair 2010
Downcity Fusion Fest 2010
Boobstock 2009
Hope Street's Earth Day 2010
Taste of Wayland 2010
BIO: The Rice Cakes are equal parts keyboardist and vocalist Roz Raskin, bassist Justin Foster, and drummer Casey Belisle. The eclectic trio recently won 95.5 WBRU's 2012 Rock Hunt and was named Best Local Act of 2010 by the Providence Phoenix. They mix an energized stage show with a unique sound using a variety of instruments including Fender Rhodes, glockenspiel, tape distortion, and guitar. This past March, the Rice Cakes released their 7" record "Floor Boards/Halloweenie" with indie record label Salvation Recording Co and followed the release with a national tour to SXSW. For the past few years, the band has been touring the US playing venues, festivals, and DIY spots in as many cities and towns as possible. With a full-length album, 2 EP's, a 10"record, and their new single "Floor Boards" hitting the radio waves, the group is currently recording for their new record at the Columbus Theatre in Providence. Isaac Paris of Performer Magazine summed up the band in saying, "The Rice Cakes deliver a captivating combination of powerful drums, a soulful voice, and great songs". Check it out for yourself!
Band Members