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Denver, Colorado, United States

Denver, Colorado, United States
Pop Electro


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This band has not uploaded any videos



"Roniit's new EP"

Roniit is a Denver based ElectroPop artist who produces complex, beautiful tunes with a decidedly ominous edge. A DIY artist who has built up an impressive following, Roniit has just released her new EP, In The Shadows, a six track collection of rich, emotional Pop songs primed for intense headphone listening.

Kicking off with Only You, the In The Shadow’s EP immediately stakes it’s musical claim. Roniit bills her music as ‘Dark ElectroPop’, we’ve never been keen on that kind of use of the word ‘dark’, as a rule of thumb, if you have to call your music ‘dark’, then it probably isn’t. It’s one of those words, like beautiful, that only really the listener can impart. And that holds out here, as Roniit’s music isn’t really that dark. it’s definitely shot through with a streak of Melancholy, there’s minor keys and sombre soundscapes, but it’s actually pretty uplifting stuff. Comparable in tone to the best 80s Pop, that was always optimistic with a hint of sadness. Dark or not, it’s enchanting stuff, Only You is a majestic symphony of driving beats, growling synths and Roniit’s seriously epic vocals. A powerful opener, Only You is a good primer for the rest of the EP and leads straight into the pseudo-Dubstep beats and passion of Lost At Sea, a track that layers thick heavy synth bass, gently piano and Roniit’s fervid vocals. Roniit’s voice really is the star of this EP, with a warm and rich tone she imparts a wealth of feeling into her performance, never feeling over-the-top or hammy, just full of soul. The EP’s title track reins things in to deliver an atmospheric, sparking ballad, and the atmospherics continue with Into A Dream, a captivating orchestra of drums and buzzing synths. Sleepless takes the EP further down the ballad road and allows Roniit to show off a different, softer, side to her considerable vocal talents, but the time for Roniit’s abilities to really shine if the EP’s final track, I Never Knew. Build around just her and her piano, it;s a nice was to ease yourself out of the intensity of the In The Shadows EP. Our only complaint with the EP is that the occasional wailing guitar solo, amidst the intelligent electronics and rousing voice, sounds really out of place, and quite cheesy, but that in no way distracts from the allure and ferocity of Roniit’s new EP. - Electronic Rumors

"Roniit on making dark pop"

Roniit is a project that got started around two years ago by namesake Roniit Alkayam, who went to high school in Evergreen and studied music business at the University of Colorado at Denver. Alkayam started writing her own music in conjunction with her boyfriend Eric Brown, who keeps time for the death metal band Vale of Pnath. The music the duo made together is ostensibly far removed from metal and sounds more like electronic pop with a darker air to it. Roniit released a self-titled full-length album in 2011 that revealed a knack for making the kind of downtempo songs that would be prime for a good anime soundtrack. - Westword

"Roniit’s Brand of “Dark” Electro Pop"

When Denver area artist Roniit (say “Ro-NEET”) sent me a link to her self-titled debut CD a few months ago, I was backlogged and told her it would be awhile before I got to it. However, when I did get a listen, I was pleasantly surprised. I put it on my ipod, and have always enjoyed when one of her songs comes up on shuffle.

And now, finally, I have a little time to tell you about it.

Roniit classifies her music as “dark pop,” and the term really fits, in my opinion. It’s electronic music laden with haunting arrangements, minor chords, lots of low tones, and Roniit’s pure-toned voice over the top of it all. Very strong production value for an indie artist, if you ask me–and the overall sound gives me the impression that I’m listening to the music in black-and-white. Not depressing, just a bit melancholy and haunting.

I’ve put in one of my favorite tracks for you to stream below. If you like what you hear, Roniit is currently offering her entire record as a name-your-own-price download from her Bandcamp site.
- Oomph Music Blog

"Roniit - Roniit (2011)"

25 de julio de 2011Roniit - Roniit (2011)
Hola Bloggeros melomanos del mundo, les traemos un nuevo album debut, que ademas a sido cedido por la banda en cuestion. Ademas ya que tierra de goticos se mantiene a la vanguardia, les mostraremos en esta entrada una nueva forma en la que varios grupos estaran mostrando su musica de manera gratuita muy muy pronto.

Hoy les hablaremos de un grupo que nos lleno el oido con muy buenas melodias, se trata de Roniit de los Estados Unidos, Roniit es compositora, auto-productora y esta en el negocio de la musica en Denver, Roniit a estado tocando el piano desde los 5 años, cantando desde el 16, y en el mundo de la grabación / COMPOSICIÓN de su música hace aproximadamente 2 años.

