Robot Hilarious
Gig Seeker Pro

Robot Hilarious

Westmont, Illinois, United States | SELF

Westmont, Illinois, United States | SELF
Band Hip Hop Folk




"ROBOT HILARIOUS – “Breadcrumb Elements”"

Chicago, Illinois based rapper/musician/writes Robot Hilarious drops a new album entitled “Breadcrumb Elements.” He credits his sound to a few artists that influenced him, such as Atmosphere, Aesop Rock, Beck, and Tom Waits, to name a few….

The new album, “Breadcrumb Elements,” is a lyrical firestorm mixed with complex beats, samples from dusty thrift store records, and spaceship noises. - SLUM FEST


Ghost Factory On Planet Island

5ology - Part 1: Shitty Rock That Spits On Me

Breadcrumb Elements: Conversations on the New World Order and My Dumbass Whore X-Girlfriend



Robot Hilarious accurately portrays many well established genres while at the same time blending them into new musical territories. Influenced by Aesop Rock, Beck, and Tom Waits, Robot taps the collective consciousness of a scattered generation aiming to collect the worthwhile bits in a lifeboat.

Inspired by the fight against an oppressive government and the therapeutic grieving of a relationship gone south, their new full length hip hop album, "Breadcrumb Elements: Conversations on the New World Order and My Dumbass Whore X-Girlfriend," is a lyrical firestorm mixed with complex beats, samples from dusty thrift store records, and spaceship noises.

Known for exciting shows which range from spacey, psychedelic hip hop to neo-folk and dark rock, Robot Hilarious continues to see growing support from its fans and contemporaries.

Band Members