Esto nos recuerda a el Idolo, Tilo Wolff , quien en la busqueda de su camino, trabajó como obrero para poder crear su disquera y que nadie lo sensurara o le digera como debia hacer las cosas, asi que los invitamos a ser parte del crecimiento y vision de Roniit, aunque no es solo aplaudirles el abririse camino por si mismos, sino que su musica y sus filosofias son de aplaudirse:

En Propias palabras de Roniit:
"Acabo de publicar mi primer disco que he escrito, cantado y grabado por mí misma. Si se lo puede permitir, por favor me apoyen con la compra de mi álbum en iTunes o Bandcamp. Si no puede, puede descargarlo de forma gratuita en Bandcamp. Simplemente quiero que lo tengas!"

Roniit es una organización independiente Dark Electro Pop provenientes de las montañas de Colorado. El aprovechamiento de su melodiosa voz y un buen oído para la melodía, Roniit escribe muy influenciada por los paisajes etéreos de su infancia, y algunos de los patrones de conducta de la humanidad, muchas emociones vienen a través de las ricas texturas de sus canciones, cada una única, hecha a mano y con un estilo propio.

Después de años de lecciones de piano, Roniit decidió obtener un título en el negocio de la música. Ella comenzó a cantar cuando tenía 17 años de edad, y tomó el bajo eléctrico a los 20 años. Su álbum debut (homónimo) fue escrito y grabado en el transcurso de un año en Nashville, TN (donde ella estaba haciendo una pasantía), y en Denver, Colorado, en su residencia permanente. Todas las canciones del álbum fueron escritas exclusivamente por Roniit, y producido por ella misma con la ayuda de Eric W. Brown.

Su álbum debut fue producido de forma independiente, financiado y puesto en libertad, y está disponible para su descarga gratuita digital (o un disco compacto de 10 dólares).

El nombre se pronuncia así: Row-neat. Es un nombre de Israel y que significa "niña de la canción" muy bien ¿eh?

Su musica es muy buena sin duda alguna, su estilo es el Dark electro Pop y nos muestra un buen estilo con exelente voz, ritmos, y ambientes qu evan de lo ritmico, lo tranquilo y lo nostalgico, Tierra de goticos se los recomienda ampliamente.

Grupo: Roniit
Disco:- Roniit
Género: Dark electro Pop
País: Estados Unidos
Año: 2011

track list:
01.- Infernal Anxiety
02.- Stronger
03.-Now Or Never
04.- Home
05.-You Were Trained
06.- Interlude
07.- Tomorrow
08.- Missing You
09.- Cover My Eyes
10.- Enslaved
11.- Carry Me Away
12.- Most Extreme Infernal Anxiety
13.- DJSE Infernal Anxiety Remix

Ahora bien , para obtener este disco de manera gratuita o comprarlo si estan en posibilidad de hacerlo entren a esta direccion, es totalmente seguro
esta vez en nuestra seccion de descarga lo que bajaran sera un pequeño tutorial con imagenes
de como descargar el disco desde la pagina, les recomendamos presten atencion a esta forma de descargar la musica porque proximamente muchos grupos estaran utilizando esta forma para poner sus albums gratis de forma digital.

Google Translation:

25 July 2011Roniit - Roniit (2011)
Hello bloggers music lovers the world, we bring a new debut album, which also has been released by the band in question. Also as a land of gothic remains at the forefront, this entry will show a new way in which various groups will be showcasing their music for free very soon.

Today we discuss a group that fills the ear with good melodies, it is Roniit U.S., Roniit is a composer, self-producer and is in the music business in Denver, to Roniit been playing the piano age 5, singing from the 16, and the world of recording / COMPOSITION your music about 2 years ago.

This reminds us of Idol, Tilo Wolff, who in search of his way, he worked as a laborer to create your label and anyone SenSura or digest it as it should do things, so we invite you to be part of the growth and Roniit vision of, but not only applaud the abririse way themselves, but their music and their philosophies are applauded:

Roniit In own words:
"I just published my first album I've written, sung and recorded by myself. If you can afford it, please support me by buying my album on iTunes or Bandcamp. If not, you can download for free at Bandcamp . I just - Tierra De Goticos

"Infernal Anxiety - Roniit"

An amazing Colorado artist that I had to mention! Just now fell in love with her work. Having a love of music with a dark techno feel, I had to support this fabulously wicked and talented artist.

You can visit her site here: Roniit
She has social networks you can follow and support down on the right at her site.
Check out her debut album at Sound Cloud.
Please show some love and donate if you love her work as much as I do!

Pick up Infernal Anxiety or wicked her debut album at

Or for the Itunes Lovers pick up her album here:
Roniit: Itunes. - Gothic Inspirations Blog

"Listen and Download Roniit For FREE"

Every once in awhile, there is this album that comes along that totally blows you away. Roniit‘s self titled release is one such album. This album is sick from track to track. I could NOT find one song I didn’t like. Every song has its own touch, feel, and sound that makes this album a great piece of art. To top it of, Roniit allows here album to be downloaded for FREE! Just click here: FREE DOWNLOAD – RONIIT

Roniit‘s voice is absolutely beautiful. Her voice carries and sores above many other artists I have heard in the past. And her music and beats are simply amazing and yet mesmerizing.

If you enjoyed Denver’s own Roniit, you can follow her on the interwebs here:

Facebook Page here:

Tweet her here:!/electro_doll

And check out more of her music here:

Roniit is planning a tour come January of next year, so stay tuned! - MIGRATE MUSIC NEWS


Debut Album-US-Roniit-
Review written in Japanese.

Loose Translation:
There is a sense of sophistication and emotional shine in this female voice. Mellow music that sounds impressive does not need strong colors. Very Ethereal. This music can be described as Synth, Electro Pop with acoustic piano. Hints of Gothic, Dark Wave, but more boldly it incorporates elements of Death Metal Guitar!!! This style boasts a rare sound. (According to the Official, It is like people who like Death Metal)
Bandcamp from the Link below. You Free Download The Demo EP and
If you like Dark Progressive Pop with a female voice. - Dark Vision of Electronic

"Roniit: A New Name in Denver Dance Music"

On June 16th, dark electronic pop artist Ronit Alkayam- Or Roniit (pronounced: row-neat), as her fans have come to know her- will celebrate the release of her self-titled debut album at the Larimer Lounge in Downtown Denver. All of the tracks on the album feature her own vocals, as well as instrumental sections and beats that she writes all on her own. She’s slated to perform a set at the event alongside supporting acts Dave Devine and Prominence, drawing crowds from the electronic dance music community as well as the metal scene.

Although this dark, brooding beauty boasts authentic metal babe credentials (having played bass in a number of local hard rock bands), her familiars from the edgier music scenes may be surprised to discover that her musical influences originally stem from pop music. “I grew up listening to a lot of bubblegum pop- like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera kind of stuff, so I like that kind of singing,” she says, “But then I also listen to a lot of metal, so I drew from darker music as well.” Indeed, “Cover My Eyes,” one of her most popular singles off the album, features an infectious chorus craftily designed to get stuck in your head as well as a guitar solo with sweeps worthy of a tech-death masterpiece. Her masterfully executed synthesis of two seemingly juxtapose genres yields a unique, original sound that could easily catch on with the right promotion.

Roniit’s resonance with both the electronic dance music crowd and the metal crowd raises provocative questions about the flexibility of both genres. Could dark electronic pop be the newest sound to bridge scenes (much like how dubstep unites hip-hop, reggae and dance music enthusiasts) with a singular, defined sound? Give “Cover My Eyes” a listen and let LoDo Magazine know what you think!

Cover My Eyes by Electro_Doll

To download the rest of Roniit’s self-titled debut album, click here.

To learn more about the release party or to RSVP, click here. - Lodo Magazine

"SoundCloud Local: Denver"

Based in the South Platte River Valley, there are many talented SoundCloud users. We’ve chosen five who have a unique sound and character for our twenty-sixth SoundCloud Local city. Hello Denver, USA! We’re looking at you this week!

1. Electro_Doll
Singer/songwriter/self-producer/music business major (phew!) out of Denver, Colorado, Roniit has been playing the piano since she was 5 and singing since she was 16. Two years ago, she took up recording/electronic music composition and here are the results! - SoundCloud


Still working on that hot first release.



Roniit is an independent Dark Electro Pop artist hailing from the mountains of Colorado. Harnessing her silvery voice and a keen ear for melody, Roniit writes catchy, yet somber electronic music from her small home studio. All songs heard on the debut album were written exclusively by Roniit, and produced with the assistance of Eric W. Brown. With her dark and unique sound Roniit has captured the attention of fans locally and world wide. "Every once in a while, there is an album that comes along that totally blows you away and Roniit‘s self titled release is one such album." says Migrate Music News.

Her full-length debut is available as a free digital download, or a CD purchased directly from the source. She is actively performing around the greater Denver area and tours often.